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[Archived] Rovers Takeover

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I don't think we are any closer to finding out whether we will be took over then last week? I think most of us thought we wouldn't be takeover tomorrow but starting to think that something will have happen before December then the Trustees can decide how much to give Big Sam for the transfer window.

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very very quiet. think that those in the know dont know or they do and things are to sensitive. at least mikeb told us things even if sometimes they turned out not to be.

Because he made them up?

I can tell you that the club will be sold tomorrow and Syed Ali will be there on Monday handing out fivers, doesn't mean that it's true.

You might be hearing something soon.

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It's hard not to share your frustration mate, it honestly is, but who knows what condition our future will be in if the Trust make a bad decision. That future would not be blue and white, we'd probably end up as old men reminiscing in the pub looking back with nostalgia saying stuff like "remember the Rovers", "I used to love taking the kids down to Ewood", I've got a signed football from Shearer and a great photo of me with great man" ... young barman replies "who's Shearer".

As long as it's not who's Rovers? :lol:

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i have had a few posts removed, some for trying to keep things a bit light hearted around here, and some i have reported to Modes as a problem which i have been experiencing.

anyway, to go back on topic, there will be nothing happening today. The likely outcome will most probably be sometime in November, early December. That will ensure enough time, if the Takeover is complete, for Sam to sign a few players in January. If no takeover happens, then ill repeat what i have said, the club will announce that takover talks have collapsed after the January transfer window has closed.

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Given the mind-crushingly boring "events" of the last few weeks, sparsely punctuated by intermittent, and consistently disappointing, "updates", I firmly believe that a small dose of healthy cynicism is just what is needed on this board.

Does anyone really want 24 hour media coverage on the ongoing farce, as is happening on Merseyside?; of course not. Do we respect confidentially boundaries and the non disclosure of sensitive detail?; of course we do.

But 4 months of ongoing negotiation has resulted in a 3 sentence official statement for the club's investors and supporters i.e: Us.

I for one am extremely disappointed by this club.

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Consortiums headed by Indian tycoon Ahsan Ali Syed and Mumbai businessman Saurin Shah are engaged in takeover talks behind the scenes at Blackburn Rovers. A deal to tie up one of the bids could be completed within the next week.

Consortiums? Is this an indication that Syed is not buying with his own money or is it loose papertalk?

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Could be done in the next week !

From the link above in the guardian.

Consortiums headed by Indian tycoon Ahsan Ali Syed and Mumbai businessman Saurin Shah are engaged in takeover talks behind the scenes at Blackburn Rovers. A deal to tie up one of the bids could be completed within the next week.

Totally inaccurate, sorry.

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We'll still moan. But at least it won't be due to a tiresome lack of funds, tenaciously held by a group who are tighter than a duck's ar$e and don't want the club anyway.

Maybe I was being too cryptic, I was meaning that 'no change' was a more and more real possibility with every passing day i.e. to paraphrase your words ... it's becoming more likely that we will continue to be held by a group who are tighter than a duck's ar$e but now want to keep the club.

I don't agree with your characterisation of course but just trying to clarify what I meant i.e. things staying the same.

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