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I am, it's very therapeutic (although not especially classy.)

Not sure if it was Villa away, it's all merging into one for me now!

Yes I know the feeling, I recall ranting at the radio:

"We may have got into Villas box the same number of times, but they scored 3 ******* goals, we scored one you ***"

I feel better now, you're right Bryan :D

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Yes I know the feeling, I recall ranting at the radio:

"We may have got into Villas box the same number of times, but they scored 3 ******* goals, we scored one you ***"

I feel better now, your right Bryan :D

I sat in my car in the school car park the other day yelling abuse at Alan Brazil who was talking to Ray Wilkins about Rovers. Used some words I wouldn't want anyone else to hear me use but you are right - it wa therapeutic and stopped me from biting the head off the first pupil to annoy me.

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“We have a points tally in mind for us to finish in the top 10 and we are slightly off it at the moment but I would stress it is very, very slight."

Seriously what is this guy on??

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How in earth can he say we are almost in a way to top10? Seriously, he is an idiot.

What about the players he has brought in? Even he doesn´t have faith in them. Mauro and Ruben has talent but they aren´t Rovers type of players. Or even PL type. Goodie or Yak can´t play alone in front. We still have to play 5 man midfield because Kean didn´t bring in a decent centre mid. We don´t have two good enough centre mids and that´s why there has to be third. Petrovic is a perfect example.

Vukcevic hasn´t even had a chance yet. Don´t know if he is in a bad shape. He did look a little fatty when he came. Dann was a good signing and he will improve.

If Venky´s sack him one day it will be a huge boost. No matter Kean says he can´t have players behind him. They can´t respect manager who is obviously an arrogant idiot.

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It seems he is trying to move the goalpost on judgement day, cos he is now blaming injuries when only a couple of weeks ago he was sayinmg that he was thrilled with his squad because he had cover in all departments and injuries would not hinder the clubs progress.

Its not just his comments which are winding me up, but the smug grin that accompanies them, We need to win tomorrow nothing less, If we lose the match and Venkys don't act by Monday, then i'm pretty sure that most fans will then turn on them, as its them who have got us in the is mess, by not caring two hoots that they appointed the wrong man

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There is no date in the title of this thread......

Deep down we all know it ain't gonna be tomorrow !

So could we all kneel down at the side of the bed tonight and say a little prayer !!!

Ok changed, not a date but posed the question is it Monday, maybe I should have changed it to should it be Monday.

IMO opinion that is way to late anyway,

but I am not a chicken farmer

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Think it's simple, if we loose tmrw, Kean WILL be sacked. Just isn't credible, hasn't delivered, and the table does NOT lie! Funny listening to Jason Roberts on 5Live, he's so so compromised, how can he ask Bolton fans whether Owen Coyle is the right man?

Bolton don't play Jason's wages though. As has been said previously - wait for the players to tell the truth when Kean has gone. They won't criticise in the media but the stories will leak out - they always do.

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Ok changed, not a date but posed the question is it Monday, maybe I should have changed it to should it be Monday.

IMO opinion that is way to late anyway,

but I am not a chicken farmer

Would hope should we get beat (and I'm not of those fan Charlie nicholas was having a pop at earlier). But he has to go surely, but who will pull the trigger on him ?

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Judgement Day?

Well let’s hope this fellas getting warmed up.


I can’t take much more of this. Kean is either on the pop, taking the mick or has lost the plot. Probably all three. Top 10 my arse.

In an undoubtedly vain attempt to lighten the mood and possibly with more intention of missing some of dancing on x factor...


The Grim Reaper: (sore throat an all) I... Am... The... Grim... Reaper....

Steve Kean: Who?

TGR: The... Grim....Reaper!...

SK: Och, what do you want? We’ll be Top 10 soon man?!

TGR: ........I..... Am...... Death.......

SK: Yes, well the thing is, I have some pals here tonight...

(Enter Jerome Anderson)

JA: Who is it Stevie darling?

SK: It’s a Mr Death, come about "The Rovers" or something...

JA: Well don’t leave him hanging around, invite him in, I’m sure we can sort something out - nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean?!, Say no more...

(Inside – introductions)

JA : It’s one of the 1% minority from the village. Mr Death, this is Mr Hunt, and his wife Mrs Hunt, and these are the Andersons, yes all of them.

(Cut to 1.46)

Someone or other: We were just talking about some of the awful problems that Steve is trying to blag his way ou.....

(TGR knocks over glass, on purpose, very angry... if not livid... it's been coming after all)

(Inane comments from SK’s friends...)

TGR: I... Am.... Not.... Of... This... World! (TGR walks through the dining table) I... Am.... Death!!!....

SK: Well isn’t that extraordinary. We were just talking about how well the team is doing since I took charge, how things are really looking up, how the squad value has risen, how we’re mere moments away from that Champions League, about the attractive football we’re playing, about how the players really love me and everything, about how the owners are backin....

TGR: You!!... Do!!... Not!!... Understand!!!....

(More garbling from the guests. Including at 2.54..)

JA: Mr Death, Is there a life after BRFC?


TGR: Silence!..... I... Have.... Come.... For... You!!!....

(Pregnant pause...)

TGR: To... Take.... You.... Away!.... That... Is.... My.... Purpose....

(Cue more misunderstanding & waffling)

(Important note - If you don’t like swearing or are under a certain age, it might be an idea to turn off now. Just substitute the word “American” for “Kean”. Starting at 3.38.)


A guest: How come we all died at the same time?

(pause till 4.42)

TGR: The Chicken!!!......... Now the time has come......

Win, lose or draw. Hopefully he’ll have been sacked this time tomorrow. We can but hope.

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Bolton don't play Jason's wages though. As has been said previously - wait for the players to tell the truth when Kean has gone. They won't criticise in the media but the stories will leak out - they always do.

I've lost a lot of respect for Roberts. As a footballer he would be the worst one-on-one striker ever to grace the Premiership and his constant arguing with refs, linesmen and even his own players didn't do him any favours either.

However, off the pitch I thought he'd be a good bloke. But all this a*se-licking to get in the side, get a contract extension, get a coaching job when he hangs his boots up, whatever makes me want him out. Turned on his own fans for his own self-interest.

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More garbage on twitter from roversinsider. Saying look in JW STAND today and see an invited manager - New appointment.

Hedging you bets by posting in then, PAFELL?

I know we'd all love it to be true..!

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