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[Archived] Rovers Takeover

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I am not going to argue the future is definitely blue and white under the Trust but there is enough evidence from their 20 years ownership of the Rovers and their pragmatic decision making on other assets to suggest it could well be.

Are you saying we will be sold? or stoping will the trust and there giving us money to spend?

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I am not going to argue the future is definitely blue and white under the Trust but there is enough evidence from their 20 years ownership of the Rovers and their pragmatic decision making on other assets to suggest it could well be.

Its all very well to go back over 20 years, average things out and conclude that the Trust has done a great job. The problem with that approach is that that level of even-ness just isn't there. The attitude of the Trust towards the club that existed 20, even 10 years ago isn't there now and funding has gone from generous to zilch.

Its hard to avoid the conclusion that BRFC is not seen in the same light as Flybe or any other of the Trusts assets because it doesn't make money for them. Its another man's hobby they've been lumped with and want to sell.

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Phil you've gone from believing that we are going to be sold anyday to now saying that sticking with the Trust wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

As 47er said we need to look at the last 6-7 years rather than 20. I just can't see them suddenly decide to back the Manager. They've missed that boat for the previously mentioned time period above.

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The future's not blue and white with the Trust in my view. If they really had the interests of the club at heart we would have Guti and Popov playing for us now. It would have paid for itself in place money at the end of the season.

As long as we don't go bust then future will always be blue and white for me. If a 'no sale' is the Trust's decision then there will be a good reason, given they have been trying to spin the club off for so long, so it would have to be a very good reason (that will probably always stay private). I'd think of a 'no sale' as a bullet dodged. We survive and life moves on.

I hated missing out on those players plus Lewendowski etc., who didn't, we obviously need players of that class. Still sometimes in life you take a punt, have a gamble. That's what the Trust did IMO, a successful sale may have seen a Beckham instead of a Popov. The exit strategy was a fresh investment in the next transfer window. That's hedging your bets. Selling any club/business needs window dressing, you definitely don't want to make big wage signings when you're asking some purchaser to live with your decisions, so you put them off and tidy up the finances instead.

It's hard not to share your frustration mate, it honestly is, but who knows what condition our future will be in if the Trust make a bad decision. That future would not be blue and white, we'd probably end up as old men reminiscing in the pub looking back with nostalgia saying stuff like "remember the Rovers", "I used to love taking the kids down to Ewood", I've got a signed football from Shearer and a great photo of me with great man" ... young barman replies "who's Shearer".

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As long as we don't go bust then future will always be blue and white for me. If a 'no sale' is the Trust's decision then there will be a good reason, given they have been trying to spin the club off for so long, so it would have to be a very good reason (that will probably always stay private). I'd think of a 'no sale' as a bullet dodged. We survive and life moves on.

I hated missing out on those players plus Lewendowski etc., who didn't, we obviously need players of that class. Still sometimes in life you take a punt, have a gamble. That's what the Trust did IMO, a successful sale may have seen a Beckham instead of a Popov. The exit strategy was a fresh investment in the next transfer window. That's hedging your bets. Selling any club/business needs window dressing, you definitely don't want to make big wage signings when you're asking some purchaser to live with your decisions, so you put them off and tidy up the finances instead.

It's hard not to share your frustration mate, it honestly is, but who knows what condition our future will be in if the Trust make a bad decision. That future would not be blue and white, we'd probably end up as old men reminiscing in the pub looking back with nostalgia saying stuff like "remember the Rovers", "I used to love taking the kids down to Ewood", I've got a signed football from Shearer and a great photo of me with great man" ... young barman replies "who's Shearer".

These are fair points though it wouldn't have taken much of the Trust's wealth to sign Popov and Guti and it would have made a world of difference to us. And, as I said above, place money would probably have paid for them anyway.

However I was responding to the specific point that we could have a rosy future with the Trust. I don't want them to make a bad decision, of course I don't, but I honestly couldn't look forward to staying with them.Their recent record speaks for itself imo.

However, like you, it wouldn't make any difference to my support for the club, just more pain to endure!

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Phil you've gone from believing that we are going to be sold anyday to now saying that sticking with the Trust wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

As 47er said we need to look at the last 6-7 years rather than 20. I just can't see them suddenly decide to back the Manager. They've missed that boat for the previously mentioned time period above.

No I have not.

I answered a specific point about what would happen if we stayed with the Trust. If there isn't a sale now, the club will be withdrawn from the market and very different circumstances will exist in terms of making decisions to put money in or not.

I still think a sale is by far the most likely outcome.

No U turn.

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Due to the many posts that seem to be inferring that a sale may not take place, I just thought that I would try and speculate possible reasons for the trust coming to this conclusion.

Jack’s wishes as laid out in the Trust deed may be impossible for any possible buyer to totally comply with unless he happens to be another U. Jack type fan. For instance, they may have to commit to backing the club consistently for a very long period of time and only be able to sell if they find somebody else who will put Rovers in a better or similar position. As we know this is proving very difficult now, never mind in the future. Most investors want an exit strategy in order to “cash in” their profit, which may prove impossible to do.

If the trust deed compliancy is not the problem then it must be the potential purchasers.

Syed:- He “talked the talk” but he may not be able to “walk the walk”. That is to say he may be unwilling to commit to his much publicized “planned expenditure”. Or it may be that the Trust has been unhappy with the answers to the questions of where his money comes from, his background and his alleged misdemeanours.

He sounds like he may have flattered to deceive and has been found out.

Mystery man:- Allegedly as well if not better financially well off as Syed. By all accounts this is actually a corporate bid. If this is the case then the only motive must be to buy to make a profit. The Trust may be uncomfortable with this strategy as they see Rovers not being able to make the necessary profits (even if expansion plans work-unlikely as it may seem) to keep the new buyers happy. Then what happens – they become disinterested and leave the club saddled with massive debts or worse put it into administration. Hardly fulfilling Jack’s wishes in that scenario!!

Shah:- Good intentions but again reliant on expansion plans working and probably does not have sufficient funds to back the Rovers in the long term. If as it is assumed he is backed by a consortium then it is notoriously difficult to keep everybody happy all of the time and where would that leave Rovers if he lost an investor along the way when the plans don’t quite work out?!! High risk!

Nobody it seems ticks all the boxes and all come with substantial risk to Rover’s future. It is no wonder that the Trust are having such a difficult time deciding on who to sell to or whether to sell at all, hence the rumoured “plan B”. However, even changes of heart by the Trust will not, imo, have much difference on the amount that we have to spend in the future.

The super optimist would hope that the Trust may take on board the best of the buyers’ plans and implement them themselves and see that it is worthwhile pumping significant money into the club again. But don’t hold your breath.

Whatever happens let hope they get it the big decision right.

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Thanks John for the superb Article which everyone should read who gets involved with this thread.

I knew Prof Cannon quite well in the 90s and his Everton-tinged report is 'machiavellian' at best

but he has a 'wicked' line in jokes and well worth inviting to speak at "An Evening with..."

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I think this article from today's "Guardian": http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2010/oct/13/liverpool-martin-broughton-hicks-gillett provides an interesting survey of the current Premier League position.

While, of course, much of it deals directly with the current state of affairs surrounding Liverpool FC [has there ever been a more auspicious time to contemplate our next away game?!], the author makes a number of useful points for all of us wondering [and worrying] about the future of This Great Club Of Ours, notably "the deals which are concluded are usually ones nobody talked publicly about beforehand."

For those with less time on their hands than I had to plough through the whole article, the final 5 paragraphs could provide an interesting summary of where we're at, both in terms of ownership of Premier League clubs in general and our beloved BRFC in particular.

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