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[Archived] Alternative Vote

AV Vote  

64 members have voted

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Regarding the no2AV ads they are pushing out via Google seemingly everywhere today. Labour officially back Yes, so a whole "Vote Labour, Vote No to AV" campaign to confuse people seems rather unpleasant. I'm amazed Labour have allowed their name to be used in that way, to endorse something they are opposing (or they probably didn't, but by the time they got it to court, the damage would be done).


Bugger that glenn, I'm being subjected for adverts for Man United season tickets when I come on here. Now that is rather unpleasant!


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Bugger that glenn, I'm being subjected for adverts for Man United season tickets when I come on here. Now that is rather unpleasant!


Keep clicking them, every click costs the galziers money :D

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I was teetering towards voting Yes when I saw the headlines of the Daily Mail and the Sun telling me to vote No.

Central Office has been working hard to produce the "right" result for the Tories.

There is another way of looking at it: a Yes vote will strike fear into the hearts of the Tories while a No vote could damage the coalition and lead to an early election.

Win-win either way.

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This SNP surge in Scotland is huge, an end to the United Kingdom in the next decade?

Smug git that Salmond chap. For some reason I dislike him intensely even though I've never met him. <_< But no problem ....... Dear Scotland. Dont ask for any more funding, We are cutting the army anyway so you'll hardly be missed. You can keep that stone and in return make sure that you pay back all the monies that you have had from our taxes, don't ever try to get a Glasgow team in the Prem and just (Please don't use that word again) off. It'll be like parting with a tape worm.

Moving on to all this AV malarky.... I'd wager the results aren't even taken into account. Cleggs done his duty to the wets who vote Lib Dem, whilst a system from which they all profit will be retained. Job done and bear in mind turkeys don't vote for Christmas as a rule do they?

btw I intended to vote, albeit half heartedly but got stuck in the pub opposite the polling station and when I next looked at my watch it was 10.10pm. :rolleyes:

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I can't see having anything else happening any more. Even with Lib Dem support falling, people are so disillusioned by the two major parties and traditional parental/peer influence on voting is now so weak that huge numbers now EXPECT a third option in votes. Once there is anything more than a notional third option, we'll get hung parliaments again, just as we already have under FPTP.

I'll just have a little bet now that the next General Election will be a Labour landslide whichever sysyem is used. Biggest mistake the Liberals ever made was to get into bed with the Conservatives then not dissolve the partnership when their flagship policy on university fees was unceremoniously kicked out.

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Not too sure about that AI, many Lib Dem held constituences have the Tories in second place, a vote from the Lib Dems to Labour in these seats will ensure the tories win that seat.

One things for sure the Lib Dems are on the road to nowhere.

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Not too sure about that AI, many Lib Dem held constituences have the Tories in second place, a vote from the Lib Dems to Labour in these seats will ensure the tories win that seat.

One things for sure the Lib Dems are on the road to nowhere.

Irrespective of who got the votes in the last election the Coilition inherited such a crock of sh**(nobodies fault, just a worldwide problem) that the way out is bound to be unpopular. The best thing for Labour was to keep well out of it and therefore to be favourites to win the next General Election. The Lib Dems are doomed but there are many Lib Dem held constituances where Labour are in second place too.

Also it is well known that most Lib Dems second choice would be Labour which is why Clegg had so much trouble getting their members to have a Coilition with the Tories. With the benefit of hindsight it was the worst thing that ever happened to them.

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I'll just have a little bet now that the next General Election will be a Labour landslide whichever sysyem is used. Biggest mistake the Liberals ever made was to get into bed with the Conservatives then not dissolve the partnership when their flagship policy on university fees was unceremoniously kicked out.

How do you work that out?

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4 years is a long time in politics but I can see a Conservative majority in 2015.

It all depends on the economy and public spending, if the economy starts to boom and public spending is brought under control then the Conservatives IMO are nailed on for a majority next time around.

The economy will recover strongly at some point (boom and bust cycle), Labour have to pray it's not when this government is in power.

YouGov have done an exit poll on AV


Sun_Politics Sun Politics

YouGov's online exit poll on AV referendum - just released: 62% for No, 38% for Yes. No vote up 2% on polling day.

48 minutes ago

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4 years is a long time in politics but I can see a Conservative majority in 2015.

It all depends on the economy and public spending, if the economy starts to boom and public spending is brought under control then the Conservatives IMO are nailed on for a majority next time around.

The economy will recover strongly at some point (boom and bust cycle), Labour have to pray it's not when this government is in power.

YouGov have done an exit poll on AV


Sun_Politics Sun Politics

YouGov's online exit poll on AV referendum - just released: 62% for No, 38% for Yes. No vote up 2% on polling day.

48 minutes ago

Boom and bust is the worst kind of scenario that nobody wants and is certainly not an inevitable cycle. It will take more than four years to recover properly. Your forecast in my opinion is fatally flawed.

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Boom and bust is the worst kind of scenario that nobody wants and is certainly not an inevitable cycle. It will take more than four years to recover properly. Your forecast in my opinion is fatally flawed.

Don't tell me you subscribe to Gordon Brown's viewpoint that 'Boom and Bust' can be avoided? It's a natural part of the economic cycle, there will always be a time when the economy is flat then starts to boom and then drops off (more often than not dramatically). The cycle then repeats.

On the subject of how long will it take for us to recover and start growing rapidly again, it could take more than 4 years I accept that, but it wouldn't surprise me if we recover a lot quicker and during this parliament. Cutting the deficit instead of using high tax rises might see us coming out stronger quicker.

I believe your forecast of a nailed on Labour majority in 2015 is 'flawed', but I guess we will have to wait and see what the political climate is like in 2015. It's going to be an interesting four years that's for sure.

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Don't tell me you subscribe to Gordon Brown's viewpoint that 'Boom and Bust' can be avoided? It's a natural part of the economic cycle, there will always be a time when the economy is flat then starts to boom and then drops off (more often than not dramatically). The cycle then repeats.

There is nothing natural about the economic cycle, it is entirely man made. Of course it is possible to end 'boom and bust', it is 100% in control of human beings to do so.

Tagging Brown's name at the front was a bit of a cheap of way adding credibility to the post. Identical tactics used by the 'no to AV' campaign oddly enough.

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There is nothing natural about the economic cycle, it is entirely man made. Of course it is possible to end 'boom and bust', it is 100% in control of human beings to do so.

Tagging Brown's name at the front was a bit of a cheap of way adding credibility to the post. Identical tactics used by the 'no to AV' campaign oddly enough.

In a perfect world there would be no 'boom and bust' but let's face it the world isn't perfect and never will be. And Gordon Brown is famous for saying he had ended 'boom and bust' and look what happened...

"Under this Government, Britain will not return to the boom and bust of the past."

Pre-Budget Report, 9th November 1999

"Britain does not want a return to boom and bust."

Budget Statement, 21 March 2000

"So our approach is to reject the old vicious circle of the...the old boom and bust."

Pre-Budget Report, 8 November 2000

"Mr Deputy Speaker we will not return to boom and bust."

Budget Statement, 7 March 2001

"As I have said before Mr Deputy Speaker: No return to boom and bust."

Budget Statement, 22 March 2006

"And we will never return to the old boom and bust."

Budget Statement, 21 March 2007

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I remember well Brown saying it. It doesn't mean it's not possible in the future because he was wrong that time, though.

In terms of human civilisation, the economic cycle is a new and constantly evolving thing. I do hold the view that 'boom and bust' will eventually pass, but I'm not sure when that is.

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Tory vote holds up (and a net gain of seats) in England and Labour trounced in Scotland.

Opinion jim?

:D Very funny and totally ignores the real situation. LibDems, the Tory partners absolutely slaughtered at the polls as their vote moved to Labour in many areas. The Tory vote was always going to hold up as it is Nick Clegg who has failed the country, his party, his supporters and all who voted for him. People aren't unhappy with the Tories, they are doing what was expected, but the electorate are extremely unhappy with Clegg, a man who betrayed everything he supposedly stood for in return for a few crumbs of power from the government table. The LibDems won't be trusted again for a generation.

I don't often laugh out loud at a keyboard but I did then.

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