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[Archived] Steve Kean Thread (Poll reset after Stoke game)



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  1. 1. Should Steve Kean be sacked

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By the same token don't come in here blaming him when we lose.

Fact is he sent 10 men out in the second half without the captain impeccably organised. Nobody claims he is now a great manager or anything of the like but in most peoples eyes its clear he deserves a bit of credit for yesterday, it all means nothing if it is back to usual next week and onwards though

Spot on Tom - my sentiments exactly; same as Man U, he is captain of the ship, if he wins then credit, if we lose then he gets his collar felt

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I have to say;

I feel a little bit sorry for Kean if he is only a piece in this horrible puzzle. Everybody here would accept a once in a lifetime opportunity to become a premier league manager. In employment it is a lot about who you know and he probably thought he was very lucky to get this opportunity. Him being out of depth and so naive and optimistic (his personality suggest this) made him very easy to manipulate?

He is a brave man standing up to all the Ewood Park faithfuls and still believe in himself and the players. He has a horrible premier league record, but as many say the players still seem to be behind him and he is good at giving the youth players a chance. Hell, Henley and Morris against United at Old Trafford. For me he seems to have balls.

It looks like he is bedding together a decent passing team and petro, formica, rochina and goodwillie can stille come good.

He could've resigned and left us with nobody (things suggest that no one is willing to become Venkys manager - according MG Road.).

The team needs us more than ever and I think we should lay down the gauntlet against Kean and give him some credit for the last games.

Things are becoming clear that Jerome Anderson and Venky's are the one to target. They dont care about the team at all. At least Steve Kean looks like he does and the players are on board with.


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I have to say;

I feel a little bit sorry for Kean if he is only a piece in this horrible puzzle. Everybody here would accept a once in a lifetime opportunity to become a premier league manager. In employment it is a lot about who you know and he probably thought he was very lucky to get this opportunity. Him being out of depth and so naive and optimistic (his personality suggest this) made him very easy to manipulate?

He is a brave man standing up to all the Ewood Park faithfuls and still believe in himself and the players. He has a horrible premier league record, but as many say the players still seem to be behind him and he is good at giving the youth players a chance. Hell, Henley and Morris against United at Old Trafford. For me he seems to have balls.

It looks like he is bedding together a decent passing team and petro, formica, rochina and goodwillie can stille come good.

He could've resigned and left us with nobody (things suggest that no one is willing to become Venkys manager - according MG Road.).

The team needs us more than ever and I think we should lay down the gauntlet against Kean and give him some credit for the last games.

Things are becoming clear that Jerome Anderson and Venky's are the one to target. They dont care about the team at all. At least Steve Kean looks like he does and the players are on board with.


Would've been preferable.

You make it sound like Kean is blameless. If he'd just been a rubbish manager I think we could all just about cope like that, but he's a compulsive liar, arrogant and sly. He could've been a 'rookie manager' without his constant lies and swipes at the fans and he wouldn't have been so disliked.

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So, why do you feel sorry for him?

Why is he 'brave'?

The bloke was a no mark coach, is now managing a PL oufit with no pressure from the owners to get results and on a million pounds a year.

He has got no more abuse than any other mananger with his record. When he eventually leaves he will be set for life just because he made the right choice of Agent.

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I think he is brave to cope with all the "abuse" and hatred amongst the supporters. I know I never would cope with it and probably burst into tears.

I feel sorry for him because he has been left in position where IMO he is exposed and some kind of human shield for the snake Jerome Anderson and the naiv and dumb owners Venky's.

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Managers who get poor results have had their name then OUT shouted since the dawn of time.

It has never been personal, it has just been sustained as he long ago should have got the boot.

'Fat Geordie b******' at Bruce, for example is far worse, yet I don't recall the Sunderland fans being branded a 'disgrace'.

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I think he is brave to cope with all the "abuse" and hatred amongst the supporters. I know I never would cope with it and probably burst into tears.

"Steve Kean Out"

"Kean Out"

Horrendous abuse.

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I think he is brave to cope with all the "abuse" and hatred amongst the supporters. I know I never would cope with it and probably burst into tears.

I feel sorry for him because he has been left in position where IMO he is exposed and some kind of human shield for the snake Jerome Anderson and the naiv and dumb owners Venky's.

Don't feel too sorry for him. He will walk away from the club with a very healthy bank account

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Please understand my post even though I am not very good at getting my point across in the best manner when writing English.

I feel sorry for Kean IF he has only been used as a yes-man. I think I and Kean have much the same personality (except the lying and worst arrogance). I am very positive and optimistic which sometimes turns into deluded and naive. I would also accept a opportunity to become a premier league manager and always have the believe in myself.

CN174, you know as much as me that the abuse against Bolton was far worse than "Steve Kean out" and "Kean out". I have been to a couple of games in England and was absolutely horrified about the abuse Gamst got from the stands. Wors such as w***** and f*** off from grown up men.

I am in no way saying that Kean is the right man for the job and his record suggest he is not, but I think we should lay the gauntlet down against Kean and be 100% supportive during the games. Get Ewood rocking again. Things are turning against our owners and in full on Jerome Anderson.

We should still continue the great efforts from Simon and Glen, Kamy et al to expose the owners and Jerome Anders. Put the pressure on FA and the media to get the truth out there, but we need everyone to stay in the Premier League. That is the most important thing for us all!

Aw diddums


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Don't feel too sorry for him. He will walk away from the club with a very healthy bank account


Poor Steve, nasty nasty fans. The media are quick to apply the term "brave". I think I'd rather be shouted at than be shot at - as many brave people are in Afghanistan right now. Don't forget, by the end of this season, relegated or not, Kean will have been paid as much in 18 months as someon in our armed forces will earn in 40 years. Money isn't everything, but that level of income must make it easier to ignore all the "abuse".

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I think he is brave to cope with all the "abuse" and hatred amongst the supporters. I know I never would cope with it and probably burst into tears.

Lets not forget Alex, that when kean was appointed Mrs Desai had never been to England, yet she was able to tell the media that Kean is a 'great thinker.'

He hasn't just been thrown in the deep end because Allardyce was sacked. Him and JA engineered this whole situation. It would be much easier to feel sorry for him, if the waters were not so murky at Ewood, and if all the signs did not point towards backstabbing.

I believe he is a vile man who has treated the fans with complete contempt even though we have seen our club slide into chaos in the 13/14 months that he has been in charge.

I mentioned the other day however, that I am just willing to ignore him now. If it allows me to go to Ewood every week and try to regain the passion that I had for the club prior to SEM/Kean/Venkys and get fully behind the team then it will be worth it.

Meanwhile I intend to protest against the ownership of the club, and try to prevent the club sliding any closer to the abyss.

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Poor Steve, nasty nasty fans. The media are quick to apply the term "brave". I think I'd rather be shouted at than be shot at - as many brave people are in Afghanistan right now. Don't forget, by the end of this season, relegated or not, Kean will have been paid as much in 18 months as someon in our armed forces will earn in 40 years. Money isn't everything, but that level of income must make it easier to ignore all the "abuse".

Thats a stupid comparison. So brave can never be used as a term unless you sacrifice your life ?

I think it is brave stood in front of 15,000 wanting to punch you in the face.

Those to last paragraph are what I should have said. Lets ignore can and get behind the lads. Continue to efforts to expose Venkys and Jerome Anderson and whatever has happened at this club.

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Thats a stupid comparison. So brave can never be used as a term unless you sacrifice your life ?

I think it is brave stood in front of 15,000 wanting to punch you in the face.

You're saying something about yourself here as I doubt very much that 15000 Rovers fans want "to punch him in the face". Wouldn't solve anything. Would strengthen the media hype. May be that 15000 people would be happier with him either doing his job properly or leaving the Club.

A stupid comparison abot bravery? It's the misapplication of brave to Kean by the Press to which many object. Many people associate the terms "brave" or "bravery" with honourable behaviour in the face of real danger. To ignore people shouting at you whilst you line your pockets doesn't fit the bill.

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You're saying something about yourself here as I doubt very much that 15000 Rovers fans want "to punch him in the face". Wouldn't solve anything. Would strengthen the media hype. May be that 15000 people would be happier with him either doing his job properly or leaving the Club.

A stupid comparison abot bravery? It's the misapplication of brave to Kean by the Press to which many object. Many people associate the terms "brave" or "bravery" with honourable behaviour in the face of real danger. To ignore people shouting at you whilst you line your pockets doesn't fit the bill.

"to punch him in the face" was maybe over exaggerated, but you know what I meant. Lets put this discussion dead. IMO he is brave (possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.) to face all the angry supporters and still try to be positive to get us out of this mess.

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Would've been preferable.

You make it sound like Kean is blameless. If he'd just been a rubbish manager I think we could all just about cope like that, but he's a compulsive liar, arrogant and sly. He could've been a 'rookie manager' without his constant lies and swipes at the fans and he wouldn't have been so disliked.

Spot on.

Does Kean deserve credit or praise? Not from what i've seen during his tenure results wise and also his comments directed towards fans as seen in the recent interview in the Daily Mail.

I would say I've always been open to changing my view on things after a bit of reflection over a period of time, however sometimes you come to a point where you have made your mind up on something and nothing will change it. I can state this right now I will never ever back Kean, even if he won the Premier League and the Champions League I would still want him out of the club.

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Please understand my post even though I am not very good at getting my point across in the best manner when writing English.

I feel sorry for Kean IF he has only been used as a yes-man. I think I and Kean have much the same personality (except the lying and worst arrogance). I am very positive and optimistic which sometimes turns into deluded and naive. I would also accept a opportunity to become a premier league manager and always have the believe in myself.

CN174, you know as much as me that the abuse against Bolton was far worse than "Steve Kean out" and "Kean out". I have been to a couple of games in England and was absolutely horrified about the abuse Gamst got from the stands. Wors such as w***** and f*** off from grown up men.

I am in no way saying that Kean is the right man for the job and his record suggest he is not, but I think we should lay the gauntlet down against Kean and be 100% supportive during the games. Get Ewood rocking again. Things are turning against our owners and in full on Jerome Anderson.

We should still continue the great efforts from Simon and Glen, Kamy et al to expose the owners and Jerome Anders. Put the pressure on FA and the media to get the truth out there, but we need everyone to stay in the Premier League. That is the most important thing for us all!


It's a working class game and swearing and venting is a part of it! Man up Ffs

"to punch him in the face" was maybe over exaggerated, but you know what I meant. Lets put this discussion dead. IMO he is brave (possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.) to face all the angry supporters and still try to be positive to get us out of this mess.

Please don't call kean brave!! Your insulting the real brave people of the world !!!

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CN174, you know as much as me that the abuse against Bolton was far worse than "Steve Kean out" and "Kean out". I have been to a couple of games in England and was absolutely horrified about the abuse Gamst got from the stands. Wors such as w***** and f*** off from grown up men.

I don't think it really was worse than that, even if there were swear words thrown in, and I've been to pretty much every game where there's been 'abuse'.

There's much more abusive stuff shouted and sung on a weekly basis that doesn't even get a mention - Liverpool fans singing about Man U team dying, people singing Wenger is a peado, Sunderland fans shouting Bruce a geordie ****, all the chants that used to be about Beckham, the list goes on. Nothing that has been sung against Kean has been anything like that - we just want him out.

He's managed to create this whole story around himself about how he had a tough childhood, completely innocent poor soul, and that the only reason we're not doing as well as we should is because of the nasty fans not giving him a chance. Balls!

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Spot on Tom - my sentiments exactly; same as Man U, he is captain of the ship, if he wins then credit, if we lose then he gets his collar felt

A manager should be judged on the points he has on the league table, so as he gained 3 you're kind of right. The problem lies with our overall points tally. It's terrible and highlights the fact that he can't string two results together and our home record has gone from great to shocking.

A win under this man is an anomaly.

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"to punch him in the face" was maybe over exaggerated, but you know what I meant. Lets put this discussion dead. IMO he is brave (possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.) to face all the angry supporters and still try to be positive to get us out of this mess.

"get us out of this mess" he got us into. Like last season-----half way up the League when he took over.

If someone pushes you off a cliff you don't thank them for phoning an ambulance.

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