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[Archived] Rovers Might Have Been Sold?

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The way I see your position Theno, is that you are, and always have been against any kind of takeover, even though you never had any alternative.



It hasn't been a case with you, of "let's see what happens" - that's not even your position now. You were against Syed's bid before any kind of allegations were aired. Am I wrong?


Personally, I wanted the trust and Rothschilds to look at this bid thoroughly and I hoped they would come to the conclusion that the guy is genuine and the takeover bid is being done with honesty and good faith.


But to come on here, as others have done and say that they always knew the bid was dodgy - after these latest allegations - is pretty poor form.


I'm happy to wait for a response from Syed or the trustees. If it doesn't happen with Syed, then we move forward looking for someone else. What's your position?


btw ... Not shouting just using caps to differentiate.

Good post den. It is exactly the reason I said we should wait for Syed's statement and the decision before jumping to any conclusions

I do not disagree.

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My link

"These photos were taken by the letting agent who rented a flat to Ahsan Ali Syed, the man hoping to takeover Blackburn Rovers. Mr. Ali vacated the flat without notice in 2005, owing £7800 in rent, leaving behind stacks of mail and shredded documents"

Almost pissin myself laughing. Sensationalism is reaching new lows.

Shredded documents dun dun duuuuuuuun.

Cause he cant be arsed? Judging by his housekeeping it might just be too much bother.

But who else thinks that looks like some mad landlord running around emptying drawers and pilling up the trash for disposal.

My view is what it has been from the beginning. The jury is still out on Mr Syed. One thing that I wonder about those photographs if they are from a flat rented by Syed in 2005. Why keep them all this time. If Syed is a nobody, I cannot see why a letting agent would keep such photos. It is not as though they are going to put them on their website to advertise the flat. What would the caption be, ' If you live like this you obviously need a women in your life'.

But I have also met highly intelligent students who are bright at their subjects, yet useless at looking after themselves. Pathetic socially etc (this does not apply to ALL students, just some I have come across)

I take into consideration Syed's age, so called work / business experience. I wonder if he was ever taught the basics of keeping a home. Did Syed share the flat with anybody else? Did he sublet it to somebody else?

I have not been convinced about Syed for awhile, yet not sure why. I do not know him so cannot believe or disbelieve him. But it is strange why other media have not taken up the story - unless it comes under exclusive (Nicko should be able to help here).

At the moment I am more interested in knowing the other bidders. Again I am reminded the club left the door open for others to talk. Syed must have shown he has money - but not completely where it has come from. Another thought is, has Syed changed his name in the past, hence why nobody back home knws of him.

There is a lot of smoke surrounding Syed at this moment in time imo.

In the first photo on facebook, can anyone read zoom in to see how much the franked letter cost on top of the pile ?, this would then indicate when the photo was taken.

Also the printer box, type of printer and when it came out and available. It looks simular to one I used to have - which I threw out.

I am actually looking forward to the programme tonight, not for the allegations part, but they look into his business career and how he made his wealth.

When and where is the programe on tonight?

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I will be listen to it tonight. Very interest in what Radio 5 say? also why haven't any newspaper found out about Mr Ali and his background.

Wonder if Mr Ali and his advisors are waiting to see what bbc say? Wonder if Rovers, JW, Rothchilds already know what's coming out in this report? Will they been making a comment to the press tonight or tomorrow? And will Mr Ali people been making a statement to this site? (hope they do)


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I would just love to know how you go from struggling student in 2004 to billionaire in 2010. I could do with some tips.

I think it comes with the industry he is in. You only need to turn around 1 company in the right business and your laughing.

On the FB photos, I imagine that the first one is not how the flat was left. The accumlation of letters will have been added to the table by the landlord and also the various draws on the table are unlikely to have been there before. I would think the landlord has gone through the place looking for anything valuable. My photo editing software isn't clear enough to see dates but the very nicely positioned letter on the top of the pile does look like it is addressed to a Mr Syed, although his full name.

Picture 8 is a little confusing, the mail doesn't seem to be addressed to him although most of it seems to be junk.

I'm glad this kind of stuff is coming out now, it allows the Trust to make sure that the correct decision is being made to some extent.

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.....I would think the landlord has gone through the place looking for anything valuable.

More like a forwarding address so he can catch up with the buggger and get his 7k back. ^_^

Wonder if Mr Ali and his advisors are waiting to see what bbc say? Wonder if Rovers, JW, Rothchilds already know what's coming out in this report? Will they been making a comment to the press tonight or tomorrow? And will Mr Ali people been making a statement to this site? (hope they do)


I'm sure they will given that we are such big players in all this chaddy.

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Readinfg through it would seem that Rovers have issued some kind of response or statement. Despite looking I cant find one. There is nothing available that I have seen that says WGA have declined to make comment except the post from Kamy.

Looks like I will have to put up with watching young Murray at tennis until the programme starts.

talking of the propgramme, i wonder which topic is really most interesting - the cancer drug or the supposed successful business man ?

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From the BBC article

The businessman did not respond to the BBC's request for comment.

Blackburn Rovers Football Club spokesman said: "The club has been for sale for some time and, for it to remain competitive in one of the world's toughest sporting competitions, we accept that new investment is required.

"Equally, the trustees of the late Jack Walker, who are being professionally advised, and the club's board of directors are acutely aware of the responsibility involved in passing the club to a new owner."

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Why the witchhunt? I dont understand, plenty of owners of football clubs with have had some skeletons in cupboards.

Probably every billionaire's alive has made some money from doing less than savoury deals in his life ( Bill gates with Windows Vista for a start :lol: ) but I dont understand the picking apart of one because of unpaid rent!

It does look bad and certainly the lack of comments from his PR team are a bit worrying but it could be something simple like he rented it for a family member who ran up some bills and was too afraid to tell him.

The fact that his past is unknown and how he has remained anonymous for a man of his wealth is more worrying but lets face it, if we continue in the trusts hands without financial backing we are buggered anyway.

We will never find another Jack Walker but we have to find someone.

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I've got a few thoughts on this I wanted to post hours ago, but my internet has been screwy.

1) What the hell does it matter that his house was messy? I really don't understand why this is an issue for so many people. I've seen and lived in plenty of student accomodation, often inhabited by very smart and/or rich people, and what I see on the photo (have only seen the main one) is absolutely NOTHING. It isn't even that bad, there's mostly just a bunch of letters around. Given that he may have left in a hurry, it just looks to me like he probably needed to find some important documentation in a rush, and pulled all the letters out to sift through them. A little inconsiderate to the landlord? Maybe. But needs must. It isn't as bad as the agent made out ("very, very bad"), at all.

2) Is it even real? Why would you even take pictures of that slight mess, and why on earth would you store them away for 5 years? The dates also seem odd...2001 to 2005 was it? That isn't when he was studying is it? He would have been what, 27-31 in that period.

3) I don't see why people are so shocked the story hasn't been picked up by the major news outlets yet. Firstly, it is an exclusive. Secondly, it isn't THAT big. We're Blackburn Rovers and messy rooms are not front page news unless they belong to Beckham. The allegations are quite small fry. Thirdly, the full show hasn't aired yet so not all the details are out. Fourth, Syed is a billionaire with presumably excellent lawyers- you would want to think carefully and check the facts out for yourself before spreading the accusations. Especially if you believe in good journalism. If tonight's show uses substantiated, important facts, I'd be surprised if it is picked up soon AFTER.

4) That article is as slanted as you get. There isn't an iota of positive representation of Mr. Syed, and many of the points are piddly, minor things. As someone said, it does hint at a possible smear (by a takeover rival?), some sort of agenda, or perhaps just sensationalism. What I'm saying is it clearly has a deep desire to make Syed look bad, and this makes the spin and perhaps some 'facts' untrustworthy. Fair play to the journo for seeking them out though, he did a good job of unearthing some previously unknown issues, even if some are irrelevant. But I'd have preferred he also looked to balance the article and see if there are some success stories to be found.

5) Some people have asked why the Trust or Rosthchilds haven't asked these questions yet. Maybe they have, and have been satisfied with the answers.

6) Wouldn't be suprised if he just forgot or didn't care about the bills. It will be pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of all his businesses and billions, and he didn't leave a forwarding address so they won't have chased him up in years. I'm sure he will clear them up if the takeover goes ahead. Perhaps before, to prove a point.

7) "Mr Ali has told the BBC he hails from Bhongir, a town with a population of 50,000, near Hyderabad in India. It is here, he says, his family owned 900 acres of farm land, making their money through agriculture."

- This concerns me a little. They made their money through agriculture? Billions, from 900 acres? All previous reports have stated clearly that the money came from private lending. Perhaps this is just a grammatical mistake- maybe it meant to say "making themselves some money through agriculture".

8) Odd sourcing for whether he is known in his hometown (find it hard to believe he wouldn't be). Asking a journalist with a Western name, who then asks a regional authority, not one from the actual town? Somebody said that a regional authority of their type would know ANYBODY with business interests in the region. He is an international businessman- maybe he doesn't bother having any businesses in the region. It would have been much better journalism to ask numerous people FROM the town if they've heard of him. The stuff about him not being lauded in Bahrain either was very vague, with no credible sourcing.

9) All of this said, for me, the MOST important thing about this article by far is not relatively minor (in millionaire/billionaire terms) unpaid bills, much of which we don't even know the cause of. It isn't a messy flat, and it isn't how famous he is in a town in India. It is the closed-down businesses. The UK ones are fairly explainable- several businessmen on here have confirmed they have done the same thing, and they're not billionaires like Ali (I think!). It is the Canadian ones that worry me. The article claims that Syed gave the BBC the names of two companies he owned in Canada, and that they found out on their own that these companies have in fact been closed for years. That's a bald-faced lie to a major journalistic entity, and it makes you wonder what others he has told. There are already suspicions of untruth and inconsistency in some of the other things that have been said by him or his representatives, and I think this is a further reminder, for those who needed it, that we need to exercise caution in believing what we are told.

10) This isn't directly related to the new info we have had, but following on from the previous point, I want to remind people of something that it seemed very few of us picked up on at the time. When Syed was interviewed (I think it was by CNBC, or Bloomberg or someone?) he said that he did not expect a return on his investment in the short or medium term. But he DID say that he thought he could expect good returns in he long-term (I'm paraphrasing, but I can find my old post and quote directly if anyone wants). I think the majority of us know this is an unrealistic expectation, and I only hope he meant he expects us to run on a tiny profit on a yearly basis after the 15 year plan, rather than recouping the 300 million he said he will invest, because this club will never produce enough profit for that. Or hopefully he was just saying it to prevent potential investors in his other businesses from thinking he invests in things without making profit. Whatever the case, I'm astonished this comment was overlooked.

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So a bachelor of some wealth living in the heart of the West End, late 20's to 30 and loves flowers????, three bouquets in the space of 5mtrs. :lol: Yeh! right.

Love the ones stuffed in the lamp shade, sort of thing you would do after a long night partying.

Speak for yourself, did you have something to say sorry for???????????

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