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Just saw Indy tonight.

Great fun, quite a few classic Indy moments but it was also pretty silly towards the end. Pace was a bit off at times making it feel less like the classic Indy movies but still well worth a trip to the movies.

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Enjoyed it, well worth watching. Definitely OTT but come on, Temple of Doom was hardly realistic stuff was it.

Also thought Ford became more Indy like as the film wore on. Didn't look quite right at the start. Plenty of (not very well) hidden cross references to other movies as well.

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Wasn't impressed with Indy, thought there was too much CGI and it didn't feel like an Indy film. Watchable yes, but glad it didn't use George Lucas' original 'Indiana Jones and the saucer men from Mars' title and the battle between the aliens and the US Army. Sometimes Lucas should be told to stay away from the Film studios. They should've just stuck with the three films.

Still, roll on The Dark Knight in July!

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Is everyone just too old, miserable and cynical these days?

I really, really enjoyed the new Indy but that's probably because I didn't read the reviews and went in with an open mind.

Yep there were a couple of didgy CG moments, no worse than some of the awfulness in Temple of Doom. The story was good, the action was good. OK, the ending might not be everybodies cup of tea but how is it any less plausible than an Arc of the Covenant with magical powers or a 2000 year old ghost protecting a wooden cup?

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Is everyone just too old, miserable and cynical these days?

I really, really enjoyed the new Indy but that's probably because I didn't read the reviews and went in with an open mind.

Yep there were a couple of didgy CG moments, no worse than some of the awfulness in Temple of Doom. The story was good, the action was good. OK, the ending might not be everybodies cup of tea but how is it any less plausible than an Arc of the Covenant with magical powers or a 2000 year old ghost protecting a wooden cup?

My problem isn't with the ending itself rather the whole pedestrian nature of the final reel. Talk about phoning it in.

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My problem isn't with the ending itself rather the whole pedestrian nature of the final reel. Talk about phoning it in.

matt ,we went last night and even paid and bloody loved it and it was packed to the rafters.Pure Indy in that if you love Indy films then this is pure indyas Biddy said theres some reet miserable gits on here.I dont know why some go to see films they hate everyone they see.

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With such a long time having passed since the last Indy film, you'd think they'd had time to come up with a great plot. Why oh why make this film about aliens?! The last 20 minutes in particular were dreadful.

I still really enjoyed it though!

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matt ,we went last night and even paid and bloody loved it and it was packed to the rafters.Pure Indy in that if you love Indy films then this is pure indyas Biddy said theres some reet miserable gits on here.I dont know why some go to see films they hate everyone they see.

I didn't say I hated it (because I, you know, said I enjoyed it). In any case I'm not going to know what it's like before I see it am I? :rolleyes: This nowhere near the other three films.

Edited by Rovermatt
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Some things shouldn't be touched, George Lucas needs to learn that.

They shouldn't have made the new Star Wars or Indiana Jones.

All will make tons of money and there will be people who enjoyed all of them, even from the hardcore fan group, but I don't think that any can argue that they lived up to the originals. The question to ask yourself is if this hadn't been an Indiana Jones film (meaning if the franchise hadn't already established itself), would you have enjoyed this movie?

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Haven't seen the latest Indy film yet, but I probably will.

Shame they left it so long. There surely won't be a fifth one.

Shia LeBeouf's character would be the lead if it were to happen apparently, and no Indy himself, according to Lucas.

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Shia LeBeouf's character would be the lead if it were to happen apparently, and no Indy himself, according to Lucas.

and I would avoid going to see that as the whole idea seems awful. I thought they were passing the torch at the end of Indy 4 with the hat falling at Mutt's feet but thank god Indy took it off him.

Edited by Biddy
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  • 2 weeks later...

I watched it last night.

I really enjoyed it, Lucas needs a slap about the alien stuff, but really is it any less stupid than the Ark of the Covenant or those random stones from ToD or The Holy Grail in the Last Crusade? Not really.

Yes it was silly, but I thought Harrison Ford played the older Indie spot on and Mutt did not irritate me anywhere near as much as I thought he would do.

If anyone could explain what the (Please don't use that word again) Ray Winstone was for? I'd be delighted to know. I think some scenes got lost in the final edit which would explain that really crap bit with him at the end.

So all in all a good waste of a couple of hours last night. Some upcoming films to get excited over

1) The new Batman

2) Hancock

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The aliens are more stupid than the mystical aspects of the first three. The first 3 are somewhat, in a sense, possible and you can believe them for the purposes of the film. I don't think that the same can be said for this one.

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Saw 'Kung Fu Panda' last night. Pretty good. Very good CGI and voice acting from the likes of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane etc. A bit heavy handed on the slo-mo for comedic effect during the fights. But overall funny and worth watching.

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Aliens are as likely as some so called deity imbibing a crate of old bones with massive supernatural powers.

Yes and no. The feeling for me in the old ones was always that this could be going on without any of us knowing...don't get that feeling with the aliens.

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