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Wrestling Entertainment - we know, you don't have to tell us!

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  • Backroom

The thing that concerned me was how long he was left left unconscious on the ropes seemingly ignored even after one of the wrestlers showed the ref, then how slow and underprepared the medics where, they seemed to move him on a advertising hoarding.

There had been another injury that night so the medical staff and stretcher were backstage working on the guy

I think there's someting already wrong when he takes the roll, then the headscissors isn't meant to send him out of the ring but into the ropes like Rey always does, he was out of it after the roll I think

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  • Backroom

The thing that concerned me was how long he was left left unconscious on the ropes seemingly ignored even after one of the wrestlers showed the ref, then how slow and underprepared the medics where, they seemed to move him on a advertising hoarding.

I think they initially thought he was just knocked out. They went to the finish straight away, but yeah, they didn't seem well prepared for what happened. As Tom said above, they were already treating someone backstage... but should really have had more than one stretcher and more medics available. I imagine that will be highlighted in the upcoming investigation.

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There had been another injury that night so the medical staff and stretcher were backstage working on the guy

I think there's someting already wrong when he takes the roll, then the headscissors isn't meant to send him out of the ring but into the ropes like Rey always does, he was out of it after the roll I think

Im sure there was already something going badly wrong, and im not sure if time would have made any difference in this case, but if it had.....

I'm not sure how often wrestlers actually get knocked out, but they really didn't look very concerned at all, even after finding out he wasn't feigning.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Backroom

Apparently had a fall and experienced complications in hospital. Kidney failure was mentioned. Whether this was a complication or a cause of the fall isn't clear. Poor guy.

You can see Cody and Goldust being pushed in a feud as tribute or something.

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  • 1 month later...

Piper was really, the big star or one of the biggest stars when we first started getting broadcasts of that wrestling federation, it was brand new to me, I watched another before of course but that was the big one, whatever it was called back then, maybe WWF. The big star along with of course, the Hulkster and a few others, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was the commentator along with Gorilla Monsoon. I think Jesse "the body" Ventura was announcing too and I guess he had to retire because of a bad back. Shocking news. Piper to me, didn't look like a Steroid user, you know, veins and muscles like the other guys so we will see. Maybe they all used. Rest In Peace.

Edited by Audax
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Not sure what it's like now, but in the '80s especially they were all over the 'roids. I read Hulk Hogan 's book and he basically said they were told (before much was known about them), 'take these, you'll get much bigger', they didn't ask too many questions back then....

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They're still juiced up now imo so add that onto all the other medication and pills they're taking for the pain etc, then you have a bad cocktail that doesn't do one's health very good.

Granted I haven't watched wrestling for about 15 years but look at the size of these guys.

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  • Backroom

They're still juiced up now imo so add that onto all the other medication and pills they're taking for the pain etc, then you have a bad cocktail that doesn't do one's health very good.

Granted I haven't watched wrestling for about 15 years but look at the size of these guys.

Many still use steroids but are limited to a doctor's prescription. Think they're allowed a couple a month maximum.

But then you have Daniel Bryan who's never touched them, but has recurring injuries to his neck :/ shame as he has the talent to be bigger and better even than the likes of HBK who trained him.

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Its ridiculous how many guys from that golden WWF period in the late 80s early 90s are dead or physically wrecked all for the sake of what's basically just a circus created for entertainment only.

One thing I liked about Rowdy Piper was that he just looked like a regular bloke, he wasn't particularly big or muscular, he was just a good athlete with a lot of charisma and personality

Edited by T J Hooker
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Piper was one of my favourites, and seemed to be better adjusted to the reality of the business than many.

Interesting article on drug abuse from a few years back :


Nice website, I like websites like that.

This one, if one is interesting, is kind of nice, a lot of "old time" articles on it and I mean, some of can be from way back.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • Backroom

So Hall of Famer Nick Bockwinkel has died :/

The Paris Attacks also (rightly) overshadowed a very important anniversary for me:

10 years since the death of a childhood idol. RIP Eddie Guerrero #VivaLaRaza

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  • Backroom

Speaking of Eddie, I noticed WWE were again using a real, tragic death to enhance a storyline yesterday on Raw, with Paige bringing up Reid Flair's death. I really don't see why WWE feel the need to do this.

Admittedly, I haven't watched Raw in months due to the overall poor quality of the product, but it's sad to see they still resort to this type of thing to get cheap heat.

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  • Backroom

Speaking of Eddie, I noticed WWE were again using a real, tragic death to enhance a storyline yesterday on Raw, with Paige bringing up Reid Flair's death. I really don't see why WWE feel the need to do this.

Admittedly, I haven't watched Raw in months due to the overall poor quality of the product, but it's sad to see they still resort to this type of thing to get cheap heat.

It's bloody annoying. The roster is literally flooded with talent but all being misused!

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  • Backroom

I would say WWE is close to 1995 in terms of creative quality. It really is at an all time low, which is reflected in ratings dropping dangerously close to the 2.0 mark. Smackdown is now close to getting the same numbers TNA Impact was getting during its Spike TV run (roughly 1.3-1.5).

The worst part is there is no sign of this changing. Seth's injury was a massive blow, but even he wasn't being presented particularly well as champion. Losing 3 times in a row to Cena was just pathetic.

On the plus side, I recently watched all of the Nitro's from 1997 on the WWE Network. A great time to be a fan of the product.

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  • Backroom

Cesaro won't get pushed as long as Vince is around, unfortunately. Vince has made it clear he doesn't view Cesaro as main event talent - mainly because he's Swiss, apparently.

There are rumours that Ambrose will turn heel and join the Authority in Seth's absence, leading to an Ambrose Vs Reigns match at WrestleMania. I can see merits in the idea, but think it's the wrong direction to go in. Ambrose is popular as it is, whilst Reigns is entering Cena territory of being both liked and disliked by certain sections of the audience. If they went with a heel Ambrose Vs a face Reigns at WM, I could easily see the crowd booing the supposed face and cheering the heel. Reigns would obviously be pencilled in to win that match, which would lead to a pretty weird ending to WM where the face has won the title but is getting booed.

The most obvious route to take would be Reigns turning heel and having Ambrose (or Brock) facing him as a face at WM. However, WWE have put a lot of effort into trying to get Reigns over as a face, and I can see them being as stubborn with Reigns as they were with Cena.

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