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Just watched Warrior on the recommendation of a few different people. The plot is flimsy, cliché ridden and telegraphed, even Nick Nolte doing his best Nick Nolte impression can't save it. To say there are threads left untied is an understatement and the number of conceits that go virtually unchallenged is unbelievable. I suspect most of it's appeal is a permanently sweaty Tom Hardy is the main attraction for most people. Even Rocky I had more storyline.

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Praise be.

Just managed to download Episodes IV to VI WITHOUT Lucas's annoying add ons. Exactly the way they were released :)

If anyone wants the details inbox me.

This is the version you need http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Harmys-STAR-WARS-Despecialized-Edition-HD-V25-MKV-IS-OUT-NOW/topic/12713/

Tried watching Interstellar last night but my "copy" failed with 30 minutes to go. Can't say it's over exciting so far and what is it with the crap A.I. robots? I think the original Marvin from the BBC Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was almost on a par!

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This is the version you need http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Harmys-STAR-WARS-Despecialized-Edition-HD-V25-MKV-IS-OUT-NOW/topic/12713/

Tried watching Interstellar last night but my "copy" failed with 30 minutes to go. Can't say it's over exciting so far and what is it with the crap A.I. robots? I think the original Marvin from the BBC Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was almost on a par!

Wouldn't worry too much about interstellar, starts off ok and gets badly worse toward the end.

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I do love a good documentary, especially when it's on a conspiracy theory so tonight I wasn't let down.

Soaked In Blood

P.I. who was originally paid by Courtney Love to investigate Kurt Cobain's disappearance, makes it obvious he's convinced (with good reason) it wasn't suicide and that Love conspired with others to murder Cobain.

The acted scenes are unnecessary and it rare digs deeper than his own evidence and the of a former police chief and a forensics expert who both admit it wasn't investigate properly, but the fact that this guy recorded every conversation so we get to hear Love and others own words add some real weight to it.

I'd need to hear the other side of the story to be convinced, but there is a lot for actual evidence (rather than the usual supposition and theorising passed off as evidence that conspiracy films are often built around) in the form of recordings to go at here.

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Has anybody watched Tusk (2014) directed by Kevin Smith .

Quite a shallow but strange plot based on a gumtree ad mentioned in one of Smith's podcasts. Knew nothing of the film previously and it came on one of the movie channels, quite dark humour and at the end left me thinking WTF ,it was either quietly brilliant or downright crap.

Michael Parks plays his part well and there is a cameo from Johnny Depp which personally thought didn't work

Would advise not to read about the film before watching as it will spoil the strangeness

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I thought it was ok for what it was up until johnny depp showed up and the film fell apart, its similar to the human centipede just not as well made(considering they are both small budget indie horror films) kevin smiths a good writer but he's a pretty poor director in my opinion.

If you like Michael park you should watch smiths last film 'red state' park is great in that and i actually liked that film a fair bit(apart from the stupid final scene that smith addded which ruined everything that came before it)

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A few recent and quick reviews, without spoilers...

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

Saw it at IMAX. Amazing stunt work from Tom Cruise! He is still as talented as ever. The old ones are the best. Simon Pegg once again adds elements of light-heartedness to it. Not as good as Ghost Protocol in my opinion but something that has to be seen.


Crazy movie about 100% use of the human brain. Not for the logical-minded. First 30 minutes is thriller-gripping, and then it just goes off on one for the last hour. Hard to keep track of the "what" and the "why". Worth a watch given that it's less than 90 minutes long and features Scarlett Johansson.

The Equalizer

To me, Denzel's BEST performance. Fantastic thriller/action with a cool character that was easy to relate to. Kept me gripped for the whole movie. Thrillertastic. Keep your wits about you next time you're in B&Q.

Galaxy Quest

Geeky, fairly funny... Just a fun movie for the sci-fi geek. Great cast including Sigourney and Alan Rickman. I'd be interested to compare it to Spaceballs, which I hear isn't as funny.

Jurassic World

The second-best of the franchise. I think it's as good as it could've been, but was never ever going to capture the original novelty of the first movie. The best bit about it? Their website!

Into the Storm

Switched it off after 10 minutes.

Got a number lined up to watch that I haven't seen: American Hustle, Fury, The Maze Runner, Robocop (1987), As Above So Below, Zombeavers...

Re Jurassic World, I was suitably impressed too I must say. More so than I expected to be! That final fight was really fun I thought, though VERY predictable as to what was going to happen.

As Above So Below, saw it a few months ago, nothing special. It's just your usual bog standard suspense/jump scare film, though it does take a quite unusual turn late on. All in all worth a watch. Just.

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A few recent and quick reviews, without spoilers...

The Equalizer

To me, Denzel's BEST performance. Fantastic thriller/action with a cool character that was easy to relate to. Kept me gripped for the whole movie. Thrillertastic. Keep your wits about you next time you're in B&Q.

Brilliant film, have you seen John Wick ?

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I adore both Galaxy Quest and Space Balls, but they are very very different types of comedy. One is loosely a Star Trek fandom parody and the other a Star Wars parody is pretty much all they have in common. Spaceballs is typical Mel Brooks, anything for a laugh, no matter how childish and nonsensical (that's not a criticism, I love childish humour) where as Galaxy Quest is much more "what would happen if Star Trek actors had to do it all for real" where the gags are a little cleverer but not as frequent. But then Galaxy Quest has Alan Rickman being very very funny, which I just can't get enough of.

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Finally finished Interstellar tonight - Meh. And I thought I'd completed the top 50 of the IMDB list but no, people have voted Inside Out up there and I haven't see that yet.

Also watched American Sniper and thought it was much better than I thought it would be.

Inside Out is a typically charming Pixar film, buy I admit I found the final 10mins the best part.

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Sorry phil :unsure: ​Im not knocking the equalizer, it was a solid entertaining film(and I'm looking forward to the sequel that's currently in the works) but I thought Denzel Washington was just in autopilot for that role, that said Washington in autopilot is still better than most actors on their best days, Have you seen him in 'training day' 'Malcolm X' 'American gangster' to name just a few of his best performances(training day was him at his very best though I think)

a couple of my personal faveorite Washington films(though not particularly great films) 'Ricochet' and 'for queen and country'

Also I noticed you have the original Robocop on your 'to watch' list, have you really never seen it before? you're really in for a treat if you haven't, such an iconic badass film, some might say the fx don't hold up, but I'm not havin that, I'll take stop motion and animatronic effects over cg any day of the week.

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I listen to a lot of podcasts during the day whilst working, I mainly prefer movie discussion podcasts(not Kermode&Mayo though, gone of them big time) I just recently started listening to 'the projection booth' podcasts(http://projection-booth.blogspot.co.uk/)

, the projection booth podcasts are really in depth, well produced and have some really good informative interviews with people connected to eacg episodes chosen film inserted into theme between the discussion.

also not totally film related but I listen to Chris Hardwick(and his sisterwifes!) 'the nerdist' podcast (http://nerdist.com/podcasts/nerdist-podcast-channel/)pretty religiously(although I do skip the odd episode if I have 100% no idea who the guest is)

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

I'm not usually a big film person, but I enjoyed this a lot. The film is set during the 'Cold War' era, with secret service agents from the U.S. and U.S.S.R., being forced to work together by their organisations. They are attempting to stop a nuclear bomb from being set off. As you could probably guess, there are many moments during the film, in which the two agents clash over how best to deal with a problem. It's quite light hearted too.... Well worth a watch if you get chance!

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Watched Robot Overlords last night which is a strange British Sci-Fi film. It was OK, nothing special. Sir Ben Kingsley dialling it in for no real reason I can fathom and Gillian Anderson looking as hot as ever. Wouldn't watch it again.

Also finally watched Age of Ultron which I found far more enjoyable than the reviews were making out. Granted I just enjoy this genre so I was probably always going to enjoy it.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

I'm not usually a big film person, but I enjoyed this a lot. The film is set during the 'Cold War' era, with secret service agents from the U.S. and U.S.S.R., being forced to work together by their organisations. They are attempting to stop a nuclear bomb from being set off. As you could probably guess, there are many moments during the film, in which the two agents clash over how best to deal with a problem. It's quite light hearted too.... Well worth a watch if you get chance!

It's good but prefer the original tv series with Robert Vaughan

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I got around to watching avengers 2 last night, not bad, just very forgettable, there was about 30minutes in the middle where i didnt know(or really care)

what was even going on. There where some funny bantery moments as you'd expect from wheddon but the plot was just a bit of a mess and i even thought some of the cg fx where awful in places(which you wouldnt expect from a movie this size)

I feel the tide could be Turining with the marvel films(particularly the avengets related films) and with all the dc and starwars films lined up over the next few years marvel really need to up there game.

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