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[Archived] Should Steve Kean Be Sacked?


492 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Venky's Back or Sack Steve Kean?

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I have no confidence in Venky's finding anyone better so I hope they 'back' the bloke. I personally think that although he hasn't got us the points we had all hoped for, he would do a much better job than yet another rookie who Venky's would likely appoint after weeks of media headlines. I don't want to read yet more spam with big names for us only to appoint someone I have to Google to find out anything about.

I am shocked to see 85% on this poll want him sacked, I have more faith in Kean than our owners and surely that is the real question here.

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This my only hope too Paul.

But out of the current squad I'd only back perhaps Robbo, Salgado, Jones and most importantly Nelsen to give a flying s*** about our club. To a lesser extent Givet and Roberts, but you get my point. Samba as our Captain is a joke.

90% of them will not lose much professional pride over relegation IMO.

Unfortunately, too much truth in what you have said.

Think the spelling is incorrect.

Should be, IMO, Kean remains bullsh1t.

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Ok on a more serious note, could we not try to lure someone in with a heavily incentivised payment for keeping us up? I recall hearing Sam had a 1m bonus the year he joined if he kept us up. If Venkys are willing to hand a two year contract to a rookie manager surely they could put a large bonus in for someone to keep us up, with an option that the manager can walk away once the job is done if he decides he doesn't want to stay on for another season or more. That might be a way to tempt a Ranieri or Benitez, puts them back in the spotlight for bigger jobs, saves Venkys investment for another season and more importantly keeps us in the league.

I know the argument for keeping players settled and how hard it is for a new manager to come in but look how well Kenny did straight away at Liverpool. Yes Kean knows the players, but right now that doesn't seem like much of a positive.

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Ok on a more serious note, could we not try to lure someone in with a heavily incentivised payment for keeping us up? I recall hearing Sam had a 1m bonus the year he joined if he kept us up. If Venkys are willing to hand a two year contract to a rookie manager surely they could put a large bonus in for someone to keep us up, with an option that the manager can walk away once the job is done if he decides he doesn't want to stay on for another season or more. That might be a way to tempt a Ranieri or Benitez, puts them back in the spotlight for bigger jobs, saves Venkys investment for another season and more importantly keeps us in the league.

I know the argument for keeping players settled and how hard it is for a new manager to come in but look how well Kenny did straight away at Liverpool. Yes Kean knows the players, but right now that doesn't seem like much of a positive.

Think this is what most sensible owners and supporters would do.

Unfortunately, it looks like we are stuck with Kean for at least one more match and we have lost a great opportunity to give an experienced operator a fortnight's run at it in order to set us up for the rest of the season.

To be honest, this all gets worse by the day and increasingly, feeling for the club is being sucked out of many supporters. Venkys don't realise that if a manager loses the support, and evidence is that Kean has lost 85%, it's game over for the manager. Perhaps more importantly, whether we stay-up or not, it's almost certain that a wedge of support will have been lost for perhaps years to come.

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As others have said, it's now or never. Bring someone in with a very winnable game against Blackpool and our tails are up for the away trip to Arsenal. As it stands, we'll either get a win against Blackpool which will likely send us down (Kean keeps his job) or we draw/get beat, Kean goes and a new managers first game is against Arsenal with a completely demoralised squad.

The only way I see us staying up is to get rid now.

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Ok on a more serious note, could we not try to lure someone in with a heavily incentivised payment for keeping us up? I recall hearing Sam had a 1m bonus the year he joined if he kept us up. If Venkys are willing to hand a two year contract to a rookie manager surely they could put a large bonus in for someone to keep us up, with an option that the manager can walk away once the job is done if he decides he doesn't want to stay on for another season or more. That might be a way to tempt a Ranieri or Benitez, puts them back in the spotlight for bigger jobs, saves Venkys investment for another season and more importantly keeps us in the league.

Think this is what most sensible owners and supporters would do.

The link's broke from the steve kean thread but I've covered that....


Why are we having all these managerial names bandied about? Given that Alex Ferguson might not come the the best man for this particular job in hand lives just t'other side of Darwen. The Rao's would need to eat humble pie but they are currently between a rock and a hard place. Just ring Allardyce and offer him a massive bonus if he can keep us up. There is probably too much water under the bridge for a permanent position but needs must right at this time. There need be no interim settling in period cos he knows the strengths and weaknesses of every member of the squad.

If he could perform that cameo (and at the same time send Woy's WBA down it would look mighty good on his cv and would catapult him right into the frame for the England job which is his lifetime ambition. Straight choice between him and Arry with the Inland Revenue holding the casting vote.

The obvious and logical next step forward.

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I voted 'back' for the reasons already stated by several people. Namely,that any change now has absolutely no guarantee of success and could indeed back-fire spectacularly.This doesn't mean I'm unconcerned because I am,it just doesn't mean other people have the right to the moral high ground.

I believe we have enough about us to get two more wins and wouldn't be surprised to see 38 points being enough.We obviously then need to re-evaluate big time in the summer.

One other point,there's something of the playground bully about this thread;"Let's have a vote,but if you don't vote the way we want we'll denigrate you and demand you give your reasons so we can then ridicule you"...all feels a bit like McCarthyism to me..with a splash of the Salem Witch trials thrown in for good measure.

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We haven't won a game since January. Excluding Fergie and Wenger can you think of any other manager that would still be in a job after that sort of run?

It's all well and good in saying that the players might be able to ignore Kean and somehow keep us up. If we had a Bentley in the side or 10 years younger Dunny then we might have a chance, but the quality just isn't there in this side. Up front Kalinic I believe could get the goals needed for us to pick up a few points but how can he do that when he is on the bench?

I only way I can see us staying up is if we pick up the odd point (enough to keep the gap) and three sides around us completely implode, therefore taking those relegation spots. With the league being so close this year it's a long shot.

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One other point,there's something of the playground bully about this thread;"Let's have a vote,but if you don't vote the way we want we'll denigrate you and demand you give your reasons so we can then ridicule you"...all feels a bit like McCarthyism to me..with a splash of the Salem Witch trials thrown in for good measure.

I've noticed that there is a bit of that around at the moment. I might disagree with some people's views but there's no reason to ridicule or denigrate. There's a nassive lack of respect for people with an opposing view from some quarters and people need to realise that just because they hold one opinion doesn't make every opposing opinion invalid or wrong. A bit of respect (something sadly lacking in large parts of society these days) wouldn't go amiss.

Meanwhile, I can understand having the opinon that it's too late to switch managers. I think appointing one literally today is about the only way you could possibly get some kind of benefit from it as there's a two week break between games now. Anything later than that and it's really too close to the end of the season to make a big difference apart from re-appointing Big Sam as he knows the players and could get them going. That's not going to happen though.

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The link's broke from the steve kean thread but I've covered that....


Why are we having all these managerial names bandied about? Given that Alex Ferguson might not come the the best man for this particular job in hand lives just t'other side of Darwen. The Rao's would need to eat humble pie but they are currently between a rock and a hard place. Just ring Allardyce and offer him a massive bonus if he can keep us up. There is probably too much water under the bridge for a permanent position but needs must right at this time. There need be no interim settling in period cos he knows the strengths and weaknesses of every member of the squad.

If he could perform that cameo (and at the same time send Woy's WBA down it would look mighty good on his cv and would catapult him right into the frame for the England job which is his lifetime ambition. Straight choice between him and Arry with the Inland Revenue holding the casting vote.

The obvious and logical next step forward.

Yes, Sam's the best man for the club, you want him back, etc etc.

Does it take 500 posts to make the same bloody point?

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We haven't won a game since January. Excluding Fergie and Wenger can you think of any other manager that would still be in a job after that sort of run?

Steve Bruce. And he even got a new contract in the run.

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I voted 'back' for the reasons already stated by several people. Namely,that any change now has absolutely no guarantee of success and could indeed back-fire spectacularly.

But why stick with someone who has proven they can't get the job done? 1 point from the last 15! Even a blind monkey would get more points than that, probably still pick Keith Andrews mind you :unsure:

If you get in someone new there would be a new manager effect which would see us safe and a chance to reassess come the summer. Backing him will only make the task of survival near off impossible after we fail to beat Blackpool.

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I voted 'back' for the reasons already stated by several people. Namely,that any change now has absolutely no guarantee of success and could indeed back-fire spectacularly.

Eh? Thats absolute rubbish. How on earth could it 'backfire spectacularly' yeti dog? We've managed a rather fluky single point out of the last 15 played for, worst of all only one club (Spurs) out of those 5 actually above us in the table when we played them!!!! We are rock bottom of the form league now! How could that possibly worsen for goodness sake?

The disaster has happened and is ongoing. Any change simply could not worsen our situation could it?

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Reading the papers, is demotion really an option? (Can we add that to the poll by any chance?) I would have thought that any new manager would want to throw the bathwater out and bring in his own staff. Frankly, Steve Kean really only has one option at the moment and that is to try and pull something out of the fire. Is he capable? I guess we have no choice but to find out. I'd rather not though.

I didn't quite beleive the rumours that Steve Kean got the job by stabbing Big Sam in the back and I'm still not convinced he did now. I do think 'someone' did though and that 'someone' may have well helped get SK his job. Who would have stuck the knife in to Big Sam to the owners and had their ear? Who would have suggested SK for the job and pushed SK to take the trip to India behind JW's back? Who would have had SK in his pocket and beholden to him by 'getting' him this job? Who would have gained financially because of having 'his' man in position and by putting him there? All of this is speculation of course...

A very interesting piece of speculation that may be or may not be true-although I have a lot of sympathy with it.

However,in a sense it is of less importance now how he got the job than what he does next. I believe Kean has 2 options-the 2nd of which he will probably never consider. The first one is to carry on because he believes he can save us from relegation.I have no idea what he would base this on-perhaps because "the team are still with him" or because they were unlucky because of a last minute penalty or because they battered Spurs and didn't get their due rewards etc.

His team selections often have players in 1 week and out the next, or vice versa; his substitutions are often poor, his transfer dealings have been a disaster for this season, his "excellent" pressers are getting worse. In other words, I see no basis for Kean's confidence. I could be completely wrong.

His 2nd option is he could think about the future of the club if it were to be relegated-the consequences of relegation are unthinkable-and he couls resign.

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I voted 'back' for the reasons already stated by several people. Namely,that any change now has absolutely no guarantee of success and could indeed back-fire spectacularly.

I would say the appointment of Kean has "backfired spectacularly" so although there is no guarantee binning Kean will ensure survival what is apparent is that we continue with the present management we are heading straight down the plughole to the Championship. Changing bosses even at this late stage can work. West Brom appear to have turned the corner with Hodgson and Liverpool have revived under Dalglish and a new man still has time (just about) to save Rovers. That man of course just lives up the road.

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Yes, Sam's the best man for the club, you want him back, etc etc.

Does it take 500 posts to make the same bloody point?

I agree it shouldn't do Topman... But obviously it takes many more with some of the imbeciles on here.

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They can save the club then Kean and the Raos will go in the summer.......and I'm sure they will.

Why are you so sure?

The trust were looking to sell the club for years, where are the Raos going to find a buyer from?

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Think this is what most sensible owners and supporters would do.

To be honest, this all gets worse by the day and increasingly, feeling for the club is being sucked out of many supporters. Venkys don't realise that if a manager loses the support, and evidence is that Kean has lost 85%, it's game over for the manager. Perhaps more importantly, whether we stay-up or not, it's almost certain that a wedge of support will have been lost for perhaps years to come.

I suspect Kean has lost more than 85% of the people posting here.

A number of the ones in favour of backing him seem to be saying this is not the time to sack him, rather than being whole heartedly in support of him.

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Ok on a more serious note, could we not try to lure someone in with a heavily incentivised payment for keeping us up? I recall hearing Sam had a 1m bonus the year he joined if he kept us up. If Venkys are willing to hand a two year contract to a rookie manager surely they could put a large bonus in for someone to keep us up, with an option that the manager can walk away once the job is done if he decides he doesn't want to stay on for another season or more. That might be a way to tempt a Ranieri or Benitez, puts them back in the spotlight for bigger jobs, saves Venkys investment for another season and more importantly keeps us in the league.

I know the argument for keeping players settled and how hard it is for a new manager to come in but look how well Kenny did straight away at Liverpool. Yes Kean knows the players, but right now that doesn't seem like much of a positive.

Kenny knew the players though, the only ones who know our players and are available are Sam and MacDonald and, stretching it, Parkes. Anyone else is a gamble but not as big a gamble as leaving things as they are.

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