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The Kings Speech last night and really enjoyed it. I thought that Colin Firth and Jeffrey Rush put in good performances. I was surprised at how funny it was too. A really good show, but I'm not sure it deserves all the acclaim it's been getting.
Can't help but feel this undersells one of the best films I have seen in years. It's funny, sad, draws you in and tells a story on several different levels. The isolation of the monarchy from the country, a difficult childhood, the importance of friendship, the sense of duty to the country, the ifluence of the establishment and obviously the struggle to overcome a speech impediment. A fabulous film which left me with tears in my eyes and wanting to see more. />I'm not a royalist and knew nothing of the subject matter before going but I felt I wanted to learn more about George VI and his contribution to the war. Edited by Paul
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I'll agree with Paul on this. I went to see it yesterday.

It's a very "quiet" film, (nothing explodes and there are no car chases;) but it's very intelligent and often emotional, combining, as Paul said, a number of different strands.

I hope I'm not posting a spoiler here but I've rarely been so tense at a film as when Colin Firth as George V1 has to do his "we are at war" live radio broadcast.

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The King's speech was superb. Geoffrey Rush stole the show for me as Lionel Logue, he missed out on the golden globe to Christian Bale which is scandalous.

Like you Paul, the first thing I did when I got back what look up what happened to Edward (turns out he was a bit bonkers, but living in the Bahamas in near exile isn't too bad!), and of course to what extent the storyline of the film was true. I normally can't bear Helena Bonham Carter but found her quite endearing in this movie.

A must see.

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The King's speech was superb. Geoffrey Rush stole the show for me as Lionel Logue, he missed out on the golden globe to Christian Bale which is scandalous.

Like you Paul, the first thing I did when I got back what look up what happened to Edward (turns out he was a bit bonkers, but living in the Bahamas in near exile isn't too bad!), and of course to what extent the storyline of the film was true. I normally can't bear Helena Bonham Carter but found her quite endearing in this movie.

A must see.

Good though The Kings Speech is (and it is very good), I'm just back from seeing Blue Valentine, which I think surpasses it. Again like Colin's comment above, there are no explosions, car chases, robots shooting each other - just two ordinary people falling into and out of love. Some others who I know have seen it have found some scenes almost too painful to watch. I didn't really feel that but there is real emotion there.

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Watched "The A Team" - threw up in my mouth.

Watched "Day of the Dead" remake - contemplated suicide.

Watched "Friday the 13th" remake - decided that hell would not be that bad as I am there already.

Watched "Dawn of the Dead" 1978 - felt better about living.

Long flight made even longer.

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OK that's Saturday night organised then!

I'm flattered Paul! I was going to say that you need to book if you're going to the Cornerhouse but I see it's on locally from tomorrow. I would avoid the Cornerhouse for this because it was in the smallest screen (3), which is not much bigger than my front room and it was packed on Tuesday night.

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The A-Team was quite good, I thought, funny at times and enjoyably forgettable.

Rebelmswar - don't watch the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. I think that would finish off your those remaining remants of your will to live.

The A-Team..... they killed the van. A tear came to my eye.

I will stay clear for awhile - there are only so many remakes that one can take.

If things continue like they are they will be making a remake of Die Hard 2, and that would be paramount to blasphemy.

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Sounds similar in some ways to that Jack Nicholson movie, About Schmidt?

Quite possibly the most boringest movie ever ever made.

Perhaps I'm not in its niche market audience of people on their death bed about to expire.

A Team - nowhere near as much fun as the original, or maybe that's just me being

sentimental? It was OK, but as has been said, entirely forgettable.

And whoever plays BA ain't **** compared to Mr T.

Edited by Bryan
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Watched 'Green Zone' last night, a bit predictable but enjoyed it. Hoping to catch Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes effort tonight, or maybe The Book Of Eli. Trying to get through some of the stuff on my Sky+!

Edited by MarkBRFC71
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Has anyone seen four lions? Odd film not sure if it was any good or not yet

I found it brilliant. One of the best films I've seen in recent years.

I understand why some people feel uncomfortable with the fact that such a delicate subject matter is handled through comedy, but if you stop asking yourself "is it ok for me to find this funny" then it's fantastic.

That's not to say it's "Carry On Suicide Bombing", it's a very dark, it'll tug on your heart strings, it may even make you think about situations you've never stopped to consider before and it does feel odd that you can be holding back tears of sadness in one scene, then holding back tears of laughter he next.

The Trailer (NSFW - contains naughty words)

Kermode (the only movie reviewwer worth giving a damn about) reviews it and tries to explain the comedy/tragedy tightrope it walks.

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I found it funny especially the White guy and the guy from phonejacker its just odd because they make the guys likeable somehow

I think that's the point of the film, you don't see four suicide bombers, you see four normal* lads with a daft idea in their heads (and unlike Kermode, I think it's important that it's never tries explain where their belief in "Rubber Dinghy Rapids" comes from). Just every day guys that think they can take a short cut to something good.

(Well, by normal I mean like lads you've come across, they all abnormally stupid in their own way).

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I found it brilliant. One of the best films I've seen in recent years.

I understand why some people feel uncomfortable with the fact that such a delicate subject matter is handled through comedy, but if you stop asking yourself "is it ok for me to find this funny" then it's fantastic.

That's not to say it's "Carry On Suicide Bombing", it's a very dark, it'll tug on your heart strings, it may even make you think about situations you've never stopped to consider before and it does feel odd that you can be holding back tears of sadness in one scene, then holding back tears of laughter he next.

I think that hits the nail bang on the head there, the wife although she found some bits funny didn't enjoy it, a lot due to the main character being so normal around his young son etc, which really I suppose is the whole point. I think if they didn't make some of the comedy so absurb it couldn't have worked nearly as well as a package.

I loved the opening scene with him holding a minature replica AK47, brilliant.

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