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[Archived] Search For A New Coach

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Have worked a little with some of the youth coaches at Carlisle (not Kinder) and I have to say I wasn't too impressed. I hope we can do a darn sight better than someone working with Carlisle.

Carlisle are not bringing players through into their first team from what I've seen. Madine a striker is the only one who's made it, and he just about scrapes in because Carlisle's attack and form is utterly shocking. I would expect much better from rovers.

Also in terms of youth, don't they have to be within the local area at a young age. Carlisle have no competition for talent whatsoever, whereas Bolton, Preston, Rovers etc are all competing for the same youths.

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Hang on, seriously, if his team that he molded with the very limited resources and pull that Carlisle will have in their isolated position and the pull of the clubs over the A69 (Because these type of things also matter)

Beat United's Academy, who are known as THE best without any doubt then he must be good, surely?

N.B. Liverpool's is full of Spanish kids, have you seen any of them doing the business????

Also, aren't most clubs academy's pretty average???

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Hang on, seriously, if his team that he molded with the very limited resources and pull that Carlisle will have in their isolated position and the pull of the clubs over the A69 (Because these type of things also matter)

Beat United's Academy, who are known as THE best without any doubt then he must be good, surely?

N.B. Liverpool's is full of Spanish kids, have you seen any of them doing the business????

Also, aren't most clubs academy's pretty average???

Small teams beating big teams in a one off game is hardly unheard of in football. But youth development is not so much about results. How many of his team have moved onto to a higher level, answer none.

Not a single player under his tutalidge has made the premiership grade, thats what we need someone who can mould premiership footballers.

united academy is very good, very but jsut you watch what comes out of Wengers over the next ten or so years, wilshire is just the start.

I'm not on about getting in Spanish players but I'm saying in terms of coaching and youth development they are much much better than us and A spainard heading up our academy would help us catch up with the rest of the world.

Just so you know being in an isolated area like say Carlisle or Plymouth is a major advantage as there little to no competition..

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I see your point and I agree about Arsenal, very much so, I also striongly agree with the points you made about raising the bar etc.

However, where I am unsure is where this "Pool" of talent is and who is hoovering them up?

Because outside of Citeh (Is that past tense now though?), France and the United States of Old Trafford, none of them appear to be generating the PL players of the calibre and the numbers required do they?

Please don't misinterpret, I'm no expert so I'm asking not telling, my Uncle is on the coaching staff at Bristol City and on the rare occasions I have spoken to him, he gives me some snippets about clubs, coaches and managers he has had dealings with in his various capacities, courses and seminars etc.

I think it was fair to say he was very unimpressed with Liverpool but bowled over by Uniteds regimes (And that was very hard coming from a Liverpool supporter!) thought our's was okay but thought BS would improve it and BTW when BS was appointed he rung me up and said he would be great for our club, as he thought he was very open minded guy who was constantly in learning mode who would often be at the cutting edge in most things, so there you go.

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I see your point and I agree about Arsenal, very much so, I also striongly agree with the points you made about raising the bar etc.

However, where I am unsure is where this "Pool" of talent is and who is hoovering them up?

Because outside of Citeh (Is that past tense now though?), France and the United States of Old Trafford, none of them appear to be generating the PL players of the calibre and the numbers required do they?

Please don't misinterpret, I'm no expert so I'm asking not telling, my Uncle is on the coaching staff at Bristol City and on the rare occasions I have spoken to him, he gives me some snippets about clubs, coaches and managers he has had dealings with in his various capacities, courses and seminars etc.

I think it was fair to say he was very unimpressed with Liverpool but bowled over by Uniteds regimes (And that was very hard coming from a Liverpool supporter!) thought our's was okay but thought BS would improve it and BTW when BS was appointed he rung me up and said he would be great for our club, as he thought he was very open minded guy who was constantly in learning mode who would often be at the cutting edge in most things, so there you go.

To put it simply no as a whole no-one is producing the kids at present, United s set-up is awesome but there not really producing but they will soon.

10 years ago there where moves in all of football that the coaching style and methodology was wrong and could be better, certain countries went down the route of playing the game and coaching within that environment, we (Britain) didn't and stuck to our guns/drills.

Now at the same time science or more specifically sports science really started to take off. Now basically lots of studies and testing have been done and its been discovered that the methods we use in our coaching are not the best option. So we have spent 10 years or so persevering with methods and ideas that don't work as well as they could. Now at the same time the countries that went down the game route have had ten years more time using these methods and developing them, so we are seriously behind. Trouble is we have a lot of opposition to the new ideas as they didn't need it so why would they now? Its not broken don't fix it and so on.

On the up side though we have three of the best sports science research centres in the world in Exeter, Loughbourgh and LJMU so potentially we could eclipse the other countries easily (we supply some major Spanish teams with research and info).

Even the FA are relenting with the new youth awards which are based on research from the three uni's but again its a half job not the whole hog. But its a step in the right direction. We made it too complicated and repetitive both are seriously poor ways to learn with next to no retention long term so now we're moving towards playing the game and working within that environment.

The issue is not the supposed lack of talent but how we nurture the talent we have. Remember the old days say 15-20 years ago Britain was a serious force our players did well even when they went abroad as did our teams which where mainly British. So whilst we rested on our laurels the others found a better way to develop kids and raised the bar for everyone.

The talent is still exactly where it has always been right on our door-step we just need to embrace the ideas so that we can help them realise more of their potential than we currently do. Thats the key, to put it in perspective I know one Spanish team that gave 17 pro contracts out last year to their U18's (la liga team) thats unheard of in our country most don't believe it possible but those kids have had 10 years training like this, within an academy constantly trying to improve.

Liverpool is a strange one and I wasn't using them as an example but the Spanish are seriously good at youth development and as I said have ten years of working like this already so have developed more idea's. Liverpool sacked 15 academy staff this summer and our bringing in a lot of Spanish coaches for these very reasons. Now I completely disagree with it as I feel our own coaches are up to the job they just need training and educating.

France/ Wenger has had arsenal training like this for ages, wait till you see the rest of them Jack is just the best of them the rest are pretty tasty too.

Britain as a country got it wrong so as all the other nations moved ahead of us we stayed still trouble is the premiership didn't stay still and as such the players we currently produce are no-where near good enough. But if all coaches changes across and embraced the ideas we could catch them up and overtake them.

My reason for suggesting a Spaniard is so that we rovers can overtake the academies that cause us the most issue, wigan, Bolton, Burnley, Preston and all the rest of them. If we were the best in our area we wouldn't have an issue getting kids here, trouble is we're not very highly spoken about as an academy in the footballing world.

PS does your Uncle have a nickname that rhymes with winks, If so say hi from the bald wonder and I'll see him soon.

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Rovers announce two key appointments


"Steve Kean arrives as the new First Team Coach."

"Steve, 41, has previously worked as assistant manager at Fulham, Real Sociedad and, most recently, Coventry City."


"Martyn Glover takes up the role of Head of Player Recruitment."

"Martyn, 42, has been with Rovers for 11 years, holding a number of key positions in recruitment and development at both the Academy and the Senior Training Centre."

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Kean was also wanted by Chelsea at one point:


Martyn Glover has the role of "Head of player recruitment", does this basically mean that he is charge of the Academy and is taking over from Bobby Downes or is this a new role created for him?

Imy I believe its a fancy term for Chief Scout.

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Me too.

Nigel's your man when the chips are down. You wouldn't find him running off to Skysports every five minutes when we're shipping 4+ per game ;)

We could give Dean Saunders a bell too?

Thats that sorted then,

Hey we could ferry him back N forth in a helicopter as well, you've got to look after the good un's!!!!!

I wonder what Brian Kidds up too????

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Kean was also wanted by Chelsea at one point:


Martyn Glover has the role of "Head of player recruitment", does this basically mean that he is charge of the Academy and is taking over from Bobby Downes or is this a new role created for him?

Yeh as others have said pretty sure it's the fancy name for chief scout, replacing Barry Whitbread who was rumoured to have left a few weeks ago, didn't see it confirmed anywhere but I think this tells us that Barry has gone.

Just need a new head of academy now then.

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