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[Archived] John Williams Leaves

Ray P

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There are a few posters who are like the driver of this

- what train?

Has there been a fitting tribute from Venky's to JW?

Is it significant that Steve Kean is saying he had a closer relationship with JW when he was the club coach?

What happened to the statements about keeping the existing management made on 26 November?

After Sam left, JW's position is not in doubt according to Mrs D.

Can you trust anything these people say?

No, some of you won't see the train until Rovers have been driven into it.

And we are supposed to do exactly what? If it's my car and I'm driving it, then I can and will do something to avoid the collision. There is, however, nothing I, you or anyone else can do to change what is happening. If they decide to change our blue and white halved shirts to green or whatever, and let us know in advance, then we can protest. That will at least let them know what they are doing is not acceptable to fans and they might have second thoughts. However, the majority of us have no idea whatsoever what is going on behind the scenes at Ewood, Brockhall or wherever Rovers matters are decided nowadays and even if we did, there is little we as fans can do. If you want to get a group of like-minded fans with enough cash together and set up a club like Utd fans and Wimbledon fans did, then that might be a way of protesting. But I don't think even that would stop Mrs Desai and her advisors from doing exactly what they want with the club they own - it didn't stop the Glazers or the MK Dons owners, did it?

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There are a few posters who are like the driver of this

- what train?

Has there been a fitting tribute from Venky's to JW?

Is it significant that Steve Kean is saying he had a closer relationship with JW when he was the club coach?

What happened to the statements about keeping the existing management made on 26 November?

After Sam left, JW's position is not in doubt according to Mrs D.

Can you trust anything these people say?

No, some of you won't see the train until Rovers have been driven into it.

No doubt there is some truth in this, but people are also making up imaginary trains on roads which are clear.

Everything isn't all rosy but at the same time everything isn't all in ruin.

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I was in totally shock this morning when I saw the LT at work when i read that JW had left as chairman. Wasn't expecting that. He did GREAT as CEO and Chairman. keep ST prices low and cheap for fans.

I have notice that Venky's havent said anything in the way of thankyou for the great job he did at rovers. Tom Finn comment in the offical statement on the rovers webiste.

Who will take over now as chairman? Could be Tom Finn or somebody else on the rovers board.

Or could it be Jerome Anderson. Didn't Nicko say some thing about JA maybe could become chairman.

Dont say that, the FA would be spitting blood!!

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There are a few posters who are like the driver of this

- what train?

Has there been a fitting tribute from Venky's to JW?

Is it significant that Steve Kean is saying he had a closer relationship with JW when he was the club coach?

What happened to the statements about keeping the existing management made on 26 November?

After Sam left, JW's position is not in doubt according to Mrs D.

Can you trust anything these people say?

No, some of you won't see the train until Rovers have been driven into it.

Can you answer my questions first please?

We will come to yours next.


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This was always going to happen. Great man, great servant and its a shame that he has gone. But he has left at a time when Rovers can look forward. If had left a month ago then it would have been a disaster, but he didn't. Im not terribly upset at this as its hardly a shock.

I know Philip will jump all over this in order to score a few more anti venky points but the club is bigger than John. His contribution has been fantastic and its been great to have such a dedicated man at the heart of the club. But he was always going to retire at some stage. Venky's have their own ideas and so far they havent done badly.

People viewed the Sam departure in the same way and we came out of that. This has happened whilst the club has returned to relative stability. Our major players are signing new deals and new exciting talent has arrived. Lets not lose the plot.

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There are a few posters who are like the driver of this

- what train?

Has there been a fitting tribute from Venky's to JW?

Is it significant that Steve Kean is saying he had a closer relationship with JW when he was the club coach?

What happened to the statements about keeping the existing management made on 26 November?

After Sam left, JW's position is not in doubt according to Mrs D.

Can you trust anything these people say?

No, some of you won't see the train until Rovers have been driven into it.

We cant trust what YOU say. Your posts over the last couple of months have been suggestive, purile and biassed.No one is happy to see John Williams leave however you should be ashamed of yourself to use this situation to beat you anti Venky drum.

Previously your views were ridiculously pro trust they are now so anti Venk's that your opinions have to be disregarded, try looking at the situation objectively and it might be possible to take what you say seriously.

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+1 to Bucky.

Sam got an excellent compensation package and it was done very professionally and amicably- same with Williams, he has got an excellent severance package.


Although this is probably not where I should post it, I am concerned about all these excellent packages-remember Chimbonda also presumably had his contract paid up-and how they are being funded.

Are the Venky's using their own personal cash, or are they piling debt up for us?

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There are a few posters who are like the driver of this

- what train?

Has there been a fitting tribute from Venky's to JW?Is it significant that Steve Kean is saying he had a closer relationship with JW when he was the club coach?

What happened to the statements about keeping the existing management made on 26 November?

After Sam left, JW's position is not in doubt according to Mrs D.

Can you trust anything these people say?

No, some of you won't see the train until Rovers have been driven into it.

You cannot really judge anything on that, after all, did the trustees saying anything when they left. They just handed over the keys etc, took the money and not even a goodbye. did they ever communicate, make a statement to the supporters during their ownership of the club?

These are questions, not me having a dig etc.

It is possible the JW mentioned to MRS D that he wasn't happy having to sack Sam. Mrs D may have not liked JW questioning her choice - so a parting of the waves happened.

Maybe Mrs D considered that changes will be stalled if any of the old people from the old owners remained.

So the Venky's decided to come in and sweep out the old regime and start again.

May not be everybodies cup of tea, but it was and is their choice to do so. It is their club as they are the owners.

The Venky's haven't sacked JW - which is an important point - he has accepted a retirement package. It had to be offered before it could be accepted. Maybe the option was there for him to refuse what was offered. Maybe he wasn't happy with the role offered to him by Mrs D etc, and therefore accepted the settlement.

All maybes, I agree. But NOT ONE OF US FROM THIS MESSAGEBOARD WAS THERE when it happened. So to speculate, condemnd without knowing everything is unjust in any area of life. We have to see what happens from now on.

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There are a few posters who are like the driver of this

- what train?

Has there been a fitting tribute from Venky's to JW?

Is it significant that Steve Kean is saying he had a closer relationship with JW when he was the club coach?

What happened to the statements about keeping the existing management made on 26 November?

After Sam left, JW's position is not in doubt according to Mrs D.

Can you trust anything these people say?

No, some of you won't see the train until Rovers have been driven into it.

To be fair to Venkys; JW wasn't sacked. It has been his decision to leave.

No-one really knows why yet. But you giving it the big "the end is nigh" speech (again) doesn't really throw any light on anything apart from your clear as day bias towards Venkys.

Please, for once, just wait til you know the full story (instead of guess work) before you spout off anymore sh*t

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When using those two words in such a context the gulf is massive.

"We feel there are Iraqi units in the buildings" "We felt that she was having an affair"

"We believe there are Iraqi units in the buildings" "We believed that she was having an affair"

Which one reads better?

Sorry dude, but you're just arguing pointless semantics there and I think you're grasping at straws. Trying to analyse JW's piece of text in that manner is fruitless because it's open to many so different interpretations. I think there are too many emotive opinions floating around on here at the moment and just for the record. I'm sad to see JW go, but as my dear old mum used to say "All good things must come to an end" Thank you Mr Wiliams for all that you have done for the Club that I love.

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To be fair to Venkys; JW wasn't sacked. It has been his decision to leave.

He was effectively sacked because he was relieved of his previous duties and marginalised by the owners. It happens all the time in takeovers when the new management do not want to deal with the previous incumbents. Doesn't make it right though - it's Venky's loss.

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And we are supposed to do exactly what? If it's my car and I'm driving it, then I can and will do something to avoid the collision. There is, however, nothing I, you or anyone else can do to change what is happening. If they decide to change our blue and white halved shirts to green or whatever, and let us know in advance, then we can protest. That will at least let them know what they are doing is not acceptable to fans and they might have second thoughts. However, the majority of us have no idea whatsoever what is going on behind the scenes at Ewood, Brockhall or wherever Rovers matters are decided nowadays and even if we did, there is little we as fans can do. If you want to get a group of like-minded fans with enough cash together and set up a club like Utd fans and Wimbledon fans did, then that might be a way of protesting. But I don't think even that would stop Mrs Desai and her advisors from doing exactly what they want with the club they own - it didn't stop the Glazers or the MK Dons owners, did it?

The truth is they could change the blue and white halved shirts - we could protest as much as we want. But could we really do anything about it? No, just don't buy it in the club shop.

If they change the name of the ground from Ewood Park, again we could do nothing about it. It would always be Ewood Park to Rovers supporters.

The only thing that would change matters, would be, if they moved Blackburn Rovers outside of Blackburn. as then it would not be BLACKBURN Rovers. For me, whatever the name of the ground, colour of the shirt it is a football club, based in Blackburn called Blackburn Rovers. Who I will always support.

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I've seen some mad things posted on here but TimmyJimmy calling someone a troll just because they don't like the tone of his post is downright insane...

CrazyIvan, you are certainly not a troll, in fact I like your many contributions to this board and it is out of respect for that that I will respond. I don't normally see it as any part of my existence to apologise for or even to defend personal opinions that others don't agree with. However, here we go - there has been a surge of postings on here since the Venky takeover from people whose opinions I find childish and abusive. They specialise in not attacking the idea but by attacking the person posting it. I understand the term for that person on a message board is troll. It is in this context alone that I used the word.

From the beginning people on here have been privy to information regarding the bidding process and the eventual takeover. Simple as that, nothing more. With that information in their heads they contribute posts on a supporters board (by definition supposedly a collection of like minded interested people) to offer caution to counter certain impressions which they know to be incomplete or false. They cannot come straight out with it of course or someone could lose their job (oops there's a couple of coincidences).

The people I labelled as trolls were never interested in the information they were simply resentful that they weren't part of some perceived 'inner circle clique' that were privy to it and they decided to launch a sustained attack on the poster/s. Not once but over and over. If you want to check it out just one example try the postings of BuckyRover on Philipl (many other examples of course). Seems like ridicule to me.

The upshot is that at some point the poster feels forced into trying to explain why and how they know stuff, not the stuff itself. Well quite frankly they can mind their own business. How many journos reveal their sources? I and others cannot help 'knowing' stuff and I'm fed up with being goaded into justifying my existence on the board, just because I have information and they feel shut out because they haven't.

I always have the option to stay quiet and keep it to myself I suppose but this is a message board of fellow fans after all. If the trolls don't want to read it then that's what the ignore button is for. They should not IMO make up a rule for everyone else ie they don't want to believe stuff so they will ridicule a poster to shut him/her up and demand facts.

For my part I am returning to just being a reader of this board, I've clearly nothing to contribute that's worth taking on trust (oh by the way it seems OK to post 'rumours' but posts that require 'trust' are somehow seen as different and get flamed).

BuckyRover and his pals have won, it's just not worth the effort.

In closing why on earth do they think I or anyone else would get anything from appearing to be a know it all star on a web site? We only post stuff apparently because we want the approbation of fellow supporters yet we don't know each other so how does that work?

I have been close to the bidding process throughout, I know who all the actors were, their agendas and their funds and that's all I'll say on the subject of my knowledge base. BuckyRovers goaded and challenged me earlier into stating what I do for a living that gives me the right to post opinions/knowledge? Get real and who cares anyway, is my opinion only relevant because I have the biggest d!ck on the block. I won't be posting again on anything Venky related so I have nothing to gain from saying this but I will, my information is worth listening to because I'm connected and successful. I have made a lot of money out of my business dealings, I have houses all around the world, I drive supercars, in short I have all this because PEOPLE TRUST ME AND MY OPINIONS. Now, all together - "who cares" - and I totally agree, It's irrelevant BuckyRover, I'm a fan with a bit of inside track knowledge - end of.

Explanation and defence over. Troll I said and troll I meant.

I'll try not to let the door hit my a*se on the way out, to preempt a few responses.

For what its worth it is my 'opinion' that JW was treated terribly, it is my 'opinion' that Sam was treated terribly, it is my 'opinion' that agents have no part in the running of the game and it is my 'opinion' that matters could have been handled more professionally.

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Newspapers are suggesting Thursday was spent sorting out JW's compensation.

Compensation is not normally given to people who resign.

Newspapers suggest a lot of things...

I read once that, and I quote "world hide and seek champion found dead in cupboard"

Do you think that one has an element of truth in it?

All I'm saying is that people shouldn't jump to conclusions just because a newspaper suggested something. Wait til the full story is out then have a witch hunt if needs be.

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Sorry that's tripe and by throwing Troll about you show yourself up. I probably shouldn't rise to the bait but i've been fuming since i read your smug self satisfied rubbish this morning. Implying it's the fault of people who knew nothing about things is simply not on.

This. I tried several times to form a response to that post this morning and I just couldn't do it.

"I know something you don't, I'm not gonna tell you what it is, but when it happens I'm gonna blame the people I didn't tell for not stopping it".


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Firstly, may I say how much I admire the work that John Williams has put into the club. However, it must be the case that he was part of the group who was deciding who should be allowed to buy the club. As chairman he surely must have been, if not the Trust treated him with far more contempt than Venkys have allegedly done. So it could be said that Mr Williams is partly responsible for selling to Venkys, a decision with which I am very happy!

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A wide range of views and comments.

I am inclined to say that if he has been treated as shbbily as it is suggested its a total disgrace.

Maybe the powers that be can also sack Andrews in the same manner because he is in no way befitting the treatement dished out to John williams.

I am personally very saddened by his departure.

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