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[Archived] Bentley


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I have no issue with Beckham being part of the squad, i'd rather have Beckham in the squad than Lennon and SWP. But we need to start giving Bentley more time on the pitch and in particular giving him some starts. He has only started once so far against Switzerland and he was the best player on the pitch in that game.

For Bentley's future devlopment at international level he needs more minutes on the pitch, bringing him on at half time or with 20 minutes to go when a lot of subtitutes come on won't help him.

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I have no issue with Beckham being part of the squad, i'd rather have Beckham in the squad than Lennon and SWP. But we need to start giving Bentley more time on the pitch and in particular giving him some starts. He has only started once so far against Switzerland and he was the best player on the pitch in that game.

For Bentley's future devlopment at international level he needs more minutes on the pitch, bringing him on at half time or with 20 minutes to go when a lot of subtitutes come on won't help him.

I agree entirely rvr. Some people are more effective coming on after 70 mins (eg the more 'explosive' talents Jason Roberts, SWP etc) and some people contribute better from starting. From what I have seen Bentley is the latter. He has neither the pace nor the physique to alter a match and his incisive passing and superb crossing ability is no good when his team mates are playing 'on their heels' whilst running down the clock.

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Then he needs to impress in training and displace Beckham, something that he has obviously failed to do and which his performance the other night won't help. Let's face it, if he didn't play for Blackburn and we had just watched his performance on Wednesday compared to that of Beckham's would we be calling for him to start or would he be just another SWP or Lennon to us? I think it is the latter.

Beckham could realistically play until 2010. If he and the coaching staff believe that then there is no reason to be putting in an extra effort to blood someone like Bentley, who is still gaining experience and getting decent playing time, when you are really trying to form a team in order to attempt to win a world cup.

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D-Beck is the captain for Sunday night...another blow for poor David...

If Bentley was playing for one of the 'big four' it could've been him....:rolleyes:

Bents will come on probably with 20 mins to go with a flurry of other subs or the game itself is dying and fans will end up slating him again for having no impact ... :rolleyes:

Bents should have started against T&T, it would have done him the world of good. It took Beckham two years to have an impact at international level he made his debut in 1996, looked like he couldn't cut it but by 1998 he was established in the team. We should be giving Bentley more time on the pitch and get him ready for 2010.

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Unless of course he plays as the attacking one of the three central midfielders in a five across midfield. A role in which he's played for us before and one which he moved into second half against Switzerland.

Naming Beckham even as captain for one game seems a little bit of step backwards. When he stood down as captain he said he wanted to give it to someone else as he'd tried his best yet ultimately couldn't bring any sort of success to England.

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Naming Beckham even as captain for one game seems a little bit of step backwards. .

It's a laugh though.

Capello's loving it. He's just sat on his £6m a year; P*ssing around..

Might as well embrace.

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My paper, The Observer, says Spurs "are going to gazump Liverpool in the race to sign David Bentley from Blackburn by offering Aaron Lennon, Hossam Ghaly and £7m."

Suppose Lennon would be OK and £7m would come in handy but who is this Ghaly bloke? If you check the Spurs official website he doesn't feature in the Player Stats for last season and clicking his picture in Player Profiles gives the message:


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Anyway he's the bloke who refused a £3m deal to join Birmingham as he didn't like the training regime, moved to Derby on loan and has not been signed / retained by Paul Jewell. Nice CV he's got, refuses to sign for one bunch that got relegated, played 12 matches for the PL's worst ever team who also got relegated. Spurs are really taking the p1ss with this one.

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I would take Tottenham up on their swap but only if it was £7m + Lennon and Huddlestone.

Lennon has the pace which we need and given the right coaching has the potential to be very similar to Duff at his peak

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I would take Tottenham up on their swap but only if it was £7m + Lennon and Huddlestone.

Lennon has the pace which we need and given the right coaching has the potential to be very similar to Duff at his peak

I would be happy with lennon and 7-10m he has the pace that we have all been craving since we lost bellers .Dont play lennon on the wing, sign a good right winger with the cash that we have to spend this summer (obviously not all of it )and if hughsey's still at the helm, he could be a great strike partner for santa cruz.IMO. :rover:

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I would be happy with lennon and 7-10m he has the pace that we have all been craving since we lost bellers .Dont play lennon on the wing, sign a good right winger with the cash that we have to spend this summer (obviously not all of it )and if hughsey's still at the helm, he could be a great strike partner for santa cruz.IMO. :rover:

Not sure about that one....bit too lightweight to be a striker.

I rate him as a winger though and he would add pace to the team.

£7m + Lennon and Huddlestone and i will be dancing in the streets :rover:

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Not sure about that one....bit too lightweight to be a striker.

I rate him as a winger though and he would add pace to the team.

£7m + Lennon and Huddlestone and i will be dancing in the streets :rover:

I know what you mean about being lightweight, but remember when ped ;) came to us ,im sure they could do the same for lennon in tems of bulking up a little .
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Not sure about that one....bit too lightweight to be a striker.

I rate him as a winger though and he would add pace to the team.

£7m + Lennon and Huddlestone and i will be dancing in the streets :rover:

Oh and if we got huddlestone aswell i will be joining you for that dance my friend :rover:
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Both of these players have the potential to be very good players.

Lennon can't cross or shoot and Huddlestone is as mobile as a dredger.

I'm afraid non of that can be coached into a player, it's down to technique and physique. You either have, or you aint.

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You can't teach how to cross or shoot because it's a technique?

Of course techniques can be taught and developed. Every artform and physical activity is learnt by practicing and developing the techniques involved.

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Lennon can't cross or shoot and Huddlestone is as mobile as a dredger.

I'm afraid non of that can be coached into a player, it's down to technique and physique. You either have, or you aint.

I dont know how you have come to that conclusion.Players are not born doing stepovers and flicks and tricks, stuff like this has to be learnt.Shooting and crossing are techniques that can be taught, you just go down to any decent sunday league,school teams . Boxing has far more technique involved than football and i have managed to do quite well so i dont really understand it when you say crossing and shooting cant be coached because in comparism to my other sport shooting and crossing must be one of the easiest techniques to master

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You can't teach how to cross or shoot because it's a technique?

Of course techniques can be taught and developed. Every artform and physical activity is learnt by practicing and developing the techniques involved.

So why can't Lennon cross and Huddlestone run? Why can't Giggs cross a ball?

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There is a difference between teaching and learning!

You can teach him until the cows come home how to cross but if he doesn't want to learn then there is little point in the teaching! He may have already recieved coaching for how to cross but not been particularly recpetive to it! Surely you get better at crossing by practise? Maybe he doesn't want to practise!

Just an idea! Never seen the lad train but it could explain why he isn't improving a crosses!

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