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[Archived] Venky's: A Year On

Guest Wen Y Hu

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The Raos/Desai have the Indian/Asian total inability to take advice, guidance or criticism from those they really do consider to be beneath them in 'their' social order.

It is deeply ingrained - I do not believe that they can change their attitude even if they knew that it would be the right thing to do. They know that they have screwed up with Rovers but their pathetic attempts to save their pride/face will ruin Rovers.

What's that old saying - ''Why tell the truth when a lie will do'' - just look at how our Owners have conducted themselves since day 1 of their ownership.

In the Season of Goodwill I have removed our Owners and Manager from my Goodwill wish list. Instead I truly hope that they rot in Hell for all eternity for the way they have treated Rovers and the Fans.

All the Very Best to everyone else. :rover:

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Spot on.

India is probably one of the most racial places in the world with the Caste system that applies there. It is absolutely pathetic but that is another story.

Presume Venky's don't come from the untouchables but the other end of the spectrom and as such, have never taken criticism about anything in their lives. I originally thought they were arrogant but have now decided it's their upbringing and they know, no better and as such treat us in the same way as is their custom.

The mentality is that they cannot be wrong.

Truely and utterly unbeluievable in this day and age:

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The Raos/Desai have the Indian/Asian total inability to take advice, guidance or criticism from those they really do consider to be beneath them in 'their' social order.

It is deeply ingrained - I do not believe that they can change their attitude even if they knew that it would be the right thing to do. They know that they have screwed up with Rovers but their pathetic attempts to save their pride/face will ruin Rovers.

What's that old saying - ''Why tell the truth when a lie will do'' - just look at how our Owners have conducted themselves since day 1 of their ownership.

In the Season of Goodwill I have removed our Owners and Manager from my Goodwill wish list. Instead I truly hope that they rot in Hell for all eternity for the way they have treated Rovers and the Fans.

All the Very Best to everyone else. :rover:

What a great post, may they all rot in Hell!!

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As I seem to have fallen fouls of the Mods for starting a succession post when there was one -somewhere- I'll try here and hope I got it right this time. :blush:

Barring any last minute change to superhero status or break up of the Kean/Venky's love in it does appear the only people who want Kean replaced are the few disgruntled Blackburn Enders who apparently are not real supporters. Even the LET has it on the frontpage that he should go and Venky's sort it or sell now. Salgado is out - his wage bill is too high! (How does that work? We hardly have a team. Do you think they thought the accounts were in Rupees when they bought us?) Never seen anything like this before.

However it must come eventually so I thought we should start discussing things for whoever is running Ewood to pass on to our Indian chums like:

1. When will Kean go? Wednesday, a week, a month. My big fear is he could still be here in the summer.

2. Who will (or perhaps would want to) come in as manager? - I think we're looking for a really good Nationwide manager now as we're down.

3. What are the options after Venky's?

How much to rebuild a squad fit for the premiership?

My ideas would be;

1. I think six weeks left at least as there is no one to step in at the club.

2. As it stands Ady Boothroyd or Billy Davies might just come. Marks Hughes won't, Chris Coleman probably won't, Benitez is stupid enough to say yes and sulk if he doesn't get cash (heyyy...no), Steve Bruce might but might not.

3. £1000 fans bonds x 20,000 - me to chair. Unless someone knows a spare Sheik or lives near a benevolent local tycoon.

4. OOhhhh - it's £30m minimum I think.

Here's hoping.

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I posted this, Rick:

When Venkys took over BRFC they were presented to us, the fans, as successful businesspeople. We in Blackburn are yet to see any sign of their business acumen. In fact they come across to us as clueless, stubborn and arrogant. The reasons for this are many and are mentioned in other people's posts here. But for me their worst and most glaringly obvious mistake is their apparent insistence on listening to the advice of subjective football agents regarding which players they should buy and how they should reward an obviously unsuccessful manager. I'm afraid that makes the Rao family seem rather foolish not just to Blackburn Rovers fans but to fans of the English Premier League in general, of which there are many, not merely in England but around the world. Isn't it therefore time to admit that Venkys ownership of BRFC is proving to be somewhat of an own goal? Not all publicity is good publicity. The Rao family are beginning to be criticised not just by the fans and the English press but also by institutions like the Premier League Managers' Association and Great Britain's ex Home Secretary, current Member of Parliament for Blackburn, Mr. Jack Straw. I believe that far from encouraging English and European people to sample Venkys merchandise, the involvement with BRFC will turn people right off their chicken products. And I don’t believe that the people of Blackburn will ever forgive them if our proud, historic club is relegated through ignorance.

Should any employee of Venkys who has the ear of Madame Desai be reading this, could you please ask her to reconsider her and her family’s involvement with Blackburn Rovers FC? I’m afraid that should she ever come back to Blackburn herself to gauge the fans’ attitude in person, she will experience far less polite requests.

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We're just being hung out to dry by these people.

It's a toxic investment for them. They don't know how to go about fixing it, or don't know who to ask for advice, or they simply don't want to waste their money fixing it. Even if that means losing more money.

It seems a petulant indifference.

Don't want to sell us, don't want to run us properly. What the heck is going on? The fans deserve respect, information and action.

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Venky's: A Year On.

How strange is it, that 12 months ago and after being in charge for only a matter of weeks, that Venky's managed to come to an agreement that Sam Allardyce wasn't good enough to manage Blackburn Rovers FC. Not only did they come to a quick, unanimous decision on that point, but they also worked out at the same time that the man that no-one had previously heard of - Steve Kean - had the ability to take rovers into the Champions League. Very clever and very succinct of them.

Now though, 12 months later and with rovers glued to the bottom of the PL table and looking absolute certainties to go down, the same people who came to those early apparently unanimous decisions, can't decide whether Kean is still the man to take the managerial reins at the club?

Why would this be? They're the same people, 12 months is nothing, but now they aren't capable of doing what's blindingly obvious. There is one connection to the two scenarios. Could it be possible that the man/company who advised Venky's on the buy out, is now representing his client with vigour? After all, SEM are the agent of Steve Kean. It shouldn't be a surprise if they are defending their clients position at the club, that's what they are paid to do. Could this current indecisiveness be as a result of pressures from a powerful agency and people who they considered to be family friends, on owners who don't know who to trust, or which way to turn for real advice?

There are things at our club that need investigating. Conflict of interest has always been a cause of concern to the fans, but unfortunately, so far, there doesn't seem to be anyone willing to look. Maybe some of the journalists out there, that have recently taken an interest in the fans concerns, might just want to delve a little deeper?

no allegations made here, just questions.

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To me den, there have been two stages:

stage 1) They bought the club, were hoodwinked (IMO) by Anderson to sack Allardyce, install Kean, buy players with ridiculous agency fees, pay SEM their 'consultancy fees', JW was pushed out- though he would not have wanted to work under conditions that were against everything he stood for.

stage 2) They have been burnt by the pirhanas that encircle football, they are out of the depth and are not interested in spending any cash on the BRFC burden. Another failed Balaji venture

End game- Sell everything in sight and place the club into administration.

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To me den, there have been two stages:

stage 1) They bought the club, were hoodwinked (IMO) by Anderson to sack Allardyce, install Kean, buy players with ridiculous agency fees, pay SEM their 'consultancy fees', JW was pushed out- though he would not have wanted to work under conditions that were against everything he stood for.

stage 2) They have been burnt by the pirhanas that encircle football, they are out of the depth and are not interested in spending any cash on the BRFC burden. Another failed Balaji venture

End game- Sell everything in sight and place the club into administration.

I'm trying, very subtly, to ask about SEM's involvement Matty. Could the same company who was involved in the buy out and might have been behind SK getting the job in the first place, now be exerting huge pressure on The Raos to keep SK in a job - and if so, is that not outside interference, which might be against FA/PL rules?

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Well, I keep reading and hearing that Anderson is out the picture.

That Pini Zahavi has now got his snout in the trough.

Yet, if that is the case WHY was Kean given a payrise?

And what was that on Harris' twitter about Anderson having a veto on Kean?

Who the feck knows anymore! :wacko:

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The seed was sown at City a few years back.

Idea and plan put into action.

The Mark was found the sting put in place.

The whole plan has worked like clockwork.

Players ain't where the money is at, we need to get our hands on a club!!! And boy were they right.

Allegedly ......

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The seed was sown at City a few years back.

Idea and plan put into action.

The Mark was found the sting put in place.

The whole plan has worked like clockwork.

Players ain't where the money is at, we need to get our hands on a club!!! And boy were they right.

Allegedly ......

plus maybe if I was in charge of a company that could not legally run a football club I'd sell this scenario to a business run by Idiots - for a % share in the club we will manage and run it for you but you own it on paper , we control the ins and outs and charge inflated agency fees, you get the publicity and don't worry if things are going wrong your initial investment is safe, If things are looking like we might get sussed out we escalate the exit strategy by keeping a delusional halfwit with a grandiose complex who reckons he can manage a football team in charge. We are guaranteed money if we go down plus the added bonus is we can have a fire sale of players, we arrange the transfers out for a fee and you pocket the rest of the cash and then we all ride away into the sunset and look for another club to add to our stable were pesky fans won't start sticking their noses in , but this time we will put a proper manager in place so as not to attract any attention . Don't worry about the majority of the press or media our tentacles slide in and out many paper bags and pockets

- All aspects in this scenario are pure speculation and may or may not be dramatisations on events current or past, in no way does the reference to a delusional half wit with a grandiose complex refer to any person who may be bald, Scottish, arrogant, useless, tactically inept, drunk and an all round @#/?

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I'm trying, very subtly, to ask about SEM's involvement Matty. Could the same company who was involved in the buy out and might have been behind SK getting the job in the first place, now be exerting huge pressure on The Raos to keep SK in a job - and if so, is that not outside interference, which might be against FA/PL rules?

Surely any person or company who has acted on the FA's behalf in negotiating England overseas TV rights would never be involved in anything like that.

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What I don't get is - why didn't they just take over and stay distant with the current structure?!

We sold jones and Kalinic for £22m which could have easily strengthened us in many areas with big Sam at the helm.

It would have cost them very little, we would be heading for top 10 and the venkys brand would be fully intact and growing!!

Unbelievable what they have done. Regardless of agents sticking their two pence in competent business people who run 168 businesses would have analysed the current structure and seen it WORKED!!!!

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Unbelievable what they have done. Regardless of agents sticking their two pence in competent business people who run 168 businesses would have analysed the current structure and seen it WORKED!!!!

The factual assumption is highlighted.

I might be considered a good, competent lawyer by many in my local community. That doesn't mean that I would be a good, competent owner of either a restaurant or football club.

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