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[Archived] Nzonzi

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I heard he got too big for his boots after him winning the player of the year last season which is why Big Sam dropped him this season and obviously if he's injured then it's going to take a lot of catching up to get back to his form from last season.

This might be a bit controversial but I really don't see anything special about N'Zonzi. I know he is a good player and he also had a good season, especially after being plucked from the second tier in France, but what makes him stand out (apart from the fact he's blummin' tall)?

I don't think he's an excellent passer or tackler, he's got great height and is dangerous at set pieces but apart from that I really don't think he's as good as some people make out and I worry that his opening season will be the best we'll see from him. Is it just a case that he's got the attributes to become a great player? It will be interesting to see how he develops in the next 2 to 3 years. I hope it's just a case of me not seeing him enough in the flesh.

What does everyone else think of him, especially those who watch Rovers week in week out and can see what he does when the TV cameras aren't on him?

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Sam picked Grella ahead of Nzonzi at the start of the season. When Nzonzi inevitably took over, his performances looked a shade off from last year. And now he's injured.

Olsson is going to really struggle, there are a lot of players ahead of him now - two Dioufs, Hoilett, Emerton. His best chance of a game is at left back.

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Olsson is going to really struggle, there are a lot of players ahead of him now - two Dioufs, Hoilett, Emerton. His best chance of a game is at left back.

Personally I wouldn't be too disappointed to see him there. He isn't the best defender in the world - but the pace he gives us - both at the back and further forward gives the whole team a different dimension imo.

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In Sam's Newcastle formation, Olsson would work as the left wing back, far better than Chimbonda/Givet in the same position.

Hate leaving Salgado out but ... and if Goulon can co the business as he has for the ressies.





-------- E Diouf----Dunn

--------- Take your pick

Edit maybe that's a bit better.



Emerton-N'Zonzi-Goulon- Olsson

---------E Diouf----Dunn

--------- Take your pick

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In Sam's Newcastle formation, Olsson would work as the left wing back, far better than Chimbonda/Givet in the same position.

Bit harsh to say 'far better' than Chimbonda, he was one of our best players against Newcastle. If Olsson could do exactly the same running as Chimbonda but couple it with actually having a left foot, then I'd totally agree. I think Hoilett would need to switch sides though, I think they're too raw to link together.

................... Robinson

..... Samba .. Nelsen .. Jones

Salgado ........ Goulon ...... Olsson

..... Hoilett .... Dunn .... Diouf

................... Kalinic

Something like that? I wanted to squeeze Pedersen in but I couldn't manage it. Also, I have no idea how to lay that formation out on paper.

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Bit harsh to say 'far better' than Chimbonda, he was one of our best players against Newcastle. If Olsson could do exactly the same running as Chimbonda but couple it with actually having a left foot, then I'd totally agree. I think Hoilett would need to switch sides though, I think they're too raw to link together.

................... Robinson

..... Samba .. Nelsen .. Jones

Salgado ........ Goulon ...... Olsson

..... Hoilett .... Dunn .... Diouf

................... Kalinic

Something like that? I wanted to squeeze Pedersen in but I couldn't manage it. Also, I have no idea how to lay that formation out on paper.

I though you said in the past you need two DM to cover the WB's when they go forward, maybe it was someone else. ;)

It does look quite secure at the back in any case and as we witnessed in the last two games we certainly get more men forward on the attack.

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Nzonzi just strikes me as an average player to be honest. Young and has potential but has so far failed to look as if he is contriubuting more that much maligned players like Grella. I was pretty mystified by him winning the player of the season. Robinson was a better pick, or Samba. He was not bad for us, but really have we missed him? If so what have we missed about him? I can't think about anything really.

As for formations I can't see why currently Nzonzi would get in the team. Jones looks much much better than him, Goulon waiting to get some minutes. However I certainly can see why Olsson would as we desperately need him overlapping in the new 541. Side I would go for:-


--EH Diouf---Jones-----Dunn--Hoilett




That is actually a not bad side with good width and ability to cause defences problems.

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From our current squad I would pick Grella but the problem is he is never fit – when he has been available for selection, which is a rarity as we know, Sam has picked Grella in his first choice midfield.

Nzonzi is over rated by many IMO – he had a promising first season and can be effective from set pieces which is obviously useful due to the way we play – however views over some players can be clouded due to the complete lack of quality we currently have in the midfield area.

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  • 1 month later...

According to physioroom we only have three injured at the moment, Robinson, Roberts and Jones.

So Grella, Nzonzi, Samba, Andrews and Hanley are fighting fit and raring to go.

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I've been convinced for some time now that there is more to N'Zonzi's absence than meets the eye. Something doesn't add up.

For me too. The last time i can remember a long "abscence" like this was Rosicky's "Back & Thigh" or Henry's "neck" injury at Arsenal.

A very vague, dubious "injury" for a good 6 to 8 months or so.

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According to physioroom we only have three injured at the moment, Robinson, Roberts and Jones.

So Grella, Nzonzi, Samba, Andrews and Hanley are fighting fit and raring to go.

grella, nzonzi and andrews back on the list.

grella - groin strain - exp back 15th jan

nzonzi - groin strain - exp back 15th jan

andrews - groin strain - exp back 15th jan

anyone else think all 3 having the exact same injury and return date too much of a coincidence?

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