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[Archived] Summer Transfer Topic

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Well that's about the most depressing update ive heard.

Why did I fool myself to think we could be about to sign someone good.

Ah well roll on September I say

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if the players we are linked with are'nt just plain woefull i.e. benjani,heskey then they are other clubs over paid problems i.e. beattie and in my mind none would get in ahead of mame right now.

info is good but that was a horrible 11 o'clocker.

the pole would have been good, jelavic seems a little unlikely but we need to be looking at similar types or just tell mame and kalinic the entire season rests on them and just forget the tried and wasted cack we are dredging up right now.

excitement level went up but now i realise that tomorrows pc will more than likely announce the signing of another clubs tealady and no more.

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If Roberts is on 30K as some have speculated here then how much of a paycut is he taking to go to Rangers at what, 18K?

Ditto for Beattie coming here. Surely we'd not be paying close to his 38K price tag...

As per nicko, a guy at that age wouldn't take a pay cut, so we'd have to assume we'd be paying Roberts to compensate for his lower salary, as would Stoke for Beattie?

Edit: let's say Rangers would pay £750k for him. He has one year left of his contract, and would have to take a £15k/w paycut to join Rangers. Funny enough, we'd be paying him the whole £750k.

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Beattie for me is a middle of the road option , not as bad as some mentioned on here , not as exciting as others , Kalinic Beattie , Roberts and M B Diouf gives us variation up front and for around £1m it still gives us a little bit in the pot for a midfielder should Grella leave or another striker if Roberts goes

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i'd believe a rumour in viz more than the daily mail, scummy newspaper whos stories never happen.

Funnily enough some stats were compiled on the percentage of transfer rumours carried by papers which were true.

The Mirror came next to bottom, below The Sun, The Daily Mail and even The Daily Star, make of that what you will.

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Beattie for me is a middle of the road option , not as bad as some mentioned on here , not as exciting as others , Kalinic Beattie , Roberts and M B Diouf gives us variation up front and for around £1m it still gives us a little bit in the pot for a midfielder should Grella leave or another striker if Roberts goes

Blimey. That's far too sensible and balanced for this time of night. G'night.

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We should sell Brockhall (£££££) and rent a training ground in London. Then all our players could enjoy the bright lights of London and only have to come up north on match days.


Are you really from Blackburn or Buckie

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The worst thing that could happen now is we have Benjani and Beattie both on our books. Beattie would be better than Roberts probably.

this messageboard would get bloody next summer if we had those 2 jokers on the books a year older and after what you could only imagine would be injury plagued shot shy seasons, no sense in it especially no financial sense in it. Doomsday scenario would be grella still being on the books as well we'd be crippled.

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Funnily enough some stats were compiled on the percentage of transfer rumours carried by papers which were true.

The Mirror came next to bottom, below The Sun, The Daily Mail and even The Daily Star, make of that what you will.

Can you provide a link to this / where they were? Genuinely fascinated by stuff like this, fancied trying something similar myself.

The trouble with it is that you get rumours that are true at press time on a Monday night and fall apart by Tuesday afternoon. Not really fair on the reporter, whichever paper he works for, when you write it off as a lie without knowing the full story.

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Can you provide a link to this / where they were? Genuinely fascinated by stuff like this, fancied trying something similar myself.

The trouble with it is that you get rumours that are true at press time on a Monday night and fall apart by Tuesday afternoon. Not really fair on the reporter, whichever paper he works for, when you write it off as a lie without knowing the full story.

As you say, the figures can be hard to read with stories evolving on a regular basis. This link has the stats for the papers rumour accuracy for Blackburn though. LINK The Mirror has the most correct 'hits' for Blackburn by some distance. Give yourself a pat on the back Nicko. :D

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As you say, the figures can be hard to read with stories evolving on a regular basis. This link has the stats for the papers rumour accuracy for Blackburn though. LINK The Mirror has the most correct 'hits' for Blackburn by some distance. Give yourself a pat on the back Nicko. :D

Well done Nicko, think someone should forward that to the football 365 boys.

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