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[Archived] David Hoilett

Guest benmaxwell

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I was always sure Hoilett had what was needed but feared we'd never see it at Ewood, it's going to be painful if we only get to see him playing like this for us for half a season but if we go down there's no chance he'll stay.

He did have some good games under Sam, Newcastle away he was said to be our best player but maybe Sam was wary of him getting ahead of himself so he didn't keep him in for every game.

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It's a valid point. Sam should have used him more. I don't see why you've posted it several times though.

Don't agree Le Chuck. Hoilett's form when he was first introduced didn't warrant being selected on a regular basis. He certainly always had great technique, but in his first appearances he wasn't doing enough. Sam did the right thing. He introduced him slowly and from the beginning of this season he was showing real PL quality. Don't forget, he only got a work permit less than two seasons ago.

Topman wouldn't know about Hoilett's form on a match by match basis, because he didn't go to games.

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Hoilett was certainly less effective in Allardyce's system and I dare say he still would be today.

The fact he's doing well under Kean is nice, but since we're losing the majority of our games I don't really think 'not playing Hoilett' is a stick that Sam can be beaten with.

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Hoilett was certainly less effective in Allardyce's system and I dare say he still would be today.

The fact he's doing well under Kean is nice, but since we're losing the majority of our games I don't really think 'not playing Hoilett' is a stick that Sam can be beaten with.

Hoilett - given the opportunity - would have been ideal in the role played by Dunn under Sam. But I am not convinced that he would have been given the chance - of course we will never know - so lets just congratulate Sam for getting his work permit and Kean for getting the best out of him so far.

It would be so disappointing to get relegated at a time when we have Hoilett, Jones, Olsson etc etc all coming through the ranks. IF we can stay up - we have the basis of a very good side - whether Kean is the man to get the best out of them only time will tell.

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He needs to start hitting balls into the box with a lot more pace. On saturday he was doing all the hard work then crossing to a tangerine foot, had he hit them with more pace we could easily have seen a few OG's.

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Don't agree Le Chuck. Hoilett's form when he was first introduced didn't warrant being selected on a regular basis. He certainly always had great technique, but in his first appearances he wasn't doing enough. Sam did the right thing. He introduced him slowly and from the beginning of this season he was showing real PL quality. Don't forget, he only got a work permit less than two seasons ago.

Topman wouldn't know about Hoilett's form on a match by match basis, because he didn't go to games.

I think to some degree he was hamstrung by Sam's system, in that the ball was played into his feet far less than now, and the onus was on him to get on the end of the long punts and knockdowns where he could.

I think he's being given more freedom to express himself under Kean than Allardyce.

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I think to some degree he was hamstrung by Sam's system, in that the ball was played into his feet far less than now.

Hoilett is playing well in a team that has been playing hoofball for quite some time now - don't you think. We played hoofball on Saturday and he was brilliant. Nowt to do with Sam's tactics, It's all down to a talented footballer being nurtured properly, not being thrown in too quick and too often, and improving over time, as he would have done under any manager.

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Hoilett is playing well in a team that has been playing hoofball for quite some time now - don't you think. We played hoofball on Saturday and he was brilliant. Nowt to do with Sam's tactics, It's all down to a talented footballer being nurtured properly, not being thrown in too quick and too often, and improving over time, as he would have done under any manager.

We have been more direct than when Kean first took the reigns, yes, but still nowhere near as much as the nadir under Sam, and apart from lumping free-kicks in on Saturday in a desperate measure to claw back a point the football has been much better to watch (if not as effective - thus far - at grinding out results).

Whatever, there's no debate that Kean has got more from Junior than his predecessor did. Had Sam been here we'd still be watching the ball get played up to EH Diouf just inside the oppo half, him going to ground, winning a free-kick and Robbo launching into the mixer. Not pretty, but depending on how your luck is, can be effective. Was never going to get the best from Junior playing that way though. That's not meant as a criticism of Sam, just how it was/is IMO.

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Re my earlier post

Don't get me wrong I'm not having a go at Hoilett, he's one of my favourite players, I just see that in certain areas of his all round game, Ollson WHEN PLAYED IN MIDFIELD is as good in different ways, like against liverpool this year.

A good comparison would be that Junior and Ollson are like Lennon and Bale, in that it is Junior's pace and tricks that stand out, whereas Ollson is more direct. Lets hope they keep developing to get as good as Lennon/Bale!!

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What has that got to do with Hoilett?

You said Hoilett was too young to make a serious impact on the side.

It's a valid point. Sam should have used him more. I don't see why you've posted it several times though.

At least you agree.

And I posted it because Kean at least deserves credit for giving him a new lease of life.

Don't agree Le Chuck. Hoilett's form when he was first introduced didn't warrant being selected on a regular basis. He certainly always had great technique, but in his first appearances he wasn't doing enough. Sam did the right thing. He introduced him slowly and from the beginning of this season he was showing real PL quality. Don't forget, he only got a work permit less than two seasons ago.

The guy didn't start a single league game under Allardyce this season. He was mainly a second-half sub or not used at all. That's not doing the "right thing", because he's clearly proven he's ready to start.

Topman wouldn't know about Hoilett's form on a match by match basis, because he didn't go to games.

That's true. I've been in a cave, with my eyes closed and my fingers in my ears.

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At least you agree.

And I posted it because Kean at least deserves credit for giving him a new lease of life.

Ah come on... The tone has been to slate Allardyce, not praise Kean.

Maybe Hoilett wouldn't have played well in Sam's system. I'd happily still have Hoilett getting the odd game from the bench if it meant we were in mid table.

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Ah come on... The tone has been to slate Allardyce, not praise Kean.

Maybe Hoilett wouldn't have played well in Sam's system. I'd happily still have Hoilett getting the odd game from the bench if it meant we were in mid table.

Not at all.

I said Hoilett has improved since Sam got the boot.

Isn't this fact?

If people weren't so quick to brand people as 'Sam bashers' we wouldn't be having this conversation.

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So if we get relegated then Hoillet will leave on a cut price deal due to his deal expiring in a years' time.


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What's with his silly goal celebrations?!

Ain't nottin harder than a Canadian gangsta.

Perhaps there is some very clever reason to do this.

Damned if I can see it though.

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I think we should offer Hoilett a new deal tomorrow, tie him down for 5 years, and offer to add 50% to his salary. The lad is coming on leaps and bounds and is fast growing into a premier league player.

Fight any sort of interest off now and sign him up....FFS we signed up Roberts!

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I think we should offer Hoilett a new deal tomorrow, tie him down for 5 years, and offer to add 50% to his salary. The lad is coming on leaps and bounds and is fast growing into a premier league player.

Fight any sort of interest off now and sign him up....FFS we signed up Roberts!

Life is so straightforward in Hughesworld.

Meanwhile in the real world, contract offers have two sides. What if the employee wants to hold off for a couple of months till he knows what level of employment they'll be able to offer? I suspect most sensible employees - at his age - would wait.

What would you do if your employer was going down the pan?

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Hoillet was coming into good form under Allardyce, away at Newcastle and in a couple of other games. I'm pretty sure he would be doing ok now under him, too and the club would be safe from relegation

As things stand, we've got a red hot prospect playing for a club in serious trouble, whose contract has been allowed to run down by a manager who saw fit to extend Roberts and Salgado's contracts in January. A situation which sums Kean up perfectly.

I think it's odds on that he will be off in the summer and we will get nothing like what he is worth. Maybe we could sell Roberts and Michel though, after all, they are on long term contracts now so their value will be high, won't it? Erm....

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