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[Archived] Venky's: A Year On

Guest Wen Y Hu

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What is the probability that once we get relegated, the nuggets decide they cannot stand it any longer, realising that income's due to drop and either unload us to the first dodgy geezer who comes along or wind us up, take the money and run?

We all deep down know that will be the most likely scenario,we as fans will just be left to pick up the smouldering pieces of our once proud club.....there really is a storm heading our way folks.

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It gives me no pleasure to contribute to this thread. I've not been on this Board for about a month because of a mild depression partly induced by the Venky's and what they've done to the football club [apologies to the people who run this Board whom I had to let down because I just couldn't complete a Preview of the game against Sunderland] I was brought up to love.

I'm mobility-impaired, live about 25 miles away from Ewood and no longer drive so, if I can't get a lift over to the game, I have to rely on public transport. This morning, it was tricky underfoot so I decided it was too dangerous for me to come over.

That meant that Radio 5 [i'm an old fogey!] was my source for what was going on this afternoon. It sounded to be a DREADFUL game! :wacko: Jimmy Armfield was one of the co-commentators on the game and he was absolutely scathing about our er, "tactics", especially our inability to "close down" opposition attackers.

I can't remember ever feeling so low about Rovers, even when Kidd managed the team. With these obstinate people in charge and with the over-promoted coach in the Manager's chair, I can see nothing other than relegation facing us.

The difference is that, this time, the obstinacy of the owners means that I can see no positive future for us. I've no wish to see us in the old Division 2 or 3; I'd just love to us to be safe. Which I can't see us being with the present regime in charge.

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It gives me no pleasure to contribute to this thread. I've not been on this Board for about a month because of a mild depression partly induced by the Venky's and what they've done to the football club [apologies to the people who run this Board whom I had to let down because I just couldn't complete a Preview of the game against Sunderland] I was brought up to love.

I'm mobility-impaired, live about 25 miles away from Ewood and no longer drive so, if I can't get a lift over to the game, I have to rely on public transport. This morning, it was tricky underfoot so I decided it was too dangerous for me to come over.

That meant that Radio 5 [i'm an old fogey!] was my source for what was going on this afternoon. It sounded to be a DREADFUL game! :wacko: Jimmy Armfield was one of the co-commentators on the game and he was absolutely scathing about our er, "tactics", especially our inability to "close down" opposition attackers.

I can't remember ever feeling so low about Rovers, even when Kidd managed the team. With these obstinate people in charge and with the over-promoted coach in the Manager's chair, I can see nothing other than relegation facing us.

The difference is that, this time, the obstinacy of the owners means that I can see no positive future for us. I've no wish to see us in the old Division 2 or 3; I'd just love to us to be safe. Which I can't see us being with the present regime in charge.

Sorry but I gave you a - 1 by mistake. I agree with you 100%

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I think Venkys should start to relax a little.

Due to their ineptitude and dithering, it has now reached the point that any decision or corrective action they take will be pointless. So if they‘ve been worrying themselves sick about which course of action to take, relax.


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I think Venkys should start to relax a little.

Due to their ineptitude and dithering, it has now reached the point that any decision or corrective action they take will be pointless. So if they‘ve been worrying themselves sick about which course of action to take, relax.


How I [we all] wish that were wrong. Fear it isn't, though.

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Venkys are currently spending big money on developing massive chicken processing plants in the uk. Know a national supplier who is involved in these developements. So they can provide capital when they want to.

If this is true, then I can promise you that people will make sure that they are NEVER anything but a commercial flop in UK. We will organise total market-boycott-consumer-warfare against venkys and any other organisation that has any dealings with these people. I am sure this will happen.

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If Venky's do relegate the club and then flee, leaving us with the ruined remains of a once great club, what they've done cannot be forgotten. We can't just allow them to walk away.

No way should they be allowed to rip our community apart and get away with it.

Whatever it takes, we need to start sticking up for our club, our town, our area and our community once again.

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If they are thinking about expanding into the uk then they will be shocked at the hatred towards them up and down the country after what they have done the famous rovers. Venkys express or KFC anyone? Most football fans are aware of the flop these guys are and would avoid going. If only they opened one in burnley and they somehow could afford a takeaway it'd be a winner there

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I don't think they like being questioned or criticised. They're used to people kow-towing to them I would've thought.

But the longer their inept stewardship continues, the worse this will get.

Wonder how the trust will feel when we're in the fourth tier, going into administration? Will they give us a second thought, have they ever taken a backwards glance?

The hwole situation is so depressing and the worst thing is, if you think it's bad now, wait until we hit rock bottom.

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The Raos/Desai have the Indian/Asian total inability to take advice, guidance or criticism from those they really do consider to be beneath them in 'their' social order.

It is deeply ingrained - I do not believe that they can change their attitude even if they knew that it would be the right thing to do. They know that they have screwed up with Rovers but their pathetic attempts to save their pride/face will ruin Rovers.

What's that old saying - ''Why tell the truth when a lie will do'' - just look at how our Owners have conducted themselves since day 1 of their ownership.

In the Season of Goodwill I have removed our Owners and Manager from my Goodwill wish list. Instead I truly hope that they rot in Hell for all eternity for the way they have treated Rovers and the Fans.

All the Very Best to everyone else. :rover:

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I genuinely don't think there's any big conspiracy here. It's just sheer neglect, they don't want to do anything about it because their "plan" has blown up in their face and it's a failure. It's to much hassle, time, money, etc...

They don't care about the club or any single one of us. They're the ones with the money, comfort and stability and we're the ones left with the shell of our once great club.

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How Rob Coar can remain silent while this shambles happens to our club is beyond me.A man who gave a passionate,heartfelt speach on Jack Walker after his death...how can you except this Mr Coar?

Who's looking over Bob Coars' shoulder? Oh no, it's Mr Spin, Paul Agnew :angry2:

Who is the dwarf next to Barry White?

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