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[Archived] BRFC vs. Chelsea Protest Details


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Mum how do you know they are not going to asset strip? Because they told you? Not being funny but I wouldn't believe them if they me we played in blue and white.Did she why she's been to one game in her life? And the blokes 3 at most to ewood?

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Do you know them, Mercerman? Have you met them?

Our owners are more than able to provide everything that a Rovers Fan could desire. But whilst they are having to worry about protests and the like they can't get on with getting the club sorted out. They are in it for the long run and they are not about failure. There have been difficulties, and people being trusted in good faith who did not have the best interests for the club, we all know about these, but somehow certain fans have turned themselves into paragons who have never made mistakes or said something they later regretted. The owners are not asset strippers - they have no need to be.

Please don't come up with a load of bunkum that you or your best mate's third cousin's sister heard from the chippie owner's granny's dog because a fair bit of it is simply not true. People are spending their time arguing and writing blogs about things that are just rumours when they could be doing something so much more productive to actively help the club to move forward.

The best thing fans can do is to get on with setting up the Supporters' Trust or some other sort of Supporters' Association. All fans (including those overseas with technology available today) can then be represented by an elected body and have an official input into what is happening at the club. That is the way forward. Unfortunately whilst many talented individuals are happy to tinker about photoshopping daft pictures they can't be bothered with the obvious solution and the hard ground work that entails.

As I have said before, regarding the Manager, his fate is in his own hands. He has to gain the points required and he is well aware of that.

They would not have to worry about protests if they did the right and just thing by removing Kean as manager. We would all stop then. We protesters don't want to do it - but we feel we have to. Our club is being destroyed in front of our very eyes. And under the current form of the last 12 months. we will go down this season. Most likely with not coming back up.

Now, if the owners decided to keep Kean and we do go down. At least we are safe in the knowledge that we tried our very best for the future of our club.

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Do you know them, Mercerman? Have you met them?

Our owners are more than able to provide everything that a Rovers Fan could desire. But whilst they are having to worry about protests and the like they can't get on with getting the club sorted out. They are in it for the long run and they are not about failure. There have been difficulties, and people being trusted in good faith who did not have the best interests for the club, we all know about these, but somehow certain fans have turned themselves into paragons who have never made mistakes or said something they later regretted. The owners are not asset strippers - they have no need to be.

Please don't come up with a load of bunkum that you or your best mate's third cousin's sister heard from the chippie owner's granny's dog because a fair bit of it is simply not true. People are spending their time arguing and writing blogs about things that are just rumours when they could be doing something so much more productive to actively help the club to move forward.

The best thing fans can do is to get on with setting up the Supporters' Trust or some other sort of Supporters' Association. All fans (including those overseas with technology available today) can then be represented by an elected body and have an official input into what is happening at the club. That is the way forward. Unfortunately whilst many talented individuals are happy to tinker about photoshopping daft pictures they can't be bothered with the obvious solution and the hard ground work that entails.

As I have said before, regarding the Manager, his fate is in his own hands. He has to gain the points required and he is well aware of that.

I have not personally met them but what I can tell you is that in the course of my work, I have come across hundreds of business people and you soon learn to differentiate between the good, the bad and the downright ugly. IMO, based on Venky's record of gross mismanagement, it isn't difficult to work out which category they fit in!

IMV, almost 12 months on, our football club is a joke, hurtling towards oblivion and I would challenge anyone to come up with one improvement these jokers have made.

Try a nice strong coffee !!!

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What a load of old ######!

Poor old dragon lady can't get out of bed to write the cheques to bank-roll our assault on the top 4 because she's depressed and worried about the protests. She can't sack a lame-duck manager who's slowly taking us down because she's too busy cracking open the prozac and light ales trying to forget about those nasty protesting men.

The gap between what Venky's said they will do, and what they have done, is a gaping chasm. It's wider than the grand canyon.

Everything a rovers fan could desire? Aye, if he was a closet Burnley fan.PS: And why does the club need sorting out? Because the Venky idiots have damn well ruined it! They've taken a well-run outfit and take a hatchet to it and turned it into Broadmoor on a bad night! They're absolute half-wits and I wouldn't trust them to do a 'paper round.

Indeed, banners at Turd Moor yesterday saying 'Kean In' they know he will take us down.

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I personally have given up on Venky completely.

They have repeatedly lied to the fans and embarrassed us with their pronouncements

They have ruined the structure of the club from top to bottom

They have appointed a joke manager and stuck with him

They refuse to take good advice from people with the club at heart not their wallet

They are running the club as a branch from Asia

They seem to be loading the club with debt

Get out while we still have a pulse.

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Just as I thought :angry2: which annoys the pants out of me, because the town of Blackburn and Blackburn Rovers is what I stand for, its my identity and i'm proud of our heritage

In fairness roversmum and roversdad go to every game - both home and away. Indeed, when the Reserves used to play at Morecambe they were regulars watching the Reserves. I suspect they see many more Rovers games in a season than many who appear to be questioning their support for the club. While roversmum and I disagree about the owners and manager we can still have a civil discussion about our differences. We are at opposite ends of the pole with regard to our views on Venky's but ultimately roversmum has every right to hold the views she does. Again, both roversmum and roversdad have been in total support of Venky's since the day they took over and certainly haven't had their views swayed by the trip to Pune.

Both are keen supporters of Blackburn Rovers who just happen to have a different view on the owners and Kean to myself and many others on this board. I find it sad that the lynch mob mentality that appears to have broken out means that those holding a different view get shouted down.

Although difficult to understand, I know a good many supporters who don't go on messageboards but who believe that the protests are counterproductive. Indeed, I have spoken to a number of supporters who believe that Kean should be given longer. While it's a viewpoint I don't agree with the fact remains that the fanbase is not as united as some would like to believe. I honestly don't believe that attacking those who hold different views is going to be productive in the long run.

Sadly, the problems are in Pune rather than in Lancashire. The decision of the owners to replace Big Sam with Kean was the start of a downward spiral that has continued ever since. Rather than attacking one another, those who are unhappy with the situation ought to concentrate their firepower on the owners because, ultimately, they are the only ones who can alter the situation.

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In fairness roversmum and roversdad go to every game - both home and away. Indeed, when the Reserves used to play at Morecambe they were regulars watching the Reserves. I suspect they see many more Rovers games in a season than many who appear to be questioning their support for the club. While roversmum and I disagree about the owners and manager we can still have a civil discussion about our differences. We are at opposite ends of the pole with regard to our views on Venky's but ultimately roversmum has every right to hold the views she does. Again, both roversmum and roversdad have been in total support of Venky's since the day they took over and certainly haven't had their views swayed by the trip to Pune.

Both are keen supporters of Blackburn Rovers who just happen to have a different view on the owners and Kean to myself and many others on this board. I find it sad that the lynch mob mentality that appears to have broken out means that those holding a different view get shouted down.

Although difficult to understand, I know a good many supporters who don't go on messageboards but who believe that the protests are counterproductive. Indeed, I have spoken to a number of supporters who believe that Kean should be given longer. While it's a viewpoint I don't agree with the fact remains that the fanbase is not as united as some would like to believe. I honestly don't believe that attacking those who hold different views is going to be productive in the long run.

Sadly, the problems are in Pune rather than in Lancashire. The decision of the owners to replace Big Sam with Kean was the start of a downward spiral that has continued ever since. Rather than attacking one another, those who are unhappy with the situation ought to concentrate their firepower on the owners because, ultimately, they are the only ones who can alter the situation.

Great Post,

TBF I was trying to understand the mentality of some of Roversmums statements over the last couple of months, something which until yesterday I have not publically commented on.

You are quite right she goes home and away, whilst also going to the reserve games. She is also a big Rovers fan as are many like her, who have supported other teams in the past. With all clubs supporters change teams for many reasons, but whilst I understand that. I'm getting annoyed with supporters slating fans who wish to protest.

The Majority of supporters I have spoke to at protest and indeed the open meeting have been Rovers through and through for life, They have been there when we had nothing and very small crowds, they will also be there whatever will be regarding our long term future, whatever it holds.

I respect all opinions even if I disagree with them, but people reading the riot act to me about our actions to fight for the clubs future when they have not breathed blue and white from day one is a step even my emotions can't take.

Different things make different people tick, and although I welcome new supporters to Blackburn Rovers and strongly believe our fan base should grow, I do also believe that those supporters need to understand where life long fans are coming from when they take the drastic measures we are taking.

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Guest TheArtistFormallyKnownAsJB

Roversmum whilst I have a lot of respect for you. I think your viewpoint is seriously clouded.Our club is in a real mess, communication, guidance, management. I've never known a £60m per year turnover company behave like this.As for I'm a bigger fan than you crap.My first game, I was six week old and not looked back since.Chelsea will be only my 3rd game this season, may be my last if things carry on.I will be there for the protest against 'mismanagement'.

What a load of old ######!Poor old dragon lady can't get out of bed to write the cheques to bank-roll our assault on the top 4 because she's depressed and worried about the protests. She can't sack a lame-duck manager who's slowly taking us down because she's too busy cracking open the prozac and light ales trying to forget about those nasty protesting men.The gap between what Venky's said they will do, and what they have done, is a gaping chasm. It's wider than the grand canyon.Everything a rovers fan could desire? Aye, if he was a closet Burnley fan.PS: And why does the club need sorting out? Because the Venky idiots have damn well ruined it! They've taken a well-run outfit and take a hatchet to it and turned it into Broadmoor on a bad night! They're absolute half-wits and I wouldn't trust them to do a 'paper round.

I personally have given up on Venky completely.They have repeatedly lied to the fans and embarrassed us with their pronouncementsThey have ruined the structure of the club from top to bottomThey have appointed a joke manager and stuck with himThey refuse to take good advice from people with the club at heart not their wallet They are running the club as a branch from Asia They seem to be loading the club with debt Get out while we still have a pulse.

All reasons to remind me why I should avoid this website. Get the sodding razor blades out.

And you may have noticed I highlighted a part of one of the posts. Fair enough, you have a right to protest, but to consider never going to watch the club again and protesting in the same breath seems idiotic. Surely the real fans would either choose to protest or hope for the best - I seriously have no choice on the matter. I can never give up on my club.

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The fact Roversmum isn't from the area orginally shouldn't even be brought up.

Blackburn Rovers fans are (were?) a welcoming bunch and I always enjoy hearing stories from non Lancastrians on how they got the Rovers bug.

Whilst I have different views towards the owners and Kean than those held by Roversmum I will always defend her right to hold those views. Whatever her lineage she is a Rovers fans through and through, no body can really dispute her suport for Rovers - she is a Rover.

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Mum, I'm saddened to read this from you.The manager's fate should not be in his own hands,

You are twisting my word again, 48er. I mean, that if Kean doesn't get the points, he will have to go.

Wow you really have had your head turned, Even the people who work at the club are at a loss with the new owners and the lack of communication.

1. No-one can get answers from the owners.

2. Steve Kean will not report information to the board

3. The board will not communicate with fans, because they don't know the answers.

4 .Learnt their lessons? Badly advised?, Why is Jerome Anderson still actively involved?

5. They can't do their job because of protests? How about trying there is protest because they have not done their job?

6. Paragons? Try concerned fans who have been supporting the club for decades through the thick and thin and know the history of the club and the values the club has been built on. Blackburn and Blackburn Rovers flows through the blood of so many supporters and you may be bought with perks, but the everyday supporter won't have their head turned

I have chose to not comment on so many of your inuendo posts over the last couple of months, but I can't understand how you can be happy with the current sitiuation, Was you a supporter under Brian Kidd? was you a supporter before Jack Walker?

Rant over

Thank you, Glen, that's just the sort of response I would have expected from you. Of course I am not happy with the current situation but I just don't see that it's simply the end of everything. You obviously don't know me because I can assure you that I am the very last person that could be bought with perks as you suggest.

To quickly take point 6 - when I refer to 'paragons' I am thinking of the 'let he who has not sinned cast the first stone' sort of thing. I would never suggest that fans of the club I love were anything but paragons.

Someone mentioned that I 'once' supported Swindon Town - well, it's my home town team and I still look out for their results but in truth I have never had the love for them that I have for Blackburn Rovers. It was more just something to do on a Saturday afternoon around 45 years ago; I never went to away matches. And yet, I tell you this. Some members of my family still support the Town and they would be over the moon to be in the position that Blackburn Rovers finds itself and so this might help you to understand why I am not in as much of a panic as some over the current situation.

And no, - if I moved elsewhere even to the doorstep of Old Trafford (perish the thought) there could never be another team but Blackburn Rovers for me.

Can I ask a genuine question?

How long have you supported Blackburn Rovers? This is a valid question as it may help me understand your mindset, I'm also curious due to you living in an area where I have lots of family where rovers fans have been a rarity in the 25 years they have lived there

Now please don't start up the old 'I've been a supporter longer than you stuff' - I would hope that anyone who wanted to come to Rovers would be welcomed into the Rovers family and not ostracised because they are 'newer' fans. Indeed I have converted a few myself and everyone who visits us gets to go to Ewood Park, like it or not!!

I have looked out for Rovers for some twenty years now, but we could never afford to go to matches, until round about eleven years ago when we started off with home matches, as Parsonblue says we went to all the reserve matches, and eventually could not bear to sit at home when Rovers played away so for the past few years have travelled to all the away matches - not an easy task for as most know Mr Roversmum is disabled. We took two car loads for several years, until the children and grandchildren grew up and went off to university etc, but still four of the family go together to all home matches. We were always avid watchers of football on tv and Mr Roversmum had always had a liking for Blackburn Rovers and so living so close by it was natural to take things further.

However, I have noticed that no-one has commented on my points regarding a supporters association which I strongly believe would have given fans more input to happenings at the club. I know there are a few others who are interested in such a suggestion, hopefully before to long there will be some movement with this, either in collaboration with the Supporters' Trust or as a separate entity.

I think there are some questions I have not answered yet, I will try and do so later on.

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Just don't see what Venky's have possibly done for you to have faith in them. Besides giving you an all-expenses paid trip to India, that is.

Fair enough, when they first came in it was only right to cut them some slack and see what they had planned. But in just 12 months, they've turned the club on its head. We've gone from a well-run, respectable, mid-table side with an experienced boss, to a rudderless, relegation-headed shambles with a poor excuse for a manager. There's no leader at the top, no John Williams figure who's entrusted to make decisions for the club's best interests, and there's certainly no leader in the dug-out either. Mrs. Desai obviously wants the club to suffer because anyone in their right mind would have booted Kean ages ago. There's absolutely no sense in what the Venky's are doing with our club. They're out of their depth and should either wise up or hand the club over to someone who knows what they're doing.

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Whilst I have different views towards the owners and Kean than those held by Roversmum I will always defend her right to hold those views. Whatever her lineage she is a Rovers fans through and through, no body can really dispute her suport for Rovers - she is a Rover.

Totally agree.

Maybe someone should try to get a chant of "Stevie Keans Barmy Army" or "We love you Venkys, we do" going at the Chelsea game?

I'm sure the Riversiders who have bothered to turn up or haven't left early, or who aren't dancing around with a banner with Barry White Venkys face in a toilet will be happy to join in?

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You are twisting my word again, 48er. I mean, that if Kean doesn't get the points, he will have to go.

I've never twisted your words in the first place so I don't know why you say "again". I've put a series of points to you in a civilised way, no personal stuff and you've ignored them all!

I cannot believe you are saying "if Kean doesn't get the points, he will have to go". Future tense and conditional tense--------"if"! Hasn't he had long enough?

31 games and 28 points! I ask you again---how long will you give him? Till we are mathematically down? Don't worry, I don't expect an answer.

As for Glen's point------Glen where are you going with this? If someone (anyone) goes to every Rovers game, home and away, even to Hong Kong------how can they not be a true supporter? How does it matter where they live? You've lost me there I'm afraid.

Doesn't mean they can see the wood from the trees though!

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Urgh, forget it. Instead of trying to be a smart arse, learn to read.

I have nothing to do and I still find this messageboard a complete waste of time and energy. I'm gone again.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out. :xmas:

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You are twisting my word again, 48er. I mean, that if Kean doesn't get the points, he will have to go.

But he hasn't got the points, isn't getting the points doesn't look like ever getting the points.

So how long do we wait?

Kean is 100% taking us down due to his sheer incompetence.

The fact that some fans would rather sit on their hands, 'look for the positives' or even criticise those passionate fans like Glenn who are taking action, absolutely baffles me.

As for the 'I'm a bigger fan than you' - load of tosh.

All Rovers fans are equal, whether you go to every game or two games a season.

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Re the supporters association idea. You know I strongly agree with that, you know I've been there, done than and ultimately failed (but at least we tried), you probably know I've ultimately nailed my colours to BRST mast and will back them whilst there is still life in the organisation. I've always been about trying to bring together as many supporters as possible under one banner to have the largest possible voice. The problem I forsee if the if BRST doesn't get moving soon is a. It'll be too late to make a difference b. Other will come along with alternatives that will further fragment the fan base c. There will not be anything left worth fighting for.

The big problem such an organisation would face at the moment. Fans are pretty much united on Kean, but seem much more divided on both Venky's (which is silly, love 'em or hate 'em, you can't replace them) and the subject of protests. It's going to take a very strong organising committee to separate democracy from mob rule.

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You are twisting my word again, 48er. I mean, that if Kean doesn't get the points, he will have to go.

Thank you, Glen, that's just the sort of response I would have expected from you. Of course I am not happy with the current situation but I just don't see that it's simply the end of everything. You obviously don't know me because I can assure you that I am the very last person that could be bought with perks as you suggest.

To quickly take point 6 - when I refer to 'paragons' I am thinking of the 'let he who has not sinned cast the first stone' sort of thing. I would never suggest that fans of the club I love were anything but paragons.

Someone mentioned that I 'once' supported Swindon Town - well, it's my home town team and I still look out for their results but in truth I have never had the love for them that I have for Blackburn Rovers. It was more just something to do on a Saturday afternoon around 45 years ago; I never went to away matches. And yet, I tell you this. Some members of my family still support the Town and they would be over the moon to be in the position that Blackburn Rovers finds itself and so this might help you to understand why I am not in as much of a panic as some over the current situation.

And no, - if I moved elsewhere even to the doorstep of Old Trafford (perish the thought) there could never be another team but Blackburn Rovers for me.

Now please don't start up the old 'I've been a supporter longer than you stuff' - I would hope that anyone who wanted to come to Rovers would be welcomed into the Rovers family and not ostracised because they are 'newer' fans. Indeed I have converted a few myself and everyone who visits us gets to go to Ewood Park, like it or not!!

I have looked out for Rovers for some twenty years now, but we could never afford to go to matches, until round about eleven years ago when we started off with home matches, as Parsonblue says we went to all the reserve matches, and eventually could not bear to sit at home when Rovers played away so for the past few years have travelled to all the away matches - not an easy task for as most know Mr Roversmum is disabled. We took two car loads for several years, until the children and grandchildren grew up and went off to university etc, but still four of the family go together to all home matches. We were always avid watchers of football on tv and Mr Roversmum had always had a liking for Blackburn Rovers and so living so close by it was natural to take things further.

However, I have noticed that no-one has commented on my points regarding a supporters association which I strongly believe would have given fans more input to happenings at the club. I know there are a few others who are interested in such a suggestion, hopefully before to long there will be some movement with this, either in collaboration with the Supporters' Trust or as a separate entity.

I think there are some questions I have not answered yet, I will try and do so later on.

I already explained my post further down on Parson's blue post.

On the supporters association, This is something everyone is very serious about getting, hence the proposed BRST being at the open supporters meeting a couple of weeks ago. This is also something we have already opened dialogue with the club about, and are continuing to discuss.

So you are quite correct that has to be one of the priorites for a way of moving things forward and closing the gap between club and supporters which has grown over the last 12 months.

Not at one point has anyone stated the "I have supported the club longer than you" fiasco,

All fans irrespective of how long or how they came to be fans are supporters of Blackburn Rovers, My point on the matter was you need to understand why some of us feel as strongly as we do about the current situation

I've never twisted your words in the first place so I don't know why you say "again". I've put a series of points to you in a civilised way, no personal stuff and you've ignored them all!

I cannot believe you are saying "if Kean doesn't get the points, he will have to go". Future tense and conditional tense--------"if"! Hasn't he had long enough?

31 games and 28 points! I ask you again---how long will you give him? Till we are mathematically down? Don't worry, I don't expect an answer.

As for Glen's point------Glen where are you going with this? If someone (anyone) goes to every Rovers game, home and away, even to Hong Kong------how can they not be a true supporter? How does it matter where they live? You've lost me there I'm afraid.

Doesn't mean they can see the wood from the trees though!

If you read my original posts and my response you will see, someone else tried to take it down a different road, Colour, religion, nationality, place of birth, years of support ect does not matter to me, If you are a rovers supporter now thats good enough for me,

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Roversmum - being familiar with Swindon town, you might be aware of John Gorman

- Scottish

- Promoted from assistant to manager

- No previous experience as manager

- Overall win percentage 20%


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Re the supporters association idea. You know I strongly agree with that, you know I've been there, done than and ultimately failed (but at least we tried), you probably know I've ultimately nailed my colours to BRST mast and will back them whilst there is still life in the organisation. I've always been about trying to bring together as many supporters as possible under one banner to have the largest possible voice. The problem I forsee if the if BRST doesn't get moving soon is a. It'll be too late to make a difference b. Other will come along with alternatives that will further fragment the fan base c. There will not be anything left worth fighting for.

The big problem such an organisation would face at the moment. Fans are pretty much united on Kean, but seem much more divided on both Venky's (which is silly, love 'em or hate 'em, you can't replace them) and the subject of protests. It's going to take a very strong organising committee to separate democracy from mob rule.

BRST seems to be really getting their skates on at present and they are working hard. I have spoken at length with Duncun and he has a vision which will benefit ALL supporters long term and all should give it their support.

On protests, Strong committee V Mob Rule,

All protest have been carried out peacefully with NO public order offences and with the full communcation of the club and the Police.

The support from the participants and also the general support from others who have not taken part has been exceptional.

Message boards and other social networks have seen frustrations grow and been subject to angry rants, but the protests themselves have not mirror imaged these

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All reasons to remind me why I should avoid this website. Get the sodding razor blades out.

And you may have noticed I highlighted a part of one of the posts. Fair enough, you have a right to protest, but to consider never going to watch the club again and protesting in the same breath seems idiotic. Surely the real fans would either choose to protest or hope for the best - I seriously have no choice on the matter. I can never give up on my club.

Gonna give Barry white a good shave?

Everyone has a right to an opinion, me stating mine in a strong manner doesn't preclude others from voicing their's.

But you seem rather intolerant yourself, accusing others of holding idiotic views because they don't concord with your own.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander?

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For the first 10 minutes of the protest people remained in their own stands, before they where asked to leave, thats how many it peaked at,

and in the Blackburn end alone it peaked at a couple of thousand for around 20 minutes, I WAS there,

NEVER....you cant count the people still waiting to get out the ground.

I made my way from the middle end of N02 to the front of N01.....(took me 5 mins), at that point there was no more than 1000 who stayed behind. The Darwen End lot left in no time. I stayed behind for 15 mins......

People are not happy, no doubting that - but to say 4000 stayed behind is just ######

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NEVER....you cant count the people still waiting to get out the ground.

I made my way from the middle end of N02 to the front of N01.....(took me 5 mins), at that point there was no more than 1000 who stayed behind. The Darwen End lot left in no time. I stayed behind for 15 mins......

People are not happy, no doubting that - but to say 4000 stayed behind is just ######

The "Darwen End Lot" got kicked out and told to go into the BBurn End.

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