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Watched Pirates of the Caribean - Deadman's Chest, last night, the original title of this thread. What a load of rubbish. If it had been 45 minutes shorter one could have been mildly entertained, as it was this was just stretched out to become a blockbuster with scene after scene being lengthened uneccessarily. Terrible.

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CoN is a kids film, there isnt anything in it for Adults therefore we find it boring, I have it on good authority that its one of the bestest films ever!!!! According to a 8 year old I know, so who are we to argue.

Got The Dark Knight for Crimbo and the Missus got Enchanted. Huzzah!

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I saw a few films over christmas:

Bad Santa - Drunk/BBW loving/Robbing Santa - Pretty funny

Saw it in work there one night, great ending!

I watched 'Ghost Town' starring Ricky Gervais. I thought it was a pretty good film. Good storyline, Gervais' jokes were coming left right and centre and was on for just the right amount of time.

Didnt think it was anything special, saying that I aint Gervais' biggest fan, if a fan at all, imo american office is better.

Good, but not Clint's best ever.

Nope, but still a modern day classic.

It's hardly Clint's fault he's a film making legend now is it.

I think he really set the ball rolling with that movie. Wish him all the best, definitely gonna win an oscar or two

Just watched QoS there and i havent a clue why people were slating it. I actually think it is one of the top Bond movies, was very clever. I guess people that were slating it, are stuck in the Bonds of Connery and Moore, at least this had a believable and more human side to it

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The last movie I went to see was The Day The Earth Stood Still and was utter tat. I was looking forward to it for ages, because the trailer made it look amazing, with a real sense of impending doom. The movie was the complete opposite, slow and boring. I saw some of the Chronicles Of Narnia the other night and thought it was dire. As usual the TV this Christmas has been kack. I may go and see Australia later. Here are a couple of movie trailers that look the business.






The last trailer especially, looks the unreal!

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The last movie I went to see was The Day The Earth Stood Still and was utter tat.

We found ourselves in the Trafford Centre last night. Goodness knows why but the sales bargains were amazing the shops must simply be desperate for cash. Rather than join the queue out of the car park we went to the cinema and saw The Day The Earth Stood Still. Yes it's pretty slow, there's no real plot and we all know it will end happily (this is American, no English villain though) but it kept our family entertained for a couple of hours. It's not great but I'm not sure I'd call it tat. Nice little point made at the end when the lights go out......but I'll say no more to avoid spoiling it.

Leaving the cinema was a little surreal. The TC was heaving when we went in, came out at 10.30pm having watched a human race wiped out disaster movie, TC was deserted, out into the car park - deserted and heavily frosted. Took a short cut back through Trafford Park to get on the M602 home - no traffic at all. If you'd told me the film had just come true I might have believed you!

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The day the earth stood still is poor. Will smiths film I have, but still havent watched it yet.

Watched a great film last week - "Taken"

Probably the best film I have seen for a long, long time. Good story and kept us all hooked.




All the 3 above are available for download if anyone wants them - PM me if you like and your not sure how.

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We found ourselves in the Trafford Centre last night. Goodness knows why but the sales bargains were amazing the shops must simply be desperate for cash. Rather than join the queue out of the car park we went to the cinema and saw The Day The Earth Stood Still. Yes it's pretty slow, there's no real plot and we all know it will end happily (this is American, no English villain though) but it kept our family entertained for a couple of hours. It's not great but I'm not sure I'd call it tat. Nice little point made at the end when the lights go out......but I'll say no more to avoid spoiling it.

Leaving the cinema was a little surreal. The TC was heaving when we went in, came out at 10.30pm having watched a human race wiped out disaster movie, TC was deserted, out into the car park - deserted and heavily frosted. Took a short cut back through Trafford Park to get on the M602 home - no traffic at all. If you'd told me the film had just come true I might have believed you!

It's just that I expected so much more. The trailers for it looked amazing, but my God it was so slow and boring. You'd have no idea by the way people are acting that the world was about to come to an end. After having a 5 minute chat with John Cleese, Keanu Reeves was having second thoughts about destroying planet earth!

I did go and see Australia the other night. I really enjoyed it. It was just a good old fashioned heart warming story.

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The day the earth stood still is poor. Will smiths film I have, but still havent watched it yet.

Watched a great film last week - "Taken"

Probably the best film I have seen for a long, long time. Good story and kept us all hooked.




All the 3 above are available for download if anyone wants them - PM me if you like and your not sure how.

Taken, is that the one with Liam Neeson? I heard it was dire. Is it good?

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The day the earth stood still is poor. Will smiths film I have, but still havent watched it yet.

Watched a great film last week - "Taken"

Taken? Isn't that the Liam Neeson film generally viewed as one of the worst films of the last year? I read this review and decided against it. :)

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Pride and Glory - I'd rate it a B, well acted and well made, but nothing that sets it apart from others of its like.

The Wrestler - I'd rate it an A. You aren't watching Mickey Rourke act, you are watching Randy "Ram" Robinson, washed up wrestler. Added bonus is Marisa Tomei topless. It was actually a tough movie to watch because of the way it was acted and directed - almost like it was a documentary and all that was happening was happening in real life with no movie effects. If Rourke doesn't win the Oscar for this, it will be a travesty - one of the top, if not the top, performances I've ever seen.

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Finally watched Dark Knight the other night.




Ledger was Awesome and I enjoyed it more than Batman Begins

I watched it last night after getting it for Christmas and couldn't agree more, very, very good film.

Ordered a few films off Amazon last week all either £4 or £5 and some really good ones in there.

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Added bonus is Marisa Tomei topless.

I was going to see The Wrestler anyway, but at least now I know it'll be worth it. :tu:

I've seen three films this week:

Changeling: Excellent film, eerie atmosphere, very intense, fantastic performance all round. Clint hits the jackpot again.

Australia: Very OTT yet great fun. It drags on for a bit but overall it's a great spectacle.

The Spirit: A whole lot of meh. Aside from Scarlett Johansson's lovely cleavage and Eva Mendes's rear, this has nothing to offer. Samuel L. Jackson hams it up admirably but he clearly knows the whole thing's a bit of a joke.

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