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[Archived] Summer Transfer Topic

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Good, measured, thought-out response to my post. Thanks for reinforcing my point.

Who says just because Stoke were daft enough to pay him £38k a week, that we will too? Don't think too hard about that... but just bear with me.

We know Rangers don't have a pot to pee in either, there's no way they offered him £38k. I'd like to think he'd be happy on £20-30k just to play for Rovers, somewhere he would be (mostly... :rolleyes: ) wanted. That's less than Roberts. Beattie has made plenty over the years, and even he'll be laughing at Stoke for what they paid him.

Long gone are the days we could dream of signing exciting superstars every single summer. There's a chance we may still get a little surprise or two before the window shuts, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and it's about time some people grew up and accepted what's available to Blackburn Rovers on our non-existent (in Premier League terms) budget.

You dont seem to be on your own, but a non existent budget that will pay out 38k a week for a has been ...that figure seems extremely generous to me and i'm sure it will to over 50% of the footballing world.

Anyone who champions Beattie or Benjani for Rovers, right now, in my eyes, is not a true Rovers fan, as all you do is do a great disservice to Blackburn Rovers football club and harm any positive short term ambitions for the first team.

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Yes, we're going to get relegated because we're adding an extra player to our squad.

Jesus Christ you're weird.

A donkey TGM a donkey dont forget.

Just know whats right and what isnt and stand up for it.

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So as a true Rovers fan JAL, you think that if we remove Roberts and replace him with Beatie then that is a step backwards?


For us fans Beatties strengths are in the air, Jason Roberts strengths are on the floor.

Anyone answer me this which way would you like your football to be played in the air or on the floor ?.

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What does Roberts offer that the other would not?

As a striker who, out of the two of them, has a better track record?

Which of those two is worth the larger salary?

Just re read the edit above rebelmswar think I answer that.

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dont tell me Beattie or Benjani is the way forward for Rovers FFS.

I certainly think, baring Roberts not leaving, that it is certainly not a step back. It could be construed as lateral side-step of a tiny foot forward. Roberts has been misfiring for seasons. I never have a bad word to say about the lad, but balls in the air is Beatie’s bread and butter. Jason prefers it to feet and then fires it wild into the crowd or a grass cutter into the goalies arms.

Roberts is a great man and a willing worker, but does not constitute the goal threat that Beattie does when it is lumped into the box. And everyone must agree that that is what is going to be happening quite a lot in the coming season.

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i wasnt just refering to the last few posts, i mean i general a lot of rubbish comes out of your mouth, stuff like Relegation here we come etc etc,

Your looking at a 4-5 goals a season man max take a look at his record. I take it you werent old enough when Roy Hodgson flogged him to Southampton .....because back then he wasnt good enough so now hes definitely nowhere near good enough now FFS.

Are you under 35.

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Your looking at a 4-5 goals a season man max take a look at his record. I take it you werent old enough when Roy Hodgson flogged him to Southampton .....because back then he wasnt good enough so now hes definitely not good enough now FFS.

Are you under 35.

like i say i want just refering to the Beattie/Roberts part, in general i mean,

dont even bother saying i wasnt old enough when hodgson was here, i wasnt old enough to see archibold and ardiles either, or at the full members cup final or even when i was mascot on the 16th april 1990 when jason wilcox made his debut for Rovers, give up mate, your just embarassing yourself

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Just re read the edit above rebelmswar think I answer that.

Okay I gotcha now, it is not the amount of goals or threat to goal that you are worried about it’s the fact that you don’t like the tactics that will be used with him in the front line, am I right?

If so, I can see one problem with that – we will play that way anyway. Wouldn’t you rather have someone that can perhaps do something with that type of play rather than one that seems incapable of slotting such balls home.

Roberts can make a royal nuisance of himself running with balls lofted forward to him, but when in the box and one pinged in at throat height he seems incapable of dealing with it.

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Stoke City 2008 - 09 League 16 (0) 7

Sheffield Utd 2008 - 09 League 21 (2) 12

Sheffield Utd 2007 - 08 League 36 (3) 22

Everton 2005 - 06 League 29 (3) 10

Southampton 2003 - 04 League 32 (5) 14

Southampton 2002 - 03 League 35 (3) 23

Southampton 2001 - 02 League 24 (4) 12

Southampton 2000 - 01 League 30 (7) 11

Southampton 1998 - 99 League 22 (13) 5

He got at least 5 in these seasons....

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outside the box JR is a power house, unbelievable strength and has a lot of plus points to his game, as soon as he gets in the box he just loses it for some reason, but in the box is where he should be most dangerous afterall he is a striker is he not?

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Bloody hell we have some drama queens on here! All we have done is swap Roberts (potentially) For Beattie!! A sideways move IMO which if Beattie is on less money than Roberts,will be a good move for all.

Out of the 2 players i know who i would put the money on with regards to who scores the most goals this season,and it sure as hell isn`t Roberts!! :rover:

Calm down dears everything will be alright!! :tu:

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