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[Archived] KEAN OUT!

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It's all about creating noise !!!

It's time to 'get in their ribs and faces', figuratively speaking, and make life uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Creating noise? You are joking? Tomorrow nights game will probably be the lowest crowd at ewood for years and coupled with the fact that most fans these days can't even be bothered to make a "noise" to get behind the players!

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Creating noise? You are joking? Tomorrow nights game will probably be the lowest crowd at ewood for years and coupled with the fact that most fans these days can't even be bothered to make a "noise" to get behind the players!

Not just noise at the match !!!

How do pressure groups work ? They lobby those who can persuade and influence.

Think you've missed the point of this thread.

That's me finished for tonight - up in Ashley Land tomorrow. now those Geordies do know how to make themselves heard !!!!

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I appreciate everyone's opinion and respect them, HOWEVER, when my name is quoted in a post then I feel I need to respond.

For around 4 years since I found message boards ect on the internet, I have been posting on them with things which I'm lucky enough to find out. Initially in the early years I was reluctant to do so, but when you get bombarded with question after question on every social network you use, You finally give in.

I share what I'm allowed without compromising the source of this information or indeed my own personal circumstances both financially and home life.

People ITK (And BTW I hate that term) Will have people who try to discredit what they say with post, whilst the majority will visti boards like this one for the next bit of news that those individuals bring to the boards.

With every snippet you release for public consumption you get hundreds, and I mean hundreds of messages via email twitter, P'M'S or asked on the board for more, because everyone wants to know everything.

I don't see too many complaints when you are feeding of the information that myself, Kammy, Makey11, BomBom, and Niko give you, and through this our particualr reputations are in the main respected.

Do you think that all the individuals with sources dnt spk to each other away from the public domain?

Why do we do this?

When we get info it comes from a number of people, only 2 people that I get info off I will take as gospel, because they are directly involved in the mechanism.

Everyone else's no disrespect to them, I get double and sometimes triple checked before I'd post it, and if I think its unsafe I dnt post it.

i.e typical Example over on the transfer thread they have been talking about Marco Ruben because someone saw a tweet I sent to an Andy Cryer. I was jsut asking Andy a question because I have been keeping a low profile the last couple of days.

I'm fully aware that he is a player we have been looking at, However when it was revealed that Kean was going talking to a mystery striker to night I just got a gutt feeling that It was either him or modiba Maiga.

I have not had this confirmed from anyone this is the player and I have not posted it anywhere that it was, However someone took my tweet and turned it into a story and now its all over the internet we Kean is close to signing Ruben and he has agreed a fee ect ect, and My name is being used as the source of this info, when I have not said anything of the such.

My point being certain individuals are happy to believe everything we say regarding info around Ewood and post it everywhere on the net when it suits them, and when its proven correct its all happy days,

However when its a topic which causes controversy suddenly the very word of the people you have been trusting for years is a "Witch Hunt" and you won't beleive us or make snide remarks either on here, or worse you go to another site and post it in the hope we won't see it.

All I will say to these people if you wish to slag me off be my guest, you are allowed your opinion, but please don't be following me on twitter or sending me messages on a daily basis asking me if I have any news for you, because those messages will just be ignored.

I have seen a few negative comments today, across a few sites, and when it came out Kean was on his travels today, the first thing these individuals did who have had a dig at me today, was send me messages on twitter and emails asking me whi this mystery striker was!!!

I'm discusted frankly,

What we have here is a thread of fans her are mostly United that we want our club to prosper and in the main its been a great thread to read, some people will also have a difference of opinion and I welcome those opinions, what I don't welcome is personal attacks on people. If you don't beleive what I say, don't read my post and ask me questions just click the ignore button.

As I have said to others I'm quite happy not to post on any message boards or twitter and use my time more productivly, I only do it now, because over the years people have asked me to, and continue to do so.

Sorry if this looked like a major rant, and yes it Prob is, but I don't perosnally attack others when I see ridiculas posts imo, and I dnt single out individuals in public, so when I see my name being stained I take exception to it

I apologise if I've offended you as I only meant to hold you and Kamy up as examples of two people whose previous input I respected but who now seem to have turned full-circle.

I can't answer for the other stuff you go on about as I've neither followed you on twitter nor sent fawning PM's before then sticking the boot in.

One question for you though:

On Vital on the 18th August you said this;

"I did say we would have reason's to be joyish, I must admit and i'm sure there are other's like me, I'm shattered from this window,

I'm having a day off tomorrow, and not turning the computer on, 16 hours in bed sounds great,

Who said we had no money to spend?????

Mmmmm I think we can conclusively but that to bed now, COYB"

And also that you were "happy happy happy tonight.."

The question I have is; what's happened in the last 5 days for you to change your stance so fundamentally?

Not a dig Glen, I'm genuinely interested.

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Seems to be a real impetus amongst the fans to do something...

...yet still absolutely ZERO reaction from Venkys. I wonder what it will take, how many defeats?

I'm not so sure there is evidence yet of a "real impetus" Jisty. When you have 10-15,000 paying (or paid up) customers all together in a stadium every other Saturday, then I think that is the only time and place you can judge it properly.

That may well happen come 4.50pm on Saturday, we'll have to wait and see - and of course it will depend on the two results between now and then.

What you have here today ... is a thread on a popular messageboard, which has run since yesterday lunchtime, in which personal (and general) email addresses for the owners and senior staff at Ewood have been shared in public.

Where a few individuals have posted what they have emailed (presumably for others to copy), and in some cases then posted the replies.

Some others have admitted sending the same content to multiple email addresses, including those outside of the club such as Sky Sports and TalkSport.

This is where barrage by email actually falls down as a method of meaningful protest. The people targetted will by now know what has caused this sudden peak in emails, they'll probably have someone monitoring this thread and will simply wait for the noise to die down again. So what if they've had 200 messages today calling for Steve Kean's head? What does it really mean if it has been organised en masse on the internet, and isn't actually a spontaneous action by each individual writer?

I wonder if anybody has taken the time to handwrite a letter (or even just print one out + sign it), and actually put it in an envolope, put a stamp on it and send it to Ewood Park or Pune. A gesture worth 10 times firing out multiple emails to all and sundry because there's a hot thread on a messageboard and everyone else seems to be doing that today.

Results will decide what happens to Steve Kean. He wasn't fired after last season, he wasn't fired after his court case, he wasn't fired after Saturday and according to Andy Cryer has flown somewhere tonight to talk to a transfer target.

There is a cup game tomorrow when the owners will be present. If Rovers win that he won't be fired tomorrow either. There is a league game on Satuday when the owners will be present. If Rovers win that he won't be fired then either (and the crowd won't turn nasty after a victory - even if some individuals try to make it).

So the impetus for change will be driven by future results and future results alone IMO ... if the next two go wrong then the message will be absolutely clear come 4.50pm on Satuday. If they both go right, then this thread will have dropped on to page 2 of the MB this time next week.

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I apologise if I've offended you as I only meant to hold you and Kamy up as examples of two people whose previous input I respected but who now seem to have turned full-circle.

I can't answer for the other stuff you go on about as I've neither followed you on twitter nor sent fawning PM's before then sticking the boot in.

One question for you though:

On Vital on the 18th August you said this;

"I did say we would have reason's to be joyish, I must admit and i'm sure there are other's like me, I'm shattered from this window,

I'm having a day off tomorrow, and not turning the computer on, 16 hours in bed sounds great,

Who said we had no money to spend?????

Mmmmm I think we can conclusively but that to bed now, COYB"

And also that you were "happy happy happy tonight.."

The question I have is; what's happened in the last 5 days for you to change your stance so fundamentally?

Not a dig Glen, I'm genuinely interested.

Its a fair question and one I will answer openly,

As i have posted throughout this window, We will spend a nice chunk of cash, This is what i'm told this is what I believe, and this is what will happen, so yes i'm completely thrilled

This is a seperate issue from what this thread is about.

This thread is about the removal of the Manager and also from what I wrote on my blog, this is about behind the scene's activity and also on the pitch results

It is not about this week or last week, this goes back all the way to November and due diligence and things which happened and have happened over since, only now in the last couple of weeks have these things begun to change bhind the scenes however the route of the problems are still part of BRFC and for the club to secure its future these need to be removed.

So i'm really positive towards tranfers and the kitty ect, cos we aint had this level of cash spent on the playing side since Jack was alive, however it will count for nothing if we don't get rid of the skeletons.

Steve Kean regardless of his off the pich activity should not be the manager of this club purely on his record as Manager in terms of results and his tactical awareness.

However he remains in the seat becasuse of reasons which are not football related, this is partly why I released my blog and is partly why people are getting behind the Sack Steve Kean campaign. In addition people who don't know about the non football related incidents have joined the same campaign for his on the pitch activites which have given us the worst manager in terms of results in the histiry of the club.

You don't have to be a brain surgeon to see he is not up to managing the team, and his removal will not effect incomings becasue they will be bought regrdless,

I hope you can understand the difference

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You don't have to be a brain surgeon to see he is not up to managing the team, and his removal will not effect incomings becasue they will be bought regrdless,

I hope you can understand the difference

I can't believe not having a manager would not effect incomings! Do you not think that one of the first questions, for any potential signings, would be who's the manager? No matter what peoples opinion is of Kean, a player would rather sign for a manager who wants him rather than a potential manager who hasn't a role for him.

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Thanks for the response Glen. I can see the difference between the two issues,and as I said,not a dig more a genuine query.

What it highlights for me is that us supporters in the 'Not-in-the-know' camp can only go on our emotional responses to the current situation as we don't have the luxury of being able to see the bigger picture.

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Any chance of an update from Kamy, Glen or Makey? Is the backing for Kean on Granada tonight for real or just more hot air from the bullshit brothers?

think about it.... they had to come out and say something... not doing would have bin suicide for them.

and there not going to come out and say theyre considering his future are they?? when have owners ever done that (granted these arnt the average owners to say the least)

so they had little option than to say that.

but again as ive said alot recently... alot of kean out banners and chants and hes gone.

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The beloved "vote of confidence"

Its sad to say but if we want Nugget out, we need 2 more poor results this week. I hate going against Rovers but I wont be too disapointed if we lose to Wednesday and Everton if it results in the greater good.

Thanks for the response Glen. I can see the difference between the two issues,and as I said,not a dig more a genuine query.

What it highlights for me is that us supporters in the 'Not-in-the-know' camp can only go on our emotional responses to the current situation as we don't have the luxury of being able to see the bigger picture.

Nail. On. The. Head. :D

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Thanks for the response Glen. I can see the difference between the two issues,and as I said,not a dig more a genuine query.

What it highlights for me is that us supporters in the 'Not-in-the-know' camp can only go on our emotional responses to the current situation as we don't have the luxury of being able to see the bigger picture.

Exactly, I don't know what is happening behind the scenes, nor claim to. There are various members who appear, or claim to have sources (to avoid the undesirable acronym). I take each an every one on face value, some have proven themselves to be worthy of consideration (because even the truest of sources will apply themselves to the 'facts' they present). I consider Glen to be worthy of consideration amongst others, however gaining trust with tip offs that are later proven does not earn the the right that future tip offs can be accepted on merit alone - I guess I'm saying that if you want us to go with you on this we still need the pudding (as it were) :-)

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Thanks for the response Glen. I can see the difference between the two issues,and as I said,not a dig more a genuine query.

What it highlights for me is that us supporters in the 'Not-in-the-know' camp can only go on our emotional responses to the current situation as we don't have the luxury of being able to see the bigger picture.

Good post, just saying because I have run out of plus votes again!

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I'd be struggling to believe what I am reading had I not predicted it. The sound of chickens coming home to roost is reaching a crescendo. In this life you nearly always get what you deserve children.

All the "It's not my fault, I was willing to give Ince a chance in the beginning and I hated Allardyce even though he saved us from relegation and I was glad he was sacked cos I thought we'd get a better manager and I hated the Trust too" bleeding hearts on here should form a club. 'The Nobhead club' has a good ring to it and 'Terminal Losers Club' would be accurate too. They should have club lapel badges stating 'I'm a nobhead' or 'Nobheads do it on Facebook', and in years to come they could have a club newsletter and organise future club meetings on alternate sat afternoons through the winter when the Rovers should have been playing.

.... and in the meantime they should all ferk right off and never dare to give their stupid opinions on football and anything related ever again until hell freezes over. You all know who you are, hows your brave new world looking now?

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Kean retains the support of senior players, there is a sort of senior players committee (Roberts, Nelsen etc.) which the owners listen to

In which case THEY are the problem too.

Look at Kean's record since taking over. How can anyone with the best interest of BRFC at heart defend it?

Nobody can.

Nobody who truly supports Rovers believes that Kean should be our manager.

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His unpopularity clearly is a major issue.

My view is that, 2 games into the season not much has suddenly changed. We have a threadbare squad with new arrivals apparently on their way and we're seriously hampered by defensive injuries. I'm sticking to what I'd originally decided on which was to give him 10 games or so with a full squad and new signings to finally see if he can cut the mustard. I've not deviated from this,but if people want to have a go anyway then fair enough.

The slapping down point you make is risible.

It seems to me that it's all got a bit Stalinist round here at present and it's the people who want him gone yesterday who are slapping down anyone who has the temerity to not fall in line with this.

A good example being dubdubdub being told to 'grow a pair' because he thinks differently.

That clear enough for you?

You are, ultimately, defending Kean.

Really? Is that how low you have stooped?


Tell you what...you have Kean, I'll have Rovers. Supporting the two is incompatible.

That clear enough for you?

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I'd be struggling to believe what I am reading had I not predicted it. The sound of chickens coming home to roost is reaching a crescendo. In this life you nearly always get what you deserve children.

All the "It's not my fault, I was willing to give Ince a chance in the beginning and I hated Allardyce even though he saved us from relegation and I was glad he was sacked cos I thought we'd get a better manager and I hated the Trust too" bleeding hearts on here should form a club. 'The Nobhead club' has a good ring to it and 'Terminal Losers Club' would be accurate too. They should have club lapel badges stating 'I'm a nobhead' or 'Nobheads do it on Facebook', and in years to come they could have a club newsletter and organise future club meetings on alternate sat afternoons through the winter when the Rovers should have been playing.

.... and in the meantime they should all ferk right off and never dare to give their stupid opinions on football and anything related ever again until hell freezes over. You all know who you are, hows your brave new world looking now?

I don't even know why I am replying to you as I know I'll just get a smart comment back and your post wasn't aimed at me, but oh well.

You are obsessed with proving you are right, especially with the Ince thing, yet accept that you have been wrong about others, eg mark Hughes, so you're not perfect.

I don't quite understand why you post stuff like this. Do you want praise? I feel like you're sat there saying 'I told you so'. Do you just want to wind people up?

No matter what people believed, every Rovers supporter wants the best for the club. At a time when we should be sticking together, how is your post helpful?

You say people moan that 'it's not my fault', well it isn't their fault. Venkys would have sacked Sam no matter what as this is the advise they received. People that wanted to give ince a chance were just being open minded as he already had the job. You admitted recently that you wanted to give Kidd a chance as you thought he was the real success at Manchester United, so is it all your fault that we got relegated? What is worse? Someone giving 'Ince a chance' or someone giving Kidd a chance? The answer for me is neither! Both decisions would have been made anyway and Uncle Jack and John Williams were strong enough to stand by their decisions, especially without protests etc...or did you have an 'ince out' banner at every game?

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No comment.


That made me laugh! Why on earth are you awake!? Anyway I'm going to sleep now, got a big night tomorrow, think I might streak with 'Kean out' on my bum. Or not.

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Please, please will all the fans going to the match sing loudly and clearly place banners of Steve Kean Out. I unfortunately can not be there tonight, have to work, but we really need you all to pull together and get make a stand.

Please save our club !

Steve Kean Out !!!!

All the best.


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