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[Archived] BRFC vs. Chelsea Protest Details


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It seems that the crux of the argument is that safety of protesters cannot be guaranteed. I'm sure Glen and Simon have been through every angle possible on why this is a nonsense excuse so I won't go over it again.

What I did want to take issue with is the current strategy by the manager and owners/advisors to try to create a division between the fans. It's about as dirty a trick as I can think of.

The swear filter would buckle under what I really want to say to describe our 'owners'.

Venkys won't be here forever; I just hope there is still a Blackburn Rovers after they've gone.

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Guessing that the Rao family went to the Arsenal game and are planning on coming to the Chelsea game because they get more global coverage? Which is the name of the game for them.

Also banning banners so they don't want any taint on their reputation.

Have they bought Gary Neville's house yet?

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So let me get this right, if I protest before the game, and believe me if I will do it with or without a banner there is a risk of violence towards me?

If this is the case then the owners must vacate the club before Satuday. The situation they have got the club in is completely shameful.

I will be making even louder anti-Venkean noises now for sure.

Bring it on...

This is Ewood not some third world slum you backward idiots.

Its very much like shipping the beggars and cripples out of the city prior to the Commnwealth Games opening isn't it? The fact that this ban coincides with a Venkys visit surely can't be coincidence.

The place has to be sanitised so that Kean's version of the truth can prevail.

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heil venkys,

rule 1 we must not slur their name with protests before or after games

rule 2 we must all accept steve kean is a 'brilliant' manager

rule 3 we must not upset young players at ewood park as it will make them cry

rule 4 venkys are the best thing since sliced bread and we must chant this 10 times before and after every game

rule 5 no banners will be allowed into the ground as it may cause a small fire or make people fall over

if you do not comply with these rules, our stewards will beat you black and blue and you will be insulted by a man named clement before being escorted off our premises.

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Its very much like shipping the beggars and cripples out of the city prior to the Commnwealth Games opening isn't it? The fact that this ban coincides with a Venkys visit surely can't be coincidence.

The place has to be sanitised so that Kean's version of the truth can prevail.

Sorry 47er, should have been +1.

What scumbags these Venkys are

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Literally can't believe this no banner rubbish. These protests have been absurdly cooperative and easy to police from the very start. They could have been like most protests are and kicked off at any point, in fact some fans have been unhappy at their eager-to-please nature. And this is how we're repaid for our exceptionally good behaviour? Disgraceful. Why don't the police ******* do their job for once and stop being lazy gits, why don't the fans kicking off about anti-Kean banners grow a brain and why don't Venkys just end this whole sorry ordeal and get rid of the idiot causing all this. Keeping Kean in charge should have caused a widescale riot by now, never mind some flipping banners.

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Hmm, intelligence and Venky's.

Something doesn't fit here.


For some reason I cant reply to your PM, surely Venkys havent taken control on here too!!

Hmm, intelligence and Venky's.

Something doesn't fit here.

No Philip, it doesnt, this has been engineered, we can see it, Venkys take it as the norm, looks like some heavy arm tactics, they are cowards really, darent come out in the open, hide in Pune, make really bad decisions, how have they managed to run that business for so long amazes me, something is clearly wrong.

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Is anyone out there rich enough to charter a small plane to fly over Ewood on sat trailing the biggest possible 'KEAN OUT, VENKY'S OUT' banner?

In these circumstances, it would be absolutely priceless but it would be best to keep it quiet just in case venky's try to create a no fly zone on the grounds of health & safety - for example, a pidgeon might get injured!

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Glen, does this 'legal document' mean that if banners are displayed in the ground, you (as a signator) will be prosecuted as a having committed a crime? I.e. for breach of what sounds, effectively, like an ASBO.

If so, how reasonable is it to expect you to ensure that no-one else displays a banner before or during the game?

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It needs plenty of little Indian flags suitably adorned.

In fact can Rovers adopt Indian flags for the anti=Venky protest the way the Mancs adopted Newton Heath's colours?

But the mancs didnt wear blue white and red though did they,would the venkydoos not twist it around to say the fans are behind them then.

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so banners not allowed, the banner had no issues the venkys just cant watch and see the banners there and we shall used the banners at the main entrance there cant stop us if there do I can see a brawl happening,which I don't want to see or I am not saying to anyone to do it.

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Desecrating the flag of a country of circa 1bn people based on the actions of three people?


I've seen some ripe things written on Union Jacks and flags of St Georges.

The point has been made this has got to hit home in India somehow.

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Glen, does this 'legal document' mean that if banners are displayed in the ground, you (as a signator) will be prosecuted as a having committed a crime? I.e. for breach of what sounds, effectively, like an ASBO.

If so, how reasonable is it to expect you to ensure that no-one else displays a banner before or during the game?

The legals/Responsibility has been pointed at Simon and I as organisors, What that actually holds after seeking legal advise yesterday and Today is another matter.

Simon and I are both in deep discussion about our next step, and a phase three of the protest this weekend is certainly not out of the question.

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A4 can be attached to your T-shirts ect ect, and someone has kindly already started making 700, which can be collected from the brown cow for 13.00 on Saturday.

If we aint holding banners we can at least sing louder,

This needs to highlighted. A4s can easily be hid under jackets or in pockets. If hundreds - or hopefully thousands - of fans hold up their "Venky's out" A4's at the same time, it would be quite the sight. Surely both the press and our preposterous owners would notice that.

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so banners not allowed, the banner had no issues the venkys just cant watch and see the banners there and we shall used the banners at the main entrance there cant stop us if there do I can see a brawl happening,which I don't want to see or I am not saying to anyone to do it.

huh? :unsure:

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