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[Archived] Ralfinho's Banners

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Mrs.Desai has surely got to be the target for the banners now as it seems she is the one who makes the final decisions and about the only one who supports Kean and insists that he will come good.

Wakey, wakey Mrs.D!


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not having a pop hughsey ,but what in your opinion have the dippers brought to the table that has improved has a team ,has a club and for the fans? why work with them ,would you have worked with the germans in france or rolled over and let them do what they liked?

why wanting venkys gone clouding the waters? they appointed him? they are the ones to sack him? they are the ones who have bulled as much as coco?? THE ONLY ONES HARMING ROVERS ARE THE LUNES FROM PUNE!!!!!!!

Until there is somebody interested in buying the club and venkys willing to sell the club - we are stuck with them. Therefore no alternative but to work with them - like it or not.

My understanding is the raos should not be permitted to speak for the club, they did not pass the prem fit and proper owners test. Only Mrs D passed. If wrong, I hope somebody will correct me.

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We do however have the defense of fair comment to libel/slander. You can say what you like as it is a statement of opinion on a matter of public interest... just shove 'i think' or something in front of any potential defamatory comment to get off scott free!

...not that i condone slanderous or libelous comments being made against our Beloved Leaders though obvs.....

How is this one then....


Would any libel action be taken for this?

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I like the message you are imparting. But as a former laborer in my grandfather's sign shop, a couple of suggestion:

1. Your window of time to communicate a message is very small. Whether driving by in a car or catching a glance on TV before the cameras cut away, you have seconds to communicate your message. I think the same would hold true in a soccer stadium, as the action, etc. would constantly distract from your message.

2. For that reason, simplify. Larger print in fewer words will make an much bigger impact then an artsy tirade. Simple is better.

3. For legal reasons, I would stay away from the logo and Venkys' business interest. Keep it simple, what can you prove and what you want. I'm not sure how UK libel laws work (except they seem very anti-democratic and non-western, almost feudal, in my opinion), but it seems once you get into trademarks and business interests, they get stricter.

For all of those reasons, perhaps the cameras would avoid your message? The network may not want to open a can of worms, legally speaking. Heck, the network may even think you are advertising Venkys' chicken (if they didn't read it closely) and elect not to give Venkys the free air/ad time. And even if they wanted to stir up controversy or let the viewing public have a chuckle, they'll likely select a message they can pan over for a second or two then move on.

Simplify the message. Get rid of the logo and chicken references.

That side, I like how your mind works. :tu:

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How is this one then....


Would any libel action be taken for this?

it's very good, it is very powerful, I agree you are pushing it a little, but turning on Venkys with this sort of message could be EXTEMELY effective.

Shame its come to this mind, I saw the pic and though, wow its got this far.

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