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[Archived] Rovers Takeover

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Guest Walkerite

I read today that Mukesh Ambani(India's richest person), has built a 27-storey mansion worth $1 billion in Mumbai. Hope this is one of the guys linked with us!!!!

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Frustrating wall of silence to date but only time will tell,we all know the consequences if we get this wrong.

Yes plan B kicks in.

EDIT: Ooops! Thanks USRover......I read the post completely wrongly. I took it as meaning that all the bids were rejected by the club.

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It is really frustrating watching at least two buyers battle it out for Liverpool to purchase the club. We are being sold for peanuts, £60 millionish with debts included? If someone really wanted to purchase the club they would have done by now I feel (but that is just the pessimist talking after a long day at work)

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It is really frustrating watching at least two buyers battle it out for Liverpool to purchase the club. We are being sold for peanuts, £60 millionish with debts included? If someone really wanted to purchase the club they would have done by now I feel (but that is just the pessimist talking after a long day at work)

Going to be a big week for the Telegraph...

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I have to say I hope the wait is worth it BPF or anyone in the know do we have a swing-o-meter of where the various bidders in the race to buy our club are cos the last time someone said:

1. Mystery Group.

2. Ali Syed

3. S.Shah

Also can someone please clarify Mr Shah what his outlines for the club if he takes over in terms of signings etc I know he mentioned about cross marketing has he hinted what money he would put into the club? Tks.

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I am not too sure about that now.

Without wanting to detract about anything Jack Walker did for BRFC I do think his intentions prior to his death ultimately have made Rovers a bit of a white elephant in that any sale is going to be completed and only completed when his wishes are adhered to.

I dont have any issue with that but Jack died at the time when football was nowhere near as big as it is now and indeed was probably beyond the wildest dreams of any owner of how big a thing it would be eventually.

My personal view is that we are stuck in the 90's with the way the club was being run and this isnt the way any potential owner would want to run it nowadays. This is going to be the stumbling block.

I dont know if the Trust are going to be positive about retaining BRFC and we certainly dont know if The Walker family wish to continue their association with the club. My take is that time has passed ands they wish to move on. In view of that I wonder if The Family could ever have an input and amend whatever seems to be the stumbling issues to allow any sale to go through.

I have exchanged some quality information with phil/BPF and kamy but for me I just dont see how a positive outcome can be achieved at this current time, which ultimately may cost Rovers big time (position in the league), the trust (sale for much less if we go down) and the fanbase who would ultimately and undoubtedly dwindle as we drop down the leagues.

Sounds rather gloomy but for me there isnt a positive eminating from within the walls of Ewood either on or off the pitch at this present time.

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And that is said with how much certainty?

I don't know what BPF knows but I have an inkling there will bumper sales of the LT in the coming days.

The people who prefer simple stories and get terribly wound up when real events happen or new information emerges in the process of negotiation and evaluation are going to be yelling "you got it wrong".

The rest of us will be happy about it but will have to remain patient for a few more weeks safe in the knowledge the Trust have OK'd a plan B just in case.

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I don't know what BPF knows but I have an inkling there will bumper sales of the LT in the coming days.

The people who prefer simple stories and get terribly wound up when real events happen or new information emerges in the process of negotiation and evaluation are going to be yelling "you got it wrong".

The rest of us will be happy about it but will have to remain patient for a few more weeks safe in the knowledge the Trust have OK'd a plan B just in case.

Correct, as always.

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  • Backroom

I have to say I hope the wait is worth it BPF or anyone in the know do we have a swing-o-meter of where the various bidders in the race to buy our club are cos the last time someone said:

1. Mystery Group.

2. Ali Syed

3. S.Shah

Also can someone please clarify Mr Shah what his outlines for the club if he takes over in terms of signings etc I know he mentioned about cross marketing has he hinted what money he would put into the club? Tks.

How can anyone clarify what Mr Shah's plans are when there is a total vacuum of any information whatsoever coming out of Ewood Park (and rightly so).. Be patient like the rest of us

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Guest Walkerite

In fact, that bored I will not now log in to BRFCS.Com until this is all sorted one way or tother.

Here here,I'm tired of the bum licking geeks kissing each others todgers. You know who you are!

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I don't know what BPF knows but I have an inkling there will bumper sales of the LT in the coming days.

The people who prefer simple stories and get terribly wound up when real events happen or new information emerges in the process of negotiation and evaluation are going to be yelling "you got it wrong".

The rest of us will be happy about it but will have to remain patient for a few more weeks safe in the knowledge the Trust have OK'd a plan B just in case.

Define happy...?

will we be very happy or just happy?

I'm happy that we have a football team to support,

I'm happier that they are in the Premiership

I would be VERY happy if we were in a stronger position than we are currently

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The rest of us will be happy about it but will have to remain patient for a few more weeks safe in the knowledge the Trust have OK'd a plan B just in case.

Ah, I see you've performed a complete u-turn from your long held "I'm 99% certain we'll have new owners by Christmas" stance.

I don't pretend to have any inside info on this matter but I really can't see a sale going ahead to any cf the current potential suitors after this length of time.

However if a sale doesn't occur in the next week or two I'm certain we will remain for sale, we won't be taken off the market and I would be very surprised indeed if any funding suddenly became available in January having previously been witheld from Messrs. Hughes Ince and Allardyce.

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Ah, I see you've performed a complete u-turn from your long held "I'm 99% certain we'll have new owners by Christmas" stance.

I don't pretend to have any inside info on this matter but I really can't see a sale going ahead to any cf the current potential suitors after this length of time.

However if a sale doesn't occur in the next week or two I'm certain we will remain for sale, we won't be taken off the market and I would be very surprised indeed if any funding suddenly became available in January having previously been witheld from Messrs. Hughes Ince and Allardyce.

As usual Philip's positioned himself so that whatever happens he can say he was right!

I hope against hope that 1 of the 3 suitors will end up with us. But I completely agree with you about the rest, if we don't sell, PlanB will be laughable amounts of transfer for the January sales and a battle for survival for the rest of the season. If still no action then we'll be relegation fodder next season for sure.

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I don't know what BPF knows but I have an inkling there will bumper sales of the LT in the coming days.

The people who prefer simple stories and get terribly wound up when real events happen or new information emerges in the process of negotiation and evaluation are going to be yelling "you got it wrong".

The rest of us will be happy about it but will have to remain patient for a few more weeks safe in the knowledge the Trust have OK'd a plan B just in case.

Philip, you're going to have to help me with all this. I can't keep up with all these messages with more than a whiff of mystery about them. Its like listening to bleeding Mystic Meg. Every message by anybody seemingly in the know seems to be worded to give the poster one or more get out clauses. I don't wish to offend anybody here, but these snippets are just not helpful. They don't give us anything. I've heard people saying they just want to offer up information available to them, doing us all a service. But i suspect some have gone power crazy. There shouldn't be pleasure to be had from leading people on a merry dance with throw away comments about paper sales, activity at Ewood, increase in catering staff etc...

I genuinely don't wish to offend any posters on here. However, for the life of me i can't understand how these posts help anyone. It only serves to get the poster some credibilty with others who cannot get through an evening without asking the usual abundance of stupid questions;

When will we be sold? What is Syed's plans regarding half time entertainment? Who is the Mystery man? Who is likely to sign if Shah takes over? How rich is the mystery man? blah blah blah blah blah!!

All this talk of 'plan B' is all very reassuring. I wonder which eastern block country we'll scout to spend our £1.5m the Trust are going to lovingly offer up. Ok if the current gaggle of buyers are less than genuine or whatever, it is good to know the trust are doing a proper job of checking them out. But lets not get carried away with ourselves. This plan b investment we are hearing of will hardly be astronomical.

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