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[Archived] BRFC vs. Chelsea Protest Details


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This is why there is no way back for Kean, he is such a divisive figure that fans are turning on each other. The longer he remains on the job the more the anger will start to build up towards the owners and likely the more fans will fall out with each other.

One thing you can't question is Roversmum's and Mr Roversmum's love of the club, it is blatantly obvious they care about the club deeply. However I can't agree with Roversmum's enthusiasm towards the owners and to a lesser extent the manager, I quite frankly don't see anything to be positive about right now when it comes to Rovers.

Venky's talk about investing, talk about developing the brand worldwide and talk about setting up academies in India. It all sounds great, the problem is their plans are being completely undermined by their inability to react to a grave situation that is staring them in the face.

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BRST seems to be really getting their skates on at present and they are working hard. I have spoken at length with Duncun and he has a vision which will benefit ALL supporters long term and all should give it their support.

On protests, Strong committee V Mob Rule,

All protest have been carried out peacefully with NO public order offences and with the full communcation of the club and the Police.

The support from the participants and also the general support from others who have not taken part has been exceptional.

Message boards and other social networks have seen frustrations grow and been subject to angry rants, but the protests themselves have not mirror imaged these

Sorry, mob rule was perhaps a bad choice of words and certainly was no indication of the behaviour of the protesters (whose behaviour has been impeccable).

My point was that often people are afraid of being the descenting voice, arguing against what they perceive is popular opinion, so the perception of the popularity is made stronger. Ergo the mob wins and become most representative as people are scared to argue against it. It's not just a Rovers thing, it's a every day thing. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asch_conformity_experiments for real examples. My point is this is hard to combat when working out how best to represent people (and I'm not suggesting that is happening in the case of the protests, there is simply too little data to be sure).

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On the subject of being a lifelong fan and living in the town, as someone supporting Blackburn Rovers from Melbourne, Australia I have to say that I can still understand where glen is coming from with his comments about roversmum.

While I have grown to love this club and do as much as I can to support it from such a long distance away, I would never want to claim to be a better or even equal fan to people like Glen who have had the club and the town as a huge part of their life, culture and tradition since they were born, and probably for multiple generations in their family before them. Reading some of the anecdotes and stories from the older fans on here has often left me quite envious and humble at the experiences that I never had and will never have in relation to this club, but all the same I am very appreciative of having the chance to read them and learn about them. The connection that the people of Blackburn have to the club is far stronger and far different to the sort of connection someone like me could have, or indeed anyone who was not brought up on Rovers.

There's a place for all Rovers fans to comment on the games, on the players, on the managers, on the owners, but the local, lifelong supporters have a greater claim to the club than others, by sheer virtue of the club being the lifeblood of the town. To question or insult their dedication or love for the club is therefore laughable and completely inappropriate. This is something I have learnt in the last 4 years of reading and posting on this board.

I have grown a bit more cynical and conservative over the years about my views on pretty much everything, so I no longer think that being constantly positive is the best course of action and some apt criticism needs to be thrown in. From observations of various people of all ages, it is my belief that criticism or punishment NEEDS to be dished out to people, but it should be done in the right moments. While I completely support and respect the fans' right to protest (and would probably join in myself), it is my honest opinion that the protests have not been successful at all. I don't want to say they have backfired, I'll simply say that they have not had the desired effect. This is due to one simple reason: the 3 Home protests so far have been during our 3 best performances of the season (yes I'm counting the 0-4 Man City loss as well).

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And yet, I tell you this. Some members of my family still support the Town and they would be over the moon to be in the position that Blackburn Rovers finds itself and so this might help you to understand why I am not in as much of a panic as some over the current situation.

I live in Swindon and a large majority of my friends are Town fans. Not a single one of them can fathom why the owners have not dispensed with Keans services. Even before I become dissatisfied they were more worried about the club going down than I was, I didn't see it happening. Then again having had a similar season before with Danny Wilson and Paul Hart they were no doubt looking at Blackburn's plight with some degree of experience. They're joking that we'll both be in the same league in under two years time assuming they don't leapfrog us!

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Do you know them, Mercerman? Have you met them?

Our owners are more than able to provide everything that a Rovers Fan could desire. But whilst they are having to worry about protests and the like they can't get on with getting the club sorted out. They are in it for the long run and they are not about failure. There have been difficulties, and people being trusted in good faith who did not have the best interests for the club, we all know about these, but somehow certain fans have turned themselves into paragons who have never made mistakes or said something they later regretted. The owners are not asset strippers - they have no need to be.

Please don't come up with a load of bunkum that you or your best mate's third cousin's sister heard from the chippie owner's granny's dog because a fair bit of it is simply not true. People are spending their time arguing and writing blogs about things that are just rumours when they could be doing something so much more productive to actively help the club to move forward.

The best thing fans can do is to get on with setting up the Supporters' Trust or some other sort of Supporters' Association. All fans (including those overseas with technology available today) can then be represented by an elected body and have an official input into what is happening at the club. That is the way forward. Unfortunately whilst many talented individuals are happy to tinker about photoshopping daft pictures they can't be bothered with the obvious solution and the hard ground work that entails.

As I have said before, regarding the Manager, his fate is in his own hands. He has to gain the points required and he is well aware of that.

Sorry Mum but since your friendship with the Rao brothers you have lost all credibility on this forum.

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Ok Guys n Girls thought i'd update you on today's events,

The protest details which we have put on here regarding Saturdays match against Chelsea was agreed with John Newsham and the Police on Friday in a meeting both Simon Littler and I attended. The meeting was a fruitful meeting in terms of communication and moving things forward to open up further communication regarding supporters concerns regarding all things Rovers.

Today there has been further communciation as the club has tried to go back on the agreement we made on Friday.

1.They offered a more high profile meeting with Board members is we cancelled the protest (Not this week)

2. Alternatively if we cancel the Venkys protest they offered another high profile meeting with Board Members.(Not this week)

Simon and I both had a chat about it and felt that canceling protest on a promise of a high profile meeting was not in the groups best interest, as we have already been offfered meetings with Steve Kean ect and to date non of these promises have been kept.

We counter offered that if the club can make this meeting happen this week then we would of course discuss what sort of protests occur this weekend if indeed any organised protest is needed at all.

The response to this was the club doing an about turn on what we had agreed last friday, they was now asking that no banners could be used for the Venkys Protest prior to the match (My info says Venkys WILL be at the game).

Simon has spoke with John Newsham and explained that we have stuck to the rules throughout and kept all protest peaceful, however this move by the club, may aggitate supporters to the exstent that they may take proceedings into their own hands and if this is the case then it could become ugly. The club and Police have always maintained that as organisors we have a duty of care for the conduct of participants, and feel that this course of action by the club, is not in the best interest of the participants or this group.

We have made it clear that these protests have dragged on far longer than we expected and its beneficial to all that issues are discussed so ALL supporters can look forwards with little worry, and that doubt can be removed from peoples minds about the core direction of the club.

We have tonight pointed them to the FACT that an agreement is an agreement and we have throughout the last couple of months been men of our words and carried out all actions with health and safety and peoples rights to protest always at the top of the list. In return we expect the club to honour this agreement, as all relationships must be built on trust.

Just thought I would update you, and reassure everyone that we will remain strong for the group and not sell you folks out. Your support for Simon and I has been off the scale and we owe every single one of you our full attention to detail to ensure your voices are heard without prejudice and your concerns are heard.

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Well if Venkys are going to be there it should be all hands to the pump and all guns blazing, this is our best chance, they wont want any anti Venkys stuff around and the T/V will pick up on that one big style!!

Good luck Glen, keep things going!!

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Ok Guys n Girls thought i'd update you on today's events,

The protest details which we have put on here regarding Saturdays match against Chelsea was agreed with John Newsham and the Police on Friday in a meeting both Simon Littler and I attended. The meeting was a fruitful meeting in terms of communication and moving things forward to open up further communication regarding supporters concerns regarding all things Rovers.

Today there has been further communciation as the club has tried to go back on the agreement we made on Friday.

1.They offered a more high profile meeting with Board members is we cancelled the protest (Not this week)

2. Alternatively if we cancel the Venkys protest they offered another high profile meeting with Board Members.(Not this week)

Simon and I both had a chat about it and felt that canceling protest on a promise of a high profile meeting was not in the groups best interest, as we have already been offfered meetings with Steve Kean ect and to date non of these promises have been kept.

We counter offered that if the club can make this meeting happen this week then we would of course discuss what sort of protests occur this weekend if indeed any organised protest is needed at all.

The response to this was the club doing an about turn on what we had agreed last friday, they was now asking that no banners could be used for the Venkys Protest prior to the match (My info says Venkys WILL be at the game).

Simon has spoke with John Newsham and explained that we have stuck to the rules throughout and kept all protest peaceful, however this move by the club, may aggitate supporters to the exstent that they may take proceedings into their own hands and if this is the case then it could become ugly. The club and Police have always maintained that as organisors we have a duty of care for the conduct of participants, and feel that this course of action by the club, is not in the best interest of the participants or this group.

We have made it clear that these protests have dragged on far longer than we expected and its beneficial to all that issues are discussed so ALL supporters can look forwards with little worry, and that doubt can be removed from peoples minds about the core direction of the club.

We have tonight pointed them to the FACT that an agreement is an agreement and we have throughout the last couple of months been men of our words and carried out all actions with health and safety and peoples rights to protest always at the top of the list. In return we expect the club to honour this agreement, as all relationships must be built on trust.

Just thought I would update you, and reassure everyone that we will remain strong for the group and not sell you folks out. Your support for Simon and I has been off the scale and we owe every single one of you our full attention to detail to ensure your voices are heard without prejudice and your concerns are heard.

Sack Kean, and start running the club properly and treating it with the respect it deserves and the protests will stop! ignore us, keep killing the club and the protests will grow stronger and stronger!!! they know how to stop this, they are choosing not to!! its our club, not theirs - we won't be backing down.

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Sorry Mum but since your friendship with the Rao brothers you have lost all credibility on this forum.

Thats incredibly harsh. Basically what you are really saying is because she doesnt agree with you that she has no credibility.

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Disappointed with that Glen( on the clubs part). The club are obviously trying to play us.

I also read into that, that venkys are almost definitely visiting. This is visit standards and they will want venkys to think they are handling the situation.

Also a meeting with the board members??? Come on, we all know they have no real voice with the owners.

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Personally I'm not a fan of the protests, but fair play for keeping it going, especially the manner in which they are being arranged. If your being offered talks on the back of no protests, I think its probably too late to stop them anyway. If people decide they want to protest, they will do no matter what yourselves or the club say.

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WE WANT VENKYS OUT WE WANT VENKYS OUTthat now proves what 2 faced hypocritical leaders we have at our club!!!!

they are trying to alienate fans who have been blue n white for a lot longer than these lunes from pune!!!!

they have a grand total of 4? 5 ? games at ewood between them and guess what my feathered friends i had that many by 1971!!!!

I ask again for the umpteenth time ..how have the venkys improved us? non of the pro venky folk have yet given an answer,i dont mean indian profiles or slumdog academies i mean ...HERE , NOW, IN BLACKBURN !!! WHAT HAVE THEY IMPROVED?????????

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Personally I'm not a fan of the protests, but fair play for keeping it going, especially the manner in which they are being arranged. If your being offered talks on the back of no protests, I think its probably too late to stop them anyway. If people decide they want to protest, they will do no matter what yourselves or the club say.

Which was our argument with the club, At present things have been done peacefully with no arrest and no incident, By moving the goal posts or removing peoples right to air their opinion it would cause chaos and bring ugly secnes to Ewood which no-one wishes to see.

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They obviously don't want the publicity because they are running scared of and don't want any cans of worms to be opened up.

Something smells very fishy around here.

I can't believe how naive the pro-Kean and pro-Venky fans are being.

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Which was our argument with the club, At present things have been done peacefully with no arrest and no incident, By moving the goal posts or removing peoples right to air their opinion it would cause chaos and bring ugly secnes to Ewood which no-one wishes to see.

I dont back the protests, I 100% agree with your stance here though.

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If Venkys really is due to come over against Chelsea, that a good thing - makes the protest even more important. This time I would expect more people will be joining in and voicing their opinion, and making it difficult for Venkys not to understand the situation.

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So they are all for 'listening to the fans' ... when they are thousands of miles away in India... when they actually visit we've got to sit quietly and happily chap them and Kean!

This turnaround of their stance is only going to cause the protests to be bigger and more directed at the Venkys.

Possibly the protests should've been Anti-Venkys from the start, it looks like the only way they are worried about.

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Ok Guys n Girls thought i'd update you on today's events,

The protest details which we have put on here regarding Saturdays match against Chelsea was agreed with John Newsham and the Police on Friday in a meeting both Simon Littler and I attended. The meeting was a fruitful meeting in terms of communication and moving things forward to open up further communication regarding supporters concerns regarding all things Rovers.

Today there has been further communciation as the club has tried to go back on the agreement we made on Friday.

1.They offered a more high profile meeting with Board members is we cancelled the protest (Not this week)

2. Alternatively if we cancel the Venkys protest they offered another high profile meeting with Board Members.(Not this week)

Simon and I both had a chat about it and felt that canceling protest on a promise of a high profile meeting was not in the groups best interest, as we have already been offfered meetings with Steve Kean ect and to date non of these promises have been kept.

We counter offered that if the club can make this meeting happen this week then we would of course discuss what sort of protests occur this weekend if indeed any organised protest is needed at all.

The response to this was the club doing an about turn on what we had agreed last friday, they was now asking that no banners could be used for the Venkys Protest prior to the match (My info says Venkys WILL be at the game).

Simon has spoke with John Newsham and explained that we have stuck to the rules throughout and kept all protest peaceful, however this move by the club, may aggitate supporters to the exstent that they may take proceedings into their own hands and if this is the case then it could become ugly. The club and Police have always maintained that as organisors we have a duty of care for the conduct of participants, and feel that this course of action by the club, is not in the best interest of the participants or this group.

We have made it clear that these protests have dragged on far longer than we expected and its beneficial to all that issues are discussed so ALL supporters can look forwards with little worry, and that doubt can be removed from peoples minds about the core direction of the club.

We have tonight pointed them to the FACT that an agreement is an agreement and we have throughout the last couple of months been men of our words and carried out all actions with health and safety and peoples rights to protest always at the top of the list. In return we expect the club to honour this agreement, as all relationships must be built on trust.

Just thought I would update you, and reassure everyone that we will remain strong for the group and not sell you folks out. Your support for Simon and I has been off the scale and we owe every single one of you our full attention to detail to ensure your voices are heard without prejudice and your concerns are heard.

Sounds like Venky's are starting to squirm, keep it up. They cannot be allowed to think they can silence us and sweep the horrific way they've run the club under the carpet. They deserve to be called out for what they've done and hopefully that will happen on Sunday, peacefully and within the law.

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