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Having read the last 7 pages of comments from genuine Rovers fans, I can only applaud and commend the Venky's for the absolute chaos they have caused at the Rovers. In all my time supporting the club, I have never known fans so at odds with each other.

The pages demonstrate all that has been wrong and remains an absolute joke about the Rovers under the Venky's ownership. The amount of utter sh1te being discussed that has absolutely no relevance to the successful running of the football club is laughable.

Fans are being dragged into discussing each other, discussing agents, discussing the protests, discussing the finances, discussing the owners, discussing media releases, discussing previous employees, discussing previous regimes, discussing previous managers, planning meetings, new protets, media releases, new campaigns....in fact discussing anything other than the football and results most of the time.

I always admired our club for the way it was previously managed and operated. Under the radar, while all and sundry did their dirty washing in public. That changed a little when Ince was appointed, players in and out, 'men against boys', a comment regarding female footballers (if my memory is correct), jumped upon by media and fans alike in direct reference to our club.

The club is currently newsworthy for all the wrong reasons and for me the buck stops with the owners for creating these circumstances and allowing things to fester. It would be good to get back to talking football and beneficial for the Rovers longer term to avoid the intense scrutiny and daily speculation.

The one thing I would like to see at the Rovers more than anything at this time is a united fanbase.

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'Steve Kean's blue n white army?'

Got a good ring to it that, get it started at the next game gilly lad!

He won't be able to.... he'll be on t'turf.

The one thing I would like to see at the Rovers more than anything at this time is a united fanbase.

Lancashire United?

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Saw one of my old mates at the gym, started talking football, I honestly didn't have the energy to discuss Blackburn, it's too extreme and deep, but I did forget what it was like being a normal fan with normal worries, now I'm just full of hatred about almost everything at Blackburn has become, horrible owners, lying smug manager and dodgy agents.

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Blaming Glen for causing division when the blame clearly lies elsewhere and he's working his guts out for our club is DISGUSTING.

Above is my post to you El Tombro about which you complain. Please tell me where I've accused you of saying you "fully blame Glen for all our problems".

I think you've done what you wrongly accused me of doing.

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Not sure if this is the right thread but here goes...

I started out as an anti-Kean protester. I wanted him out and was as vocal about this as I can be from the otherside of the world.

On reflection I know think this was me clinging onto the forlorn belief that Venkys did truly care about BRFC

I/we were simply telling Venkys what to do to fix things - we knew what was broken and what the quick fix was. I/we still believed in Venkys and kept giving them one last chance - surely one of these days the penny would drop with them, they would take corrective action and we could believe in them again. Simple.

The Kean Out chant was us symbolically saying "we want to believe in you - please help us"

Unfortunately Venkys haven't acted and Kean remains in charge. And I can no longer believe in Venkys.

I've nothing personal against Kean, the cold hard facts show that at present he's not up to the job. It's inescapable.

BUT, it's not his fault. He's just getting on with it & doing the best he can do. I sometimes pity him, (then I remember his pay packet and his unfortunate choice of both friends and words)

All of my anger is now directed at Venkys. They are the only ones that can change this situation.

Kean is just the monkey, Venkys are the organ grinder.

The only way to change the tune is to change the organ grinder, the monkey will then soon disappear.

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It is has been said enough times that the club is in a financial melt down. This is down to venkys.

But it means we are.stuck with kean. Club have no money to sack him and bring somebody else in. Therefore protesting against kean is pointless, as nothing can be done to change that situation.

Venkys do not come to the matches. Therefore protests at matches is also pointless. As they will not hear or see it.

But protest against venkys has to be done. But how. I believe all action has to focus in India. I suggest build on the publicity over the weekend by supporters writing about their concerns to the Indian economic times as well as other newspapers there. These areu now likely to take up the issues because one publication has already done so. This will hurt venkys more.

Maybe even contact those prosecuting Mrs D. Bombard the premier league to get involved, maybe via Jack Straw, Wayne Wild & plus the councillor who wrote to venkys. Write to barcleys, The Walker Trust. Apply pressure via letters in India and the UK.

Just by reading this thread it is obvious tensions are very very high. In the light of some improvements in results. These tensions would be a powder keg at Ewood Park.

Therefore a letter campaign is a compromise worth trying.

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Even though the ultimate goals (the removal of Steve Kean and Venky’s being forced to reassess/or sell the club) haven’t been achieved, the protests in my opinion have had a largely positive impact.

The clearest indication of that is the media are now fully aware about Rovers current plight and will continue to report on it. Before the protests there wasn’t really much coverage of the problems Rovers were facing, there was a few journalists speaking out but the majority either didn’t care or know how dire the situation really was. Ever since the protests started we have rightly seen journalists question Kean’s managerial ability and the way the club is being run by Venky’s. Just this weekend we saw a major newspaper in India running a four-page spread focusing on the poor management of the club by the owners.

Without the protests I doubt very much the club would be generating the sort of media attention they are currently getting.

I’ve always thought the main argument against the protests i.e. that the protests have contributed to our problems on the pitch is seriously flawed. Rovers were producing poor performances and displaying that they had a tactically inept manager long before the protests started to get going this season. Kean came in and took Rovers from the safety of mid-table to almost being relegated on the final day of the season. The following season Rovers had their worst start to a league campaign in over 60 years. All this was ‘achieved’ by our coach before there was any organised protests or dissent in the crowd.

I think people like Glen, the rest or the organisers and those who have attended the protest marches/events deserve a lot of praise for the time and effort they have put in.

I also feel that the protests need to carry on to not only keep up the pressure but also keep the media attention going for as long as possible. However at the end of the day it’s up to them if they want to carry on or not and as someone who is unable to attend these protests at the moment it’s not my place to tell them what they should or shouldn't do.

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Guest TheArtistFormallyKnownAsJB

It's difficult to throw your hat in as a protestor. I'm sure it's been said a few hundred times but I just cannot stand with some of the vitriolic hatred aimed at the bald scapegoat.

That said, I do understand why it got to where it did. In any normal circumstance he would be sacked. Our situation is NOT normal though, when have you ever seen a team play for manager who, to the rest of the world, looks clueless.

This is the sole reason why the protests have to stop at games. Tshirts, flags, banners etc. As previously mentioned, we have discussed all and sundry apart from football. Football is the important thing here, and we are playing like a team that wants to stay up.

More bad press for the players and management will destroy this in my opinion. Keep lobbying for better communication and answers regarding our owners false promises.

Now is the time to unify in the stands and roar the blues to safety.

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The one thing I would like to see at the Rovers more than anything at this time is a united fanbase.

I can't see this happening because the owners and in particular the manager have split the fanbase. For the fans to fully unite I feel that two things have to happen:

1. Either Venky's sell the club or wake up and realise that they have a duty to run the club in a proper manner.

2. The removal of Steve Kean as manager.

Unless both happen there will be no unity.

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It's difficult to throw your hat in as a protestor. I'm sure it's been said a few hundred times but I just cannot stand with some of the vitriolic hatred aimed at the bald scapegoat.

I'd love to know where this perception comes from. We keep hearing how Kean receives 'disgusting abuse' and how he needs a bodyguard just to walk the streets. Any proof to back this up?

Also, while Venky's are the root cause of our woes, Kean is by no means a 'scapegoat'. He's (badly) impersonating a football manager, a position he engineered for himself, and has not the dignity to walk away despite the damage he's done so far and will further inflict on the club.

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I can't see this happening because the owners and in particular the manager have split the fanbase. For the fans to fully unite I feel that two things have to happen:

1. Either Venky's sell the club or wake up and realise that they have a duty to run the club in a proper manner.

2. The removal of Steve Kean as manager.

Unless both happen there will be no unity.

2. has now become irrelevant. If 1. happens he will be gone next day; if 1. doesn't happen he will be here till Doomsday

The vitriol aimed at Kean, seemingly irrespective of performances, results and players attitudes is what is sidetracking most of the media away from the only thing that matters: the disgraceful and willful neglect of the club by the owners.

Glen said several pages earlier that protests will continue as they are because no other ideas have come up. This is not so; many alternative tactics to achieve the same overall goal have been suggested in this very thread, but are either ignored or taked as criticism.

The Ecomomic Times article is a great example of the way forwards: unrelenting pressure on the owners at places where they cannot ignore i.e. their turf: their country; their London offices; the offices of those who work for them etc etc. All the stuff in and around the ground is wasted - what do they care if there are a gaggle of pickets on Bolton Road or some flowers around Jack's statue? The hope that these actions will get favourable uk press whcih will put pressure on Venky's is too tenuous a sequence of events. It may get no press (as has sometimes happened); the press may develop a different narrative e.g. fans bad (as has increasingly happened); Venky's may not give a sh!t about the UK press (haven't so far).

The goal must be to interfer with their ability to do their normal business - they have ruined our Saturdays; the protests need to ruin their Monday-Fridays.

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2. has now become irrelevant. If 1. happens he will be gone next day; if 1. doesn't happen he will be here till Doomsday

The vitriol aimed at Kean, seemingly irrespective of performances, results and players attitudes is what is sidetracking most of the media away from the only thing that matters: the disgraceful and willful neglect of the club by the owners.

Glen said several pages earlier that protests will continue as they are because no other ideas have come up. This is not so; many alternative tactics to achieve the same overall goal have been suggested in this very thread, but are either ignored or taked as criticism.

The Ecomomic Times article is a great example of the way forwards: unrelenting pressure on the owners at places where they cannot ignore i.e. their turf: their country; their London offices; the offices of those who work for them etc etc. All the stuff in and around the ground is wasted - what do they care if there are a gaggle of pickets on Bolton Road or some flowers around Jack's statue? The hope that these actions will get favourable uk press whcih will put pressure on Venky's is too tenuous a sequence of events. It may get no press (as has sometimes happened); the press may develop a different narrative e.g. fans bad (as has increasingly happened); Venky's may not give a sh!t about the UK press (haven't so far).

The goal must be to interfer with their ability to do their normal business - they have ruined our Saturdays; the protests need to ruin their Monday-Fridays.

Exactly. I'd have liked you to have posted all that much sooner though eit. :tu:

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Exactly. I'd have liked you to have posted all that much sooner though eit. :tu:

I have several times albeit in more general terms. Like I said; any suggestions seem to be taken as criticism or Kean-loving by our thin-skinned leadership. I suggested taking on a PR pro months ago but bewteen then and now the protests comprehensively lost the PR war.

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2. has now become irrelevant. If 1. happens he will be gone next day; if 1. doesn't happen he will be here till Doomsday

The vitriol aimed at Kean, seemingly irrespective of performances, results and players attitudes is what is sidetracking most of the media away from the only thing that matters: the disgraceful and willful neglect of the club by the owners.

Glen said several pages earlier that protests will continue as they are because no other ideas have come up. This is not so; many alternative tactics to achieve the same overall goal have been suggested in this very thread, but are either ignored or taked as criticism.

The Ecomomic Times article is a great example of the way forwards: unrelenting pressure on the owners at places where they cannot ignore i.e. their turf: their country; their London offices; the offices of those who work for them etc etc. All the stuff in and around the ground is wasted - what do they care if there are a gaggle of pickets on Bolton Road or some flowers around Jack's statue? The hope that these actions will get favourable uk press whcih will put pressure on Venky's is too tenuous a sequence of events. It may get no press (as has sometimes happened); the press may develop a different narrative e.g. fans bad (as has increasingly happened); Venky's may not give a sh!t about the UK press (haven't so far).

The goal must be to interfer with their ability to do their normal business - they have ruined our Saturdays; the protests need to ruin their Monday-Fridays.

I agree that both 1 and 2 are interlinked. I was responding to the question about how to unite the fanbase and I don't see how there can be unity until both 1 and 2 are met imo.

I agree that from now on the majority of the pressure has to be directed towards the owners. It's clear that Kean won't walk so there has to be hope that if you pressure the owners enough they might realise that the club needs to be run better and that starts with replacing the manager. But at the same time that doesn't give Kean a free pass.

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. It's clear that Kean won't walk so there has to be hope that if you pressure the owners enough they might realise that the club needs to be run better and that starts with replacing the manager. But at the same time that doesn't give Kean a free pass.

The owners could start "running the club better" by not insisting that they have to make all the decisions and allow the club to be run from Ewood. They could also stop insisting that the manager make monthly trips to Pune and talk to him via all the technology that is available now. They could then give the manager some money to spend in the transfer window.

All would make a tremendous difference but are not going to happen of course.

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Guest TheArtistFormallyKnownAsJB

I'd love to know where this perception comes from. We keep hearing how Kean receives 'disgusting abuse' and how he needs a bodyguard just to walk the streets. Any proof to back this up?

Also, while Venky's are the root cause of our woes, Kean is by no means a 'scapegoat'. He's (badly) impersonating a football manager, a position he engineered for himself, and has not the dignity to walk away despite the damage he's done so far and will further inflict on the club.

I've heard and seen the abuse. First hand. Not like the press who you suggest "made up" this moniker. We used to laugh at the geordies for it, but a lot of fans over stepped the line, particularly at the Bolton game. I'm not under any illusion that SK is the right man for the Job, but that is for another thread Topman. If he walks, his management career is over. Keep the hatred, and the rumours in the corresponding threads. (engineered himself into the job? you mean he applied for the job and happened to have the right agent?)

I watched rovers get relegated in such a pathetic way at the turn of the century. What I see now is a complete different set of circumstance. Negativity breeds fear in the dressing room. It's obvious. Steve Kean might be the most deluded positivist we ever had the (dis)pleasure of hearing, but the last few games have proven that he has the dressing room My humble opinion; More protesting in the ground (especially after a run of decent results) will destroy any momentum. It's obvious. The worst performances this season have all come at Ewood when the atmosphere is sour.

I'm so very grateful for Glen's contributions and all the other people who care enough to get involved in lobbying the mentalists that own us. They have proven that the fans still have a say. But the abuse I have heard this season, mainly directed at Kean, also including Dunn, Pedersen, Robinson, N'zonzi, Hoilett etc is absolutely sickenening for example; some of the songs in the organised protests have gone too far.

I don't think this is just a problem for Rovers... I think that a lot of younger football fans are less conscious of the detrimental effects of a negative atmosphere. Since when would the Toffee's fans boo their own players for a 1-1 draw at home? First time I've eve heard that. Arsenal fans booing a manager because they didn't like his substitution...(and Rovers fans get a bad name!). Madness.

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Well you've answered your own question JB.

Yes, football fans go over the top, it's a passionate game and some lose their marbles when it comes to their football club, but the way our support was targeted by the media was well OTT- because as you say it doesn't happen to the fans of other clubs.

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I've heard and seen the abuse. First hand. Not like the press who you suggest "made up" this moniker. We used to laugh at the geordies for it, but a lot of fans over stepped the line, particularly at the Bolton game.

Examples? Come on, I want to know the "sickening abuse" Kean has received.

I'm not under any illusion that SK is the right man for the Job, but that is for another thread Topman. If he walks, his management career is over.

He doesn't HAVE a career in management.

Keep the hatred, and the rumours in the corresponding threads. (engineered himself into the job? you mean he applied for the job and happened to have the right agent?)

If you're naive enough to believe that.

I watched rovers get relegated in such a pathetic way at the turn of the century. What I see now is a complete different set of circumstance. Negativity breeds fear in the dressing room. It's obvious. Steve Kean might be the most deluded positivist we ever had the (dis)pleasure of hearing, but the last few games have proven that he has the dressing room My humble opinion; More protesting in the ground (especially after a run of decent results) will destroy any momentum. It's obvious. The worst performances this season have all come at Ewood when the atmosphere is sour.

Really? How come we beat Arsenal after the fans had protested?

Also, the fan backlash at the Bolton game was completely unplanned and preceded by our shambolic performance that night. You're working backwards here.

I'm so very grateful for Glen's contributions and all the other people who care enough to get involved in lobbying the mentalists that own us. They have proven that the fans still have a say. But the abuse I have heard this season, mainly directed at Kean, also including Dunn, Pedersen, Robinson, N'zonzi, Hoilett etc is absolutely sickenening for example; some of the songs in the organised protests have gone too far.

Again, examples please? I'm sure there are fans who have shouted the odd obscenities but the overarching message has always been a simple 'KEAN OUT!'

I don't think this is just a problem for Rovers... I think that a lot of younger football fans are less conscious of the detrimental effects of a negative atmosphere. Since when would the Toffee's fans boo their own players for a 1-1 draw at home? First time I've eve heard that. Arsenal fans booing a manager because they didn't like his substitution...(and Rovers fans get a bad name!). Madness.

Our position is unprecedented, that's why. Have you ever known Rovers fans to react in this manner before the Venky fiasco?

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Guest TheArtistFormallyKnownAsJB

Examples? Come on, I want to know the "sickening abuse" Kean has received.

Plenty, from all different manners of fans around me. Like I mentioned, Kean is a scapegoat for Owners who have seriously "molested" the club in the fans faces and ###### on our traditions and passion. An example would be just deleted from the post.

He doesn't HAVE a career in management.

I think a nostril of coffee is need Topman. He has been a manager for 12 months, he may have been fast tracked due to poor advice from an agent, but that is opinion. He followed the normal routes into the profession, coach, assistant manager and he has his licenses.

If you're naive enough to believe that.

I'm not. I'm also not naive enough to believe everything I read in the papers, or on forums. You ask me for examples, yet you couldn't provide me with any evidence to suggest that Steve Kean engineered the removal of the previous manager and assistant (other than hearsay) .

Really? How come we beat Arsenal after the fans had protested?

If you watched that game again, you will see how lucky that win was. I can't remember the statistics but I am sure we had less shots on goal than goals, and Arsenal managed to miss a hatful of chances. I suppose if the protestors wish to take credit for that win, it would only be fair to leave the blame for all the other defeats at the protestors doors.. But I am not suggesting that at all. When the atmosphere is odious, we play badly. That's what i've seen.

Also, the fan backlash at the Bolton game was completely unplanned and preceded by our shambolic performance that night. You're working backwards here.

I am sure you are correct, I was absolutely livid at the final whistle. But the crowd reacted badly to Kean very early on. This didn't happen against the home tie with Stoke and we nearly got back into the game(another we didn't deserve to lose this season) This is what I want, not examples like the Stoke away game (months before the Bolton debacle) "Kean out" chants started 5 seconds into the match

Again, examples please? I'm sure there are fans who have shouted the odd obscenities but the overarching message has always been a simple 'KEAN OUT!'

And the overriding message has always been wrong. When you de-weed the garden, do you simply rake the leaves off? The owners have to be responsible, and now it is possible to find a middle ground where we can support the playing outfit and management yet still lobby the owners into action. Venkys have proved themselves to be not interested in putting money in, therefore what would KEAN - OUT achieve? Absolutley sod all. Just a move up the ladder for the next "coach" They HAVE PROVEN THIS!

Our position is unprecedented, that's why. Have you ever known Rovers fans to react in this manner before the Venky fiasco?

Our position in the league is where you would expect for a squad needing investment and a manager who lacks experience. The lack of respect from the owners is unprecedented and that is what the reaction should be based on.

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Our position is unprecedented, that's why. Have you ever known Rovers fans to react in this manner before the Venky fiasco?

Sorry to butt into a private argument but this last comment is the crux of it.

Our position as it pertains to Kean is not unprecedented, far from it. 3 teams go down every year and most have managers at the helm who aren't up to it. We've been in the bottom 3 at some stage under every manager since Dalgleish. Crap managers getting teams relegated or nearly relegated is commonplace. Is he crap? Yes, but so what? Is he crapper than Jewell at Derby, or whoever was at Sunderland when they finished the season on fewer points than we have now? Probably not, but none of this matters.

What is unprecedented is a group of foreign owners systematically destroying one of the most famous old clubs in the country, which is what every protest should be totally and only about.

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2. has now become irrelevant. If 1. happens he will be gone next day; if 1. doesn't happen he will be here till Doomsday

The vitriol aimed at Kean, seemingly irrespective of performances, results and players attitudes is what is sidetracking most of the media away from the only thing that matters: the disgraceful and willful neglect of the club by the owners.

Glen said several pages earlier that protests will continue as they are because no other ideas have come up. This is not so; many alternative tactics to achieve the same overall goal have been suggested in this very thread, but are either ignored or taked as criticism.

The Ecomomic Times article is a great example of the way forwards: unrelenting pressure on the owners at places where they cannot ignore i.e. their turf: their country; their London offices; the offices of those who work for them etc etc. All the stuff in and around the ground is wasted - what do they care if there are a gaggle of pickets on Bolton Road or some flowers around Jack's statue? The hope that these actions will get favourable uk press whcih will put pressure on Venky's is too tenuous a sequence of events. It may get no press (as has sometimes happened); the press may develop a different narrative e.g. fans bad (as has increasingly happened); Venky's may not give a sh!t about the UK press (haven't so far).

The goal must be to interfer with their ability to do their normal business - they have ruined our Saturdays; the protests need to ruin their Monday-Fridays.

Easy enough to come up with that now EIT. Quite right the way to hurt them is articles like the one in the Economic Times. What you fail to acknowlege is that if it were not for the protests there would never have been such an article and if the protests stop, so will the articles.

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Just bewcause the media says it was 'vitrolic' doesn't make it so.

Yeah I don't get it - Fat Man waves rubber chicken at Steve Kean and is politely told to take his seat by the young policewoman 'minding' Steve Kean is a much better headline and story.

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Easy enough to come up with that now EIT. Quite right the way to hurt them is articles like the one in the Economic Times. What you fail to acknowlege is that if it were not for the protests there would never have been such an article and if the protests stop, so will the articles.

Your opinion of coure; mine is that a few dozen fans protesting on Bolton Road or a few hundred marching from a pub to a football ground isn't what makes the Economoc Times of India devote 4 pages to a story any more than it made Venky's sack Kean

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