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[Archived] Where Do We Go From Here?


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Its the Indian way, beat you into submission.

We have to be ready for a nasty fight.Im amazed how many people today said we were owned by gangsters,or indian mafia or just crooks.

We have to stand firm against these bullies.

Is it though? I really dont believe that Venky's have the people within the press to plant all the positive articles, the knowledge of the game, the day to day runnings of the club to have all the stewards acting like Hitler.

A lot of questions that dont have answers.

Why was there a banner ban today?

Do you think Venky's ordered the banner ban?

The banner ban was imposed so Venky's could'nt see the truth in all its splender.

How do Venky's benefit from us being relegated?

Do you think the Raos know everything about the day to day running of the club?

Who has the contacts in the press and the footballing world?

who told told the Raos not to attend today?

Who really runs our club and what are they getting out of it?

Today and the banner ban only tells me one thing.......A certain person and his puppet are running the club and they are hiding the problems from our owners, only one person will benefit from us being relegated and that is a certain agent that would sort all the players leaving and coming in and fees associated with that.

Ask yourself the question do you really think the owners have blind faith in Kean or are they being convinced because of their lack of knowledge of the game ( I actually read that not long ago our owners did'nt know teams got relegated) Do you really think it's the owners who are to blame or the people (or person) that has nothing to do with our club anymore advising them?

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Anyone hear the rubbish spouted on 606 Radio 5?

It went something like this. "next we have a Rovers fan on the line,are you a good rovers fan or a bad one?"

WTF does a good one or a bad one mean?

Then the Rovers fan said "i'm a good one and i have to say the plane deflated the players and thats why we lost".

Didnt look like that to me, i always thought it as Keans job to deflate the players with his half-time teamtalk.

So Venkys and their puppet Roberts get their spin on the radio again.

Roberts got mugged by a caller tonight saying that he always sits on the fence.

I heard this driving home and could hardly believe what I was hearing. What game was he watching I wondered (well it wasn't as polite)? Wayne reckoned we were 'by far the better team' till the plane turned up, at which point all the Rovers players heads dropped until after the Chelsea goal when we started playing again. Not in the game I was watching - I really didn't see any difference in our performance throughout, which might not have been up to the quality of Chelsea but was thorougly hard-working and deserving of at least a point THROUGHOUT.

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I heard this driving home and could hardly believe what I was hearing. What game was he watching I wondered (well it wasn't as polite)? Wayne reckoned we were 'by far the better team' till the plane turned up, at which point all the Rovers players heads dropped until after the Chelsea goal when we started playing again. Not in the game I was watching - I really didn't see any difference in our performance throughout, which might not have been up to the quality of Chelsea but was thorougly hard-working and deserving of at least a point THROUGHOUT.

Spot-on Neil.

Thats how the game was, the caller was a liar.

Kean now is blaming the age of the squad but didnt he want a younger one or was it him and his money launderers that wanted a cheaper squad?

The players are trying but theyre obviously not good enough.We have no depth,no proven goalscorer and we cant keep a clean sheet.

MOTD is a joke then it always has been towards Rovers,Hansen smartarse and camp Lawro pulling strange faces.

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I wonder if Jerome's getting his mates to call up Jason Roberts?

And very strange for Lawrenson to start putting the boot into Rovers' fans for protesting, in his prediction on Friday for our game, he was sticking the boot into the owners for stopping our fans from protesting.

He's a confused man.

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From reading the threads this morning, it's clear where we go from here. Down and pop.

And there are plenty of people prepared to stand aside and let it happen. Nay, there are plenty of people prepared to enable it to happen by fighting those people who don't want to go down without a fight.

The ironies are everywhere.

I am ashamed by the attitudes of some on here who will happily watch the club die.

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Spot-on Neil.

Thats how the game was, the caller was a liar.

Kean now is blaming the age of the squad but didnt he want a younger one or was it him and his money launderers that wanted a cheaper squad?

The players are trying but theyre obviously not good enough.We have no depth,no proven goalscorer and we cant keep a clean sheet.

MOTD is a joke then it always has been towards Rovers,Hansen smartarse and camp Lawro pulling strange faces.

Can't disagree. Jase was also keen to stress how the plane must have upset the 7 young players (under 23 in his terms) that were out there at the time. First Jason, there weren't seven under-23s out there, and second what does the 'under 23' barrier have to do with this anyway? Suddenly at 24 years and 1 day old players become impervious to crowd chants and other outside events? Is that how it works? Jason, I'm fed up of excuses (and these aren't the only ones peddled by him and others in the media. Sorry for stating the obvious).

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It they're that easily distracted they shouldn't be out there. I remember playing in a game when I was about 18 yrs old, when we kicked off I was suffering from a raging toothache. About 20 minutes into the game it suddenly dawned on me my toothache had gone. I thought " Thats great". Guess what, 5 minutes after the game ended the raging toothache was back.

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I listened to an interview with Ian Pearce yesterday morning, they asked him about the situation at Rovers, he replied along the lines that the protests will affect the players adversely.

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Reading all these pages on protests etc (to which I have attended) it's so obvious how hard the organisers have worked and how passionate they are about our club and town. It's good to know there are people out there who are prepared to be active rather than just moan about what's going on.

I've come to the conclusion that Venkys are the root of all the problems. Kean is 'A' problem but not 'THE' problem.

Whilst I've always been pro-protest and see a need for Venkys to realise that we do have a voice, we aren't just a set of hillbillies, and we do have brains, I've also felt that we're targeting the wrong person.

I feel that even if we were to get rid of kean, we would still be left with the bigger battle on our hands. We need to get Venkys to firstly, accept that they aren't the experts on running a football club, secondly appoint a Blackburn based structure to run the football club (ala Williams and Finn). Until that happens no decent manager would want to come anyway.

With all this in mind, I'd suggest that the protests need not to be asking for the removal of Kean, or to 'try' to hound Venkys out, but to send the message that we want our club sorting. VENKYS SORT OUR CLUB OUT.

Of course, getting Kean out would be a start but may only paper over the deeper cracks. I can't help thinking that the general perception around the country is that we're protesting because we're in the relegation zone, when we all know it's much more than that.

Anyway, that's what I think.

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I guess all we can hope for is the clubs around us to start acting prompting Venky's in to action. A few sackings of the likes of Martinez, Coyle, McCarthy etc may wake them up to the situation we are in and how normal owners deal with such things. Probably not though.

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I listened to an interview with Ian Pearce yesterday morning, they asked him about the situation at Rovers, he replied along the lines that the protests will affect the players adversely.

Thats eventually what Kean will blame as the reason we went down, when that day comes. He will say that he was trying to do something - and was on the right track but then the fans turned against the team, he will say, and from that point on the players were not able to do their job properly and we went down.

We WILL get relegated with Kean in charge, everyone knows that - so for your own good; get used to the thought! :(

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Ignorance is no defence. Venky's will now realise that they cannot win if they sack him or back him.

I forsee only relegation on the horizon. The Indian way of thinking may work in India it doesnt work in the football business.

If Mrs D and her gang are relying still on the advice of Anderson and NOT that of our seemingly non existant leadership at Ewood (Mr Hunt and co) then there is not a chance in hell they will sack Kean.

Its all very very disturbing.

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Where do we go from here? There is only one solution. There are people who know, by various means, what has been going on at Rovers behind the scenes. As painful as it may be, it is time to spill the beans. For the rest of us to get the crash helmets on and be prepared for shock and awe.

The main theme for the protestors has been for venkys to get their act together and sack Kean. Venkys have refused to listen and act. Well some hard, exposed truths maybe the answer now,

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Where do we go from here? There is only one solution. There are people who know, by various means, what has been going on at Rovers behind the scenes. As painful as it may be, it is time to spill the beans. For the rest of us to get the crash helmets on and be prepared for shock and awe.

The main theme for the protestors has been for venkys to get their act together and sack Kean. Venkys have refused to listen and act. Well some hard, exposed truths maybe the answer now,

Those people in the know will not spill the beans and jeopardise their own interests for small town Blackburn Rovers.

A sad fact.

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Where do we go from here? There is only one solution. There are people who know, by various means, what has been going on at Rovers behind the scenes. As painful as it may be, it is time to spill the beans. For the rest of us to get the crash helmets on and be prepared for shock and awe.

The main theme for the protestors has been for venkys to get their act together and sack Kean. Venkys have refused to listen and act. Well some hard, exposed truths maybe the answer now,

I wish the would - I am sick of hearing about this "behind the scenes" stuff that nobody seems to be willing to come out with - though they continue to use it as a stick to beat up the owners with.

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