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[Archived] John Williams Leaves

Ray P

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This is the same guy that gave Pedersen a £40k a week contract, right?

Yes he's been a steady hand for Rovers, but he's made some unbelievable mistakes. He's a big part of the reason why we have so many fringe players we can't shift.

....is probably one of the most idiotic posts ive ever read on this forum.


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Has anyone actually read, read, the official statement? Especially his very carefully chosen words. "New dawn for the club" "New order" "new way of doing things" "time was right to move on" That is not the statement of a man who's idea it was to leave. Stinks to high heaven to me.

Agreed 100%. I thought his words demonstrated no confidence in the new owners or their methods. In my opinion, John's bland non-committal words about leaving a club he has served well for 13 years is a damning indictment.

But there isn't much I can do about it, unless I want to protest with my wallett and stop watching the Rovers which I will not do. I have to content myself with the lame, personal observation that Venkys have not been covering themselves with glory.

I respect and admire JW for all he has done. I wish him and his all the best in his retirement.

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....is probably one of the most idiotic posts ive ever read on this forum.


I guess my post must be idiotic as well because i agree with Exiled.

The man himself admitted in several interviews, the LT being one of them that the wage budget was far too high and needed to be brought under control. Even the most ardent supporter of JW will admit his tenure wasn't flawless and that he did make some mistakes.

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I've seen some mad things posted on here but TimmyJimmy calling someone a troll just because they don't like the tone of his post is downright insane. For what it's worth, I've asked many, many times for proof of the rumours that things are going wrong in the club, especially from people like PhilipL. I've never had a response. I care about my club and watching one of it's best employees leave is hard to take. I don't know the reasons why John Williams has gone and I'd put money on the majority of people on this forum not knowing the reasons either other than rumour.

As for Venkys... I'm dismayed at the way Sam was got rid of, I'm much more dismayed at John Williams leaving. Legitimate questions should be asked of Venkys and if it was their choice he leave now. I think the fans should ask them. Venkys have been remarkably quiet recently following the conflicted and confusing press statements that followed their take-over. The sacking of Sam was poorly done and badly timed. The chase of Maradona was ill-advised (and silly) frankly. Same doesn't go for Ronaldinho as that was virtually all done quietly until the very end. The transfer dealings have seen Venkys put their hands in their pockets and we have some exciting players in the club for the first time in a fair while. So, while the new owners have put their foot in their mouths in the past, they're quiet now. They've done stupid things with Sam and with chasing Maradona but not when it comes down to transfers in. John Williams leaving is an altogether new thing and one none of us can truly judge but reading between the lines makes me question them some more. If John Williams left of his own accord or it was a mutual choice, fair enough and I'll wish JW all the best and many, many thanks for what he has done for the club. If not, then we have a right to be angry. Until we know one way or the other, opinion and rumour rule. As far as it goes, I'm not entirely happy with Venkys and I think that goes for a lot of us. I also know we needed new investment and they are it. They own the club. We're along for the ride.

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I would say that you can read into those words exactly what you want. "A new dawn" isn't exactly ominous..

"With our new owners the Venkys Group, I have no doubt this is a new dawn for the Club. There is a new order, a new way of doing things and I believe the time is right for me now to move on. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Club, its owners, management, players, employees and supporters all the very best for the future."

"New order" obviously carry negative connotations, but I think reading negative intent into the statement may well reflect the feelings of the reader rather than the writer. "..and I believe the time is right for me now to move on." is explicitly stating, that he himself came to the conclusion that his time at the club is over and as a consequence took leave.

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I would say that you can read into those words exactly what you want. "A new dawn" isn't exactly ominous..

"With our new owners the Venkys Group, I have no doubt this is a new dawn for the Club. There is a new order, a new way of doing things and I believe the time is right for me now to move on. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Club, its owners, management, players, employees and supporters all the very best for the future."

"New order" obviously carry negative connotations, but I think reading negative intent into the statement may well reflect the feelings of the reader rather than the writer. "..and I believe the time is right for me now to move on." is explicitly stating, that he himself came to the conclusion that his time at the club is over and as a consequence took leave.

Someone as eloquent with words as Mr. Williams would not use that many descriptions without a purpose.

He didn't say "felt" he said "believe" felt would infer - his choice, for his reasons; believe is such a clever word there. One can believe in the tooth fairy, one can believe that they are in a no win situation and have to surrender. Feeling it is rather different.

"New order" would not have been used by a man of Williams intelligence and P.R. smarts without thought, for that very reason.

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Someone as eloquent with words as Mr. Williams would not use that many descriptions without a purpose.

He didn't say "felt" he said "believe" felt would infer - his choice, for his reasons; believe is such a clever word there. One can believe in the tooth fairy, one can believe that they are in a no win situation and have to surrender. Feeling it is rather different.

"New order" would not have been used by a man of Williams intelligence and P.R. smarts without thought, for that very reason.

Surely 'felt' and 'believe' mean the same thing in this instance, that he thought it was the right thing to do. There is little difference in the meaning of either word when used in this context.

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Surely 'felt' and 'believe' mean the same thing in this instance, that he thought it was the right thing to do. There is little difference in the meaning of either word when used in this context.

When using those two words in such a context the gulf is massive.

"We feel there are Iraqi units in the buildings" "We felt that she was having an affair"

"We believe there are Iraqi units in the buildings" "We believed that she was having an affair"

Which one reads better?

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I`ve said it before and I`ll say it again, Indian chicken farmers and premier league football do not mix. The thought of where we might be in 5 years time is extremely worrying.

John Williams has done a fantastic job.

I quote Robbie Savage from Twitter

"John Williams is the best chairman I have ever worked with , he loved Blackburn , there's not anyone better. Hold your head high John!"

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When using those two words in such a context the gulf is massive.

"We feel there are Iraqi units in the buildings" "We felt that she was having an affair"

"We believe there are Iraqi units in the buildings" "We believed that she was having an affair"

Which one reads better?

Is this the kind of proof that is in the aforementioned PMs?

If so I can see why you are keeping it to yourselves.

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I`ve said it before and I`ll say it again, Indian chicken farmers and premier league football do not mix. The thought of where we might be in 5 years time is extremely worrying.

John Williams has done a fantastic job.

I quote Robbie Savage from Twitter

"John Williams is the best chairman I have ever worked with , he loved Blackburn , there's not anyone better. Hold your head high John!"

But chicken Farmers with sh1t loads of money and football mix pretty well, you can't say the last month has not been exciting.

Give them a break.............for now anyway.

Williams had to go one day.

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When using those two words in such a context the gulf is massive.

"We feel there are Iraqi units in the buildings" "We felt that she was having an affair"

"We believe there are Iraqi units in the buildings" "We believed that she was having an affair"

Which one reads better?

They read the same.

Both infer that there is no bona fide evidence or definitive truth.

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Is this the kind of proof that is in the aforementioned PMs?

If so I can see why you are keeping it to yourselves.

What PM's I have no inside knowledge.

It is my opinions that all.

Are you confusing me with Hughesy?

They read the same.

Both infer that there is no bona fide evidence or definitive truth.

Ok. My bad.

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Ok you be the first - this is not a dig by the way. Share with us all what is not right with the club.

As I see things at the moment, until I am told or hear otherwise.

New people bought Rovers from the trust who clearly wanted to sell.

Many on here told us to trust the trustees - so we did.

The Trust - who we were told to trust - sold to the Venky's.

The new owners, who were given the green light by the trustees - have come in and wanted their own people in.

As it is their money, their business, it is their choice.

They wanted a different style of football to what was being played under Sam. So they changed the manager.

Many moaned and groaned at first and ended up chanting "steve keans blue and white army" Sam had gone, people gutted for awhile, results and football style changed, Thanks Sam, but.As it is their business is it not also their choice who they have in the board room or who runs the club for them.

After the end of the transfer window many on here were happy with what the club did.

New owners spending in the transfer market, showing ambition etc, thank you new owners.

Yet less than 4 days latter, the mood towards the owners change.

I fully respect and eternally grateful for what JW has done for the club.

But new owners have come in and basically said we want to change things and do it in a new way, our way. Surely as it is their business and their money is it not up to them what they do or do not do?

Maybe it is a case of seeing again what the owners do now.

We all hate or take time to get used to change. But the club has changed, because the owners have changed, who have a different way of doing things.

The trustees put the club into the hands of the Venky's, They took the money and left and didn't even say anything to the supporters. They just sold up and left.

If I could still +1 I would. If it all goes pear-shaped then this will have been the worst thing ever to have happened to Rovers. I liked JW, met him a couple of times whilst waiting in ticket queues and he would stop for a quick chat with those waiting. when I had cause to write to him, even about relatively trivial matters like the water in the ladies not being hot, I always got an answer. However, look at other clubs. We can't carry on running the club as it's been run recently and expect things to get better. Things have to change if we are to remain competitive. Yes, that may mean higher season tickets. It may mean a lot of other things that we don't like, but if we're not even prepared to give them a go, the club will go downhill anyway. I, like most, like things I'm comfortable with. I like following a small town club in the big city league. I like the feeling that the chairman knows a lot to fans by name. I like thinking I matter to Rovers. But in reality other than as a paying customer, I haven't really mattered for a long long time, not even in the days when we stood on the terraces and players lived at the posh end of your village or town. Football has been a business for a long time. It's taken a long time for it to become the kind of big business, with the kind of big business practices that many of us don't like, but it's happening in evey sport all over the world. I'm really sorry JW has gone, and if he genuinely has been forced out totally against his will, then I'm even sorrier, but it's not unexpected, it's not life threatening and I'll still be there supporting Rovers for the foreseeable future.

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There are a few posters who are like the driver of this

- what train?

Has there been a fitting tribute from Venky's to JW?

Is it significant that Steve Kean is saying he had a closer relationship with JW when he was the club coach?

What happened to the statements about keeping the existing management made on 26 November?

After Sam left, JW's position is not in doubt according to Mrs D.

Can you trust anything these people say?

No, some of you won't see the train until Rovers have been driven into it.

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But chicken Farmers with sh1t loads of money and football mix pretty well, you can't say the last month has not been exciting.

Give them a break.............for now anyway.

Williams had to go one day.

Exciting? Bloody embarrasing. Getting linked with every washed up south american footballer. Bills of £21m for Ronaldhino! Beckham? Might have been something to talk about but the media saw through it and rightly lambasted the club. Our owner attended her 1st ever match this week. Probably had to ask what shirts we were playing in.

They have even stated their intent. To use us to promote their brand.To go in to a sport you know nothing about and get rid of the people who are experts is incredibly poor management.

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What kind of owner did you think was going to buy us? The Premier League changed football, not our new owners. If you want to grips about change, blame the people who sold not the people who bought.

Back to the matter in hand, long service senior employees in a takeover situation are always in a tricky situation. Your vast experience is only valued by the new owners if you go out of your way to demonstrate how that experience can be brought to bear on the achievement of their objectives. It has no value to them in isolation and can easily become a major irritant if expressed along the lines of, "That's not how we do things here", because the 'we' and the 'here' have changed and it seems that the old guard don't want to accept those facts. Many, usually most in my experience, do not want to 'get on board' and end up leaving one way or the other, many of them bitter about what has happened to 'their' company. Sad, but inevitable.

But if the new owners are not prepared to listen and tap into the experience of a man regarded as the best Chaiman in the premiership, first rule of business, look at what you have, speak to 'proper' people within the game, you would, if taking on an employee, take up references, find out what experienced people in the game or industry felt about the person. Venkys havent done this, they have gone about things like headless chickens (not a pun either) and I can tell you that they have been surprised at the costs of running a Premier League football club. If they were surprised, then they havent done their homework and neither have they been given the correct advice.

They have picked a deck of cards up and are systematically discarding all the aces, not a clever thing to do, this will come back to haunt both Venkys and our Football Club.

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I was in totally shock this morning when I saw the LT at work when i read that JW had left as chairman. Wasn't expecting that. He did GREAT as CEO and Chairman. keep ST prices low and cheap for fans.

I have notice that Venky's havent said anything in the way of thankyou for the great job he did at rovers. Tom Finn comment in the offical statement on the rovers webiste.

Who will take over now as chairman? Could be Tom Finn or somebody else on the rovers board.

Or could it be Jerome Anderson. Didn't Nicko say some thing about JA maybe could become chairman.

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I've seen some mad things posted on here but TimmyJimmy calling someone a troll just because they don't like the tone of his post is downright insane. For what it's worth, I've asked many, many times for proof of the rumours that things are going wrong in the club, especially from people like PhilipL. I've never had a response. I care about my club and watching one of it's best employees leave is hard to take. I don't know the reasons why John Williams has gone and I'd put money on the majority of people on this forum not knowing the reasons either other than rumour.

As for Venkys... I'm dismayed at the way Sam was got rid of, I'm much more dismayed at John Williams leaving. Legitimate questions should be asked of Venkys and if it was their choice he leave now. I think the fans should ask them. Venkys have been remarkably quiet recently following the conflicted and confusing press statements that followed their take-over. The sacking of Sam was poorly done and badly timed. The chase of Maradona was ill-advised (and silly) frankly. Same doesn't go for Ronaldinho as that was virtually all done quietly until the very end. The transfer dealings have seen Venkys put their hands in their pockets and we have some exciting players in the club for the first time in a fair while. So, while the new owners have put their foot in their mouths in the past, they're quiet now. They've done stupid things with Sam and with chasing Maradona but not when it comes down to transfers in. John Williams leaving is an altogether new thing and one none of us can truly judge but reading between the lines makes me question them some more. If John Williams left of his own accord or it was a mutual choice, fair enough and I'll wish JW all the best and many, many thanks for what he has done for the club. If not, then we have a right to be angry. Until we know one way or the other, opinion and rumour rule. As far as it goes, I'm not entirely happy with Venkys and I think that goes for a lot of us. I also know we needed new investment and they are it. They own the club. We're along for the ride.

Many were up in arms when Sam got sacked. Right or wrong on the sacking, we all have our own opinions, which we are entitled too.

Yet those same people are still cheering on the team, liking the style of football being played under Steve Kean.

Some didn't like the Venky's taking over, yet are happy with the players signing new contracts and the new players coming in.

Some posters change their views like the weather. I read a post the other day saying how happy they were that players had been retained. Yet that same poster says today it was all done to keep the players quiet.

My opinion is that when Sam got sacked, I decided to wait to see what the Venky's did.

They appointed Steve Kean - had no idea of his history. I again decided to wait to what happens.

The way the players started to play and the results were in my view a lot better under Kean than Sam.

The freedom that Junior and Olsson appear to have is very exciting to watch - something they didn't have under Sam.

Therefore I conside that right or wrong about Sam, the Venky's do appear to have made a good judgement.

Because what they have done is working.

Grateful for what Sam did for the club, but his replacement is doing ok at the moment.

Today with regards to JW - a good man, good at what he did etc, there are not enough plaudits to give the man. Venky's reasoning, at the moment unknown TO ALL OF US ON HERE. It is again a case of lets wait and see what they do next. Because that is all we can do, we have no choice in that matter. Its maybe a master stroke for all we know or even a disaster. Lets wait and see.

For a poster to revert to such things as calling myself or any other poster on here a troll because they do not like a particular opinion. Well a bit pathetic really.

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