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[Archived] Venky's: A Year On

Guest Wen Y Hu

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Can't wait to see Goebbels Agnew try to spin this one to cover him and his mate Kean's back. Just shows there are far too many people working for their own aims than in the interest of BRFC

That is what has been killing us - too many decisions have been made not in the best interests of the club.

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Spoilt brats, who inherited what is basically over-sized, novelty butchers chain that is greatly benefited by the Indian caste system, (the Asian equivalent of colonial slave labour), splashing their dead dad's cash on trying making Rovers as big as Barca even though the only knowledge of the game they have is from playing season mode on FIFA 2004 (thus the weird infatuation with Ronaldinho – great back in 2004, a fat goofy waste of space now).

Now, it seems, they’ve realised FIFA on the Playstation cannot be so easily recreated in real life, so they're putting all their hopes on the football managerial version of David Brent to bring the club, and themselves financially, out of the sh*t.

They don’t have a clue – what is the reason for wasting thousands on getting Akon (& Lennox Lewis WTF?!?) to promote their one single fried chicken outlet in southern India (In which most of the population probably don’t have an effing clue who Akon is!). Just seems ‘Barry White’ just wanted to meet his now failing musical hero in hope he’ll get to go to one of Akon's swanky parties filled with birds he sees on MTV and used ‘promotion’ as an excuse to do that. He does look like that kind of idiot.

If I wasn't a Rovers fan (and this was Newcastle or somebody) I'd be hoping we get relegated so they get absolutely vilified for messing up a decent club and lose millions in the process.

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Can't wait to see Goebbels Agnew try to spin this one to cover him and his mate Kean's back. Just shows there are far too many people working for their own aims than in the interest of BRFC

I've resisted posting this but the comparisons you can draw between that regime and this one is scary.

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Congratulations on taking racism in football to a new low. Shame on you (And the moderators who allow you to continue to post).

Can i take this opportunity to point out the report this post button, where our attention can be drawn to anything offensive.

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Can i take this opportunity to point out the report this post button, where our attention can be drawn to anything offensive.

Thanks Steve. I was just a little surprised to see somebody cross the line on this board without the mods picking up on it before I did.

Keep up the good work.


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MG Road - evidentially you have some connection to the Venky's, employee, associate, family, whatever - it really matters not to me if I'm honest.

How about this - on the fans behalf you ask them if;

  • They feel that the way the football club is currently being run is something they feel proud of?
  • If promoting a coach with no appreciable Managerial skill into a Managers role of arguably one of the biggest leagues in the world was a sensible decision?
  • If the form the team is currently showing (lest we forget, points are being dropped, but they are being done so in style!) is something they're happy with?
  • And above all else, how does where we are now fit with the plan they have, because as professionals they will have had one right?

Irrespective of anything else, personal, outside of football, and so on. The club have lost ground on others in the Premiership, and as I recall we'd been told last season not to judge the Manager on the back half of that season, but to do so when the new season started, since (narrowly?) missing out on pointless big-name players that would have given the _team_ nothing other than an outlet for anger [due to inflated wage no doubt] the signings seemed rather rushed - I'm a novice, I know these things take time - but really? We now find ourselves heading towards the January window with the Manager again claiming that several players will need to come in.

No-one is expecting personal phone numbers, or invitations to visit them in their mansions, but the fans of this club would just like to be treated with respect and given a little insight into the plans, and how the owners are going to move the club forwards.

It's astounding that what appears to be gross under-performance is rewarded with a "renegotiated" contract, and that certain ITK'ers are drip-fed snippets of information like they claim they are.

Let the owners step forward and clear up the mess, if they do something in an honest, and reasoned way the fans will listen, no need for BS or posturing, what's going on at the moment is simply unprofessional and paints a poor picture of them, but also the structure they have created at Rovers, lets try for a bit of honesty and clarity shall we?

Of course if you are a troll I have just wasted that few minutes typing, but hell with it, it was cathartic for me!

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MG Road - evidentially you have some connection to the Venky's, employee, associate, family, whatever - it really matters not to me if I'm honest.

How about this - on the fans behalf you ask them if;

  • They feel that the way the football club is currently being run is something they feel proud of?
  • If promoting a coach with no appreciable Managerial skill into a Managers role of arguably one of the biggest leagues in the world was a sensible decision?
  • If the form the team is currently showing (lest we forget, points are being dropped, but they are being done so in style!) is something they're happy with?
  • And above all else, how does where we are now fit with the plan they have, because as professionals they will have had one right?

Irrespective of anything else, personal, outside of football, and so on. The club have lost ground on others in the Premiership, and as I recall we'd been told last season not to judge the Manager on the back half of that season, but to do so when the new season started, since (narrowly?) missing out on pointless big-name players that would have given the _team_ nothing other than an outlet for anger [due to inflated wage no doubt] the signings seemed rather rushed - I'm a novice, I know these things take time - but really? We now find ourselves heading towards the January window with the Manager again claiming that several players will need to come in.

No-one is expecting personal phone numbers, or invitations to visit them in their mansions, but the fans of this club would just like to be treated with respect and given a little insight into the plans, and how the owners are going to move the club forwards.

It's astounding that what appears to be gross under-performance is rewarded with a "renegotiated" contract, and that certain ITK'ers are drip-fed snippets of information like they claim they are.

Let the owners step forward and clear up the mess, if they do something in an honest, and reasoned way the fans will listen, no need for BS or posturing, what's going on at the moment is simply unprofessional and paints a poor picture of them, but also the structure they have created at Rovers, lets try for a bit of honesty and clarity shall we?

Of course if you are a troll I have just wasted that few minutes typing, but hell with it, it was cathartic for me!

Spot on!!

I cannot, in all honesty make one positive comment about their tenure to date, I am being 100% serious now, an 11 year old child would have performed better.

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MG Road - evidentially you have some connection to the Venky's, employee, associate, family, whatever - it really matters not to me if I'm honest.

How about this - on the fans behalf you ask them if;

  • They feel that the way the football club is currently being run is something they feel proud of?
  • If promoting a coach with no appreciable Managerial skill into a Managers role of arguably one of the biggest leagues in the world was a sensible decision?
  • If the form the team is currently showing (lest we forget, points are being dropped, but they are being done so in style!) is something they're happy with?
  • And above all else, how does where we are now fit with the plan they have, because as professionals they will have had one right?

Irrespective of anything else, personal, outside of football, and so on. The club have lost ground on others in the Premiership, and as I recall we'd been told last season not to judge the Manager on the back half of that season, but to do so when the new season started, since (narrowly?) missing out on pointless big-name players that would have given the _team_ nothing other than an outlet for anger [due to inflated wage no doubt] the signings seemed rather rushed - I'm a novice, I know these things take time - but really? We now find ourselves heading towards the January window with the Manager again claiming that several players will need to come in.

No-one is expecting personal phone numbers, or invitations to visit them in their mansions, but the fans of this club would just like to be treated with respect and given a little insight into the plans, and how the owners are going to move the club forwards.

It's astounding that what appears to be gross under-performance is rewarded with a "renegotiated" contract, and that certain ITK'ers are drip-fed snippets of information like they claim they are.

Let the owners step forward and clear up the mess, if they do something in an honest, and reasoned way the fans will listen, no need for BS or posturing, what's going on at the moment is simply unprofessional and paints a poor picture of them, but also the structure they have created at Rovers, lets try for a bit of honesty and clarity shall we?

Of course if you are a troll I have just wasted that few minutes typing, but hell with it, it was cathartic for me!

Very well said.

Venkys are arrogant to the point that they will bring India into disrepute which would actually be very sad. Whatever we say, I am sure that they will take the opposing view which means our esteemed manager is here to stay, so I am currently trying to accept the inevitable relegation now, softening the blow ever so slightly come May or even March when mathematics determines it.

How can someone, who has made such a mess of things (in any walk of life) and particularly football, be rewarded with a new contract. I don't think any of us are aware as to what is going on here but it is nothing to do with footbal but big business appears to be rearing its ugly head.

It is unbelievable that Jerome Anderson should have wormed his way into a position of such influence and I can only conclude something is not right and the club, the club we love, is just a vehicle to something else. When the inevitable R.I.P. Blackburn Rovers, other clubs will remember Jerome and avoid with a barge pole.

Final word to Abbey - My dog could do a better job than yours as a repacement for our truely great manager. Why, because I don't have a dog!!

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You shouldn't expect a reply Jannerman - MGRoad is very good at running in, throwing a couple of posts on the board, and then doing one. I doubt he has any connection to the Venky's whatsoever apart from in his imagination. As soon as we question his authenticity, he disappears. The guy is obviously a wannabe Barry White groupie.

Got a decent line on that cast lets see what we get ;)

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I'm so happy- bottom of the league, baldy munchkins Kean, Vindaloo Venky's, no sanity, money no object down the loo, Mr celebrity Akron Ronaldinho Kenyon Balding Balaji Rao in charge with safe hands Relegation Desai. Deaf dumb blind stupid ignorant uneducated incompetent ninkempoops of the Pune business world I salute you.

Yeeha one year of chicken sh!t, coming up one year of Kean BS.

Celebration time folks.

I'm off to choke on an Indian.

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I'm so happy- bottom of the league, baldy munchkins Kean, Vindaloo Venky's, no sanity, money no object down the loo, Mr celebrity Akron Ronaldinho Kenyon Balding Balaji Rao in charge with safe hands Relegation Desai. Deaf dumb blind stupid ignorant uneducated incompetent ninkempoops of the Pune business world I salute you.

Yeeha one year of chicken sh!t, coming up one year of Kean BS.

Celebration time folks.

I'm off to choke on an Indian.

Just before you do, your inbox is full

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I'm so happy- bottom of the league, baldy munchkins Kean, Vindaloo Venky's, no sanity, money no object down the loo, Mr celebrity Akron Ronaldinho Kenyon Balding Balaji Rao in charge with safe hands Relegation Desai. Deaf dumb blind stupid ignorant uneducated incompetent ninkempoops of the Pune business world I salute you.

Yeeha one year of chicken sh!t, coming up one year of Kean BS.

Celebration time folks.

I'm off to choke on an Indian.

Are you going to choke the first Indian you meet? Bit harsh.

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I'm so happy- bottom of the league, baldy munchkins Kean, Vindaloo Venky's, no sanity, money no object down the loo, Mr celebrity Akron Ronaldinho Kenyon Balding Balaji Rao in charge with safe hands Relegation Desai. Deaf dumb blind stupid ignorant uneducated incompetent ninkempoops of the Pune business world I salute you.

Yeeha one year of chicken sh!t, coming up one year of Kean BS.

Celebration time folks.

I'm off to choke on an Indian.

Save this for the next podcast. :P

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The only way forward for rovers is for kean and venkys to leave

If you think they will just "leave" you will be in for a long wait. They are so stupid they will likely expect Kean to promote us next season.

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