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just got home from watch AVP 2 on it's release day here in australia. i am somewhat dissapointed by this effort. like the aliens films, the 2 of this franchise so far has had different directors and i much more enjoyed the first one by paul w.s. anderson. i also thought that while the concept for the 2nd part was fine, the script was not upto very much at all. i would not be surprised if this effort didn't do so well at the box office.

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just got home from watch AVP 2 on it's release day here in australia. i am somewhat dissapointed by this effort. like the aliens films, the 2 of this franchise so far has had different directors and i much more enjoyed the first one by paul w.s. anderson. i also thought that while the concept for the 2nd part was fine, the script was not upto very much at all. i would not be surprised if this effort didn't do so well at the box office.

You mean it's worse than a film directed by Paul W.S. Anderson?! :blink:

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I thought it was rubbish to be honest, a major disappointment considering the quality of the books.

I talked to a couple of young people about this. They both said if you've recently read the books the film is probably going to be a disappointment, if, like me, you read them 8-9 years back and don't really remember the fine detail then the film is a good holiday thing to take the kids to.

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I Am Legend - should be retitled I Am A Crock Of ######.

Will Smith plays Will Smith (again) and he's apparently the last man on earth, but this time he's brainy see, so sometimes he wears glasses. All is well and he's getting on with things with his trusty canine pal (Hollywood cliché #4827) but there are some nasty CGI baddies lurking in the shadows. And when I say nasty, I mean poorly done. The CGI lions looked like they were done as an homage to Ray Harryhausen, or whatever his name was, and some less charitable souls than me were sniggering. I half expected Morph or Wallace & Gromit to make an appearance. You can guess the end a mile off and for me the highlight of the evening was the rather fine ice cream I had while watching the seemingly endless stream of trailers. Probably the worst End Of The World film since Kevin Costner's The Postman. And the ending is even worse than The Postman. Yes, that bad. Avoid at all costs.

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I am legend aint that bad!!

Its not that great either.

Watchable, bit deep and pointless to watch again and again, but worth it once.

The War of the World ending is similarly weak and I would love to see a Independence Dayesque performance from Big Will but alas reality took over.

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I am Legend = I am a 28 days later Legend but with crap CGI instead of scarey zombies

I thought it was ok. Like most of these type of films they start well and I was fully gripped wanting to know how it all happened but as usual the special effects take over and the suspense is lost as the plot falls apart.

Will Smith does his best to play a disturbed man but there's too much pointless script in there to keep him cool and very Will Smith like. I guess if it ain't broke don't fix it.

I Robot (his last big action blockbuster?) was far far better as a movie. Not read either book

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I Am Legend - should be retitled I Am A Crock Of ######.

Didn't think it was that bad and it adequately filled in a wet Saturday late afternoon when everyone was starting to climb the walls in our house! It's a complete rip off of 28 Days Later, but not as well done - and lets face it 28 Days Later wasn't too clever. How do the makers get away with it? Don't the makers of 28 Days have some sort recourse for their work being ripped off?

Emma Thompson as Dr Krippin was amusing - typical Hollywood.

We were mildly entertained for a couple of hours, which was all we required..........film buffs would probably do better to spend the £20 on a decent bottle and a favourite DVD. Come to think of it.....

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Emma Thompson as Dr Krippin was amusing - typical Hollywood.

Ah yes, I forgot to mention that: The villain of the piece and the cause of the world's suffering that an American has to put right (Hollywood cliché #1) is a European, ideally an English European (Hollywood cliché #2).

Rovermatt - I would argue that I am legend (film) is a rip-off of I am legend (book). At least there were a few real scares in 28 Days Later, especially that bit with the monkeys at the beginning and the first time you see the zombies sprinting after survivor bloke instead of staggering about and groaning as in other zombie films is a refreshing change. It's not a great film, granted, but it's way better than this. The sad fact is I am legend is just another Will Smith film with the usual cringes associated and it's all been done before in other films and with far more menace and purpose. The scene where he "educates" the woman about Bob Marley is truly excrutiating and it's just one cliché after another with lashings of sentimental claptrap thrown on top.

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I Am Legend was such an amazing book that you have to question why so much of it was changed. I don't know about other people but the scariest thing I found with the book was the sense of total loneliness and isolation that the author created. I didn't get this feeling from the movie. I thought that there were flaws, there was no need to tamper with the vampire side of the story and this would have solved the problem of dodgy CGI and the part with Bob Marley was rather hard to watch. Overall, I thought that it was a good adaptation of the book, but like so many other cases when you look forward to books being made into movies and you see trailers for what you think will be classic films, they could be better.

I went and saw The Kite Runner last night. I hadn't the book before going although members of my family had and told me what an amazing, but also heartbreaking book it is. After watching I don't think I could face the book, because it is without doubt one of the saddest movies I've seen and the book is supposed to be worse! The part where Amir Jan throws pomegranates on Hassan's tunic is devastating. A very good movie indeed, one that feels longer than two hours, but that is a positive.

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Probably the worst End Of The World film since Kevin Costner's The Postman. And the ending is even worse than The Postman. Yes, that bad. Avoid at all costs.

That's got me thinking if there has ever been a decent End of the World film ....I can't think of any that hasn't been disappointing .

I'd like to see a good adaptation of The Day of the Triffids - an excellent book by the way .

Oh ... and The Postman was bad ; why does Costner always make his films two hours too long ?

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28 days later was just another cliche-laden end-of-the-world film.

It's a very well-worn groove, and shooting it with a handheld digi-camera doesn't disguise that.

Planet of the Apes was OK - does that qualify as an end of teh world movie? He feels pretty lonely when he sees the Statue of Liberty ...

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Just watched The Shawshank Redemption again. Still probably one of the best films ever made. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are just brilliant. Does anyone know any films better than this that you'd recommend people watching?

I think Downfall was very good. Falling Down is still the best being crapped on by society movie imo.

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Gotta say i was dissapointed by Falling Down.I thought it was really good.The mild man finally flipping his switch due to circumstances he couldnt control.I.E weather,road works,And every day ignorance and arrogance of society.

But then turns out he's a pshyco stalker and it goes all cliche and typical.

As for last person on earth films.

I havnt seen Omega Man but that is suppose to have more in comon with the Book I am legend than the film.But as i said i havnt seen it so cant comment.

But i did enjoy night of the comet.Yes typical cheesy 80's teen movie but i enjoyed it.

And if 28 days later is classed as end of world movie then surley you have to include the original dawn of the dead wich is a superb film.

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Gotta say i was dissapointed by Falling Down.I thought it was really good.The mild man finally flipping his switch due to circumstances he couldnt control.I.E weather,road works,And every day ignorance and arrogance of society.

But then turns out he's a pshyco stalker and it goes all cliche and typical.

As for last person on earth films.

I havnt seen Omega Man but that is suppose to have more in comon with the Book I am legend than the film.But as i said i havnt seen it so cant comment.

But i did enjoy night of the comet.Yes typical cheesy 80's teen movie but i enjoyed it.

And if 28 days later is classed as end of world movie then surley you have to include the original dawn of the dead wich is a superb film.

Dawn of the Dead extended edition is THE zombie movie, nothing else comes close, even though the special effects can be faulty at times. That movie is so good that you can forgive the horrific 70's hair cuts. :lol:

Night of the Living Dead is no slouch either.

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Does anyone know any films better than this that you'd recommend people watching?

Sexy Beast is about the best film I've seen in the last few years - good performances from Ray Winstone and the "antiques" bloke from Blackburn whose name escapes me .

The performance from Ben Kingsley , though , is stupendous - in a class of his own . I can't praise him high enough .

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