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The Road, based on Cormac McCarthy's novel of the same name, goes on general release January 8th. I'm really looking forward to this though the trailer I've seen and the media adverts suggest the film may have failed to capture the bleakness and nervous excitment of the book. I find it strange to be anticipating a film, and have been for weeks, yet worrying that it may fail to recreate a fantastic novel.

The Road is short and very readable so I'd strongly recommend getting the book before seeing the film. It's unremittingly bleak, hopeless but marvellously descriptive even though the subject is so utterly depressing. Enjoy!

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ok, i need help obtaining the following movie "11 commandments"...is a french movie, similar to jackass, but i happen to think it is even funnier. maybe one of our france based fans can be of assistance and check it out for me over there. much appreciated.

wasn't that tricky to find Amazon.fr

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Saw Avatar last night and I genuinely think it's one of the best pieces of cinema I've ever seen. The storyline maybe wasn't entirely watertight but it was the perfect vehicle for showcasing the simply epic world of Pandora. I was absolutely transfixed for the whole viewing and left wondering where the time had gone. If you watch one film this, or maybe any year, make it Avatar.

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Watched a film on Sky Movies Premiere called sureviellence, not earth shattering but half decent thriller.

Went to see Avatar 3D last week and it was sold out when I went.

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Saw Avatar with the missus on New Year's Day.....WOW. Terrific piece of cinema. Despite a SLIGHTLY dodgy storyline (while still being very good), it sent home an important message regarding our future (War, Global Warming etc etc). A very good film indeed and the 3D visuals make it simply AMAZING. Even the CGI feels real; like watching it as if the Na'vi and Pandora were REALLY filmed.

I'm going to stick my neck out and say it is by far the best film I have seen. Titanic (James Cameron's previous work) is a VERY close second. But second nonetheless. I think Avatar is THAT good.

On a side note, I'm glad to see Joel Moore (Norm Spellman) get a serious break after a fantastic comedy performance in 'Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story.' A terrific actor imo.

Commendation also goes to Sam Worthington (Jake Sully). Another fine performance from a new actor.

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I'm going to stick my neck out and say it is by far the best film I have seen. Titanic (James Cameron's previous work) is a VERY close second. But second nonetheless. I think Avatar is THAT good.

The best? Even with a slighty dodgy storyline? I understand the 3D is amazing (going on weekend now inital hype has died down) but the best? Come on now.

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Went to see Avatar 3D last week and it was sold out when I went.

I am not coming over to England until April and doubt it will still be on then so will miss out on all the hoo haa :( (Our cinema over here is like the old one in Blackburn that used to be near the library.....I think)

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The best? Even with a slighty dodgy storyline? I understand the 3D is amazing (going on weekend now inital hype has died down) but the best? Come on now.

By slightly dodgy, I only mean that it had me thinking of the smurfs throughout. It actually is very good. Maybe not the 'best' per se, but definately a quality film and, as I pointed out, some very important take-home messages about the real world. You find yourself on the side of the Na'vi. I genuinely felt ashamed of humans when I came out the cinema hahaha

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You find yourself on the side of the Na'vi. I genuinely felt ashamed of humans when I came out the cinema hahaha

It's hardly a leap though. Aside from the sensitive scientists (along with Jake Sully and the bird who flies the chopper) the humans are depicted as a bunch of bellicose nutjobs intent on strip-mining the sh*t out of the planet. The Na'vi on the other hand are ethereal blue naturists who can plug themselves into Mother Earth and fly kick-ass dragons. Which side are you supposed to support?

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It's hardly a leap though. Aside from the sensitive scientists (along with Jake Sully and the bird who flies the chopper) the humans are depicted as a bunch of bellicose nutjobs intent on strip-mining the sh*t out of the planet. The Na'vi on the other hand are ethereal blue naturists who can plug themselves into Mother Earth and fly kick-ass dragons. Which side are you supposed to support?

Yeah, I guess. just a thought: Will there be any screwed-up nut-cases who decide that 'Na'vi' is too close to 'Nazi'? In this day and age of PC, it may happen. But regardless, a good film. I wanna be Jake Sully. I'm not ashamed to admit I fancy the sexy, 10ft-tall, blue, long-legged fit lass. I forget her name *drool*

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I've seen a couple of really good movies over the last week, which were downloaded from the internet. The first one was The Blind Side staring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw and is based the fantastic book The Blind Side. I saw the trailer for this quite some time ago and it really grabbed my attention and when I found out it was based on a true story I was even more interested. Due to the fact that there appears to be no release date for it over here, my brother downloaded it. The book and the movie tell the story of a guy called Michael Oher who is from a broken home and has grown up in absolute poverty in Memphis. A friends father manages to get him and his friend into a rich private Christian school. While there, he has no real place to live and drifts from place to place. One of the families at the school, the Tuohy's, notice him one day walking in the freezing cold in a t-shirt and shorts, which were are his only clothes and take him home. He eventually ends up living with them in an extreme case of Christian charity. These people are extremely wealthy and provide Michael Oher with the basic things he never had and more. The fact that he is 6ft 4', weighs over 300 pounds and has great natural athletic ability, were some of the attributes which made him such a good football player in the key position of left tackle, protecting the quarter backs blind side and which lead him to gaining a scholarship to the Univerity of Mississippi and eventually being drafted by the Baltimore Ravens. It's a remarkable story and the movie really does the book justice.

And this is the movie trailer.

Two other great movies I saw are The Hurt Locker and Brothers. I missed getting to see The Hurt Locker when it was in the cinema and I understand why it got such great reviews. It is easily one of the best movies of 2009. Brothers stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Toby Maguire (who I always thought looked a like). It's about two brothers, one being a soldier and one being a layabout and looks at how their positions change within the family as the result of one going off to war. I'm not sure when this is on general release, but it is well worth watching.

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Watched "Is Anybody There?" tonight starring Michael Caine, Anne-Marie Duff, Thelma Barlow, Sylvia Simms, Lesley Philips, Bill Milner and written by Peter Harness. Funny and sad in equal measure this is a great British film exploring death, ageing and how society treats old people - great line from Michael Caine " I've spent all my life alone and now I'm old I'm put in a room full of people." I know the subject matter doesn't sound inspiring but this is a really good film which will both entertain and provoke discussion. It won't be found in the cinema but is available on DVD.

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One of my fave ever films is on telly now. Day of the Jackal.

Beautifully shot, and a great story. I'll never get tired of watching it.

Indeed Bryan. They don't make em like they used to. I'd forgotten the bit at the end too where the real Charles Calthrop comes back to his flat! Must be a couple of years since I last watched it.

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The Road, based on Cormac McCarthy's novel of the same name, goes on general release January 8th. I'm really looking forward to this though the trailer I've seen and the media adverts suggest the film may have failed to capture the bleakness and nervous excitment of the book. I find it strange to be anticipating a film, and have been for weeks, yet worrying that it may fail to recreate a fantastic novel.

The Road is short and very readable so I'd strongly recommend getting the book before seeing the film. It's unremittingly bleak, hopeless but marvellously descriptive even though the subject is so utterly depressing. Enjoy!

To be honest this book should have been made into a black and white movie, it would be the only way to convey the ash and unremitting darkness.

I can not see for one second how they can successful pull this off in color and stay true to the book.

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By slightly dodgy, I only mean that it had me thinking of the smurfs throughout. It actually is very good. Maybe not the 'best' per se, but definately a quality film and, as I pointed out, some very important take-home messages about the real world. You find yourself on the side of the Na'vi. I genuinely felt ashamed of humans when I came out the cinema hahaha

The script was pretty much a rehash of Aliens quotes and Dances with Wolves plot.

It was pretty and entertaining but as ground breaking as a snowflake -- beautiful but light on substance.

they filter everything so its greyed out

From the clips I have seen it looks like a bleak day in Grimsby, not the end of the world.

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Finally saw Avatar, amazing, the story is basically Dances with wolves/pocahontas/Fern Gully but it doesn't matter cause it's so immersive.

On a side note why the fook is the fanta frozen machine not working everytime I go to Blackburn

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To be honest this book should have been made into a black and white movie, it would be the only way to convey the ash and unremitting darkness.

I can not see for one second how they can successful pull this off in color and stay true to the book.

You're quite right. From the very little I've seen, a trailer and the media ads I get the impression the film will be a let down to anyone who enjoyed the book. It looks so Hollywood.

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I saw The Road the other day. I loved the book and I was far from disappointed by the film. It's really very, very good. So much of it manages to replicate what was in the mind's eye when reading the novel. Comparing it to other 'End of the World' movies is inaccurate since nobody actually knows what has happened to the planet or why. It could be the US alone that has suffered this catastrophe or it could be the entire world. There is no way of knowing.

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A Team Movie trailer

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Looks ok but it will never be the same as the classics without the original actors imo.

I loved this show, especially when they always got trapped with no way out.

Hollywood, get some new ideas FFS. Hopefully they don't do something really stupid like make the car into a transformer.

EDIT: I've just seen the trailer, are they really doing what I think they are doing at the end? very A Team :wacko: I wonder if BA's ok in a flying tank?

I got dragged to watch Avatar and I'm quiet shocked to read that some liked it? It ranked alongside Titantic for me, which, well I got woken up at the end of that one. 3D very nice but novelty factor wears off after 5 minutes although I reckon watching a match that way might be good.

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A Team Movie trailer

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Looks ok but it will never be the same as the classics without the original actors imo.

Looks pretty rough to me.

Some things should never be attempted.

Bring on Knight Rider, Street Hawk and Airwolf... Maybe a remake of Blue Thunder too, and the live action Thiundercats and Smurfs with a dash of Snorks.

Comparing it to other 'End of the World' movies is inaccurate since nobody actually knows what has happened to the planet or why. It could be the US alone that has suffered this catastrophe or it could be the entire world. There is no way of knowing.

Do you mean in the movie or the book?

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