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[Archived] QATAR group bid for Rovers

Given neither us nor them expected Rovers to be in the relegation zone, with a good squad that can't win, watched by protesting fans and key people leaving the club. What should they do ?  

627 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Venky's stay for the long haul, or cut and run

    • Finish what they started. Follow through on their promise of Europe?
    • Accept any serious bid. Be glad their brand is now known in Europe and move on?

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I am not advocating threats or blackmail.

The point is, if, as alleged, there are things not entirely above board in the Rovers' locker and if Balaji is part of that, then it can only strengthen a negotiating hand. Happens all the time in business.

I know Mercerman, I only said it in jest :tu: .

I honestly think if the other 3 want to sell and they think a great deal is about to disappear then that kind of pressure will be immense. I'm not convinced it will happen though especially because I've used up all of my optimism on the Venkys and Kean over the past 6 months. I'm resigning myself to disappointment on this one and anything else will be a relief.

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I'd be very careful how you word anything direct to Balaji. People with a lot of power can make other people disappear very quickly.

I'm one of the 1%, he didn't show up v Chelsea cos of us. He's more scared of us than we are of him -_-

An owner that won't even turn up to his own clubs games - the best reason for selling up l know of.

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The fans who were saying it's pointless chanting Venkys Out. Reason being who else would want us, how wrong were they? You can't get much more wrong than a billionaire prince wanting you. Are those fans now understanding the complete idiocy of the people running our beloved club?

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Might have missed this but nobody seems to have mentioned the part the senior pros @ Rovers could play in this.

If they come out en masse and tell Mrs D the game's up with Kean, might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. If as many can't stand Kean as alleged, then now is the time to earn their spurs.

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I just tried to e-mail Balaji and it failed to send, so either his inbox is full already or the e-mail address a couple pages back is wrong.

I've tried twice in the last 15 mins and got failure notices.

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The fans who were saying it's pointless chanting Venkys Out. Reason being who else would want us, how wrong were they? You can't get much more wrong than a billionaire prince wanting you. Are those fans now understanding the complete idiocy of the people running our beloved club?

No they are busy watching I'm a celebrity

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Let not be that evil guys. I believe the venky have took bad advice by someone thats my feeling.

Who gives a flying f#%*.

Advice or not. When push comes to shove it still falls on them.

Surely they can see this is a great opportunity to jump ship ( well 3 out of the 4 can )

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ive resigned myself to the fact these halfwits will still be here and some other club with more intellegent people will reap the rewards, would be stinging to see everton in the top 6 with ancellotti in charge, signing the likes of benzema, neymar etc, these people will never be accepted at the club but they are too stupid to see it.

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Knowing a bit about the current situation, the lack of realism on the part of Balaji is of extraordinary proportions. And yes there is a whole compelling list of persuasive reasons why they need to sell and sell now and no logical reason not to.

In short, selling should be an absolute no brainer.

That might be my first ever -1 from you Sir!

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