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Toy Story 3 at the weekend.

Well-paced story, great script, liked some of the new characters (the Ken & Barbie thing was priceless) and loved what they did with some of the old ones, in particular Spanish Buzz and the potato heads (used as quite a clever plot device too).

Not so sure the 3D effects were really necessary except perhaps in the incinerator. Seemed quite dark for younger kids too; the sinister big baby and the screeching monkey were quite scary, and the incinerator was quite harrowing.

Still, a deeply moving end to what I think future generations will regard as the best films of our era.

Inglorious Basterds last night too. Big, dumb, enjoyable film with some snappy scenes and a really brilliant villain. An awful cameo from Mike Meyers, however, and I found it extremely irritating how none of the officers removed their hats when they went indoors - just wrong.

And a lovely female lead who looked uncannily like Jenny Seagrove used to.

Edited by tmap
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Inglorious Basterds last night too. Big, dumb, enjoyable film with some snappy scenes and a really brilliant villain. An awful cameo from Mike Meyers, however, and I found it extremely irritating how none of the officers removed their hats when they went indoors - just wrong.

And a lovely female lead who looked uncannily like Jenny Seagrove used to.

Inglorious @#/?s was a good movie, nice to see a good WW2 movie again. Has a glass of milk ever been so ominous? Tarantino adds more fuel to the fire about his foot fetish.

About the hats – it is only the Navy and Marines who have to remove their covers when going indoors and also cannot salute when indoors.

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Inglorious @#/?s was a good movie, nice to see a good WW2 movie again. Has a glass of milk ever been so ominous? Tarantino adds more fuel to the fire about his foot fetish.

About the hats – it is only the Navy and Marines who have to remove their covers when going indoors and also cannot salute when indoors.

Surely any gentleman has to remove a hat indoors? It's just basic good manners.

Still, when I think about it I suppose there are lots of war films with people wearing hats. Blackadder 4, for starters.

Hmmm - intrigued by this one now.

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Inglorious @#/?s was a good movie, nice to see a good WW2 movie again. Has a glass of milk ever been so ominous? Tarantino adds more fuel to the fire about his foot fetish.

About the hats – it is only the Navy and Marines who have to remove their covers when going indoors and also cannot salute when indoors.

You are right, of course. I've never noticed that before, oddly. I guess the cover is an important part of the uniform. It looked all wrong when the baddy went into the house at the beginning, and again when the spy was talking to Churchill and to Austin Powers. Interesting - thanks.

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I saw "Four Lions" the other day. A bit odd laughing out loud at a film with that sort of subject matter. I really enjoyed it, some excellent British acting and a tragically comic ending.

There was a trailer for "Infidel" the David Baddiel comedy starring Omid Djalli. It looks good, anyone seen it?

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No, is it a good read?

It is a decent read, written in a scatter format that makes it hard to scan. Jumps around like nothing I have read before. It is like a cross strain of Conrad and Pynchon with a mix of Palahniuk. Very in depth with the minds of the characters and almost has a stream of conscious prose.

If you are in the habit of chucking books across the room – avoid this one. Only bloody Delillo has had me making more notes on a novel before.

For example -

"Crows are smarter and bigger and noisier and they commune. They take over, they will drive out all the others, this is serious, I will have to watch them closely." :blink:

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Inception: Competing with Avatar for the most overrated film of recent years. Wonderful to look at, but had no interest in the storyline or the characters.

Avatar was a decent film only ruined by Sam Worthington, For some reason I cant stand him, watched him in Clash of the titans which was without a doubt the worst remake of any film ever.

Only film he was good in was Rogue in which he got eaten :lol: Film was great though.

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Avatar was a decent film only ruined by Sam Worthington, For some reason I cant stand him, watched him in Clash of the titans which was without a doubt the worst remake of any film ever.

Worse than the remake of Get Carter with Stallone? I can't believe it ..... :blink:

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Worse than the remake of Get Carter with Stallone? I can't believe it ..... :blink:

I suppose it depends on how much you liked the first film, I grew up loving fantasy films such as Jason and the argonauts and the Sinbad films but Clash of the titans was my all time favourite.

The big thing for me is that all the mythological creatures that are in the ealier movies have a feel of terror to them, in the new one I half expected Medusa to have a I pod on and nail varnish.

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Glad someone has enjoyed it. Widely acknowledged as being about as funny as cancer.

I like this quote about it by David Edwards

"Frankly, if this makes you laugh even once, I recommend seeking medical advice."

and this by Chris Prince

"Any film that causes you to reappraise the awfulness of Couples Retreat has to be pretty bad."

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