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Did the trust sack a perfectly good manager and appoint a complete novice?

No, they neglected one of our greatest managers and appointed a novice called Ince.

Did the trust sack two of the best administators around, and not replace them?

Sacked? I thought they resigned?

Did the trust know anything about football?

They knew they didn't want to be part of it, that's for sure.

Did the trust employ a single agent to manage their transfer dealings?

Have Venky's?

Did the trust release lies and contradictory statements about transfer targets?

What transfer targets?

Did the trust set completely unrealistic tagets ie. top 4?

The Trust had no ambitions for the club.

Did the trust have staff leaving the club as they were unable to work with them?

Different circumstances. The Trust inherited the club as Jack's will and testament, they didn't willingly buy the club as a business enterprise.

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No, they neglected one of our greatest managers and appointed a novice called Ince.

Sacked? I thought they resigned?

They knew they didn't want to be part of it, that's for sure.

Have Venky's?

What transfer targets?

The Trust had no ambitions for the club.

Different circumstances. The Trust inherited the club as Jack's will and testament, they didn't willingly buy the club as a business enterprise.

I think you've made some good points there, Toppers, and are undeserving of some knee-jerk emotive minuses.

I understand the points that you are making because some of the 'accusations' from Plastic were based on rumour and hearsay.

However, as with many situations, perception is reality. However, to compare the actions of The Trust to Venkys is both misguided and difficult at this stage. Since Jack's death and the Trust enacting his wish that the club 'wash it's own face', we were still treated to a lot of funds particularly early on, in the Souness era, even when it wasn't being spent particularly wisely. I can't agree that The Trust didn't have Rovers best interests at heart and no ambition for the club. It could in fact be argued that The Trust had grand ambitions for the club, they just couldn't afford to meet these with the money available. The Ince debacle has to go down to JW, his vision of finding the next Mark Hughes and his desire to put faith in his manager.

However it's spun, Venkys appear to have no plan and have set about making changes to the club too quickly. I agree that by the end The Trust appeared tom have lost interest but that was after 10 years and continued to fund the club whilst looking for a buyer. Venkys on the other hand 'appear' to have no interest after 10 months. It could be that they have a great vision for the club but they continue to say one thing and do another.

The Trust may have said NOTHING but at least they did SOMETHING...

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Dear Venky's,

I appreciate that it is important that we sign the right players and get best value for money on the deals we do. However there will be many disapointed Rovers fans if we sign just loan and free transfers this summer especially as we supposedly have at least £26m to spend. Now I accept that the agents will require some of this money and that you may wish to spend some of this cash on wages, which is fine by me, Im sure as you are hardend buisness people you can negotiate a good deal with players clubs and agents.

I do kind of like them new shirts though, Well done for that.

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Not wanting go back over old ground, but why were the questions now being asked of Venkys in such strident terms, not being asked of the trust in similar strident terms?

Seems to me that it was just a whinge back then, but now, it's an all in "out to get you" tirade.

An observation, not a comment.

Because the trust made excellent high-level management decisions. They appointed Hughes and Allardyce, 2 superb managers, and they corrected the appointment of Ince at the right time (after giving him a decent chance but not before it was too late). They also left most of the running of the club to a top notch chairman and MD who knew what they were doing.

Venkys have done the complete opposite. Sacked an excellent manager, replaced him with a total rookie. Sacked an excellent chairman and MD, replaced them with advisors from a "Sport Entertainment and Media Group".

Thats why the fans are making greater demands of them. Throwing cash at the club is the only way to make up for completely destabilising it, to almost disastrous effect last season and to potential disastrous effect this season if no improvements are made. They owe us, and its about time they paid up.

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Yadda yadda yadda

The trust did not employ any manager. And I see now that Williams and Finn were sacked in the eyes of the swivel eyed??

Yeah and they weren't sacked in the eyes of the willfully naieve. Superb initial argument by the way, although as this isn't a kids playground don't feel like you have to dispense your predictable sarcastic drivel every single time Venkys are criticised.

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I'm not a fan of venkys but the criticism is like a broken record.

The thing is, Im trying to be patient and trying not to get caught up in the hysteria and negativeaty which is apparent amongst a lot of Rovers fans (Including a lot of sane level headed ones now and not just people who come on here) but its really starting to worry me now as there seems to be one crisis or problem after another now and it really does look like no one is steering the ship and when Venky's speak they seem to promise good things but nothing ever happens. An old teacher of mine when I used to try blag him why I hadnt done my homework used to say, "Seeing is Believing." TBH I haven't seen anything to shout about but I have seen a lot of negatives over the last 7 months. The sponsorship issue worries me as does the like of signings and the people behind the scenes leaving left right and centre too. To me its all talk and no action.

I really am routeing for Venkys to do well and prove me wrong but I cant wait forever, it hurts to see Rovers appear to be in such a mess with a lack of leadership.

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The thing is, Im trying to be patient and trying not to get caught up in the hysteria and negativeaty which is apparent amongst a lot of Rovers fans (Including a lot of sane level headed ones now and not just people who come on here) but its really starting to worry me now as there seems to be one crisis or problem after another now and it really does look like no one is steering the ship and when Venky's speak they seem to promise good things but nothing ever happens. An old teacher of mine when I used to try blag him why I hadnt done my homework used to say, "Seeing is Believing." TBH I haven't seen anything to shout about but I have seen a lot of negatives over the last 7 months. The sponsorship issue worries me as does the like of signings and the people behind the scenes leaving left right and centre too. To me its all talk and no action.

I really am routeing for Venkys to do well and prove me wrong but I cant wait forever, it hurts to see Rovers appear to be in such a mess with a lack of leadership.

That probably sums up my feelings to Seggie.

I have no problem with them clearing the decks, that sort of thing happens in takeovers all the time. I have no problem with them sacking Allardyce, but the alarm bells did start to ring when they didn’t appoint a suitable replacement, but even then I was willing to see how things went.

Now we find ourselves in a situation where actions in the transfer market could not only win hearts and minds, but could also secure our long term future, but it seems they’re being found wanting. Unlike a few weeks ago, many clubs are starting to do business, targets that should have been identified are going elsewhere, and we are seemingly standing still. Now this wouldn’t have been anything out of the normal had the trust been involved, we never did business until the final days. But we are supposed to be cash rich this time around, why is nothing happening?

Venkys – You need to put up or risk losing the fans support for good, now is the time to act.

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I am becoming ever so weary of my club and all things connected with it.

I am generally a glass half full type person especially when it comes to Rovers, been there in the old Division Three and when the place was falling down, yet I could still be optimistic and bouyant about a new season.

I am now for the first time in in over 30 years hesitating about renewing my season ticket, I have had no inclination to nip down to Ewood and renew.

So many conflicting stories that don't appear to end up anywhere have eminated from the owners and management, that leads me to doubt their credibility. Multi £million signings to add to the squad to take us to the next level, we are no longer a selling club, blah blah.

Yet all we've had this close season is our best young player in decades being sold and the next one still not persuaded to sign a new contract. With still the same deficiencies in midfield and up front, with no leadership and heart ultimately I cannot see beyond a long hard battle against relegation, whereby this time around I fear the worst.

The time is approaching (days) gentlemen, to either put up, or shut up and ship out.

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I am becoming ever so weary of my club and all things connected with it.

I am generally a glass half full type person especially when it comes to Rovers, been there in the old Division Three and when the place was falling down, yet I could still be optimistic and bouyant about a new season.

I am now for the first time in in over 30 years hesitating about renewing my season ticket, I have had no inclination to nip down to Ewood and renew.

So many conflicting stories that don't appear to end up anywhere have eminated from the owners and management, that leads me to doubt their credibility. Multi £million signings to add to the squad to take us to the next level, we are no longer a selling club, blah blah.

Yet all we've had this close season is our best young player in decades being sold and the next one still not persuaded to sign a new contract. With still the same deficiencies in midfield and up front, with no leadership and heart ultimately I cannot see beyond a long hard battle against relegation, whereby this time around I fear the worst.

The time is approaching (days) gentlemen, to either put up, or shut up and ship out.

In the old days you'd have not known about the stories pissing you off today, most of which will probably be rubbish.

Get down to Ewood and buy a season ticket, at just over £200 its a no brainer!

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In the old days you'd have not known about the stories pissing you off today, most of which will probably be rubbish.

Get down to Ewood and buy a season ticket, at just over £200 its a no brainer!

in the old days we werent run by people with no idea or by people who spout absolute rubbish

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my brother-in-law put some money on rovers to go down last season and believe me he is a proper blue and white, been supporting them for 40 years. I would never put money on rovers to go down but if i wasnt a rovers fan, i would be very tempted.

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