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[Archived] Give Kean a Break

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Thank you for clearing that up, Glenn. I would not have put it past Kean to come on the MB in an effort to stir things up.

Along with this guy I wish Kean would come onto here, with the boring international break coming up it's refreshing to have someone with a different view so we can have some proper debates. Imagine the fun we could have if Kean signed up :)

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I can't believe some of you don't you see with his ridiculous comments it is coco himself or one of the people Venkys have paid off to protest against the protesters oh and by the way Chris/Steve whatever your name happens to be you said at the beginning of your post:

Hi to everyone,

I can not believe what i witnessed at Ewood on Saturday afternoon what with the plane and further protests.

if you are coco himself or a paid off stooge you said in the interview after the match you never saw the plane so coco what is the truth but then again we know you have form for lying and we did see you look up at the plane.

you state:the players seem to be fit and happy to play for him.

I have to laugh at this the players look as though & play as though we are in the summer waiting for their summer holidays they are an unfit disorganised rabble of a team.

you state:We need to get behind the lads and the manager as i believe we can get ourselves out of the trouble where in. GET BEHIND THE TEAM

Now where have I heard this before oh yes from the clown himself either you are him or some paid off stooge. Also we are fully behind the team there's no need to bring the players into this just coco needs removing.

you state:I seem to have got a lot of people's backs up here. Are we not playing some of the best football since 95/96?? It wasnt too long ago we and you lot where all singing Steve Keans blue and white army after beating Liverpool 3-1 was it? Did we PLAY better football under Allardyce? No! my point was the football is there we just need a little bit of luck a few good results and then no doubt these boards will be flooded with messages of praise. lets see what the next games bring, if it brings defeats lets judge then not after losing to Chelsea eh?

On what planet are you living no we have never shouted coco's blue & white army and we were playing a very poor sub-standard side even Pepe Reina at the time said in a newspaper interview that the manager had taken liverpool as far as he could and was scared they would be relegated I give you the football wasn't good under Big Sam but if all you want is good football we might as well follow blackpool play good attacking football without what really matters the results for us results is all we care about playing well does not keep you in the EPL and just for your information many people have stated that was the worse chelsea team they had seen for years at the very least we should have had a draw if not a win my cousin's baby could have stuck that Yak chance away & he is 1 and if we had defended like a proper team their goal should easily been avoided so if we had enough ruthless attackers and a disciplined hard working defence we could easily have won that game 1-0 & with a proper manager who could organise the defence.

you state:Whats the point in 100 people protesting after the game???? makes us luck like muppets, Simple!! Im not on my own other fans ive spoken to are fully behind Kean and the team. A couple of wins and things will look a whole lot better people.

This is a definite coco comment so the big question how much have Venkys paid you to spout such garbage coco has obviously turned the truth round to suit his agenda the facts are this nearly everyone that I speak to about coco think he is a clown promoted above his station who by trade in his playing days was a defender but seems incapable of setting up a defence to keep a clean sheet as the chelsea goal on saturday illustrates.

you state:I think Steve Kean is better qualified than the protesters and us on this site to turn things around at the club. I mean who could we possibly bring into replace Steve? Sven? i dont think so McClaren definately not! All this negativity isnt doing the team any good at all.

now where have I heard that before thought coco clearly said the players have to put this to the back of their minds they are well paid professionals so it should not affect them & these protests are not aimed at the players they are aimed at Coco if he was an honourable man he would realise he is not the man for the job and resign and more improtantly if Jack were alive today would he buy coco's BS he would be so fast out the door his feet wouldn't touch the ground you are really having laugh who could we bring in that is better let's see now yes what sven has achieved in the game is far more than what coco has. I agree maybe not McClaren but what about: Mark Hughes,Martin O Neill,Ancelloti,Laudrup,Souey + Tugay,even Curbishley or Maradona could do a better job so yes there are plenty of managers out there who could do a better job than coco.

you state:Anyone unhappy with the calibre of players brought in by Steve? or his youth policy?

No not unhappy about the players bought and good on the youth policy but we do need more experienced players in there and we need the clown in charge to realise when we lose the ball those young hungry youth players have to track back and defend otherwise all the youth in the world will not get us out of this mess.

you state: Oh and by the way thanking you Glenn. This site is new to me and again its only my opinion controversial as it seems. The protests etc are boring 3 points against Wigan and things will start to look better and who knows where we can go from there if we perform and gain confidence and momentum from it.

please can I ask you to stop using the word momentum I know it's your new favourite word but it's getting boring now bit like positive.

you state:I would then start to worry. The way we have performed of late though i really cant see that happening my prediction is a 0-3 Rovers victory

This is even more ridiculous if this happens I will run round ewood naked for the last home game of the season and maybe if we lose to Wigan instead of starting to worry maybe you could just hand in your resignation to Mrs D & give us a chance of survival do we have a deal?

you state:Your pathetic mate, most probably one of the 100 muppets trying to get your face on Sky Sports news or perhaps your the ar*ehole with the inbred wippet sporting the Taxi for Kean sign.

you definitely must be Kean or one of his stooges with comments like this and ever heard of freedom of speech? by insulting people you must really be feeling the pressure eh?

you state:You might as well be a dingle if you cant support and get behind the team.

you have not listened to a word anyone states yes we are fully 100% behind the team & support the team we are however not behind the lying,back stabbing drink driving waste of space arrogant smug clown in charge.

you state:No wind up merely trying to support my club and the lads that are doing there up most to turn a corner and get points on the board. Im not going to apologise for trying to be optimistic what would be the point in going to Ewood if that wasnt my view?

Now I know you must be coco in disguise these phrases are getting boring now if he says points on the board one more time or turning a corner once more I swear the next time I'm up at ewood I will beat that man with a stick like Ricky Gervaise :D

you state:Id hate us to hire a new manager for him to undo the hard work Kean has put into side and end up actually going backwards.

Please think before you type if we aren't going backwards now where would you say we are heading champs. Lge Maybe? :lol:

you state:Would we have beaten Chelsea under anybody else after they had failed to get a result in their previous 3 games? i doubt it. Was the last minute penalty against Norwich fair? Wasnt the result against Newcastle's strongest side a good one? We have had some many instances of bad luck and i dont think that is Steve Keans fault.

you really have lost the plot maybe not beaten but with a decent manager in charge we would at least have a point of chelsea if coco had pushed the boat out and stressed to the owners we needed to spend 10M+ on a striker & the Yak should have scored which I must admit surprised me he missed from there,yes maybe the last minute penalty against Norwich was unfair but if the defence were on top of their game the 1st 2 goals could easily have been avoided just mark the guy on the edge of the box & Lowe should never have turned his back to the ball should just stay strong and block it typical example did Junior Hoilett duck out of the challenge with Schwarzer when we had a chance to win the game no he went for it as he knew we needed the points and got hurt for his troubles in that instance Lowe has to stand strong not duck out of the way however painful it might be, Newcastle in the cup was a good result eventually but really we should have seen that game out 2-0 how we seem incapable of defending for the last 5 mins is just plain shocking & what about clean sheets Kean goes on about when will we get one of them? It is not bad luck it is just bad rank defending which you would not see in an under 6's match.

you state:Disgusting comments about Rovers fans?

or have you forgotten when he was charged for drink driving he tried blaming rovers fans even Fergie for spiking his drinks when he knows you can't drink & drive anything yet he blames the world for his failures & he said he doesn't care about the fans protesting for him to goI would say his smug arrogant attitude to things is pretty disgusting.

phil states this perfectly here In fact (forgetting about the results) this is the most imbalanced Rovers team I have seen since some of the formations Bobby Saxton used to put out.

this sums things up perfectly the side is imbalanced I would even go as far to say when watching a game recently on skys football first of the extended highlights can't remember which one I couldn't even work out what formation he was playing or what the game plan was he lined up some foreign unknown formation unheard of it was a 4-2-1-2-1 something so ridiculous you can't even call it a diamond it was like he picked out a formation out of a hat & said we will go this way today it was total alien formation to me. He might as well have goneput 11 strikers out and just be done with it.

glen wrote:Ladies and Gentleman I give you "STEVE KEAN" The man with the plan

from where I am sitting he gave the impression he has no plan not even a plan b or maybe the grand plan is get rovers relegated pick-up a nice pay off afterwards & ruin a 136 year football club and community in the process.

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Its a bit too light for me, but they are not bad at close range.

You're a real American, Reb, even if you are English. Though I confess I docked you points for not owning a Colt.

And I suspect that Kean does read this site. In my opinion, his narcissism is such I don't think he could stay away. And it would help explain his compulsive need to lash out at the "1%" who object to his role in the club, as he is [justifiably] slated on this MB on a regular basis.

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Hi to everyone,

I can not believe what i witnessed at Ewood on Saturday afternoon what with the plane and further protests. I do believe Steve Kean can turn our our recent bad fortune around and make us a top 6 club within 2-3 years i really do. The football we are displaying is the best since our title winning season and the players seem to be fit and happy to play for him. I also think he has been shrewd in the transfer market i.e Yakubu, Dann, Formica, Rochina and Petrovic with not so much investment. I agree his team line ups have been somewhat of a mystery recently but the lads always put on a captivating performance which we should be happy with. We need to get behind the lads and the manager as i believe we can get ourselves out of the trouble where in. GET BEHIND THE TEAM

Is it OK if I send you a PM as I am interested in your views? There are not enough people on the board supporting Steve Kean and its nice to get a balanced view

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Guest Rovers4Good

Hi to everyone,

I can not believe what i witnessed at Ewood on Saturday afternoon what with the plane and further protests. I do believe Steve Kean can turn our our recent bad fortune around and make us a top 6 club within 2-3 years i really do. The football we are displaying is the best since our title winning season and the players seem to be fit and happy to play for him. I also think he has been shrewd in the transfer market i.e Yakubu, Dann, Formica, Rochina and Petrovic with not so much investment. I agree his team line ups have been somewhat of a mystery recently but the lads always put on a captivating performance which we should be happy with. We need to get behind the lads and the manager as i believe we can get ourselves out of the trouble where in. GET BEHIND THE TEAM

OMG get a life your nitwit :(

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Hi to everyone,

I can not believe what i witnessed at Ewood on Saturday afternoon what with the plane and further protests. I do believe Steve Kean can turn our our recent bad fortune around and make us a top 6 club within 2-3 years i really do. The football we are displaying is the best since our title winning season and the players seem to be fit and happy to play for him. I also think he has been shrewd in the transfer market i.e Yakubu, Dann, Formica, Rochina and Petrovic with not so much investment. I agree his team line ups have been somewhat of a mystery recently but the lads always put on a captivating performance which we should be happy with. We need to get behind the lads and the manager as i believe we can get ourselves out of the trouble where in. GET BEHIND THE TEAM

You are fully entitled to your opinion. However it is not a view most fans will share as they actually go to the matches, watch the performances and can look at the current league table.

There is absolutely no evidence that indicates that Kean can turn Rovers into anything other than relegation fodder.

Recent optimism has developed as poor performances and poor results have been replaced by average performances and poor results. I must be missing something. What is optimistic about a lack of clean sheets, poor results and widening gaps at the bottom of the league?

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  • Backroom

-89 :lol: imo getting to -100 should result in an automatic 2 day ban... if you've made a post that bad you deserve a little time away to think about what you've done ;)

(only kidding btw... well, sort of...)

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Hi to everyone,

I can not believe what i witnessed at Ewood on Saturday afternoon what with the plane and further protests. I do believe Steve Kean can turn our our recent bad fortune around and make us a top 6 club within 2-3 years i really do. The football we are displaying is the best since our title winning season and the players seem to be fit and happy to play for him. I also think he has been shrewd in the transfer market i.e Yakubu, Dann, Formica, Rochina and Petrovic with not so much investment. I agree his team line ups have been somewhat of a mystery recently but the lads always put on a captivating performance which we should be happy with. We need to get behind the lads and the manager as i believe we can get ourselves out of the trouble where in. GET BEHIND THE TEAM

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even one like this. If that's what you truly believe then fair enough. There's obviously very little that can be said to you to convince you otherwise, because even though Kean took us to the brink of relegation last year, has us sitting second bottom of the table, was given the job because of who is agents were, has made some questionable signings, has made us one of the worst defensive teams in the league when we used to be one of the strongest and has only won six games out of 32, you still think he's the man for the job and can turn things around. Despite evidence to the contrary, clearly you like to look at the positives like Kean, where playing 'well' is as important as winning points. But I'm sure you can excuse the rest of the Rovers fans from not being quite so optimistic.

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If we could guarantee the same level of performance over a full season that we've seen in the last four games then I wouldn't be totally against keeping Steve Kean. That's not something I'm saying lightly either as I've been against him since the day he took temporary charge. I know results haven't matched those performances but surely even the most cynical among us would concede that we're likely to pick up points if we play like we have done recently on a consistent basis.

The thing is, I don't think for a second this level of performance will be maintained. I think Kean has hit upon a team that can deliver competent performances by sheer luck. If he had his way I think he'd still be playing Salgado and Givet at full back and getting battered down the wings, it's only injuries that forced him into making the right decisions. We saw last season that he played that stupid 4-4-2 diamond for ages despite it obviously being the wrong formation. From his first day he doesn't seem to have had a clue what system he wants to implement or what style of play we should adopt.

I guess the only other variable you could throw in there is the arrival of Clement, but that would still beg the question of why do we have a tactically incompetent manager who needs to be told how to organise by his assistant?

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If we could guarantee the same level of performance over a full season that we've seen in the last four games then I wouldn't be totally against keeping Steve Kean. That's not something I'm saying lightly either as I've been against him since the day he took temporary charge. I know results haven't matched those performances but surely even the most cynical among us would concede that we're likely to pick up points if we play like we have done recently on a consistent basis.

The thing is, I don't think for a second this level of performance will be maintained. I think Kean has hit upon a team that can deliver competent performances by sheer luck. If he had his way I think he'd still be playing Salgado and Givet at full back and getting battered down the wings, it's only injuries that forced him into making the right decisions. We saw last season that he played that stupid 4-4-2 diamond for ages despite it obviously being the wrong formation. From his first day he doesn't seem to have had a clue what system he wants to implement or what style of play we should adopt.

I guess the only other variable you could throw in there is the arrival of Clement, but that would still beg the question of why do we have a tactically incompetent manager who needs to be told how to organise by his assistant?

Great post. This is exactly my view as well.

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Lurid Coat makes it 100

but lets remember, 99% of people that are in favour of Kean don't have or use a computer to follow Blackburn, funny enough only the 1% do.

The other 99% are sending Kean letters apparently telling him how much they love the football and being 4 points adrift in relegation.

Kean must have recieved well over 20,000 letters by now.

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