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[Archived] BRFC vs. Chelsea Protest Details


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Possibly the protests should've been Anti-Venkys from the start, it looks like the only way they are worried about.

I think I agree with you there.

KEAN OUT-chants = we are unhappy about the manager and the results under the manager, but can also be interpreted as we are negative about the TEAM and it affects the PLAYERS in some ways and the CLUB (Kean spins this for all that it is worth, that we should be behind the players and so on)

VENKYS OUT-chants says the message = We are very unhappy about the ignorance of the owners refusing to sack Steve Kean - wont affect the players as its way above the head of the actual players - it really says one thing ----> Venkys out = Kean out (and not the players, and Kean wont be able to spin it the way he wants to)

If anyone got my point :rolleyes:

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I think I agree with you there.

KEAN OUT-chants = we are unhappy about the manager and the results under the manager, but can also be interpreted as we are negative about the TEAM and it affects the PLAYERS in some ways and the CLUB (Kean spins this for all that it is worth, that we should be behind the players and so on)

VENKYS OUT-chants says the message = We are very unhappy about the ignorance of the owners refusing to sack Steve Kean - wont affect the players as its way above the head of the actual players - it really says one thing ----> Venkys out = Kean out (and not the players, and Kean wont be able to spin it the way he wants to)

If anyone got my point :rolleyes:

the protesters singing steve kean out does not affect the players, tbh under steve kean we lose games whether the crowd is jeering, cheering or partying!

people find it easy to claim that the protesting against kean is affecting the players,

if we sang venky's out they would still claim its affecting the players!

you can't win, people don't agree with protesting, so we should go down and back the team and keep losing anyway?

people just have to do what is correct for them. personally i cannot sit back quietly whilst something i hold so dear to my heart heads for a train crash! each to their own though

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Venky's Out **STILL** makes no sense. Venky's "change your ways" is fair enough, but how would the leaving help? It's not like they have anyone to sell us to, so we end up in liquidation. Genius!

Point taken but I think you're splitting hairs. The bottom line is negative publicity for Venky's.

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Well done Glen, Simon & the other organisers for your fantastic efforts and for standing up for the protestors such as myself.

For my part, I care not a jot for venky's promises and platitudes - I've heard it all before and its 'all mouth and no trousers'. If they really don't want to be embarrassed on sat, they've got the rest of this week to sack kean. Its as simple as that. Whilst they continue to employ him, they are culpable and can suffer the consequences.

I think possibly a cultural difference between India and England is showing up here. I just gain the impression that the rao family, through their vast wealth in a country where the vast majority live in abject poverty, are treated somewhat like demi-gods and what they say, goes. That might apply in Pune but it certainly doesn't apply here in Blackburn. Just who the hell do they think they are that they can try and set 'ground rules' for us? Not on your nelly!

I've never felt as low and disconsolate about Rovers in over 30 years as I have in the last couple of weeks. I've seriously thought about walking away from the Club that I once was so proud of. The utterances of this rabble, however, who have now clearly illustrated that all they genuinely care about is their venkys brand, has given me the kick up the backside I needed and have shown me that now is not the time to give up the good fight. I would urge everyone who can possibly attend to join the protest on sat - with one further big push, we might just possibly get what we want - kean out.

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So they are all for 'listening to the fans' ... when they are thousands of miles away in India... when they actually visit we've got to sit quietly and happily chap them and Kean!

This turnaround of their stance is only going to cause the protests to be bigger and more directed at the Venkys.

Possibly the protests should've been Anti-Venkys from the start, it looks like the only way they are worried about.

I smell a deliberate attempt to keep Venkys believing what they want to hear.. No banners during the game, rush Raos into the ground late just before kick-off, usher them out as the whistle goes, then tell them only 1% involved. Interesting that the club permits banners

when the Raos are not in attendance.

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Venky's Out **STILL** makes no sense. Venky's "change your ways" is fair enough, but how would the leaving help? It's not like they have anyone to sell us to, so we end up in liquidation. Genius!

You are probably right Glen, but maybe it's a means to an end. Protest about venkys, hope they feel they need to swiftly deflect all attention away from them, how can they do that....sack kean, end of all protests, venkys rep goes up, fans happy/ier (all except those who support kean, although I don't expect a counter pro kean protest.) new beginning...time to hammer it home me thinks

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I have kept a keen eye on the evolving fans protest, however, I really want to know where this is going and where it will end up?

I thought the aim of the protest was to force the removal of Steve Kean due to his poor results...now its all out war with the owners and Jason Roberts? Is this purely because Kean hasn't gone or because the owners aren't listening?

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Sorry Mum but since your friendship with the Rao brothers you have lost all credibility on this forum.

This is uncalled for. Yes, Mum has a viewpoint which differs from our own, but she has not hid her views, has not hid her support and the benefit (the Pune trip) she experienced and, all in all, has been very above board.

She has a difference of opinion. I think she's wrong, but it is not fair to call her credibility or good faith into question.

Sounds like Venky's are starting to squirm, keep it up. They cannot be allowed to think they can silence us and sweep the horrific way they've run the club under the carpet. They deserve to be called out for what they've done and hopefully that will happen on Sunday, peacefully and within the law.

I think that's what management is missing. If things are at a boil, the steam needs to be vented. If you don't, pressure builds and then you get a bang.

Same with people. I think Glen Mullan has done an excellent job getting things organized and keeping it peaceful, while still allowing supporters to vent. If they clamp down on the organized protest, then they'll get unorganized protests which I believe are far more likely to garner Venkys bad press.

I can imagine two opposing groups of supporters coming to blows due to some in game comments which could easily degenerate into a mass brawl, because they didn't get it out of their system both pre and post game. The cameras and papers would love that.

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Glen & co - now is the time to crank-up SIGNIFICANTLY the pressure.

Clearly, they don't like it - tough !

We've had so much sh1t to put up from them that it's now time to deliver it back in truck loads.

Do not waiver, we are right behind you.

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Venky's Out **STILL** makes no sense. Venky's "change your ways" is fair enough, but how would the leaving help? It's not like they have anyone to sell us to, so we end up in liquidation. Genius!

Spot on - worrying times which could cause MASSIVE problems for us.

Venky's sort it out, Venky's Venky's sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That chant is fine. Thats what it should be about, making them realise we NEED Kean out, not getting personal to try and hurt them.

Things like Venkys out....we want our rovers back....stick your chicken up your arse is personal....I dont mind people telling them to sort it out, but its heading the way I expected it to! Its going to turn nasty.

Point taken but I think you're splitting hairs. The bottom line is negative publicity for Venky's.

No the point should be 'WE WANT KEAN OUT', NOT we want Venkys out. :angry2:

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I have kept a keen eye on the evolving fans protest, however, I really want to know where this is going and where it will end up?

I thought the aim of the protest was to force the removal of Steve Kean due to his poor results...now its all out war with the owners and Jason Roberts? Is this purely because Kean hasn't gone or because the owners aren't listening?

there is no all out war with Jason Roberts, i think Glen will agree when i say of course people who take part in the protest are taking some of Jason's comments to heart and being offended by him but protest wise there will never be any chants or fury aimed in the direction of him.

The reason the protests are now to be aimed at the owners is partially down to the fact that they are not listening and because Kean is still incharge, however it goes deeper than this because not only are they not listening but there is no communication channels open between the supporters and the club anymore. Everyone is worried and this worry is reasonable and answers are wanted to kerb this worry and help the supporters understand what direction this club is heading in.

their responses so far have boiled down to "we back the manager 100%", "results will improve and match the performances" and a statement on the website basically saying they are listening but please stop and be quiet!

this club is being run abysmally and that is the reason the protests are now being directed towards the owners, even once Steve Kean has been removed from his position, there are still issues which need addressing before this club can possibly move forward.

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Things like Venkys out....we want our rovers back....stick your chicken up your arse is personal....I dont mind people telling them to sort it out, but its heading the way I expected it to! Its going to turn nasty.

i think the "we want our rovers back" is a fine chant, to the extent i had it printed on the back of my shirt. we do want our rovers back, the way the club is now is not the club we were proud of, the club that was heralded as a model of how clubs should be run, it is now a club which is a laughing stock, which is building a massive wedge between itself and it's supporters. The goings on at ewood at the moment on and off the pitch is a million miles away from what we have come to expect from our town-friendly, family-feel football club, the centre of the community.

for the record anybody who sings "stick your chicken up your arse" gets an angry shake of the head from me, and i will myself and encourage others to chant above them! as what as happened on all previous protests, you will get a few chanting that, but they are soon drowned out with appropriate chants.

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Didn't people chant 'we want our rovers back' when Big Sam was in charge and the club was run by Williams & Co whilst being owned by the Walkers?

I don't know what 'our rovers' refers to....maybe it would be our rovers if Kean was winning games?

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The clubs actions show that they are starting to feel a bit of heat as a result of the protests.

The owners and Kean have shown a complete and utter lack of respect to the fans over the last 11 or so months so why should they expect us to have any respect for them.

Give em hell guys and girls!

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Didn't people chant 'we want our rovers back' when Big Sam was in charge and the club was run by Williams & Co whilst being owned by the Walkers?

I don't know what 'our rovers' refers to....maybe it would be our rovers if Kean was winning games?

i do recall "we want out rovers back" at the end of the ince reign and during the 3-0 win against stoke in sam's first game chants of "we've got our rovers back"

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I have kept a keen eye on the evolving fans protest, however, I really want to know where this is going and where it will end up?

I thought the aim of the protest was to force the removal of Steve Kean due to his poor results...now its all out war with the owners and Jason Roberts? Is this purely because Kean hasn't gone or because the owners aren't listening?

Never at one stage has these organised protests been aimed at Jason Roberts or any other player so to say otherwise is completly wrong,

As the press release says which has been issued,

These protests are for the removal of a Manager whose results are terrible, never once has a statement been issued about his personal life or character.

The latest set of protest are also aimed at the owners for their mis-management of the club over the last 12 months, once again if you wish to read the press release which is on this thread, it clearly shows the issue's supporters have which were brought up at the open supporters meeting two weeks ago, These are the things people have concerns over and this are the things which have been discussed at interim meetings with the club and are on the agenda of further meetings which have been arranged.

I welcome your opinion but please don't use other peoples public comments on twitter ect to label the individuals involved in the organising of these protests. These have been conducted in the correct manner with the full co-operation of the club and the local authorities and have generated support from inside the club, local councillors and club sponsors.

The progress being made is vast, and the conduct of all participants has been outstanding

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