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[Archived] Blackburn Vs Portsmouth. Ewood Park, 7Th November.

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Samba's defending for the first goal was pathetic really, this is about the 4/5th time we've let in such a goal this season. We could do with cutting those out really.

100% agree, although I would also like to throw in the lack of protection for the back four from Nzonzi and Emerton in that instance. Unfortunately Samba was stood right in front of Robinson, a common theme with the long rangers that Robbo lets in but a good shot placed just inside the post and very difficult to get to.

First half nothing seemed to work. No passing and moving, they won every knocked down ball and 50/50 and nobody seemed up for the fight.

The changes were very brave, if it were me I would have only stuck on Benni but that is where managers earn there money, and they worked brilliantly. Alot more determination and when the chances came we finished them with ease.

I've been on of Roberts biggest critics after his first few games this season but he was brilliant. 2 very good finishes and linked up with Benni fantastically well.

I don't see that we can start with the second half formation as it gives us problems to try and change things round. The key is to keep Benni and Roberts in the team. MGP may have had his chips this time, Diouf as well.

How much did the crowd booing and being 0-1 down, and after the 1st half rubbish play have with that tactical master stroke by Sam?

What does it matter? I think any premier league manager would have been smart enough to realise that we weren't even in the game in the first half. I'm just glad that we got 3 points and are in 13th place now.

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The fans wanted 4-4-2, Sam went one better with 4-3-3 or as I'd like to put it 4-3-2-1 yet people are still not satisfied, it was clear to see the first half was .......... I don't think words can describe it, we just lacked everything in the final third which is why Sam thought it was necessary to play three further forward, very similar to the formation Arsenal played with Ashavin v.Persie Eduardo, with v.Persie the furthest forward and Ashavin and Eduardo using the width of the pitch to stretch the Wolves defence in a 4-3-2-1 formation, we used the width very well in the second half which opened gaps for us.

Was it just me but I didn't see how it could possibly be desbribed as 4-3-2-1. For one we definitley had two upfront in Roberts and Di Santo, Roberts always makes run down the right channel when he's played with a partner upfront. Then you had McCarthy and Dunn who appeared to have license to switch postions and get involved in the game. If I had to draw it down it would look something like this.

-------------------------- Robinson ------------------------

------------------ Samba ----- Nelsen -------- Givet ----

------------------------------ Nzonzi -------------------------

-- Chimbonda ---- Emerton -------------------------------

---------------------------------------- Dunn -----------------

--------------------------------- McCarthy -------------------

---------------- Roberts ------ Di Santo -------------------

Looks a bit odd and disjointed but when attacking it did indeed looking something like that. Think Samba just about deserved MotM he did have a decent game he highlighted just how shocking our midfield was in the first half when he casually senty a couple of players the wrong way and played a perfectly chipped pass down the wing. As if to say that's how you do it midfield!

Chimbonda was also impressive yet again he looks a decent left-back but an extra special right-back, just needs to try and keep his temper in check.

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If I had to draw it down it would look something like this.

-------------------------- Robinson ------------------------

------------------ Samba ----- Nelsen -------- Givet ----

------------------------------ Nzonzi -------------------------

-- Chimbonda ---- Emerton -------------------------------

---------------------------------------- Dunn -----------------

--------------------------------- McCarthy -------------------

---------------- Roberts ------ Di Santo -------------------

I think it can only be described as "Total Football" :D

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Well said that Man!!!

I actually thought the first half was total dog pooh, it was the worst 45 minutes of my life since my first marriage ceremony, the 2nd half (In terms of differentials in performance) was therefore equivalent to my first shag.

I'm also going to confess a couple of things that the people near me (In NO2) witnessed and particpated in:

1. Just before Roberts scored I was heard to tell my mates that he was rubbish

2. Just before Nelson scored, I was heard telling my mates that he was a 50p head

As a result, my mates and the people in the surrounding seats were actively encouraging me to criticise other members of our playing staff, I then took it too far by informing them that Julie was completely useless, obviously this was stretching my localised and evidently time limited magic too far, it was suggested that Robinson would have been a better bet.

Anyway, now that weight is off my shoulders, I'd like to say that I respect the manager for changing the formation as soon as he did, the players substituted at half time either have their minds on other matters and / or have had a total lack of form, unfortunately, this was percieved by us to be "Not trying" which is a transfer listing offence.

The positives, Samba was awesome, Dunny tried his best, N Zonzi was steady and also tried, Givet stuck at it, Di Santo also, McCarthy enjoyed his moment in the sun and Roberts took full advantage also.Chimbonda was class, but needs to keep his hands tio himself, other ref's may have sent him, game over!

Negatives, overall team effort and people going AWOL in the first half, Robinson probably feels he should of got to that shot, it wasn't a pile driver, however, we did allow the same guy 2 "Sighters" previously!!

Just like my mate, for the first goal he said "Nothing will come of this"...goal

So we made him say it again for the corner which led to Nelsen's goal...

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Was it just me but I didn't see how it could possibly be desbribed as 4-3-2-1.

-------------------------- Robinson ------------------------

------------------ Samba ----- Nelsen -------- Givet ----

------------------------------ Nzonzi -------------------------

-- Chimbonda ---- Emerton -------------------------------

---------------------------------------- Dunn -----------------

--------------------------------- McCarthy -------------------

---------------- Roberts ------ Di Santo -------------------

What I meant was the way we went forward was like how Arsenal attacked yesterday. Their formation was 4-3-2-1



Ashavin being out wide like McCarthy, Eduardo kind of played wide but cut inside and supported v.Persie down the middle like Di Santo and Roberts did. I know we're no Arsenal btw ;)

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Confession is good for the soul so they say but I'm a bit ashamed about this confession.

Half way though the first half I'd seen enough. We were the worst I had ever seen in many years of watching the Rovers. There was no skill, no will, no pride. The formation was laughable. I could just see us losing, not just the game but all self belief and sense of purpose. If we had lost against Portsmouth at home in this manner then we would have gone into free-fall and I honestly saw relegation staring back at me. I was so depressed I dropped my season ticket theatrically on the floor and stood up to walk out for ever, my association with the club was over, that's it, finito, goodbye. Fortunately my wife calmed me down and I stayed.

My mood was inflamed also by the fact that I've been saying for a long time now that we should lose the winger positions and leave Pedersen and Diouf out of the side. We should go with two strikers with Dunny floating behind them. I posted my team earlier in this thread and was incensed because if I, a football no-one, can see what needs fixing why the hell can't Sam.

The second half started and the subs were made but I didn't cheer up because I thought we still had no chance of scoring. Then the miracle happened. The players started believing and the crowd started believing, although still not me. We score, then again and then again and I was still sh!ting myself Portsmouth would equalise. Man I think I was clinically depressed.

I almost walked but thank God my wife was there as I would have felt a right pillock this morning and somewhat ashamed of my lack of backbone.

What we did in the second half is what we should be doing at every home match, and stuff the result. Come to Ewood and you're going to get a right good seeing to. We won't win every match but we can show some bloody pride.

That second half was worth 6 places to us, we look OK now in mid table and with the Fulham game in hand, but please, please, please I never want to see a half like the first half ever again.

Well done Sam for admitting your mistake and the action you took, it took balls. No more Pedersen or Diouf though until they learn what it really means to play for Blackburn Rovers.

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Not much more to add that's already been said about the game,shocking first half,great second.

My main point:

After yesterday,if Sam 'Im the boss' Allardyce does not start with two up front for the rest of the season then quite simply the man cannot see beyond the end of his nose.We are limiting our chances,stifling what little creativity we do possess and the football is dire with this dreaded 4-4-1-1 bullshyte.

The introduction of Roberts and McCarthy changed the game so much we looked like a different 11 altogether,the change was THAT marked.We offered a constant threat with two up front,the knockers can call McCarthy all the names under the Sun but a striker of his class and CREATIVITY should never have been benched for this long...'kin never!.If McCarthy is sold then its our loss pure and simple,god knows the majority of fans want him to stay and made that quite loud and clear to all in charge yesterday.


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Confession is good for the soul so they say but I'm a bit ashamed about this confession.

Half way though the first half I'd seen enough. We were the worst I had ever seen in many years of watching the Rovers. There was no skill, no will, no pride. The formation was laughable. I could just see us losing, not just the game but all self belief and sense of purpose. If we had lost against Portsmouth at home in this manner then we would have gone into free-fall and I honestly saw relegation staring back at me. I was so depressed I dropped my season ticket theatrically on the floor and stood up to walk out for ever, my association with the club was over, that's it, finito, goodbye. Fortunately my wife calmed me down and I stayed.

My mood was inflamed also by the fact that I've been saying for a long time now that we should lose the winger positions and leave Pedersen and Diouf out of the side. We should go with two strikers with Dunny floating behind them. I posted my team earlier in this thread and was incensed because if I, a football no-one, can see what needs fixing why the hell can't Sam.

The second half started and the subs were made but I didn't cheer up because I thought we still had no chance of scoring. Then the miracle happened. The players started believing and the crowd started believing, although still not me. We score, then again and then again and I was still sh!ting myself Portsmouth would equalise. Man I think I was clinically depressed.

I almost walked but thank God my wife was there as I would have felt a right pillock this morning and somewhat ashamed of my lack of backbone.

What we did in the second half is what we should be doing at every home match, and stuff the result. Come to Ewood and you're going to get a right good seeing to. We won't win every match but we can show some bloody pride.

That second half was worth 6 places to us, we look OK now in mid table and with the Fulham game in hand, but please, please, please I never want to see a half like the first half ever again.

Well done Sam for admitting your mistake and the action you took, it took balls. No more Pedersen or Diouf though until they learn what it really means to play for Blackburn Rovers.

It takes a certain maturity to own up to being a big soft cry baby. :closedeyes:

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He would have been sent off by quite a few refs for lashing out like he did

I obviously can't condone his lashing out as he did, but I can sort of understand it and to some extent sympathise. I had a perfect view of the incident as it happened just in front of my seat, and the Pompey player was all over Chimbonda as though he was trying out a few different wrestling holds on him. Chimbonda tried to shake him off but couldn't and so he got frustrated and lashed out. OK it was the wrong thing to do, but neither the ref or his assistant were taking any action to signal a foul on Chimbonda when it must have been obvious what was going on. Maybe the ref realised this and that is why he did not show either player a red card, because going strictly by the book that is what both should have got.

I guess Mr. Mariner decided it was in the best interests of all concerned to just give both players a strict warning and a yellow each.

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I love the idea that the crowd made the decision for the manager by their booing! As if a manager of his experience couldn't see things needed shaking up! Moreover not one of the crowd would have come up with the solution he did. Some would have wanted Pedersen off and McCarthy on, others would have wanted Hoillet for Doeuf, still others would have wanted Kalinic up-front with McCarthy or Di Santo. Nobody wanted Roberts on yet he won the match for us! And no-one but no-one suggested playing 3 strikers with both wingers off.

The manager gets the blame when we lose but little credit when we win.This was a must-win match and we won it comfortably but for some this game further entrenches their dislike of him.Incredible really.

Exactly. Some fans think all we have to do is play 4-4-2 and all will be rosy. The reality is that all Premiership teams have to play different systems at different times for different teams. That includes when playing the champions or playing the bottom club. If anything Sam is - like the fans chanting 4-4-2 - too stuck on one formation albeit a different one to the fans. We need to be able to spruce things up and play different formations in games regularly. If you are going to play one rigid system then you need to have the kind of players to steamroller the opposition whatever. Only Chelsea really seem capable of that yet they play sometimes with just one of Anelka or Drogba yet sometimes play with both. Sometimes they have Deco, Lampard and Ballack all on at the same time as attacking midfielders.

Sam showed he has a Plan B today. What we really need is a Plan C and Plan D as well. Sometimes systems work perfectly against some teams then crash against others. Sometimes players have bad games. That cannot always be legislated against in advance. Good managers change their systems in time to drag victory from the jaws of defeat.

Sam might think he is an "expert" -and he is, to some extent - although he is certainly no "genius". Managers are never right all the time. They always make mistakes. Rectifying them and being able to change is a great asset in a manager. Sam has not done that enough at times although yesterday did exceptionally well. The system did not work so he changed it and we won. The abrasive attitude and huge ego do not endear him to many so hopefully he will be able to hold that in check. However it does not really matter what he achieves as he will always have his detractors among the fans. In that respect he is not hugely different from Greame Souness. Another Rovers manager who continually split opinion. However if he gets us to a final or in the top ten like Souness did...I for one will not be among those on here arguing.

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not read any comments has its first time ive been online(apart from blackberry facebook) ...got talkied in to staying for 2nd half because i was going to chuck my ticket on the pitch and cancel my direct debit at half time. If whoevever shouted to to me to stfu when i shouted for some passion is reading this GROW A PAIR AND SAY IT TO MY FACE ASSWIPE INSTEAD OF MERGING LIKE A COWARD IN THE CROWD.... rant over.

that first half a bunch of 10th division pub teams would have served up a better showing than the toothless pansie hoofball we played. 2nd half "expert " bowed to the fans because theres no way he would have gambled like he did .if we had lost he would have blamed the fans.pat on the back from me because it worked ...if he EVER plays 1 upfront again he deserves the boot .

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What I meant was the way we went forward was like how Arsenal attacked yesterday. Their formation was 4-3-2-1



Ashavin being out wide like McCarthy, Eduardo kind of played wide but cut inside and supported v.Persie down the middle like Di Santo and Roberts did. I know we're no Arsenal btw ;)

Yeah point taken. Having strikers on the pitch wherever they are playing is always going to cause more danger to teams than having the ineffective Pedersen and Diouf who only score on rare occassions. McCarthy was definitley assigned to play on the left and Roberts seemingly found lots of space down the right to exploit as well. You watch all the good teams and their players are constantly moving positions hence making it harder to mark players, thought we did this very well in the second half also.

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The guy above who was clinically depressed at half time - we haven't lost at home since the first day, and have played well in every game at Ewood. One bad half and all that was forgotten? And means every tactic used previously was wrong?


Sam has been using a formation at home that he thinks will serve us well - and it has until yesterday. Then he changed it radically and we won again. I'm not trying to say sam is perfect, or that I like everything he does, but keep some perspective! Sam's major failing so far, for me, has been the way he has surrendered before kick off in most of our away games. He needs to be more positive away from home, and show some belief in the players. The big bonus of yesterday is that we now have options, and pressure for places in the attacking part of the team. He needs to use these and go to away games with a plan to get at teams and make it much more difficult for them, by giving them stuff to worry about.

I thought the second half formation was a diamond myself, with Nzonzi at the back, Emerton and Dunn right and left, and McCarthy at the front, playing just behind the 2 strikers, Di Santo and Roberts.

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not read any comments has its first time ive been online(apart from blackberry facebook) ...got talkied in to staying for 2nd half because i was going to chuck my ticket on the pitch and cancel my direct debit at half time. If whoevever shouted to to me to stfu when i shouted for some passion is reading this GROW A PAIR AND SAY IT TO MY FACE ASSWIPE INSTEAD OF MERGING LIKE A COWARD IN THE CROWD.... rant over.

that first half a bunch of 10th division pub teams would have served up a better showing than the toothless pansie hoofball we played. 2nd half "expert " bowed to the fans because theres no way he would have gambled like he did .if we had lost he would have blamed the fans.pat on the back from me because it worked ...if he EVER plays 1 upfront again he deserves the boot .

Like against burnley and villa you mean?

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How smug has BFS after the game at his genius? He didn't mention the fact that all the fans have been calling for a different formation all season, including having more than 1 attacking player in the team, and yet he has been refusing to change. He deserves credit for sorting out a horrendous first half but must also take responsibility for putting that side out in the first place.

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not read any comments has its first time ive been online(apart from blackberry facebook) ...got talkied in to staying for 2nd half because i was going to chuck my ticket on the pitch and cancel my direct debit at half time. If whoevever shouted to to me to stfu when i shouted for some passion is reading this GROW A PAIR AND SAY IT TO MY FACE ASSWIPE INSTEAD OF MERGING LIKE A COWARD IN THE CROWD.... rant over.

I think i heard this, were you in the riverside E03?

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The guy above who was clinically depressed at half time - we haven't lost at home since the first day, and have played well in every game at Ewood. One bad half and all that was forgotten? And means every tactic used previously was wrong?


Sam has been using a formation at home that he thinks will serve us well - and it has until yesterday. Then he changed it radically and we won again. I'm not trying to say sam is perfect, or that I like everything he does, but keep some perspective! Sam's major failing so far, for me, has been the way he has surrendered before kick off in most of our away games. He needs to be more positive away from home, and show some belief in the players. The big bonus of yesterday is that we now have options, and pressure for places in the attacking part of the team. He needs to use these and go to away games with a plan to get at teams and make it much more difficult for them, by giving them stuff to worry about.

I thought the second half formation was a diamond myself, with Nzonzi at the back, Emerton and Dunn right and left, and McCarthy at the front, playing just behind the 2 strikers, Di Santo and Roberts.

It's not bizarre at all. The fact is a good proportion of people on here hate the manager. Full stop. And it doesn't matter what happens. If something good happens it's luck or desperation. If something bad happens, anything at all really, it's his fault.

I'm starting to think that maybe we should sack the manager just because of the alienation he is creating

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Come to Ewood and you're going to get a right good seeing to.

After your wife's tender loving care and help in lifting you from your depression, perhaps your good lady deserves a right good seeing to from yourself. (In the nicest possible way).

Like yourself I was pretty disgusted with what I saw during those torturous first 45 minutes yesterday. It's difficult to argue against the following point from Tris last night:

the fact that the first half was without any doubt the most, drab, depressing load of @#/? ever to be served up since the new stands were built

But well done to the highly paid expert for realising that drastic changes needed to be made for the second half. It's nice to know that he's earning his £2m a year wages (or whatever it is he's earning.) According to the well informed PhilipL, Mr Allardyce is on a very attractive salary package for a club which has limited resources.

The board and trustees might scrimp and save when it comes to investment in the transfer market, but it appears as if they don't scrimp and save when it comes to managerial wages. (No doubt Sam the Expert believes he's worth every penny of his lucrative wage packet.)

Paul made the point recently that he's not calling for Allardyce to be sacked, but he wanted to express his dislike of Sam's arrogance. That's the same with me. I'm not calling for Allardyce to go, but I too also wanted to express my dislike of Sam's arrogance. After ten consecutive away defeats, frankly he wasn't looking like an expert. Fortunately our home form is better, otherwise we'd be in a hell of a mess at the bottom of the table.

he is not helping himself is he? He'll hardly endear himself to anyone gobbing off like that never mind the Jury that sits on the Blackburn End. I don't like anybody crowing and much less when they have nothing to crow about.

Indeed. A touch of humility from Mr Expert wouldn't go amiss occasionally.

I'm happy to give Mr Expert credit for the substitutions he made yesterday. But to use a colloquial phrase - which tends to be widely used by some of our lovely people of Afro-Caribbean descent - Sam likes "bigging himself up".

I don't quite know why Mr Allardyce likes "bigging himself up" so much in the media. Perhaps he genuinely thinks that he's a managerial genius and a master tactician and subsequently has an inflated ego. On the other hand perhaps an amateur psychologist might look into Sam's background as a child and wonder whether Sam had any underlying issues of insecurity or inferiority as a child, and is now making up for this as an adult by "bigging himself up".

It just strikes me as curious that when the team loses badly (as against Chelsea) Sam says it's all the fault of the players.

When the team wins, Sam says it's because of the managerial masterstroke that he's pulled off.

Clearly modesty isn't Sam's strong point. But as Alan Green said last week: "Football managers probably need to have self-belief and an ego. But Sam Allardyce takes self-regard onto a different level."

However if we beat Sam's old club Bolton in our next match, then perhaps it will be time for me to forgive him for crowing about it and "bigging himself up" afterwards.

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It's not bizarre at all. The fact is a good proportion of people on here hate the manager. Full stop. And it doesn't matter what happens. If something good happens it's luck or desperation. If something bad happens, anything at all really, it's his fault.

I'm starting to think that maybe we should sack the manager just because of the alienation he is creating

Why is it that anyone who criticises Allardyce has to hate him?

Btw, you still haven't answered my question. Do you think Sam would have made the changes at half time (or at any time) if it had been 0-0?

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