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[Archived] QATAR group bid for Rovers

Given neither us nor them expected Rovers to be in the relegation zone, with a good squad that can't win, watched by protesting fans and key people leaving the club. What should they do ?  

627 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Venky's stay for the long haul, or cut and run

    • Finish what they started. Follow through on their promise of Europe?
    • Accept any serious bid. Be glad their brand is now known in Europe and move on?

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Everyone send an email to the one provided in regards to Qatari as well it worth a shot what do we have to lose

I think email the Qataris is just as important, its important we encourage them to continue their pursuit and keep up the pressure on Balaji

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In 50 years or so of supporting Rovers, have never known such a rollercoaster of emotions as experienced in the last 24 hours or so.

Last night, felt as though I could walk on water whilst today was a toss-up between staying in the local all afternoon and getting lashed or doing some Christmas shopping - the missus won the argument.

Going to bed just hoping, perhaps beyond hope, that this deal happens. It would be a wonderful shot in the arm for almost all those connected with the club and for the town of Blackburn.

Not sure just how Philipl & Kamy have been involved but feels like we all owe them a big vote of thanks.

Off now and hoping that dreams do come true.

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Just dont hope. I have absolutely no hope that this will be pulled off. I didn't yesterday and I wont tomorrow. If you can get carried away with these sorts of things then you've only got yourself to blame. If it happens it'll be unbelievable, so just assume it wont and then you wont be disappointed. After the last 12 months, its just not worth it.

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I'd be very careful how you word anything direct to Balaji. People with a lot of power can make other people disappear very quickly.

So that's what the stomach is for.

You'll be wasting your time, trust me they already know all of this and more.

The fact is they don't want any messing about. If Venky's don't want to sell the club, they won't force. There are alternatives and they will move onto them.

I sent an e-mail anyway, just in case.

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So Alan Nixon confirms that the problem is Balaji.

Well it had to be one of the four.

Mr. & Mrs. D are being sensible, as is Venkatesh. Are they capable of bringing Balaji around?

If you let them have us, there's a lovely team down the road, that play in claret and blue that you can probably buy with the profit.

This is what I don't get. The Raos sell the Rovers and turn a profit. They have a year additional experience in the management of football clubs and transfers. They would have presumably acquired a bit more professional expertise and would be in a position to make their next club a more positive venture as opposed to what has occurred with the Rovers.

They turn a profit, avoid the high risk of relegation and have gained a fair bit of practical know how (I presume). Why not sell? Why not commit to acquiring another club for Balaji?

Heck, why not keep Kean under contract and start another Indian club with him as manager? After all, he is brilliant!

If not, and there are 3 agreeing to sell, surely that's a majority vote & they can tell him to get bent!!!???

Depends on the operating agreement. If the agreement requires 100% then Balaji could take us all down, if he so desires.

Let not be that evil guys. I believe the venky have took bad advice by someone thats my feeling.

I have the same feeling. But its been a year. You would think they would have figured they were getting bad advice months ago when they did the math on Kean's performances at the end of last season and despite 'investing' considerable money during the first transfer window. The clues were all there for anyone who knows how the league table works and has an understanding of basic math and/or a calculator.

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I don't want this Qatari outfit near the Rovers. They run their country like a C17th fiefdom. No thanks!

Ventkys Out!

Good grief! :rolleyes:

Who the hell cares apart from you?

Reading between the lines I'd say that you would you prefer to resurrect Pol Pot to run our club.

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Gutted, but not surprised. This is something that would benefit the club, so why would they sell!? There's been so much written on this subject that it's hard to keep up, but I presume there have been some form of negotiations or talks between the two groups? Otherwise it would be a bit unrealistic to imagine that the owners would just say 'yes, we'll sell' just like that, without seeing the whole package.

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I don't want this Qatari outfit near the Rovers. They run their country like a C17th fiefdom. No thanks!

Ventkys Out!

You have a choice, Venkys (of which only one of the four is committed to the club) and the Qataris who are mega rich, have a centralized command structure (i.e. one person to make decisions, not a dysfunctional family of 4) and have uber professionals on staff.

If the choice is between the Raos and the prince, I'm supporting His Royal Highness.

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If those qatari's want BRFC they will get it. This Balaji stuff will be bluff and bluster to force the price up. Typical horse trading......er imo. :mellow:

If true though it proves what I have said all along and what is becoming increasingly obvious that the Venkeymob are here purely for what they can get out of the club and not what they can put in.

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If those qatari's want BRFC they will get it. This Balaji stuff will be bluff and bluster to force the price up. Typical horse trading......er imo. :mellow:

If true though it proves what I have said all along and what is becoming increasingly obvious that the Venkeymob are here purely for what they can get out of the club and not what they can put in.

My fear is the don't truly want BRFC. They may be using us to drive the price of Everton or other targets down.

On the other hand, hope springs eternal. :unsure:

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i belive something wonderful will happen tomorrow. Im ptetty sure Balaji will cave in and give up, if he has any common business sense in him. Deep inside he knows he cant control a premier league club when the rest of the family is against it.

my only fear is that he has never done any important decisions in the company before, and hes just a spoiled little kid who has inheriteged everything and never shown any interest in the company business.

It's so damn typical that the most stupid person in the family is the most passionate about owning a PL club

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What happened to Mrs. D making all the important decisions? How do we get the message through to him? Tweet Akon and tell him to let Balaji know? :blink:

I got the impression that Bazza had taken a shine to Roversmum. So maybe he would listen to her if she rang him and asked him to do the decent thing and let Rovers go !

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If the story in the Mirror about all 4 needing to agree, for a decision to be made, then it's no wonder our transfer targets changed so much during the summer!

If this article is true then I'm really struggling to see anyway in which Venkys can come back from this. How can we hope for more investment in the team when 3/4 of the owners want rid of us, does the 'notorious B' think he'll get the other three to agree to spend any of Venkys money? Does this 'all 4 need to agree' apply to all decisions, including sacking Kean and which 1 of the 4 is stopping it from happening?

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If the qatar group are truly interested in purchasing rovers then they will.

Must admit I thought that too - whats £50-100m to them? They were in for United who wanted £2bn!!

Everton is £120m to Kenwright, big debts and £300m for a new stadium, before you even start to look for new players! We have low debts, a stadium to grow into and hopefully the owners dont want a daft amount like that!

I know what the offer is and believe me Venky's won the lottery and then some.

Tell us then....whats in it for them? £100m?

So 1 out of 4 of the family wants to keep us, great.

or 1 of the 4 isnt motivated by the money?!

Don't be saying that you'll have people believe you, my sons asleep I don't want him woken up by Abbey bursting through my door with a lump hammer :lol:

Shouting TEBOW!!!! :o

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Balaji needs to realise, it doesn't matter how much passion He has for the club or how much enthusiasm He has, if He stops us being sold and denies us this opportunity He'll be hated ( it's a strong word, but I think it's apt ) by the supporters of the club He and His family owns... The Rao's can't even attend a match, they know how strong feelings are against them. If you love someone ( or something ) you have to let them ( or it ) go free... Balaji It's over, but we'll always have the memories.

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