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[Archived] Bentley


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The problem is Den, is that he has made several distasteful /borderline offensive remarks since the first remark, the latest regarding me part of the SS, when I had a Jewish great-grandmother.

BTW before you accuse me, I wasn’t the one to take this thread off topic.

Find the quote and I will apologise for it.

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Agreed, :blush: but why should I tolerate constant baiting, flaming and personal insults.

What gets me is why he gets away with so much?

Oh and using my first name, its annoying & Im pretty sure Theno got pulled up for something similar by yourself/flopsy

If anyone on the site asks that people don't use their real names, then I'll do my best to uphold that. Unless people make that clear to me, then I can't do anything about it. Some people don't mind their real names being used.

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Only just read that, so he admittedly only plays one good game and three bad ones becaiuse he's only playing for little old Blackburn and can't focus most of the time????

Mmmm - he's obviously read my comments on Page 38 .

All he needs to do now is give up his obsession with the media and concentrate on improving his game .

To tell the truth I'm getting sick of the bloke . Anything over £10 m and we should take it and use it to build a much needed new nucleus to the team in midfield .

The trouble is ...who would pay a good sum of money for him ? Not the top four teams at the present time . Maybe Villa , Everton or Spurs ....? At the moment he's only second rung quality which is about where we are on the fringe of....

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If anyone on the site asks that people don't use their real names, then I'll do my best to uphold that. Unless people make that clear to me, then I can't do anything about it. Some people don't mind their real names being used.

How about a spell in Siberia for the both of them Stal.. er Den :lol:

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Memo to Fabio Capello:

Can we have an England fixture after every home game at Ewood please?

P.S. Like jim I also thought Hansen's comments were well out of order. He could quite easily have used different phraseology like "on that sort of form Bentley is one of the most exciting players in the Premiership"

Instead of openly urging the top 4 to poach one of our players, who is under contract.

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Don't be so paranoid and precious.

He said what everyone is thinking, and it's not as if the managers of the top 4 were sat thinking ''cheers fo the tip off Alan, I hadn't thought of them.''

He also mentioned Berbatov, and everyone is always whinging about how Spurs are the media darlings.

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However, it is more than a bit naughty to do that when Bentley is in well-publicised contract negotiations with his current club.

It is also extremely damaging to the game in England if clubs in UEFA contention are nothing but feeders to CL clubs.

No doubt Spurts' management are elated by Hansen's comments as well.

Although Rob Liddle doesn't mention David Bentley by name, this article is in reality all about and written for him.

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Bentley seems to want to play football every week (except during the earky summer ;) ) so that rules out Liverpool at least until Rafa departs.

No way would he go back to Arsenal.

Not sure he'd be a regular in Sir Alex's team either, unless he wants a rather lot of midfielders (or the current crop are being shipped out or too old). Utd are more likely to go for a striker.

Chelsea have a pretty decent midfield and could easily buy any midfielder in the world.

So at least this summer I don't think the Big 4 will be too bothered about him - maybe in 12 months. What could be more difficult is if the self styled big clubs (Spurs, Newcastle) take a punt.

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They have no chance at getting him for £12 million.

From that article.....

"The Lancashire club have offered him new wages of around £30,000 per week, but that would be doubled by the Anfield giants."

How so? Bellamy went to Lpool for less money then he was offered to stay here*. They insisted that they had a strict wage policy. No doubt why Lucash chose WHU.

*....... if you believe in fairies! :rolleyes:

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As far as last night's highlights on Sky showed Bentley is a class apart. We'll do well to get another season out of him before his agent starts casting his eyes south. What a player.

Sounds wrong to say this but for the long term good of BRFC Bentley really needs to be going in the summer unless he signs a new long term contract and I personally think he would be mad to do so. A few top performances for England and he will be at the top of his value soon, a situation that will diminish rapidly should he choose to run his contract down.

btw Being compared EQUALLY to the 32m? rated Berbatov by Alan Hanson will improve his valuation no end.

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Sounds wrong to say this but for the long term good of BRFC Bellamy really needs to be going in the summer unless he signs a new long term contract and I personally think he would be mad to do so. A few top performances for England and he will be at the top of his value soon, a situation that will diminish rapidly should he choose to run his contract down.

Being compared EQUALLY to Berbatov by Alan Hanson will improve his valuation no end.

Hasn't Bellamy just had a repeat double hernia operation? He would be delighted to get going no doubt but he must still be a bit sore. He is also Welsh.

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Sell. He's not going to go up much more than that playing for us. The comparisons with Berbatov's valuation are futile - players at Spurs will always be valued higher.

There's no international competition on the horizon to inflate his price, and he's beginning to stall on a contract. £15m would be great business.

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Ok - so in the summer we get an offer of £15m for Bentley, what would you do??

Keep him, but if he really wants to go and start acting like an idiot then we have no choice. I'm sure Arsenal has some kind of sell-on-clause which mean they will get a good percentage of the fee. We need to build on players like Bentley. Selling McCarthy would be a start, and perhaps trying a cheeky bid for Martins at Newcastle...

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