koi Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Seriously guys, Glen has told me a little about rover_786 and I have to say I became full of admiration for him. Far more fortunate people are taking the mick on here but this lad had the guts to pick up the phone and try to tell Mrs Desai exactly what he thinks. If the rest of the Rovers fans had half his pluck, we'd be in a much much better state as a football community than we are now. Sorry, but his posts just contradict each other so much I more prepared to believe that Dr Who is based on a real story. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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AllRoverAsia Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 ??? But why would they lie in that way? What could they have to gain by it? I seriously doubt they get to see/hear about as many good comments and feedback as bad (seems a lot of the negative stuff is online) so why tell the masses that they are speaking to other options? That's what's being asked for with Keans removal, and surely it's going to unsettle Kean/the management team? Or is he being treated like the fans appear to be? Somehow I doubt it. Kean goes to India, gets improved contract/praise, fans go, get ignored by owners and then when they do get an "audience" they get given some lines and more than likely laughed at thereafter! Siege mentality has seen them close ranks, say nothing negative and keep their cards close to their chest, the more mixed messages they put out or appear to put out the worse it'll be for them when it comes to tidying up the mess. The rest of us are simply taking rumours, gossip and blind hope and turning it into actual events and producing varying levels of hysteria out the other side. If there is any mismanagement [in particular of a financial sense] that will be the damning thing, but it's down to proving it, and even then if it's even anything more than simply foolish on their part thereafter....remember, within the confines of the law it's up to the owners of a business how they run it, if they see fit to destroy something that's been built over 100 years + of history they are entitled to do that I think desperation is starting to set in here and that can only be a bad thing... if they see fit to destroy something that's been built over 100 years + of history they are entitled to do that - entitled, well correct me if I'm wrong FFS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jannerman Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 if they see fit to destroy something that's been built over 100 years + of history they are entitled to do that - entitled, well correct me if I'm wrong FFS Unfortunately they are, they _own_ the club ergo the business. Badly run businesses die all the time around the world, I know of one local training provider that went into administration recently and within weeks a new one sprang up again with none of the previous companies debts or issues. For some it's a business strategy, take as much out as you can and run before the debts need to be honoured. Football clubs are such massive businesses nowadays that they attact the wrong kind of folk, those hoping to make a buck, or gain notoriety, it's already been discussed here that the owners are not football people, so you have to assume they've been advised.... ...it's just unfortunate that the appear to have been (and are still being) advised badly... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BPF Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 ...it's just unfortunate that the appear to have been (and are still being) advised badly... Surely noone still believes that they are here to run a successful club? Venkys XPRS Funded by Blackburn Rovers since 2010 My opinion....rar rar rar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chris Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 7 ? Bloody Nora !!!! Yeah you are not as young as you use to be Abbey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rovers_786 Posted November 10, 2011 Author Share Posted November 10, 2011 Ive read this entire thread, and indeed i've read a lot of rover_786 posts. Everything is pointing towards this being a dingle on wind up, not least because he writes perfectly understandable english in some posts, and ineligible jargon in others. The only thing that is putting doubt in my mind is that Glen Mullan has stated he knows about him. I therefore ask glen, or philipl, has anybody spoken to this chap in person, on the phone, or webcam? Does he have a genuine facebook or social internet account? Basically any evidence to suggest he is a real genuine Rovers fan? Or have you just communicated with him via email and posts on this site? I notice that a couple of other posters have asked rover_786 where he currently lives and where he is from, and he has neglected to respond. So to you Rover_786, where do you live and where are you from? This isn't meant as an invasion of privacy, just some basic confirmation that you are real and genuine. Myself, i am a 27 year old male, born in Blackburn, living in darwen! Glenn has not seen me yet and I have seen him at the games,and, I am 26 year old I got Facebook cheers . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jannerman Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 This is precisely what this thread is about. Totally naivety. The younger ones (I'm assuming by their posting talk) seem to believe that you're some sort of blue and white warrior if you shout things at a protest, join in with mass-letter writing or make angry phone calls to Indian receptionists. While I respect our own fans, I can't respect brainlessness and pointlessness. Around here, that usually puts people like me in the firing line of those who say the "if you care get of your arse" line. Not only do I care about Rovers but I also use my brain. If that makes me look like I don't care... Then I don't care for those who think I don't care. I agree with most of that - err I think! However I also support the initial protesting efforts, a lot of work and organisation went into it, but like others think that with the last protest more damage was done - even though the plane was a great bit of PR - what I can't fathom is how by losing but playing well Kean seems to have won the press over, the result(s) will be remembered long after the performance(s) so game on game nothing has really changed. That said you've probably had the same thoughts as I have regarding the current situation....what else can be done? I think the time for organised protesting has passed, but there must be something else that will have an impact? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Moss Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 This is precisely what this thread is about. Totally naivety. The younger ones (I'm assuming by their posting talk) seem to believe that you're some sort of blue and white warrior if you shout things at a protest, join in with mass-letter writing or make angry phone calls to Indian receptionists. While I respect our own fans, I can't respect brainlessness and pointlessness. Around here, that usually puts people like me in the firing line of those who say the "if you care get of your arse" line. Not only do I care about Rovers but I also use my brain. If that makes me look like I don't care... Then I don't care for those who think I don't care. If you think passivity is the answer, fine. Good for you. But don't slate those who are trying to do something, even if you think it a futile effort. The first step to winning a battle is actually showing up. So my hat is off to the protestors, letter writers and phone callers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jannerman Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 If you think passivity is the answer, fine. Good for you. But don't slate those who are trying to do something, even if you think it a futile effort. The first step to winning a battle is actually showing up. So my hat is off to the protestors, letter writers and phone callers. Check out Sun Tzu; "All warfare is based on deception" "Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him" "If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him" "If his forces are united, separate them" "These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand" There's lots more, but a lot of modern business/management processes are based on this logic. You can see how it fits around the situation (in both camps) I think the key to this whole process is having more than one flank, so there is a place for protesting but also a place for appearing to be passive. And to mangle the classic phrase the pen [banner] is mightier than the sword. TBH getting the Indian press involved might be a masterstroke - but it might have the opposite effect. Maybe we need the support of some more well-known fans, a couple of club officials (anonymous and off the record of course!) and, I don't know....a player or two? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rebelmswar Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Sun Tzu says many a true word about warfare but something a crusty old Captain that I knew stays with me - "To be a good sailor you have to love your ship, but to be a good officer you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love." All of those leaders we have here that are in the know should think on this. When does the honour of what you love become more importent than what now remains? I will say no more on the matter, but to me the honour of what once was, and could be again, is far more important than what is now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverInverness Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Rovers 786 - Please do not stop posting. I love your posts. Examples such as the gem below prove your genius. Glenn has not seen me yet and I have seen him at the games For what it is worth I believe this man to be the ghost of Nicko. They are never around at the same time! Hmmm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jarvefromossy Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Pointless thread - next! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
booth Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Glenn has not seen me yet and I have seen him at the games Bit scary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brfcrule1 Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 jannerman said:But why would they lie in that way? What could they have to gain by it? I seriously doubt they get to see/hear about as many good comments and feedback as bad (seems a lot of the negative stuff is online) so why tell the masses that they are speaking to other options? You ask me that how much of what Venkys have said is the truth? how much could they gain from it quite a lot really esp if they open new venkys chains all over the place and their whole idea was to mismanage the club and as Jerome Anderson/Kentaro are still on the scene which they lied about before.You say why tell the masses they are apeaking to other options maybe to appease the fans more lies until they prove it by appointing a new manager they have yet to gain any trust from me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iacok Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Sun Tzu. Book a classic. Just about short enough to read to Mallorca or Malaga. Read what he says about spies and traitors. New broom needed at Ewood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rebelmswar Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Resistance is futile. Not if you kill the queen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majiball Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Not if you kill the queen. Bloody hell mate, I know I called for extreme measures but that's a step too far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mayfield Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Never really cared about the fuss over Rovers 786's grammar and all that, but i've seen his posts on a Facebook group and he writes in perfect English using comma's and fullstops. I honestly believe his long ass posts with no punctuation are their just to P everyone off for some sort of reaction. I've nothing against Rovers 786 but come on enough is enough. P.S I only know it's him because despite perfect grammar he still write's Glenn muller Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krypton1980 Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Resistance is futile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelbo Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Bloody hell mate, I know I called for extreme measures but that's a step too far. Oh I dont know Maji, she is a queen Witch!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Moss Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Bloody hell mate, I know I called for extreme measures but that's a step too far. I believe he was making a chess analogy. I suspect he was throwing it out as bait to see if anyone would jump to the worse case assumption. Congratulations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majiball Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 I believe he was making a chess analogy. I suspect he was throwing it out as bait to see if anyone would jump to the worse case assumption. Congratulations. I reckon it was a star trek analogy and then I played on his words to twist it into our queen. Unlucky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Moss Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 You've never watched Star Trek, have you. Saddo. I reckon it was a star trek analogy and then I played on his words to twist it into our queen. Unlucky. Whew! Glad to know that I'm an idiot. And no, I didn't watch Star Trek. It would have gotten in the way of my beer [wish it had been real ale] drinking and other leisure activities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amo Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 You've never watched Star Trek, have you. Saddo. Or Alien. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majiball Posted November 10, 2011 Share Posted November 10, 2011 Whew! Glad to know that I'm an idiot. And no, I didn't watch Star Trek. It would have gotten in the way of my beer [wish it had been real ale] drinking and other leisure activities. But I thought watching crap TV was regarded as a leisure activity in the USA? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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