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[Archived] BRFC vs. Chelsea Protest Details


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I think its clear that the supporters are in conflict, I saw a few flare ups at the last game. I can see punches thrown at the next game and perhaps it needs it... emotions are running high, something has to give sooner or later.

We are not going to happy clap our way into the Championship thats for sure.

The sad thing is a good number of those in Ewood Park are going to do just that.

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Guys unfortunately I received and a phone call from an individual who strongly disagrees with our plans to to hold the pre match protest in the stadium. 

So much so that and indirect threat was made to myself and my little lad. I quote " If the protest goes ahead I will organise a counter protest and the the type of attention you will receive. Is of the type that if you wore a Rovers shirt in the middle of Turf Moor." more was said but this was the crux of what the individual wanted to make clear to me.

Clearly a Dingle, had it been a Rover they would have said "wearing a Burnley shirt at Ewood", self psychology at it's worst. Lets face it the pro-keans and dingles are both happy he's still here that says more about the keanettes than anything. Keep up the good work Simon (and Glen)don't let these cowards hiding behind a phone stop you. We need to ramp up the protests now. I believe it was some Scot that said "They can take away our banners but they can't take away our voices." ;)

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set it up you probably need to work with the guy who's set up the paypal account for protests via Glenmullan, thats where i sent mine to earlier today, easier just one big fund that loads of different ones

Yes I agree that one fund would be best so I have PM'd Simon re this.

If Police approval for a plane fly-over is needed, its probably a no-go on the basis it might create extra tension in the ground but then again, I witnessed a fly-over over deepdale at the back end of last season trailing a banner from some blackpool fans.

There must be something we can do though - venkys are treating us like slum-dog peasants

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Just got home from work , so not sure what as gone on ...

I do not believe there are many pro Kean fans (less than 500) but there is quite a few fans who go and support the team and don't want any hassle , a big difference !!!!

No Rovers fan would unfurl a pro Kean banner , it is management spin ....

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Hoilett was clearly injured so had to come off, Yakubu was knackered and is still not fit in my opinion so I thought it made sense to bring him off. Also agree that it made sense at the time to bring on a defensive midfielder for Rochina.

I'm the first to slate kean, I really am but I do think we are at a stage where he gets slammed for everything. He was slated against City for not making changes and he's slated against Norwich form making changes.

I'm 99% certain that all of those slating him for the subs would have been just as scathing had he left the team the same and we'd been pulled back the 3-3. The same people would be saying why didn't he make changes to defend the league, you all know you would!!

He is at the stage where he's slammed for everything.That's what happens when you reach your sell-by date and just try to keep soldiering on. No-one believes in him anymore, at least not on this side of the world.

He should go. There's no way he can retrieve it.

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Wonder whether Glenn feels that he was badly treated by Radio Lancs?

Didn't have chance to listen.

If Gary Hickson, never been a big fan of his - full of his own importance. Remember the Kean farcical interview ?

One interesting point - was it Gerald Jackson - also Radio Lancashire - who turned-on the music at the last home protest !?!?

Glen was always going to be on a sticky one.

Well these idiots at Radio Lancashire know what they can do with their petition to preserve their status!

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Just a thought - and it might be too far down the line to change anything but it seems to me that this latest bit of brinkmanship by the club may succeed in affecting numbers/any effect the pre game protest may have. Indeed it may play into the hands of those looking to marginalise the protesters.

I personally think it would be better to abandon the pre match sit in, stating that the clubs 'conditions' have rendered it pointless.

Instead concentrate on a mid - match gimmick - fly over, blimp, advert etc. This would get the point accross in a way the club cannot control.

See how the game is panning out and if things aren't going well, the crowd may turn naturally anyway.

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glen and simon, dont let the thicky put you off, i have met both of you and you both seem a decent sort, dont let moron 'rovers supporters' stoop to the level of a dingle, these people wont put us off, not ever and i wont back down to some mindless intimidation by certain indivduals who seem to have been mind-probed by the venkys and their pet!!!

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I actually thought it wasn't that bad and was pretty balanced. You do have to keep him mind it's local radio and you get Preston, Blackpool, Burnley and other fans contacting the station. A few of the 'Rovers are a laughing stock because of the protests' text messages were from fans who support other clubs so they may have an agenda.

You had the caller in Carl? He was quite vociferous about the idea of protesting before games and he did question if Glen was a true fan of the club or not. That's the only phonecall I recall that was totally against the protests especially pre-game.

The text messages and tweets seemed pretty balanced, an equal amount of those being for and against protests.

I though Glen gave a pretty decent account of himself, put out a decent argument for the protests and said he was willing to take on board any suggestions or gripes from those who feel differently.

But that's what I thought after the programme, Glen or others might feel differently.

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Clearly a Dingle, had it been a Rover they would have said "wearing a Burnley shirt at Ewood", self psychology at it's worst. Lets face it the pro-keans and dingles are both happy he's still here that says more about the keanettes than anything. Keep up the good work Simon (and Glen)don't let these cowards hiding behind a phone stop you. We need to ramp up the protests now. I believe it was some Scot that said "They can take away our banners but they can't take away our voices." ;)

have you ever seen them in the same room together?.....

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Hi Guys thanks for your kind words regarding tonights show on the Radio. To be honest I thought Radio Lancashire was really fair, and gave a balanced set of questions and tweets, I got a bit tongue tied towards the end of the show as it gets like that sometimes I think,

It was really nice to meet Howard who was a lovely chap, who spoke some good common sense and helped the debate.

Not all people like protests, but there was some good feedback regarding pre match protest which is something I will take on board and relay to Simon ect if future protests are planned.

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Hi Guys thanks for your kind words regarding tonights show on the Radio. To be honest I thought Radio Lancashire was really fair, and gave a balanced set of questions and tweets, I got a bit tongue tied towards the end of the show as it gets like that sometimes I think,

It was really nice to meet Howard who was a lovely chap, who spoke some good common sense and helped the debate.

Not all people like protests, but there was some good feedback regarding pre match protest which is something I will take on board and relay to Simon ect if future protests are planned.

did you record it, I was out, lancashire's website will not let me download due to rights of the Blackpool game.

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you was great mate, I heard you talk honestly some fans needs to calm down I didn't like that caller saying your not a good man and your giving the club a bad name and you leaking things to the press and doing the protest etc ,does he want his rovers going down wake up you silly man to that caller.

Hope your on the show again down the line with Howard who talked facts.

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Glen, thought you did well tonight and put your point across in a good manner.

The only thing i was disappointed with was with the knob that was carl. His argument was that we shouldnt protest before the game and referred to Arsenal match. Just wished you had reminded him that it was our only win of the season and therefore his argument didnt stack up.

But great stuff and keep it up. Cant believe how blind the pro-kean and pro-venkys are.


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Glen, thought you did well tonight and put your point across in a good manner.

The only thing i was disappointed with was with the knob that was carl. His argument was that we shouldnt protest before the game and referred to Arsenal match. Just wished you had reminded him that it was our only win of the season and therefore his argument didnt stack up.

But great stuff and keep it up. Cant believe how blind the pro-kean and pro-venkys are.


I didn't hear the programme unfortunately as I'm in Yorkshire tonight, and really brassed off we can't get access to it on iplayer. Having listened to Glen on other programmes I'm sure he continued to conduct himself extremely well and represent the many rovers supporters who have had enough, and show his passion for the club that we all share.

Thinking about the blind pro Kean and Venky camp... Sometimes you just don't want to believe the negativity because it is so hard to come to terms with. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days I had absolutely no idea about the goings on at Rovers. My grandad was close friends with a director at PNE (going back rather a few years) and he always used to say - if you knew the half of what happens in football, you'd stop going. It is easier to stay ignorant and attempt to stay positive, because to believe everything that is said about Rovers at the moment is heartbreaking. Maybe people don't want to confront that heartbreak. Maybe they want to look for the positives. Just a thought.

On another note, I reckon chants of 'Stand up if you want Kean out' would show the 'minority' he alludes to is somewhat far from the truth.

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Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days I had absolutely no idea about the goings on at Rovers. My grandad was close friends with a director at PNE (going back rather a few years) and he always used to say - if you knew the half of what happens in football, you'd stop going. It is easier to stay ignorant and attempt to stay positive, because to believe everything that is said about Rovers at the moment is heartbreaking. Maybe people don't want to confront that heartbreak. Maybe they want to look for the positives. Just a thought.

On another note, I reckon chants of 'Stand up if you want Kean out' would show the 'minority' he alludes to is somewhat far from the truth.

Oh for the good old days!!

Of course there are people who want to look for the positives, but I would be interested to hear what they think those positives are. I can't see any at the moment.

I agree that the chant has to be heard loud and clear, and reckon it will be over the coming weeks, because I can't see results improving and the turning point for the 'neutrals' is not far away.


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Well just had a quick scout round and it seems the club have not issued a press statement or informed all seasons ticket holders or ticket buyers for the Chelsea game , of the exact terms of the banner ban, including definition of what constitutes a "protest banner", therefore a large percentage of those that will be in attendance are unaware of the latest piece of mismanagement, and people will be turning up with items that will be confiscated and cause large scale disturbance once the goons for hire try to impose it because the club have made no reasonable effort to inform its customers .

Could it be that people within the club who would have to put their name to it don't want the adverse publicity, and be seen as collaborators in the destruction of the club with their chicken overlords? After all "I was only following orders " didn't seem to work as a defence 60 odd years ago

I appreciate Paul Agnew has shown his shortcomings as a press officer but I'm sure Venky's guardian angel "just like a family member" Jerome could call in a few favours to get this into the press in the next couple of days

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Following the failure of the club to remove Steve Kean as Manager of our once proud Club. We find ourselves organising a fourth consecutive protest.

It is time to turn up the heat. We have it good authority that the Rao family will be at this game with some VIP's. So if we want to ensure we get the message across it is important you all take note of the details below.

The protest will start in the ground at 14:15. It will continue right through the match and then a sit in for 45 min after the match.

So in short:

45 min Protesting before the game

90 min of protesting during the game

45 min of protesting after the game.

It is open house on everyone who is involved in making decisions about Steve Kean's tenure is fair game.

Banners before the game and after but not during as per the last protest. Again this is a peaceful protest and we request you do not put any Racist, Insulting or Violence inciting slogans on banners.

Any questions please inbox myself or Glen.

Thanks for your Support

Grow up and get real, Kean is going nowhere so get behind the Team, who are playing out of their skins. Stop your idiotic attitudes, fortunes will change, we will not be relegated, mark my words. There is obviously only a very small minority protesting. They are not true fans, what is needed is mettle and support. Go you Blues

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Grow up and get real, Kean is going nowhere so get behind the Team, who are playing out of their skins. Stop your idiotic attitudes, fortunes will change, we will not be relegated, mark my words. There is obviously only a very small minority protesting. They are not true fans, what is needed is mettle and support. Go you Blues

the fact you tweeted the following on your attached twitter account contradicts you completely and loses all credibility:

#rovers maybe ideal time to not attend match on Wed show them we mean business!

@Rovers_4_Life @brfcsdotcom Stay away from games has to be the way forward. Otherwise Rovers will be doomed. Dunn etc have to toe the line *

@iamdeshy Only way is to boycott next home game, an empty stadium would maybe make them take notice

so let me get this right? you're telling us our team needs support, yet your urging people to make them play infront of empty stadiums? mind-boggling

and on a lighter note, what the hell possessed u to think jason roberts could score 15 goals lol :blink:

@JasonRoberts30 Jason great website, and good clips, hope to see many goals from you this season. Have you down for 15! Great assist on Sat

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the fact you tweeted the following on your attached twitter account contradicts you completely and loses all credibility:

#rovers maybe ideal time to not attend match on Wed show them we mean business!

@Rovers_4_Life @brfcsdotcom Stay away from games has to be the way forward. Otherwise Rovers will be doomed. Dunn etc have to toe the line *

@iamdeshy Only way is to boycott next home game, an empty stadium would maybe make them take notice

so let me get this right? you're telling us our team needs support, yet your urging people to let them make the play infront of empty stadiums? mind-boggling

and on a lighter note, what the hell possessed u to think jason roberts could score 15 goals lol :blink:

@JasonRoberts30 Jason great website, and good clips, hope to see many goals from you this season. Have you down for 15! Great assist on Sat

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Grow up and get real, Kean is going nowhere so get behind the Team, who are playing out of their skins. Stop your idiotic attitudes, fortunes will change, we will not be relegated, mark my words. There is obviously only a very small minority protesting. They are not true fans, what is needed is mettle and support. Go you Blues

I smell a dingle!


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