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[Archived] Bentley


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my cousin spoke with bentley at manchester airport

he was with peter crouch

both guys were back off their holidays with their birds

my cousin asked if he were goin from rovers or not

to which he replied - yeah to liverpool

now - you can either take that as a "im off to liverpool"


"im goin to say that to wind you up"

thats what happened, so make your own mind up

hope personally he was winding my cousin up!

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Just as well we are in the close season so you cannot boo him at Ewood.

Not doubting your cousin but Crouchy is hardly a good advert for a potential England player going to Liverpool is he? Or Pennant for that matter.

And is Crouch going to be selling anybody on Liverpool seeing as he's being frozen out there?

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You could take it either way. Bents can be a bit of a wind-up merchant though! Hope he had a nice holiday.

Shillito - calm down a bit, dear. Ask Brad about some Yoga classes or something. You're going to have a nervous breakdown and it's only May!

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i can say with alot of confidence that bentley will be joining liverpool this summer

pretty gutted to be fair

Que sera sera .......... As long as the cheapskate scousers pay the market value this time (and a bit more to cover the Bellamy scam! <_< ) and for that we need a few more bidderslub than one club that is in danger of becoming illiquid. Unfortunately Chelsea are in some upheavel at the moment so it might be prudent to keep him to his contract this summer. imo we could easily see Bentleys value increase dramatically once Becks has gone and he's had a good spell with England.

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It's fun to read the first couple of pages on this thread - before the hat trick.


Personally I haven't seen enough hunger and desire to win in him yet. I guess MH must see it though.

Bentley must have read this post before tonights game :)

I hold my hand up. I said Bentley has not enough desire but tonight he proved me wrong. I realise that one swallow does not make a summer but I wonder if MH and his team have deliberately instructed him to play half pace until we bought him. :huh: If so I think we are the only team to stuff Man Utd and Arsenal in the same 24 hours! :)

Only time will tell.


And now I'm the one moaning about Lpool scamming players off us on the cheap! :rolleyes:

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Nicko, any news about Bentley?

Shouldn't he have signed a new deal by now?

I think it's obvious he wants to go, i already dislike him, so many times before the England call up he was saying he's happy at rovers and made the right decision to leave Arse, Within a few months his head has been turned but the England boy, If we get 12 million i'd be happy.

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Ah the fickleness of fans rears it's head once again at a player who may leave the club.

We don't know if he's going anywhere yet.

Deep down we all know if he gets the chance to go to a top 4 club he will want to go. Most right-minded people can understand why. He's not saying anything because he cant win if he does. He doesn't want to say he's stopping incase he ends at a Champions League club. He doesn't want to say he wants to go incase no-one comes in for him and he gets the same abuse that Benni / Neill got.

For all those people who now 'dislike' Bentley, what do you expect. Remember that every player at Ewood whose not in the twilight of their career would jump at the chance to play for a bigger and better club.

It's a good job we don't have a friendly game lined up at Ewood else the N01 boys would be giving Bentley a good booing.

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Guest fernhurstblue

the number of small minded fans we have seem to grow every season ..... this happens everytime a player gets linked with a move to a bigger club. does anybody really think that RSC will stay at ewood till the end of his career? if DB wants to improve himself by moving to a bigger and better club, who would really want to hold him back?

as i've said before he has 3 years left on a contract, the only way he will leave is if the club accept a bid for the player, or if the player asks to leave and the club receive an acceptable offer. all this waffle about him signing a new contract is just daft, if he has 3 years left then WHY WOULD he sign a new contract?????

if anybody boo's him for not signing a new contract, then they should really take a long hard look at themselves ..... as long as DB plays for the rovers, he should receive the full support of the fans.


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You could take it either way. Bents can be a bit of a wind-up merchant though! Hope he had a nice holiday.

Shillito - calm down a bit, dear. Ask Brad about some Yoga classes or something. You're going to have a nervous breakdown and it's only May!

Twas said in complete calmness.

I couldn't care less whether he stays or go, I've made that clear enough in the past. However, the only thing that annoys me is his complete lack of professionalism that pees me off somewhat.

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Does anybody know anything about the agents/advisers guiding Bentley?

From where I am sitting I cannot see they are acting in David's best interest in any shape or form whatsoever.

The lad has a contract apparently paying around £20K per week with another three years to run. That means that whoever may come in for him has to induce Rovers to part with him and the Mr 10% get their cut of the transfer fee. Nicko is suggesting that Bents was offered £50K a week back in February for a new four year deal- that still wouldn't stop another club trying to bid for him and the transfer arithmetic would still be the same surely? And if they wanted to be cynical (agents?- surely not!), they could trouser David's enlarged packet and hold David's smiley press conference with Sparky whilst they still hawked him round Manchelsarsepool regardless of whatever clauses Rovers might insist on.

OK at £50K a week he'd have to take a pay cut to join Spurs and not get a payrise to join Liverpool but what is the big deal on David's folk having shown their backside to the £400K in extra wages from Rovers David has now missed out on since the new deal was first offered? I cannot see how they are creating net positive value for David on this in any shape or form or under any scenario.

Liverpool have to sell first to be in any reasonable shape to bid for Bentley and the Rafa/Parry/Gillett/Hicks/DIC circus is as predictable from one day to the next as an empty crisp bag blowing around Pierhead.

Chelsea are apparently believed to want Bentley although that story only comes from his people. Who at Chelsea?- Grant? Clarke? Ten Cate? Kenyon? Abramovich's girl friend? Mossad? the KGB?

Could it be that David is being genuinely unselfish and not burdening Rovers with his extra wages whilst he gets his head sorted/ tries to displace DB 60 yards into an empty net Goldenballs? Very unlikely but I don't see any explanation on this one that makes any sense.

Anyone care to enlighten me?

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the number of small minded fans we have seem to grow every season ..... this happens everytime a player gets linked with a move to a bigger club. does anybody really think that RSC will stay at ewood till the end of his career? if DB wants to improve himself by moving to a bigger and better club, who would really want to hold him back?

as i've said before he has 3 years left on a contract, the only way he will leave is if the club accept a bid for the player, or if the player asks to leave and the club receive an acceptable offer. all this waffle about him signing a new contract is just daft, if he has 3 years left then WHY WOULD he sign a new contract?????

if anybody boo's him for not signing a new contract, then they should really take a long hard look at themselves ..... as long as DB plays for the rovers, he should receive the full support of the fans.


Sorry i'm not being small minded, How long ago was it when we played coventry and he was mouthing off the Mccarthy kisssing the badge etc, there are so many quotes from him a few months back saying he was happy at rovers, made the right move etc, has that much changed in 5 months??? So he plays for England now, does that mean Barry, Richards will both be off this Summer, NO it's called Loyalty.

RSC is completly different he was proven World Class playing for a top European side. When we signed him Bentley in all fairness he was a nobody, with a Bad Attitude which put off most clubs, MH and his staff helped him become the player he is today.

If he stays i Would NEVER BOO HIM. not when in a rovers shirt so please don't presume i will, his name will just not be on my Shirt next Season. Lets see how you all feel if he stays and plays pants all year, and every week using his column in the Sun to get a move away.

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I think a lot of it is just pure speculation. No-one knows for certain what is being offered or what is being said behind closed doors.

I dont think for one minute that an off the cuff remark to a fan is to be believed.

I dont think anyone in their right mind could turn down an extra £30k a week KNOWING that if the right club came along either this year or not Rovers would still find it a difficult proposition to turn down especially with a feee in the region of £15m.

Genuine fans cannot ever hold it against Bentley although you do have to say he doesnt help himself with his mouth. We all know some footballers are thick and cant help themelves when they move their lips !

Mark Hughes has made his and the clubs position very clear, THEY DONT HAVE TO SELL. If Bentley doesnt sign his contract then Rovers win hands down, they save £30k a week whilst still guaranteed the huge transfer fee that will be required to prise him away.

Looking at the top 4 possible destinations -

Chelsea ? Is he really going to displace what they already have or what they could potentially have on the right ? For me Chelsea will be scouring for the best of the best and as of this date, Bentley hasnt made it into that bracket. He faces a squad rotation system and will be lucky to play 50% of the games on offer.

Manure ? This club has many right sided options already. I just cannot see him being the type of dynamic player they have going forwards. He isnt a Rooney or Ronaldo and I cannot see Utd needing such a player as Bentley.

Arsenal ? I just cannt accept that Arsene Wenger will be coming back for a player he let go for peanuts even more so after the bad media bitchiness between them when he first left that club. A non starter for me.

Liverpool ? Well, we all know the far spanish waiter has a fixation with our club. If he aint nicking our best players he is slating our club and style of play. He is also a most ignorant individual if he thinks a £12m bid is enough to prise him away from Ewood.

this club has proved in the past that leaving Ewood doesnt guarantee success or a trophy laden career ala Bellamy. That single move has proved beyond doubt that the grass is not greener over in Liverpool than it is at Ewood Park, in fact it has, I beleive, shown it to be the opposite and the move for Warnock has proved that beyond doubt. At Liverpool he becomes another squad player and could quite easily find himself on the bench or in the reserves. Liverpools current policy is destroying the reserve set up just look at the Hobbs situation. That lad is quality and he is already talking about leaving with 12 months left on his current deal. Crouch, Pennant and Bellamy are the examples Rovers can use to stop him from potentially ruining his career both at league and International level.

Any other club ? As stated before by myself and others, there is not another club that can offer him a better and more attractive platform than Rovers, even without European football for a season. No other club has a set up like ours and no other club is in a position on and off the field to rival the way we are run as a club.

Thats my take on the situation, my view and my reasoning. :brfcsmilie:

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Thats rubbish bubble.

How long ago was it when we played coventry and he was mouthing off the Mccarthy kisssing the badge etc, there are so many quotes from him a few months back saying he was happy at rovers, made the right move etc, has that much changed in 5 months??? So he plays for England now, does that mean Barry, Richards will both be off this Summer, NO it's called Loyalty.

He is happy at Rovers and it was the right move for him. He's said it itme and time again cos it's true. Even if he leaves it will still be true. However its called progressing your career. Barry probably will be off this year. If a top 4 team come for Richards he'd want to be off too.

What do people want bentley to do? Come out and say he's stopping when we all know that practically all footballers would love to play for a Champions League club every year. I just don't get it.

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I'd love him to stay but if he goes then fair play to him. At least if he goes to the likes of Liverpool he is going for the chance to win stuff, not like Lucas Neill who was driven just by money. Even if it was just money you couldn't criticise him that much, if someone offered me a 100% pay rise I'd be off like a shot. You can't expect a player with ambition to be the best to hang around at a club where the best he can hope for is 5th place each season. That's the way it works. Look at us when we were signing the likes of Batty, Warhurst, Flowers, Shearer etc from other Premier League clubs, we weren't complaining then.

Also, what difference does it make what he says in interviews? Would people rather he was badge kissing and saying that he loved the club because that won't make any diffeence at all as to whether he stays or goes will it.

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If Liverpool come for him, I am sure he will go. He won't go to London, Manchester, or anywhere else in the UK for that matter. We aren't a top four club and probably won't be without another Uncle Jack. Sad, but true.

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Sorry i'm not being small minded, How long ago was it when we played coventry and he was mouthing off the Mccarthy kisssing the badge etc, there are so many quotes from him a few months back saying he was happy at rovers, made the right move etc, has that much changed in 5 months??? So he plays for England now, does that mean Barry, Richards will both be off this Summer, NO it's called Loyalty.

RSC is completly different he was proven World Class playing for a top European side. When we signed him Bentley in all fairness he was a nobody, with a Bad Attitude which put off most clubs, MH and his staff helped him become the player he is today.

If he stays i Would NEVER BOO HIM. not when in a rovers shirt so please don't presume i will, his name will just not be on my Shirt next Season. Lets see how you all feel if he stays and plays pants all year, and every week using his column in the Sun to get a move away.

RSC wasn't proven world class. Unless your definition of world class is scoring no more than 5 league goals a season.

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I think that if Hughes Stays then so does Bentley. Hughes seems very bullish, we still have a 3 year contract to play with and therefore our hand isnt yet forced. The best thing we can do, whether or not he signs a new deal is keep him for at least another 12 months.

Just been reading the Opta stats and very suprised at how important Bentley has been looking at those. His value is now £20m at least! ha ha

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It's a bit shoddy how it was only Rovers fans who seemed to stand up for Bents during his U21 "no-show" arguement with the press & England "fans"... yet now he seems happy to turn his back on the only people who stuck up for him.

For a player only last summer who seemed soo down to earth, it seems crazy how he's suddenly become a "big shot" with his head in the clouds, being a football "star".

If he does turn his back on Rovers, I for one will have an England "Bentley #7" shirt for sale on Ebay.

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It's a bit shoddy how it was only Rovers fans who seemed to stand up for Bents during his U21 "no-show" arguement with the press & England "fans"... yet now he seems happy to turn his back on the only people who stuck up for him.

So if you were in his position you'd miss out on the chance of making it to the top and winning numerous trophies in your career just to keep some people happy who supported your own decision.

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So if you were in his position you'd miss out on the chance of making it to the top and winning numerous trophies in your career just to keep some people happy who supported your own decision.

No... I'd be loyal to them though. I'd sign the contract, take the money and if someone believes I'm good enough to play for them at the highest level, I'd know they'd match the clubs valuation of me.

If not, I'd carry on showing them what I can do at Rovers and England.

Plus... he's only young. He's got plenty of time to achieve those things in his career. Why bugger up something thats good to maybe be great?

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