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[Archived] Bentley


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:rover: I,ve said all along that rovers will not get caught again in the transfer market like last year with mgp and benni,if a club offers £10 million plus they will consider it,i reckon it's a good price for a decent player.if liverpoo want him £10million and pennant would do :brfcsmilie:

Good call Gaz - I think JP has similar qualities.

I wonder how much Bentley would be worth if he wore a red shirt?

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But this has all been true for years Den, as I said. It means next to nothing though because of their gross underachievement, which doesn't look like being turned round yet. Newcastle clearly aren't going to reach a level much higher than our current level.

The only reason for this is that, since the mid-nineties, they've appointed rubbish manager after rubbish manager with the exception of Bobby Robson. We all knew Souness would fail at Newcastle, and to replace him with Roeder was madness. Allardyce probably would have brought some success over time, but instead they got rid of him for a sentimental Keegan return.

If there were two Mark Hughes' in the world, one in charge of us and one in charge of Newcastle, then Newcastle would be far ahead of us right now. I don't think a move for to Newcastle would be right for Bentley because it would take at least a season or two for them to sort themselves out, but in managerial terms Newcastle are a far more attractive proposition than ourselves...and Sparky knows that as well, only the most optimistic (deluded?) person can persuad themselves that Hughes wasn't after the Newcastle job before Keegan got it.

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The only reason for this is that, since the mid-nineties, they've appointed rubbish manager after rubbish manager with the exception of Bobby Robson. We all knew Souness would fail at Newcastle, and to replace him with Roeder was madness. Allardyce probably would have brought some success over time, but instead they got rid of him for a sentimental Keegan return.

If there were two Mark Hughes' in the world, one in charge of us and one in charge of Newcastle, then Newcastle would be far ahead of us right now. I don't think a move for to Newcastle would be right for Bentley because it would take at least a season or two for them to sort themselves out, but in managerial terms Newcastle are a far more attractive proposition than ourselves...and Sparky knows that as well, only the most optimistic (deluded?) person can persuad themselves that Hughes wasn't after the Newcastle job before Keegan got it.

I agree that they're only behind us because of failure at the executive level, and also that Hughes seems to have wanted the job (foolishly, I believe, since it's a poisoned chalice). But it doesn't change the reality of the situation, which is that they ARE behind us. Bentley moving to them whilst that situation remains would be an exercise in futility and also throw away the stability he has finally gotten at Blackburn. Taking the charge for Europe on his own shoulders would be a bit daft...he'd be much better advised staying put until Newcastle overtake us- if they do. I'm not saying he WONT go there if he gets the chance, just that he'd be stupid to do so. Unless he's more concerned with his wallet than his career.

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Lawrenson's stirring it up now. BBC's site has him predicting we NEED to win against Spurs to have any chance of holding onto Bentley. He suggests that Bentley will be off anyway if a big four club approaches him. I'd be interested to know which of these clubs Lawrenson reckons would be able to guarantee Bentley a start. None in my opinion.

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Lawrenson's stirring it up now. BBC's site has him predicting we NEED to win against Spurs to have any chance of holding onto Bentley.

Is "strirring it up" the new term for "full of kronk"? ;)

He suggests that Bentley will be off anyway if a big four club approaches him. I'd be interested to know which of these clubs Lawrenson reckons would be able to guarantee Bentley a start. None in my opinion.

Spot on! Lawro doesn't know diddly about Rovers. Or any other club for that matter!

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Can you give a number/ratio/list of players who have turned down one of the big four for that reason?

No I can't. Bentley's quotes allude to the World Cup though. With this in mind, warming the bench won't be good enough under the new England management.

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What i love is that we are like the underdog to the likes of Newcastle, Man City, Villa and Spurs, but usually we end up on top. To me that is great.

Yes we might not be a big, flash City club but we can more than mix it with them and even do better than them. IF Bentley goes then it wont harm us with Hughes at the Helm, he will progress our team further. No 1 player is bigger than our Club. Look at all those that have moved on - however many have gone on to become better known and win mega amounts of trophies?? Where DID Shearer win the League??

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Yep, they're behind us in the league and it gives us all great pleasure to be able to claim that! But the other reality of the situation is that they should be ahead of us... and Hughes would have believed he could take Newcastle places that he couldn't take Rovers. That's reality unfortunately for us.

Based on finances i would agree that they should be ahead of us, but they really deserve to be where they are. Manager instability, spending loads of money on rubbish players, a desire to play attractive football yet don't care about defense. They are where they are, i have no doubt next season they will spend a load of money, and if they do what they have previously done they will be consigned to mid table mediocrity or relgation battlers again.

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Bentley's in a better position that what we're in.

Bentley is a class player, he knows it as well. If we don't qualify for Europe, which it doesn't look like, Intertoto is our only hope. Bentley has got into the England squad but hasn't got a regular place our made his name on the number 7 shirt.

He's a good player, if he wants to play Champions League football he will be doing that next season.

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Indeed. I'll readily admit that I don't really know much, but aren't sell-on clauses pretty much standard procedure for youngsters moving on? Especially in the case of players who are clearly talented but for some reason don't have a future at the club (Too much competition in that position, doesn't fit into system etc)

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BIG clubs Next Season

Newcastle will fail again.

Tottenham will improve - but there is alot of work to be done there too.

West Ham - Aslong as Curbishley is there, they aint going anywhere up or down.

Thank you, I was sorry worried those teams might come good but after reading that, it's so clear what a fool I was to believe such a thing.

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I may be overreacting, but please someone tell me what is the point anymore? What is the point of football and why should we care about it? It seems like a club has two options: either it is crap and goes nowhere, or it progresses and its good players are immediately raided, throwing everything back to square one.

I don't know....


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Can't agree there at all.

I don't particularly want Bentley to go but if he does go for 15m plus it gives us the chance to bring in another one, two, or three stars of the future.

And in the admittedly extremely unlikely event they are as cheap as DB, we could probably afford more than that.

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Since the max wage was abolished it has always been the same.

Exactly....this is what frustrates me with this football is rubbish the game has changed so much argument. I've been going now for over 20 years so i'd say I was probably around average in terms of time served. I can't remember a time when if we had a really good player, he would stay with us out of pure loyalty and never move on. I certainly cant remember a time when the players used to catch the bus with us fans and share a pint or two before and after the match.

When was this golden era exactly? The only time we've ever been ultra confident of keeping all our players is when we were either rubbish, or we had Uncle Jack's money, and even then we still lost some. I accept the game has become predictable in the sense of the 'big 4' winning everything, but us losing our best players, always has happened always will.

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I can't remember a time when if we had a really good player, he would stay with us out of pure loyalty and never move on.

Simon Garner never agitated for a move, despite being good enough to play for a much better team, yet as soon as Rovers hit the big time he was shipped out. I was gutted about that at the time, thought he should at least have had a couple of games in the Premiership.

If a true club legend can be treated with such ruthlessness, we shouldn't be upset or surprised when somebody like Bentley wants out.

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Simon Garner never agitated for a move, despite being good enough to play for a much better team, yet as soon as Rovers hit the big time he was shipped out. I was gutted about that at the time, thought he should at least have had a couple of games in the Premiership.

If a true club legend can be treated with such ruthlessness, we shouldn't be upset or surprised when somebody like Bentley wants out.

No room for sentimentality in football. Hearts must never be allowed to rule heads! Garner was well finished. He was never a top division player anyway, the comparison with Shearer would've been too great and he'd likely have ended his career as a joke rather than a legend. That said I do think we might have given Speedie another year.

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