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[Archived] Do you approve of the protests?


Regardless of your views on Kean/Venkys do you approve of the protests  

268 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you back the protests

    • Yes, fully and I take part
    • Yes, but I don't take part
    • I think it's important people CAN express themselves, but don't care either way
    • Don't mind
    • I'd prefer them not to happen, but I'm not too upset about it
    • I feel they are an embarrassment and/or damaging in other way
    • Other

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That sort of post is getting incredibly boring and adds nothing. If you want so badly to air your views I will gladly give you a chance by asking two questions -

1. Do you think Kean should go?

2. If yes, what do you think the fans should do about it?

1, I don't think Kean should go. We are playing well without results but I feel this will change. I know on here I'm in a minority but most fans I speak to agree we are playing well and things could change. I know it's not popular on here but thats my opinion. I wouldn't have appointed him but there have been plus points and we haven't had this many talented young footballers for years. Wigan will be massive and I for one will be hoping for a win and for Kean to turn it around.

2, See above.

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Although you think you are being smart in your answer, you are actually not

What? You completely ignored my post, which was a completely reasonable analysis, and picked out a single sentence and then took it completely out of context, and then I try and explain it to you, and you actually see fit to accuse me of "being smart"?

Can I see into the future? Agree? yes

No, I don't agree that you can see into the future. Why would you even think that?

It's fairly obvious to most people that to bring in a good manager would make a difference you only have to look at Ince/Sam or Kidd/Souness even Harford/Parkes to see the massive difference one can make.

Great. Are we getting a Tony Parkes or a Sam Allardyce? I wasn't aware that we were.

So it's fair to say that having a good manager would massively increase our chance of staying up.

I'm sure Leicester thought that having Eriksson would give them a good chance of getting promotion, likewise Nottingham with McLaren, but I guess that didn't happen. Yes, a good manager will increase our chances of staying up, but do we have a good manager lined up? Even if we do, will he get the results or will he flop?

I didn't realise people had some crystal ball that could show them the future.

I'm sure everyone on this board will agree it can get worse becuase we are running out of time.

This has absolutely no bearing to the point I made.

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I'm sure Leicester thought that having Eriksson would give them a good chance of getting promotion, likewise Nottingham with McLaren, but I guess that didn't happen. Yes, a good manager will increase our chances of staying up, but do we have a good manager lined up? Even if we do, will he get the results or will he flop?

I didn't realise people had some crystal ball that could show them the future.

This has absolutely no bearing to the point I made.

so just to point out how crazy your comments are.

1996, why sack Harford? we had to replacement.

It could not have got worse the only according your crazy logic!!!!

Ocotober 1996 Jack Walker had four options:

here are 4 scenarios:

a.) We continue as we have so far and get relegated

b.) Harford improves and we don't get relegated

c.) A new manager is installed who is an improvement and we don't get relegated

d.) A new manager is installed who is NOT an improvement and we get relegated

What option do you think Jack Walker should have taken?

Things could only get better under Harford. We had no replacement. Parkes was unknown.

what would have your advice been to Jack Walker?

I bet you would have said, "things can;t get worse, and we don't know if another manager could turn it around"

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Why are we talking about Harford??

Unless you're telling me that every decision made in the past that has worked should be repeated, no matter whether it's the same situation or not, same players, same management team, same league strength, same financial situation etc.

I am sure there are multiple examples one way or the other, it's irrelevant.

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1, I don't think Kean should go. We are playing well without results but I feel this will change. I know on here I'm in a minority but most fans I speak to agree we are playing well and things could change.

Based on what? You are acting as though his 30 odd games in charge have all been against Chelsea. He's already had countless winnable games and failed to win almost all of them. There is absolutely no evidence that he knows how to lead our team to victory on a semi-regular basis in order to keep us up. ALL the evidence is to the contrary.

Playing well gets you 0 points. Like it did yesterday, like it did against Spurs, etc etc. Kean has proven he cannot put out a winning team, we have a run of winnable games coming up that could save our season - and you want to give them to a man who has proven he cannot get us winning. Absolute madness.

If we wait 6 more games all the evidence suggests we wont have won anywhere near enough, and we'll be looking at a much harder set of fixtures to turn it around.

Acting now is the only thing that makes sense. At least give the team a chance to win some games. Under Kean we can't, he's proven it beyond any doubt.

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Why are we talking about Harford??

Unless you're telling me that every decision made in the past that has worked should be repeated, no matter whether it's the same situation or not, same players, same management team, same league strength, same financial situation etc.

I am sure there are multiple examples one way or the other, it's irrelevant.

You don't seem to like me using credable examples do you :huh:

The point good manager makes a massive difference, history has shown this.

The situation can get worse because the longer Kean is not getting results the less time someone else can turn it around.

The point is it can get worse, time makes it worse.

Soon it could become too late to make ammends.

Maybe Kean might get some results, but every game he loses the sitution, his win percentage, our clubs future gets worse.

Parkes was not unknown.

as a manager.

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so just to point out how crazy your comments are.

1996, why sack Harford? we had to replacement.

It could not have got worse the only according your crazy logic!!!!

Ocotober 1996 Jack Walker had four options:

here are 4 scenarios:

a.) We continue as we have so far and get relegated

b.) Harford improves and we don't get relegated

c.) A new manager is installed who is an improvement and we don't get relegated

d.) A new manager is installed who is NOT an improvement and we get relegated

What option do you think Jack Walker should have taken?

Things could only get better under Harford. We had no replacement. Parkes was unknown.

what would have your advice been to Jack Walker?

I bet you would have said, "things can;t get worse, and we don't know if another manager could turn it around"

The decision was taken out of Jack's hands because Ray resigned. He had offered to resign on a least two occasions during that season but Jack refused to accept it. However, after the defeat by Stockport Ray again tendered his resignation and Jack reluctantly accepted it.

Somehow I don't think Kean is going to offer his resignation and Venky's aren't going to sack him so we have to hope that somehow we can get the results we need under the present manager. In fairness, we played well against Norwich and again yesterday but we still can't win no matter how well we play. Ultimately, I suspect the lack of a goalscorer is what will do for us and that comes down to the owners not investing in that area in the summer.

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Based on what? You are acting as though his 30 odd games in charge have all been against Chelsea. He's already had countless winnable games and failed to win almost all of them. There is absolutely no evidence that he knows how to lead our team to victory on a semi-regular basis in order to keep us up. ALL the evidence is to the contrary.

Playing well gets you 0 points. Like it did yesterday, like it did against Spurs, etc etc. Kean has proven he cannot put out a winning team, we have a run of winnable games coming up that could save our season - and you want to give them to a man who has proven he cannot get us winning. Absolute madness.

If we wait 6 more games all the evidence suggests we wont have won anywhere near enough, and we'll be looking at a much harder set of fixtures to turn it around.

Acting now is the only thing that makes sense. At least give the team a chance to win some games. Under Kean we can't, he's proven it beyond any doubt.

You're wrong.

"We're turning the corner."

"The performances are getting better."

"Got to give him a chance with his own team."

"Sacking him will upset the players."

etc etc etc.

Meanwhile, by the end of today we could be 4 points adrift of safety.

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Chris, I rather expect that his ability was better known.

if you say so

The decision was taken out of Jack's hands because Ray resigned. He had offered to resign on a least two occasions during that season but Jack refused to accept it. However, after the defeat by Stockport Ray again tendered his resignation and Jack reluctantly accepted it.

Somehow I don't think Kean is going to offer his resignation and Venky's aren't going to sack him so we have to hope that somehow we can get the results we need under the present manager. In fairness, we played well against Norwich and again yesterday but we still can't win no matter how well we play. Ultimately, I suspect the lack of a goalscorer is what will do for us and that comes down to the owners not investing in that area in the summer.

It was important thatr Ray went when he did, similar to Ince.

I think your right, a match winner like Lampard, or Bent we don't have, and we leak too many goals.

We are playing at the top of our game and losing.

Winnable games coming up though. Maybe a Rochina or Formica will get a few, here's wishing.

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1, I don't think Kean should go. We are playing well without results but I feel this will change. I know on here I'm in a minority but most fans I speak to agree we are playing well and things could change. I know it's not popular on here but thats my opinion. I wouldn't have appointed him but there have been plus points

If you would have posted this a month ago I would have called you a liar, said you must sit with the deaf and blind society at games etc etc, however you are right, this messageboard is not representative, yesterday really brought that home for me, I would say only a minority are actively angling for his dismissal, 'we are playing well', 'it's better than Sam', 'good young players', 'it were worse in the third division', and so on and so on.

My only wish for BRFC is that we be the best we can, that we cherish our top flight status, that we aren't complacent, that from a position of strength we don't needlessly throw it all way and if someone is jepordising all that we unite and fight- alas many don't feel the same.

So, for those of you don't come to Ewood and are overseas etc I'm afraid brfcs.com is the section of support that is out of touch with the mainstream.

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I DO approve of the protests and really respect what Glen and co are doing to try and mobilise Rovers fans to have their say on their concerns about the way the club is being run and the team being managed. My sense, having watched Rovers for the last 25 years or so is that our fans tend to be at worst extremely apathetic or at best naturally conservative; so to be honest the fact that there has been any protesting at all feels like a real achievement to me.

I stayed for a while for the 'sit-in' after the Chelsea game yesterday and was disappointed with, and embarrassed by, the tone of the protest. Many of the chants were highly personal against Kean rather than highlighting our concerns about his failings as the team manager. I know there was the topicality of it being bonfire night, but songs about burning Venky's in a bonfire could be interpreted by the club and media as having racist undertones.

I DO respect the views expressed on here about not letting the protests negatively impact on performances on the pitch. There is a really careful balance to be struck. Showing vocal support for the team and expressing concerns about the way the club is run aren’t mutually exclusive (e.g. Man Utd’s ‘Love the Club; hate the Glazers’ slogan).

It’s my view that the protest would have more impact and credibility with the owners, media and Rovers fans if a couple of clear and consistent messages were carefully chosen focusing on our love of the club and our worries about its future being threatened , rather than personal insults and threats of violence against the manager and the owners.

So, I support the protests but am currently a bit embarrassed that the way we are doing them undermines our credibility.

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My feelings are the protests are backfiring. It seems the last couple of weeks that the media circles are feeling sorry for Kean even going so far as to be complimentary. Now, whose message do you think the Venky's are going to listen to, the fans or media. Yeah that's what I thought too.

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My feelings are the protests are backfiring. It seems the last couple of weeks that the media circles are feeling sorry for Kean even going so far as to be complimentary. Now, whose message do you think the Venky's are going to listen to, the fans or media. Yeah that's what I thought too.

To be fair USABlue, the media have pretty much always been sympathetic to Kean, save a few clued-up journos. The majority either haven't researched the situation at Rovers enough (or simply don't care) or have other "connections" which require them to shed positive light on Kean (step forward Charlie "SEM" Nicholas and the Soccer Saturday banter boys).

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i have nothing against the protests and admire what they are doing. it shows what fans can do when they want to get together. for me my anger and frustrations are aimed at venkys and not kean. kean so far has been a woeful manager and his signings have been poor but for me he isnt the problem. venkys are tearing this club apart from top to bottom and have been deluded from the min they took over.

the 2 brothers seemed interested at first but desai seemed to put a stop to any plans that they may have had at the beginning due to the amount of money that was being talked about. now we are just a club in limbo with none of the 3 owners interested in the club they bought.

we are in freefall and nothing is going to stop that as we have no one to voice our concerns towards. they never come to the matches and hardly even speak to the media anymore about our club. they invited a select few over to india instead of coming over here to sort out any problems.

they seem to have lied about everything they have ever said involving our club and the media and pundits dont seem to realise. what we need is a big big article or news story to be unveiled by a journo that really cares about this club that will force venkys to come out and explain their actions and especially explain why they wanted to get involved in the first place.

another scenario we have to think about is whether venkys actually own the club or if they were just used as a front as we saw on a program about how to buy a football club. i cant help but feel sometimes that they were asked to front the deal for they would get advertising benefits from it and whoever bought us in the background would fund all the clubs needs. they were niave and went for it and now they take the flack for everything. this may be paranoia on my behalf but i see no reason for these people to buy the club, spout about how they will fund rovers to become a top 4 team and then do nothing at all except make a mockery of themselves.

even if they sack kean it will be to appease the fans but do you really trust that their next appointment will be any better. i doubt it

i think there is only one way for our club and that is down but i worry what will follow that. its the long term future that is scary.

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I voted 'Other'.

I think I've made my stance clear on protesting. I don't think it works and there's no clearer proof than Venky's standing by their man. However, it should have never come to this in the first place. For Rovers fans to be protesting, there must be something fundamentally wrong at the club. We aren't a club with delusions of grandeur. We aren't the ones who think we should be competing in Europe when we're actually rotting in the relegation zone. We just want a competitive side that will make the club proud and a manager who can get results. What choice do the fans have when they see the club is sinking and the powers that be won't step in? What choice do they have when the club's authorities prohibit freedom of expression?

If it was down to me, the fans would boycott in their droves and leave Kean & Venky's with an empty stadium. Unfortunately, your average football fan is too 'loyal' for his own good.

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I voted 'Other'.

I think I've made my stance clear on protesting. I don't think it works and there's no clearer proof than Venky's standing by their man. However, it should have never come to this in the first place. For Rovers fans to be protesting, there must be something fundamentally wrong at the club. We aren't a club with delusions of grandeur. We aren't the ones who think we should be competing in Europe when we're actually rotting in the relegation zone. We just want a competitive side that will make the club proud and a manager who can get results. What choice do the fans have when they see the club is sinking and the powers that be won't step in? What choice do they have when the club's authorities prohibit freedom of expression?

If it was down to me, the fans would boycott in their droves and leave Kean & Venky's with an empty stadium. Unfortunately, your average football fan is too 'loyal' for his own good.

there is no way that you could ever get 25000 people to agree to do the same thing. if it was the chelsea game that was to be boycotted i may have been up for that as it wasnt a game that we expected anything from.

but these next few home games are so important to our survival we HAVE to be there. that is my belief and we have to support our team whether we like it or not. then after the games the protests can take place though no one is there to listen.

one of the main reasons why the protests havnt been majorly successful is because in the games when they have been organised for we have played well and been unlucky. we didnt lose to any poor or average teams.

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there is no way that you could ever get 25000 people to agree to do the same thing. if it was the chelsea game that was to be boycotted i may have been up for that as it wasnt a game that we expected anything from.

but these next few home games are so important to our survival we HAVE to be there. that is my belief and we have to support our team whether we like it or not. then after the games the protests can take place though no one is there to listen.

one of the main reasons why the protests havnt been majorly successful is because in the games when they have been organised for we have played well and been unlucky. we didnt lose to any poor or average teams.

I don't literally mean an empty stadium. :rolleyes:

But if a large majority boycotted matches it would paint a stark picture of the fan's disillusion with Venky's.

The fan's support has done little for Kean's 30+ games in charge so far. The worst that can happen from boycotting is that the club will go down. That's going to happen regardless, so there's nothing to lose and all to gain.

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I don't literally mean an empty stadium. :rolleyes:

But if a large majority boycotted matches it would paint a stark picture of the fan's disillusion with Venky's.

The fan's support has done little for Kean's 30+ games in charge so far. The worst that can happen from boycotting is that the club will go down. That's going to happen regardless, so there's nothing to lose and all to gain.

if kean goes though i wouldnt expect there to be a better appointment. that isnt saying i want kean to stay though

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if kean goes though i wouldnt expect there to be a better appointment. that isnt saying i want kean to stay though

Stick or twist.

Stick = Relegated

Twist = Who knows?

Results haven't sacked him. Protests haven't sacked him. There's little left to do but boycott.

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Read are you not aware that if you have a differing view you are not allowed to air it??? You'll be getting branded a "keanette" next which keeps happening to me on here!!

That's just a lie. You can hold whatever position you like on here. However, your opinion might well be challenged by others.

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