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[Archived] Venky's are good for Rovers...

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... if we get relegated, that is.

(This is my 1st post so thought I would start off with a moan and then try to be positive afterwards!)

Don't get me wrong, I have been utterly bemused and annoyed by most of the decisions they have made since arriving (I don't need to list them as I am sure you can all recall). They seem to be incompetent and unwilling to take advice from people with football experience, other than Jerome Anderson whose input and decisions are equally questionable.

If the worst were to happen over the next two games and we do have to have the displeasure of playing our claret and blue neighbours in the 2nd tier of English football, we are now in a stronger position than pre-Venky's. The Walker trust were excellent stewards of Rovers but did not have the same passion nor love for the club as Uncle Jack. How can you ask someone to invest the required amount into something they do not really care for? You cannot really. I do not blame them for this, just think it was a bit of a shame it took so long to sell the club. I think John Williams needs to take a lot of credit for running the club on the shoe-string budget for so long. (On a side note, it really annoys me that clubs like Everton moan about not having money to spend... err £15m for Felaini is just one of a number of larger signings so shut your toffee eating traps please!)

Now that Venky's are in charge we are more financially stable and should be able to invest in the club in the summer whatever league we end up in. If the walkers were still in charge and relegation happens we would really struggle to get back into the premier league as player sales would be guaranteed with limited or no cash left to replace them. With venky's there should be some cash to invest whether we sell players or not (I am sure we will sell some should the worst happen btw).

So there you go, positivity from now on from me! COYB starting against Manure on Saturday.

"and its no, nay, never....."

(I am on twitter should you wish to follow - @pedebumchin)

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why do you think if we get relegated?, surely if we stay up we still have their investment.

Of course we will still have their investment if we stay up. I was merely saying that if we did go down we are now in a stronger position than pre-venky's.

The reason why I am not so positive if we do stay in the prem is because I think Venky's are pretty much useless when it comes to making decisions (i.e. Steve Kean's appointment) and think we will have another fight against relegation next year IMO. I do hope I am wrong though!

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... if we get relegated, that is.

(This is my 1st post so thought I would start off with a moan and then try to be positive afterwards!)

Don't get me wrong, I have been utterly bemused and annoyed by most of the decisions they have made since arriving (I don't need to list them as I am sure you can all recall). They seem to be incompetent and unwilling to take advice from people with football experience, other than Jerome Anderson whose input and decisions are equally questionable.

If the worst were to happen over the next two games and we do have to have the displeasure of playing our claret and blue neighbours in the 2nd tier of English football, we are now in a stronger position than pre-Venky's. The Walker trust were excellent stewards of Rovers but did not have the same passion nor love for the club as Uncle Jack. How can you ask someone to invest the required amount into something they do not really care for? You cannot really. I do not blame them for this, just think it was a bit of a shame it took so long to sell the club. I think John Williams needs to take a lot of credit for running the club on the shoe-string budget for so long. (On a side note, it really annoys me that clubs like Everton moan about not having money to spend... err £15m for Felaini is just one of a number of larger signings so shut your toffee eating traps please!)

Now that Venky's are in charge we are more financially stable and should be able to invest in the club in the summer whatever league we end up in. If the walkers were still in charge and relegation happens we would really struggle to get back into the premier league as player sales would be guaranteed with limited or no cash left to replace them. With venky's there should be some cash to invest whether we sell players or not (I am sure we will sell some should the worst happen btw).

So there you go, positivity from now on from me! COYB starting against Manure on Saturday.

"and its no, nay, never....."

(I am on twitter should you wish to follow - @pedebumchin)

What makes you think venkys will invest further into the club anymore than what they have done already?

Even more so if the club is not in the premier league?

If Rovers are relegated what evidence do you have to believe venkys will fund the club to enable Rovers to gain promotion at the first attempt?

If Rovers are relegated there is nothing in it for venkys. They would be - if not alreadya laughing stock - back home in India. This would be both amongst the sport loving people and the business people.

The only evidence I see is that venkys would do no more than what they have done for the club this season.

Screw up.

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We'd be very difficult to sell as a Championship club, close to impossible, so it might be in Venky's best interests to invest moderately to get us back into the Premier League. It wouldn't take huge investment in the Championship if the right players are bought (though Ipswich have spent £20M in the past couple of seasons and gotten nowhere...)

Let's just hope it's a scenario the club won't have to plan for.

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We'd be very difficult to sell as a Championship club, close to impossible, so it might be in Venky's best interests to invest moderately to get us back into the Premier League. It wouldn't take huge investment in the Championship if the right players are bought (though Ipswich have spent £20M in the past couple of seasons and gotten nowhere...)

Let's just hope it's a scenario the club won't have to plan for.

Venkeys?... best interest?... invest? They haven't a bloody clue. We'll never get back with that mob in charge. Kean's shown that he hasn't the nous to run a bloody bath never mind a promotion campaign out of the Championship. It is one mighty tough league to get out of. Ironically if we do get relegated we sacked the man most suited to get us back up last Dec.

More likely the Indians will flog whatever isn't nailed down then take the parachute payments and run for the hills.

Pedebumchin's either the biggest optimist in the world, the biggest fool... or he's on wind up. <_<

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Pedebumchin's either the biggest optimist in the world, the biggest fool... or he's on wind up. <_<

lol. I dont believe i am either

Venky's were quite open when they bought the Club, its a branding exercise for them (think Red Bull Racing in formula one). The EPL is the best and most widely viewed football league in the world and is superb for promoting the branding of companies. Therefore it would be in Venky's interest to invest in the club and get us back up to the premier league, that is the entirety of my point.

For the record I think Venky's are a bunch of useless muppets who haven't got a clue how to run a business, I am still astounded that they are reportedly worth $1.5bn because the business decisions they have made with Rovers are devoid of logic.

We would have been better off without them buying the club in the first place, but now that they do own us and reportedly have some cash I think that should we get relegated the chances of returning to the EPL are greater.

I am not a fan of Venky's and hope they (if they ever get around to it!) employ an excellent replacement for John Williams and, perhaps most importantly, let them run the football club. Or at least sell the club to someone who has a clue but that is clearly very unlikely!

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, but now that they do own us and reportedly have some cash I think that should we get relegated the chances of returning to the EPL are greater.

Where was this cash in the January transfer window when we desp[erately needed it ? Like many people I have serious doubts that this lot 1) have the cash and 2) even if they do that they are genuinely willing to throw it at Rovers anyway.

Don't be suprised if Venky's spend next to nothing of new cash in the summer and any transfer activity is by player sales.

And please don't call it the EPL - there's no such competition.

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Venkeys?... best interest?... invest? They haven't a bloody clue. We'll never get back with that mob in charge. Kean's shown that he hasn't the nous to run a bloody bath never mind a promotion campaign out of the Championship. It is one mighty tough league to get out of. Ironically if we do get relegated we sacked the man most suited to get us back up last Dec.

More likely the Indians will flog whatever isn't nailed down then take the parachute payments and run for the hills.

Pedebumchin's either the biggest optimist in the world, the biggest fool... or he's on wind up. <_<

What other businesses have The Raos owned Theno that they have deserted and run from? I am genuinely interested is your opinion based on insider information or just a generic opinion about Indian business people? Also wondering in what context do you continue to call them 'mob'?

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If Rovers went down no-one knows for sure what funding we would receive. However I guarantee that when Venkys were looking at buying Rovers, dropping out of the top flight and losing the £40million generated by the top league was part of the plan. Regardless of how rich they are, that would be a big sting and, now they know nothing is certain in football, there would be serious doubts are to whether they would bankroll a team enough to get the out of the Championship.

If we go down (IF !), then we would struggle to retain any of our best players and would only be attracting players from the Championship, Europes backwaters or journeymen. Getting promoted would be as tough for us as Hull, Sheff Utd, Wednesday, Leeds and that long list of other clubs that have fell by the wayside. When both City and Leeds went down a few years ago they must have thought they would be in a strong position to come back up and were probably installed as pre-season favourites. However relegation to league 1 followed.

Relegation would be catastrophic for our club, something we may never recover from for a very long time. As someone mentioned elsewhere, Saturdays game could well be our last at Ewood in the Premier League for a long while.

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let me say again, Allardyce's transfer list, was way too much(financially) for Venkys liking. Despite the big talk of Ronaldinho, it was easier to appoint Kean who they could treat as a puppet, and dictate how much he could spend and on who he spent that money. If we stay up, and they invest in a proper manager and players, then ill admit I was wrong about them. I'm not going to change my opinion and that is, that Venkys don't like being told what to do, or how things must be done.

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let me say again, Allardyce's transfer list, was way too much(financially) for Venkys liking. Despite the big talk of Ronaldinho, it was easier to appoint Kean who they could treat as a puppet, and dictate how much he could spend and on who he spent that money. If we stay up, and they invest in a proper manager and players, then ill admit I was wrong about them. I'm not going to change my opinion and that is, that Venkys don't like being told what to do, or how things must be done.

That does not make sense Iceman, Sam has worked under budget before, ofcourse he could do it again. Venkys have tried to sign Fabiano and Ronaldinho, they have spent 8 million plus on wages and fees already, I would wager that our budget this summer will be in excess of 15 million. Most owners dislike being told what to do!

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This isn't a business, ask Alan Sugar

Investment/business whatever you want to call it. The Raos have a track record of success and as the documentaries showed us are decent people who have done a lot of philanthropic work, use of the word 'mob' is baffling as well as a idiotic.

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Venkys are good for us, people need to look beyond thier opening months in charge and see the bigger picture. Since the beginning of Hughes reign in 2004 til Allardyce left we have been on a shoe string budget. Looking at free's and loan players whilst permanent deals were usually valued at 3 million and below bar Kalinic. I mean for god sake, after a whole summer looking for a striker we end up having Benjani on a one year contract, add to the fact that Allardyce nearly left in the summer because there was no money, for a English manager to consider leaving an English team in the premier league to go to Dubai or where ever just shows the situation we were in.

Venkys have come in and promised a minimum of 5 million every window, January is never a good time to buy, so looking at the end of the january transfer window bringing in Rochina and Formica on permanents and Cruz and Jones on loans in reality was a postive window. So looking at the activity now, Jones have been a success, Rochina could well turn out to be a real bargin, Formica cannot yet be judged and Cruz overall has been a disappointing. more goods than bads. they crave a "Marquee" signing for the summer and if they can afford it without putting a financial strain on things then why not, alas, our last "Marquee" signing of sorts was a 34 year old right back on a free. Kean has implyed the owners will back him generously this summer, they too have claimed the same, so for once, we could well be going into a summer where we may well manage to get our top of the list signings instead of having to make to with 6th or 7th choice.

People will retaliate to this by bringing up the "they sacked Allardyce, they brought in a novice in Kean". Yes in reality one was a big mistake, and one is looking as if it was mistake but Kean still has time to change that view, unless he fails to keep us up then it will be a shambles. But in Kean, we do have a guy who wants to suceed, we have a guy who wants to play good football, we have a guy who can become a good manager and importantly, we have a guy that the players play for, at least we are not seeing a liverpool scenario under Hodgson where the players couldn't give a rats ass about him, (Gerrard definatly missed that pen against us on purpose). Unfortuantly for Venkys these mistakes so early in thier reign has brought Negatvity, but what if they go the next 10 years without making any. Jack, as much as i love the guy, made two mistakes in not improving the squad following the title winning season, in which then signalled a decline, and then brought in Brian Kidd to replace Hodgson which in turn got us RELEGATED. Jack Made two big mistakes in 10 years, Venkys have made two in 5 months but could well end up not making any for a long time.

I know some people will argue against what im saying but personally im sick of all this negative crap every single time i come on this forum, we have owners who want to improve us on and off the field what is so wrong about that. Personally,If we stay up, which i think we will, Kean and Venkys have a clean slate to start again.

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Venkys are good for us, people need to look beyond thier opening months in charge and see the bigger picture. Since the beginning of Hughes reign in 2004 til Allardyce left we have been on a shoe string budget. Looking at free's and loan players whilst permanent deals were usually valued at 3 million and below bar Kalinic. I mean for god sake, after a whole summer looking for a striker we end up having Benjani on a one year contract, add to the fact that Allardyce nearly left in the summer because there was no money, for a English manager to consider leaving an English team in the premier league to go to Dubai or where ever just shows the situation we were in.

Venkys have come in and promised a minimum of 5 million every window, January is never a good time to buy, so looking at the end of the january transfer window bringing in Rochina and Formica on permanents and Cruz and Jones on loans in reality was a postive window. So looking at the activity now, Jones have been a success, Rochina could well turn out to be a real bargin, Formica cannot yet be judged and Cruz overall has been a disappointing. more goods than bads. they crave a "Marquee" signing for the summer and if they can afford it without putting a financial strain on things then why not, alas, our last "Marquee" signing of sorts was a 34 year old right back on a free. Kean has implyed the owners will back him generously this summer, they too have claimed the same, so for once, we could well be going into a summer where we may well manage to get our top of the list signings instead of having to make to with 6th or 7th choice.

People will retaliate to this by bringing up the "they sacked Allardyce, they brought in a novice in Kean". Yes in reality one was a big mistake, and one is looking as if it was mistake but Kean still has time to change that view, unless he fails to keep us up then it will be a shambles. But in Kean, we do have a guy who wants to suceed, we have a guy who wants to play good football, we have a guy who can become a good manager and importantly, we have a guy that the players play for, at least we are not seeing a liverpool scenario under Hodgson where the players couldn't give a rats ass about him, (Gerrard definatly missed that pen against us on purpose). Unfortuantly for Venkys these mistakes so early in thier reign has brought Negatvity, but what if they go the next 10 years without making any. Jack, as much as i love the guy, made two mistakes in not improving the squad following the title winning season, in which then signalled a decline, and then brought in Brian Kidd to replace Hodgson which in turn got us RELEGATED. Jack Made two big mistakes in 10 years, Venkys have made two in 5 months but could well end up not making any for a long time.

I know some people will argue against what im saying but personally im sick of all this negative crap every single time i come on this forum, we have owners who want to improve us on and off the field what is so wrong about that. Personally,If we stay up, which i think we will, Kean and Venkys have a clean slate to start again.

Worst post of the year?

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You'll have to wait and see, won't you? He/she might have a point or two.

But the thing is, people like me had doubts right from the off with this lot.

And then other people said "wait and see" despite the fact their press conferences were increasingly bizzare.

Then they sacked Sam who was a very good manager and brought in a novice. And we felt our doubts were getting proven.

Then other people said "wait and see" despite that. Some numbskulls even celebrated.

Then Kean produced two awful performances against Stoke and West Ham.

"Wait and see".

A couple of new manager bounce wins against dispirited sides meant very little, and then we were back onto form which will take us within an inch of relegation.

We can't change the owners, but we sure as hell can change the manager. We're fed up of waiting and seeing with him.

As regards Venky's, if they learn to stay out of on pitch affairs and appoint a half decent manager, people will start to give them a break. Until then, people will quite rightly criticise what they're doing to our club.

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Do you want to bet ? I would wager it will be somewhat less - by about £15m.

You also said we would be relegated, now you are saying no money will be spent, even though they have invested 8 million plus already and have said more will be spent?

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You also said we would be relegated, now you are saying no money will be spent, even though they have invested 8 million plus already and have said more will be spent?

I said there's a possibility we'll be relegated which might be right (although hopefully wrong) and I'm doubting (not stating as a fact) they will spend this summer.

Your defence of this "mob" (general term, not mafia) is very touching.

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