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[Archived] QATAR group bid for Rovers

Given neither us nor them expected Rovers to be in the relegation zone, with a good squad that can't win, watched by protesting fans and key people leaving the club. What should they do ?  

627 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Venky's stay for the long haul, or cut and run

    • Finish what they started. Follow through on their promise of Europe?
    • Accept any serious bid. Be glad their brand is now known in Europe and move on?

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Glen Mullan- thought there was something not right about you and you did have an hidden agenda all along, nobody likes to be manipulated and you have made all those that have been protesting look like your personal puppets, YOU have made brfc supporters look like bumpkin idiots in the press and on TV for the past few months, this deal better come of or you are about as welcome at ewood as kean himself.

The criticism of Glen is a little harsh. At least he got off his arse and tried to do something about the situation we've found ourselves in. Whether or not he actually knew about these events going on in the background is of no consequence and he deserves more respect than some people are showing him.

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Glen I don't doubt the reasons for the protests or the action that has been taken so far, but why should, and i quote,

Only a handful actually know who has been pushing these protest from the background and it will remain that way


It's comments like that that will start the rumour mills turning again. It just sounds sinister.

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Dont really care what you have to say, MR PRO KEAN, We have done everything the right way and will continue to do so, No-one has been manipulated, as we all want Kean out(Protestors) and we have all protested for his removal. We openly moved our attention to Venkys at the last Protest which brought the barriers down by the club on what we could and could not do. Things change by the day at Rovers and more information becomes available daily.

100% support to you!

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I wish I knew all the delicate intricacies of what appears to be going on. This is so annoying as I am so eager to see the big broom sweep all the dirt away at our club. So to summarise the past few pages:

1. Some Qatari billionaires want a Premier League club, and have bid for Rovers, but could also buy another club.

2. There are 1 or 2 other people/groups thinking of making a move, one of which may be assocaited with Thakisin Sinawatra.

3. We have no idea if Venky's really want to sell up.

4. Glen Mullan and the protesters may have teamed up with a potential bidder to pressure Venky's into selling.

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Glen Mullan- thought there was something not right about you and you did have an hidden agenda all along, nobody likes to be manipulated and you have made all those that have been protesting look like your personal puppets, YOU have made brfc supporters look like bumpkin idiots in the press and on TV for the past few months, this deal better come of or you are about as welcome at ewood as kean himself.

Is this really the time to repeat the tedious 'Glen bashing'?

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Glen Mullan- thought there was something not right about you and you did have an hidden agenda all along, nobody likes to be manipulated and you have made all those that have been protesting look like your personal puppets, YOU have made brfc supporters look like bumpkin idiots in the press and on TV for the past few months, this deal better come of or you are about as welcome at ewood as kean himself.

That is an absolutely disgraceful post.

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At this stage, think we need to accept that something really positive might just happen - ie owners with real financial clout who, hopefully, run the club better than the current regime (they'd struggle to do it any worse, IMO) and appoint a 'proper' football manager.

For most people, the last 12 months have been a nightmare for our club and, all of a sudden, there is a glimmer of exciting hope.

So let's stop knocking individuals who have got off their backsides and tried to do something positive to effect change as, sure as eggs are eggs, we were (and might still be if this doesn't come off), IMV, hurtling into the abyss.

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I have no idea whether or not a takeover bid will be made.

What would worry me would be who are the deal makers and what their payoff would be. We have all heard rumours about what SEM/Kentaro wanted and got from the Venky deal.

Philipl, Kamy and Glen if there are any bids are they 'clean' bids or do they involve middlemen atttempting to broker a deal.

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Dont really care what you have to say, MR PRO KEAN, We have done everything the right way and will continue to do so, No-one has been manipulated, as we all want Kean out(Protestors) and we have all protested for his removal. We openly moved our attention to Venkys at the last Protest which brought the barriers down by the club on what we could and could not do. Things change by the day at Rovers and more information becomes available daily.

Don't give that guy two pence he will be one of the people who wished they actually agreed with us all once we have gone down and in trouble.

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At this stage, think we need to accept that something really positive might just happen - ie owners with real financial clout who, hopefully, run the club better than the current regime (they'd struggle to do it any worse, IMO) and appoint a 'proper' football manager.

For most people, the last 12 months have been a nightmare for our club and, all of a sudden, there is a glimmer of exciting hope.

So let's stop knocking individuals who have got off their backsides and tried to do something positive to effect change as, sure as eggs are eggs, we were (and might still if this doesn't come off), IMV, hurtling into the abyss.

Here, here.

Just hope that the story breaking in the press hasn't jepordised anything and/or makes venky's dig their heels in.

Fingers and everything crossed that the deal will happen

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You see, that's what I don't understand.

Countless times posters have been asked to name the good things this regime have done over the last 12 months. This s what we get....

Ok. Points wise it's beyond comprehension why they still employ Kean. It's also against any sort of logic why we went to Pune during the season instead of concentrating on getting the team right. Jensen. Myles Anderson. The manager still lives in Surrey for heavens sake. Emerton. Andrews, replaced with untested foreign players. No Chairman. All the experienced back room team allowed to leave and marginalised. I could go on, you know the sketch. I will. Some bloke called Venny running the Ewood operation. The manager flying to Pune every few weeks for a meeting with people who admit to knowing nothing about football.

What is there left to understand? It was in the Mail regarding Rochinas transfer. 500k plus 1m Agents fees. It wasn't denied. Shall we replicate that against other transfers?

How's about the new mortgage? 100m? What for? Keans new contract? Well, why tell us fans either way.

What is there left to understand. "iTK"? No one needs to be ITK to work all this crap out.

In general Bob you are right, of course, but I was referring specifically to that part of Glen's post which referred to the targets and sequencing of the protests and the un-named people behind them who couldn't be named.

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What time do the sunday tabloids go to print? Please anyone in the know publish the tabloid version of events on here for us to judge

Maybe Cryer has wrong footed poor Nicko who's been barking up the wrong tree and 'lost' his story !

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Glen Mullan- thought there was something not right about you and you did have an hidden agenda all along, nobody likes to be manipulated and you have made all those that have been protesting look like your personal puppets, YOU have made brfc supporters look like bumpkin idiots in the press and on TV for the past few months, this deal better come of or you are about as welcome at ewood as kean himself.

He was acting in the best interest of Blackburn Rovers football club which everyone of the protesters was too, just because others were'nt as privvy to information that Glen had you now want to bitch about it.

I really dont think that someone came knocking on Glens door telling him what to do and how to manipulate the troops..... he isnt rent a mob you know, he worked hard with the protests and that is how he became publicly known and got people to talk to him.

Like it or not if Venky's walk and we get new owners it may well not have happened if Glen had'nt put the effort into it that he did, so if you want to bitch and moan about not having the info and the full picture get of your arse and go get it for yourself.

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I wish I knew all the delicate intricacies of what appears to be going on. This is so annoying as I am so eager to see the big broom sweep all the dirt away at our club. So to summarise the past few pages:

1. Some Qatari billionaires want a Premier League club, and have bid for Rovers, but could also buy another club.

2. There are 1 or 2 other people/groups thinking of making a move, one of which may be assocaited with Thakisin Sinawatra.

3. We have no idea if Venky's really want to sell up.

4. Glen Mullan and the protesters may have teamed up with a potential bidder to pressure Venky's into selling.

only god can answer this but I agree Glenn has been a great help.

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In general Bob you are right, of course, but I was referring specifically to that part of Glen's post which referred to the targets and sequencing of the protests and the un-named people behind them who couldn't be named.

Sorry 47. No offence.

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