Miker Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 One thing I haven't made sense of from the article is why the owners have chosen not to sack Kean. If they aren't as enamoured by him, as has been suggested by their public statements (which have seemingly been made at the request of SEM/Kentaro), then surely they should see that he's not good enough to continue in this job. Would his pay off be too much for them to afford right now? Or have they just extended their "short term" investment for another period of time and therefore see no point of getting rid of Kean just yet? It sounds like their hands are tied on this one for one reason or another. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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glen9mullan Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I thought i'd give a quick update, The coverage of the article has now hit over 11000 hits which can only be good for all of us, if it gets the message to Venkys that its fans are United, I have read some post that people where struggling to leave comments on the blog, I don't know why this is as others have posted comments no problem, However some that could not leave a comment have been sending me emails, and i have spent the last few hours responding to every single one of them. However one of the emails I recieved was very interesting and came from India and I felt it was such a good email that I hae posted it here for you to all have a look at Dear Glen, I am an Indian based in Singapore. I was born in a cricket crazy set-up and followed it passionately for quite a while, till 8 years ago to be precise. What happened you would ask, I started following football and fell in love and have almost completely stopped watching cricket ever since.So what ever I know about football is all based on my 8 year old love,passion and acquired knowledge about game which would never match up to the level people like you have. Sorry about taking time to talk about myself, I thought it is better to a give a background about me before I dive into the main topic of discussion. I started following Blackburn related information since Venkys acquired i almost a year ago. Being Indian, we do follow what our felow folk do around the world especially when it comes to sport as we are no very well know for it and there are very few of them we can follow. It has mainly been Vijay Mallaya(Force India F1) for over 5 years, Sports personalities such as Sania mirza, Paes etc.Venkys with Blackburn rovers was a welcome addition especially as it was football. Like most of the blackburn fans, I also expected quite a bit from venkys since they acquired the club. They are a home grown business and I thought they would probably understand Jack Walker's legacy and passion for the club but alas as of today that is not to be seen. I am also a very upset man today. India has lot of issues be it our government or how a lot of things work is our country. It is no great but our the business community in India has be doing some wonderful work over the last 2 decades, showing some great of professionalism,passion and organisational structure. I expect that from Venkys dealing of Blackburn rovers - Professionalism with passion. I understand football business is a different cup of tea compared to normal businesses but I believed they could do a fine job of it. I started reading your blog and VF's posts since this transfer windows. Not just your but also Tombo and Mikey(he also has a post on BRFC on IFN(Indian football network site)). I have to say I was completely overwhelmed the level of passion and love you carry for your club. It is absolutely amazing to see the level of commitment from you guys.You have spent sleepless nights(that zombie quote was funny) and 7 hours on that recent article. The club, its players and other fans should be so happy to have such great fans such as you. The present state is bad to say the least. I agree with you that Sam's sacking was not warranted for. The boring football part used as a main reason for sacking is a bit too hard to digest and your recent article highlights that part quite well. So what can be done now or to put to correct how can I help. What I can do is to get a lot of my friends and their friends to sent our mails to venkys about the current question and demand answers. I believe a large group makes a lot of difference and I think we can achieve that. The main thing would be a get a common email reply to be framed so that they can keep forwarding it to people and ask them to email to the venkys. he other is to get the right contact email IDs of Venkys(one is to use their official website email ID and if you have vinnie's email ID we could use that too). If you could help with he email to be sent out it would be great. Another outlet is to contact Arunava Chaudhuri , he is an expert on India football based in germany and is a very nice guy. We could try and get in touch to see if he can probably write an article about this . His articles are followed by a lot of people and he is well respected. He is active on Sports keeda. I will also try to find out to see if any sports journalist would be keen to get out a very strong article on national news media about this situation so that venkys wake up. I hope I didn't trouble you. I don't know if I can be of much help but after reading your articles and posts, I really felt I need to contact you and let you know what I felt even though it is 1 am in morning right now here in singapore Thanks for your time. Jithu Varghese Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iceman Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 One thing ill repeat, and that is, Venkys need to get rid of Kean asap.will it happen? No it won't, but If Kean doesn't bring in any players, either today or latest tomorrow, then we are truly ######. In no way, can he expect to bring players in on Wednesday or Thursday, and then expect them to be ready on Saturday. The time has come, where the fans need to open up their mouth, and let their voices be heard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BangkokRover Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Great email from the Rovers fan in Singapore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
broadsword Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 You bring so much to any debate Bryan, please continue to contribute, your input is invaluable I'm n ot the one claiming to deal in facts, Gav. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gav Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Some people on this MB need to wake-up, get real and smell the coffee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes you mercerman, lets face it you did admit to being pwissed whilst posting last night did you not Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parsonblue Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Couldn't agree more Glenn My views may not be popular, but I won't go out my way to make things up to support those views, but we have a certain element that continues to do so, although its not as bad as last season. We have a couple more deals to do, possibly 7m in transfers, if they happen and wages Matty, don't forget wages on 4yr deals, they'll have spent a few quid. Lets not forget several posters claimed we’d not pay anything in transfer fees this window, which has been proven complete and utter bunkum. What is complete and utter bunkum is Kean openly stating that we would have the largest transfer budget in the club's history. Venky's and Kean talking about the Champions League, something which even Salgado ridicules in the LT today, is another piece of bunkum to come out of Ewood Park. The facts to date are that Venky's have spent far less than they have received in transfer fees this summer. Coupled with the saving on wages they are hardly out of pocket. I have no problem with them not spending money on players. I think the Trust operated a sound policy that delivered a decade of top flight football at Ewood, something not achieved since before the Second World War. However, to try and con the fans into believing they are operating in a different way to the Trust is a joke. At least the Trust had a strategy, that's not to say it was popular with all fans, and employed people who were experienced enough to carry it out. Salgado's comments in the LT this morning make very interesting reading, particularly coming from a guy who has been at the top, in terms of European football, for a decade. Basically he is correct in saying that a touch of reality is required at Ewood Park. Instead we continue to get the more fantasies from the manager. The real bunkum is Kean's managerial record and the fact that our owners haven't the ability to see that it is not good enough. Until they come to terms with that I'm afraid everything they do and say will be treated as utter bunkum by the majority of supporters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gav Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I'm n ot the one claiming to deal in facts, Gav. I know you're not, but you're trying to be an arse and succeeding. We can only deal in facts up to a point bryan because we’re not privy to transfers and contact negations, but telling out and out porkies helps nobody really does it. Anyway this nonsense is detracting from a very good thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mattyblue Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Why is he being an arse GAV? The facts are pretty clear, much more money has been recouped than spent on transfers, many more players (and their wages) have departed than arrived, yet you think Venky's have been putting their hands in their pockets? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jim mk2 Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I know you're not, but you're trying to be an arse and succeeding. . You have been one of the biggest apologists for Venky's and Kean since they took over and have continued to justify the indefensible sacking of the previous manager - even when the evidence to the contrary has been staring you in the face. Time and again you have been proved wrong so I'd be very careful about throwing out insults when it's very clear you haven't a clue what you're talking about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoyRover Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Would someone be able to copy and paste the article into this topic as I can't seem to access it. Cheers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roversfanben Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Is this the same Gupta that sits on our board? If so, he too sounds like a dodgy character. http://www.indianexpress.com/news/up-recruitment-scam-the-wanted/360752/0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gav Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Why is he being an arse GAV? The facts are pretty clear, much more money has been recouped than spent on transfers, many more players (and their wages) have departed than arrived, yet you think Venky's have been putting their hands in their pockets? I think I mentioned last night, if they decided not to spend any money we'd be bringing in free transfers, people don’t seem to be grasping that for some reason. This isn’t the case, they’re spending some money, that’s the point I was making. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
newfan Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Is this the same Gupta that sits on our board? If so, he too sounds like a dodgy character. http://www.indianexpress.com/news/up-recruitment-scam-the-wanted/360752/0 Gupta , kumar, raj ,Singh Patel , malik etc these are common surnames in India. and mahesh kumar is from another state, Venkys are from Maharashtra a different state. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mattyblue Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I think I mentioned last night, if they decided not to spend any money we'd be bringing in free transfers, people don’t seem to be grasping that for some reason. This isn’t the case, they’re spending some money, that’s the point I was making. You mean they are allowing the CLUB to spend some of the money it is bringing in and not taking it ALL for themselves? Well arent we spoilt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Rovers Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Is this the same Gupta that sits on our board? If so, he too sounds like a dodgy character. http://www.indianexpress.com/news/up-recruitment-scam-the-wanted/360752/0 this is our MAHESH KUMAR GUPTA http://in.linkedin.com/pub/mahesh-kumar-gupta/6/b85/796 seems not the same guy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gav Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 You have been one of the biggest apologists for Venky's and Kean since they took over and have continued to justify the indefensible sacking of the previous manager - even when the evidence to the contrary has been staring you in the face. Time and again you have been proved wrong so I'd be very careful about throwing out insults when it's very clear you haven't a clue what you're talking about. I wasn't throwing insults around for one, and lets face it you've lost all credibility on this site with your John Williams stance changing more times than the weather, so we'll leave this one here should we. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thenodrog Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Jack Walker left money in trust for the club which he envisaged would provide income for the club for many years, unfortunately, players wages and transfer fees escalated, coupled with (and this is very important) the low interest rates available on invested capital. Imagine for example £60,000,000 in trust which lost, as probably was the case 8%, thats a further £4,800,000 per annum. So instead of the invested amount covering our costs and allowing us to be self sufficient, which was Jacks wish, we suddenly begin to lose capital invested and this went on for three or four years. The Trust had little option than to sell, unfortunately they sold to these muppets and I do believe, Rothschilds should in some way be acountable. Indeed Kelbo. Jack Walker insisted publically that BRFC must be run as a business and unfortunately in recent years BRFC as a business lost money.... add to that the probability that other businesses within the trust would likely be feeling the cold draught of the recession too. Jack was a fan and I'm not certain that he followed his own stipulation at times, but the individuals who were left BRFC (no names mentioned) have no interest in it whatsoever. Anyone on here who had been left a basketball team or a hockey team for example which was losing money would likely bale out asap too. BRFC was a lame duck club when Jack got hold of the reigns and we got 20 fantastic years out of the efforts of the Walkers one way or another so we should all be grateful. With a support base which could not even half fill the ground paying the Premier League average for ST's it could never go on for ever could it? So lets apportion no blame nor hold any malice. We are back in the real world but it was a hell of a ride while it lasted. Lets see if the Arabs at City or the Russian at Chelsea do 20+ years before we condemn the Walkers so readily eh? Rem Lpool have already seen one set of owners depart, City and Pompey too. Two have been lucky but their luck will inevitably run out one day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gav Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 You mean they are allowing the CLUB to spend some of the money it is bringing in and not taking it ALL for themselves? Well arent we spoilt. Well actually Matty as supporters we are spoilt, very spoilt indeed, had success given to us on a plate over the past 20yrs, as soon as times get tough people are not renewing season tickets, never going again yada yada yada. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jim mk2 Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I wasn't throwing insults around for one, and lets face it you've lost all credibility on this site with your John Williams stance changing more time the weather, so we'll leave this one here should we. Sorry pal, you have been wrong all along on everything over Venky's, Kean and Sam. Keeping up the charade in the face of the sinking Ewood ship just makes you look more ridiculous. My John Williams stance was stated clearly at the time and changed over a long period - you'd have more credibility if you admitted you were wrong. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roversmum Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I thought i'd give a quick update, The coverage of the article has now hit over 11000 hits which can only be good for all of us, if it gets the message to Venkys that its fans are United, Dear Glen, I am an Indian based in Singapore. ... ... I don't know if I can be of much help but after reading your articles and posts, I really felt I need to contact you and let you know what I felt even though it is 1 am in morning right now here in singapore Thanks for your time. Jithu Varghese This is surely the way to do things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thenodrog Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Salgado comments http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/aug/21/aston-villa-blackburn-rovers-premier-league Can't argue with any of that whatsoever. Sounds increasingly like Samba is off... not that it will come as much of a suprise to anyone. I guess the only reason he is still here is cos he got a massive pay rise in Jan which is making other clubs 'cough' a little and look at other cheaper options. I think the next few days will be hell. btw.... Interesting that Villa's lowest gate since 2007 should happen on the 1st home match of the season when crowds are usually above average. Another sign imo that the Prem bubble has started to burst. Disinterest and apathy are spreading as the division becomes ever more of a procession for just a few billy big timers and the remaining clubs are left with bit p;art roles and without hope. Success is now only measured by how quick each club can amass 40 points. The Prem League is a recipe for failure and a disaster waiting to happen. It's wrong but the Championship is really the place to be for any non plastic supporters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mattyblue Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 Well it's a funny thing GAV, most of the fans I know that have stopped going are the ones that were at Ewood in the times of Bobby Saxton fishing training balls from the River Darren, so spoilt they aint, disgusted? certainly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
broadsword Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I wasn't throwing insults around for one, and lets face it you've lost all credibility on this site with your John Williams stance changing more time the weather, so we'll leave this one here should we. Since when was calling someone "an arse" not an insult. I know when you're losing an argument because you try to call a halt to proceedings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thenodrog Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I know you're not, but you're trying to be an arse and succeeding. We can only deal in facts up to a point bryan because we’re not privy to transfers and contact negations, but telling out and out porkies helps nobody really does it. Anyway this nonsense is detracting from a very good thread. Gav you might as well change your name to Quisling from here on in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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