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[Archived] WBA preview

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This is on paper a huge match but I find myself indifferent. A win would be massive but then we would have to see keans smiling face and listen to the gloating....

My heart says 3-1 to the Rovers but Hodgson is far superior to the idiot so a scored draw where we take the lead early and try to defend out.

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I think we will lose by an embarrassing margin, only to be treated to a post-match grinning eejit waxing positive and lyrical about:

* percentage time spent in their half (ok, it was a small percentage, but it WAS a percentage, which has to be good)

* an indifferent performance by the stewards

* the need to take some postives from the game. For example, the cold weather has meant the grass isn't growing as fast as it was, so there are savings being made across the board

* the role played by the weather, particularly that excellent spell in the second half where it stopped drizzling for a full three minutes, which was the main reason we conceded that odd fourth goal, due to condensation on the inside of Vukevic's face mask.

* the tea was well good at half time

* Samba's massive performance which has added at least another 40p to the fee we'll get in January

* The lack of Keith Andrews on the pitch

* Done all the Christmas shopping - nipped out to Dubai en route to Pune last week and got loads of Hai Karate for the lads

* the referee was a cock

* they had an unfair advantage from the start, fielding 11 players who seemed to know what they were doing, with a plan for getting the ball into our net - baffling at this level, but Woy knows the score at Ewood, having triumphed here in his previous life.

* If Jason hadn't farted just at that particular moment, there would have been sufficient momentum and direction in the ball for it to have crossed the equator, let alone the goal line. Just a pity he was on the phone to 5 live with a report right at the moment when the awful stench killed those WBA fans behind the goal.

* all in all a good day out for the 23,467 Rovers fans who traditionally stay at home on this, the last shopping weekend before Christmas, especially as they will now probably be at home knowing full well that their time in the Trafford Centre was well spent rather than having their nads frozen in disbelief at the 'Wood.

* Oh and I love you all. Thank you for the fan mail, which my executive assistant will reply to very soon, Madame, as soon as he gets out from under that massive petition calling for my summary execution that landed on the dugout from that plane (which I didn't notice by the way) last time I dared to show my coco bonce beyond the tunnel.

* Is that the time? I have a flight to catch... Taxi!!

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Good preview...;)

Tough game ahead, one vitally important to win, but can we manage that? Doubtful, whoever we play.

The 5th of the 6 games quoted recently as winnable. 4 from 12 to date, shamefully conceeding 10 goals in the process, plus 2 sandwiched in-between at Cardiff.

4 of the top 6 to play away from home in the 9 games following West Brom and Bolton.

Vital we win.


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I can't see us winning. Our squad is shocking, can't believe people think that if we had a good manager we would be top 10. Now I am no apologist for Steve kean I want him out like the next person, but I think even he would not have said "park on the edge of your box guys", he would have said something along the lines of hit them on the break/counter attack. However when your midfield is as slow as ours it becomes impossible. An example of our ineptitude would be formica who is there to do a similar job to Kieron Richardson. Now Kieron Richardson is distinctly average in my view, however watching the pair of them Richardson looked a class above formica even though his crossing was sometimes atrocious. Now thats scary!

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I think we'll win this one. Looking at the upcoming games we really need to win this and the bolton game, because we look nailed on to lose the next 3.

The next 3? I agree with Liverpool and United, but Stoke at home? If we are writing those games off already we might as well just take our ball home.

H.West Brom











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